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Figure 1: A dipole in an electric field.

Electric and Magnetic Fields - Homework 1

Due Friday 25th January 2019
Chris White (

This homework takes the form of two practice exam questions. Section A of the exam will feature shorter
questions worth 5 marks, and section B will feature longer questions with multiple parts, worth 25 marks in

Question A. Two point charges, each of charge 2C, are located at positions (-2,0) and (2,0) in the (x, y)
plane, where all distances are in metres. What is the electric field vector at position (0,2)?
Question B. Two point charges of charge Q and −Q separated by a fixed distance L form a dipole. Figure 1
shows a dipole in an external electric field E.
(a) By considering the forces on the charges, explain why the dipole will rotate.


(b) Derive an expression for the magnitude of the torque on the dipole, |G| (about its centre), in terms of
the charge Q, length L, electric field magnitude |E| and angle θ.


(c) It is conventional to define a vector µ called the dipole moment, whose direction points from the
negative to the positive charge, and whose magnitude is

|µ| = QL.

Show that the (vector) torque on the dipole about its centre is given by

G = µ × E.

(d) A hydrogen fluoride (HF ) molecule can be modelled as a small positive charge 0.41e and a small
negative charge −0.41e, separated by a small distance d, where e is the magnitude of the charge on
the electron. If the magnitude of the dipole moment is

|µ| = 6.08 × 10−30 Cm,

what is the distance d?


(e) If an electric field of magnitude 0.5 NC−1 is applied, what is the magnitude of the torque on a hydrogen
fluoride molecule which is at 45◦ to the field?


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