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Name: ________________ Marks: ___________

Class: 1 ( ) Date: ( ) – 10 - 2014

(A) Read the rhyme, and then answer the questions. (10
% )

To school, to school,
We go every day.
In the hall we sing,
In the classroom we learn,
In the field we play,
In the canteen we eat,
In the toilet we wash,
In the library we read,
In the office the clerk works,
To school is fun

1. Where do we go every day?

We go to __________________ every day.

2. Where do we learn?
We learn in the __________________.

3. What do we do in the field?

We _____________ in the field.

4. Where do you find a lot of books?

I find a lot of books in the ___________________.
5. What do you do in the canteen?
We __________ in the canteen.

(B) Circle the correct answer. (18%)

1. Kamal ( has , have ) a new bag.

2. I ( has , have ) a pet rabbit.

3. Lisa ( is , are ) watering the plants.

4. They ( is , are ) my friends.

5. He ( do , does ) not like drawing.

6. ( Do , does ) you play basketball?

7. The dogs ( bark , barks ) at the stranger.

8. We ( sleep , sleeps ) at ten o’ clock every night.

9. My father ( like , likes ) to drink coffee.

(C) Fill in the blanks with correct personal pronouns. (12% )

We She They He You I

1. Aziz is a boy. __________ is a tall boy.

2. My name is Peter. __________ am in Year One.

3. Amin and I like playing football. __________ play in our
school field.
4. ___________ are a helpful boy.

5. Helen and Alice are good friends. ___________ are my


6. Lisa is in the garden. _________ is watering the plants.

(D) Fill in the blank with ‘a’, ‘an’, or ‘the’. ( 5% )

1. ____ book 4.
____ rain

2. ____ moon 5.
____ umbrella

3. ____ elephant

(E) Write the singular and plural form of the nouns. (5%)

Singular Plural

1. chair

2. babies

3. women

4. child
5. potato

(F) Fill in the blanks with the words given. (20%)

live name go years

1. My __________ is Gan Kai Lee.

I am seven __________ old.

I __________ in

Petaling Jaya.

I __________ to SJK(C) San Peng.

in eight friend

Sarah is my


She is __________

years old.

She lives __________ Shah Alam.

goes is my
Ravi is __________ neighbour.

He __________ seven years old.

He __________ to SK Methodist.

(G) Form sentences with the words given. (10%)

1. goes Bala canteen. the to


2. stamp album. I have a


3. to sing. I like


4. a blouse. wears Jia Ying


5. Jane pet. has a

(H) Replace the pictures with words. Rewrite the
sentences. (10%)
(I) Match the sentence parts correctly. (10%)

My name Years old

I am seven Is Kim Choon

I am a boy

I live in Taman Permai

I like to play football

Prepared by: Madam Low CL & Madam Han DP

Typed by: Miss Yap BC

Checked by: Mr Yap BT

Parent’s signature: ___________________

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