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Roll NO: ______________ Class & Session: 15th February, 2023

Sig. of Candidate: ______________ Sig. of Teacher: _________________

Test Syllabus: C. T#1 Date:
Time Allowed: 70 Minutes Total Marks: 40
NOTE: Section-A is compulsory and comprises page 1 only. All parts of the section are to be answered
on the question paper itself. It should be completed in first 20 minutes and handed over to the invigilator.
Deleting/overwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil.
Q.1 Put a tick on the correct option i.e. A/B/C/D. Each part carries one mark.
i. You should keep your promise. The underlined word is a/an______
A. Modal Verb B. Causative Verb
C. Action Verb D. Helping Verb
ii. Milk is used for making cheese. The underlined word is a /an_______
A. Common Noun B. Collective Noun
C. Material Noun D. Abstract Noun
iii. How intelligent you are! Which sentence is it?
A. Simple B. Imperative
C. Optative D. Exclamatory
iv. If he works hard , he _________the competition.
A. win B. won
C. wins D. will win
v. ”Patriotism is considered a commendable quality.” The underlined word is a /an_______
A. Common Noun B. Collective Noun
C. Proper Noun D. Abstract Noun
vi. Which is the correct spelling?
A. Proslytizing B. Proselytizing
C. Proselatizing D. Procelytizing
vii. The word patriot comes from Latin word “patriota” which means__________
A. Muslims B. neigbhbours
C. countryman D. religions man
viii. “His moral and character are an embodiment of the Holy Quran.” The underlined word
A. Love B. living example
C. Bond D. Preference
NOTE: Section ‘B’ AND ‘C’ comprise page 1 only and questions therein are to be answered on the
separate answer book. Answer all questions from Section ‘B’ and Section ‘C’. Use supplementary answer
sheet, i.e. Sheet –B if required. Write your answers neatly and legibly.
SECTION-B (Marks 12)
Q.2 Read the following passage carefully and answer any FIVE questions including
Question No.(i) appended to it.
Note: Question (i) about summary writing is compulsory carrying 06 marks while rest of the
questions carry 03 marks each. (6 + 3 = 9)
Iqbal is one of the most outstanding Muslim poets and philosophers of the Indian sub-continent. His
intellectual genius has reigned supreme in the area of Islamic philosophy during the 20th century and will
direct and influence the Islamic intellectual tradition in the 21st century as well. His sublime poetry and
philosophy inspired millions of Muslims to wake up to the reality of time and forge a destiny for
themselves. He was very much aware of he fact that if youth of the Ummah has structured their real destiny
them they could have led the Muslims of sub-continent out of the pit of subjugation earlier than they did.
Young generation is the standard bearers of any nation. If their energy is channelized in proper
direction, it can bring sea change in the social, political and economic fabric of the nation. Keeping this
view in mind, Iqbal focused on the creative energy of the youth in his poetry.
Iqbal’s Naujwan is Mard-e-Momin, Mujahid, Shaheen, and explorer, and adventurer, and seer, whose aim is
going higher and deeper like eagle (Shaheen) to explorer new world in uncharted waters of creativity and
intellectual pursuit. The youth of Iqbal is strong believer in ishq, a creative and dynamic energy that helps
the youth to discover and subdue new stars of originality and individuality. Moreover, Iqbal’s Noujwan is a
Man of Khudi. The absolute Khudi is infinitely creative, ‘know they self and success shall be thine’. Iqbal
expresses if man becomes emperor of himself then he can lead the world in his own direction. And such a
person can find out with his sagacity the pearl of future for the coming generation.
i. Write down the summary of the passage. Also suggest a suitable title. (5+1=6)
ii. For Iqbal young generation is a standard bearer, explain it. 3

Q.3 Provide correct from of verb in the following sentences? 3

i. I in this house since 1970. (live)
ii. Two and two ______ four. (make)
iii. She __________ English quite well. (speak)

SECTION-C (Marks 20)

Q.4 Write an application to your principal for fee concession. 8

Q.5 Write a Paragraph on the topic of “ My School” in 80 to 100 words. 6
Q.6 Translate the following paragraph into Urdu. 6
Arabia is the land of unparalleled charm and beauty, with its trackless deserts of sand dunes in the
dazzling rays of the tropical sun. Its starry sky has excited the imagination of poets and travellers. It was in
this land that the Rasool was born in the city of Makkah, which is about fifty miles from the Red Sea.
Write a dialogue between teacher and student regarding coming late

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