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Part 1

 Plot the population growth of the three prey species separately and comment. Comment on
predator preference based on the prey consumed.

Black bean Prey population vs generation


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The population of black beans increased exponentially maybe because of smaller size, they were difficult
to prey upon, and their reproductive success was quite high thus they survived well in the environment
better than other prey species despite being favorable to all predators due to large population.

White bean prey population vs generation





1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The white bean population got extinct after 2nd generation, because they were an optimal prey species
as they had decent size and thus were inconspicuous thus easily preyed upon. Also they did not evolve
any kind of mutation that have protected them against the predators so they were an easy target for all.

Pasta prey population vs generation





1 2 3 4 5 6 7

In the first generation, the predators didn’t know about the toxicity of this species, therefore they were
foraged upon by all the predators, but after eating they had to regurgitate it due to their toxicity. So,
from the next generation onwards they were foraged very less and thus their population started
increasing until 4th generation when raptorial predators realized that they had built a tolerance against
them so again their population decreased, but due to more availability of black beans, pasta were
consumed lesser and thus they maintained their growth. Also, their reproductive rate was slow thus
their population increase was not as much as black beans.

So, the conclusion is that black gram was preferred by all the predators followed by white beans but as
they got extinct quickly so for some time predators have to rely upon black gram and pasta both, but as
the raptorial predator developed a tolerance against pasta species, it could have been that competition
might have been reduced but as the black gram was more abundant, they were only preyed upon
heavily. Therefore, the overall preference was towards black beans.
 Plot a pie chart to show the prey consumption by each predator type

Predator using mouth(knives)



This predator was least successful in catching its prey, due to its disadvantageous shape of mouth, it was
having a hard time catching the preys. So, it has to rely on some pasta along with the black beans to
survive the predator race.

Raptorial predators (spoons)



This predator was the most successful in the environment as it had the most advantageous way to catch
its prey. It could feed on all the prey species more than other predators.

Predator using legs (Fork)




This predator was intermediate. It mostly fed on black gram but it was the reason of extinction of white

Each predator mostly preferred black gram due to their huge numbers followed by pasta which was
available only to raptorial predator but in order to survive was sometimes pasta was also consumed by
knives predator but was totally avoided by the predators using legs after it came to know its toxicity.

 Determine the most successful predator in your group. (No. of prey consumed/total prey
consumed by all predators)

Total prey consumed by all the predators=283

No. of preys consumed by predator using mouth (knives)=55

No. of preys consumed by raptoria predator (spoons) = 123

No. of preys consumed by predator using legs (fork) = 105

Therefore most successful predator is raptorial predator.

Part 2

1. When a potential prey becomes toxic, what happens to the number of prey individuals of this
population initially? Will their numbers increase indefinitely?

As a potential prey becomes toxic, from the next generation onwards it is foraged upon very less and
thus their population starts increasing until a predator builds tolerance against them so again their
population decreases again, and attains equilibrium after a certain time if all other factors are ignored.

2. What happens when prey reproduce more quickly than that can be controlled by predators?
What other factors control populations?

In this case, their population increases exponentially until they reach the carrying capacity of the
environment. There are many other factors that control a population like parasites, interspecies
competition for resources, habitat. Natural disasters destroying their habitats decreasing their
population. Sometimes, humans can also affect their population directly or indirectly by developmental

3. What would happen if the environment was affected by chance events like cyclone or drought.
Which of the species (Specialist or generalist) will survive and why?

If the environment was affected by chance events like cyclone or drought, the prey species would be
decreased significantly. Generalist predator species will have more chance to survive as it can prey upon
wide variety of preys , instead if it was a specialist, if its preferred population got diminished or extinct,
it would have a hard time and might get extinct as well.

4. Did all predator and prey types remain in the environment in your experiment? Or was your
environment reduced to two species? If yes, then give reasons why this could have happened.

Yes, the prey species was reduced to only two mainly because, the extinct (white beans) were an
optimal prey species as they had decent size thus, were inconspicuous and easily preyed upon. Also,
they did not evolve any kind of mutation that might have protected them against the predators so they
were an easy target for all the predators and got extinct due to over predation.

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