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Comprehension Test - GROUP 2

5 Item - (Multiple Choice Test)

1. It is the process in which he adopts the behavior patterns he lives in, a

process through which a person learns rules, guidelines, values, and
skills to participate in a society.
a. Acculturation
b. Enculturation
c. Cultural Adaptation
d. Transculturation

2. It is the basis of culture.

a. Symbols
b. Religion
c. Nationalism
d. Language

3. He is the one who coined the concept of Ethnocentrism.

a. Adam Smith
b. William Graham Sumner
c. Charles Darwin
d. Harry Triandis

4. The word Ethno means ____ in greek.

a. Culture
b. Biology
c. People
d. Practice

5. Research has shown Association between Ethnocentrism and a

range of___________?
a. Biological Factors
b. Tribal Groups
c. Aggression
d. Psychological Variables
10 Item - (Identification)

1. Individuals learn the traditional content of a culture and assimilate its

practices and values.
Answer: Enculturation

2. The process by which an individual or group adopts the practices and

values of one culture while still retaining their own culture of origin.
Answer: Acculturation

3. According to Leslie White, it has the capacity to create and give

meaning to help people identify, sort, and classify things, ideas, and
Answer: Symbols

4. It is the openness of human language that can create an infinite

number of new words and combine with different sentences.
Answer: Openness

5. It is the judgment of other cultures using preconceptions based from

one's own customs and traditions.
Answer: Ethnocentrism

6. The view in Ethnocentrism wherein it was viewed that Ethnocentrism

is beneficial towards the ingroups.
Answer: Contemporary perspective

7. It is also a positive correlate of Ethnocentrism.

Answer: Authoritarianism

8. In Psychology, Ethnocentrism can exist when researchers would?

Answer: Design Studies or Draw Conclusions

9. From other ethnic groups, this is called a research which is centered

around one cultural group.
Answer: Ethnocentric
10. Person learns about a new culture by engaging and immersing
themselves in the culture and people around them. Another term for
this is cultural learning.
Answer: Cultural Transmission

Essay Question:

1. In your own opinion, do you believe that ethnocentrism is something

that we inherit biologically or it is caused by environmental factors and
psychological variables? Explain your answer.

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