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Bank exams and others
Previous Year (2015 – 2022) + Most Expected

Co. No. 7351706883,)8859247921
- BY ANILEnglish
By :- Anil
Enquiry No.

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Sit on the fence
✓ To avoid becoming involved in deciding or influencing
something तटस्थ रहना

Shake off
✓ to get away from somebody who is chasing or following
you छुटकारा पाना

Cock and bull story

✓ a concocted or absurd story मनगढत कहानी

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Pull a long face
✓ an unhappy or disappointed expression
ू ी दिखना
Under a cloud
✓ Under suspicion शक के िाययरे में

✓ Short sleep झपकी

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To pull a long face
✓ Look sad मायूसी दिखना

Fit like a glove

✓ perfectly परू ी तरह से

Caught red-handed
✓ Discovered in the act of doing रं गेहाथ पकड़ना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Gate crasher
✓ Uninvited guest बिना िुलाया मेहमान

To angle
✓ To fish लभ
ु ाना

For all intents and purposes

✓ practically वास्तववकता

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Go out of one’s way
✓ Do everything possible हर संभव प्रयास करना

In the running
✓ has good prospects in competition प्रयतस्पर्ाा जितने
का मौका
Beat about the bush
✓ to say everything except then main topic
घुमा-फिरा कर िात करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Make room
✓ Make space िगह िनाना

Mend your way’s

✓ Improve one’s behavior आचरण सर्
ु ारना

Beggar description
✓ cannot be described अवणानीय होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Drag one’s feet
✓ be reluctant to act टाल मटोल करना

Hope against hope

✓ Nurture an impossible hope झठ
ू ा दिलासा रखना

For keeps
✓ Forever हमेशा के ललए

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Paled into insignificance
✓ Seemed less important कम महत्वपूणा लगना

With one voice

✓ Unanimously एकमत

Make it light
✓ Treat lightly मह्तपूणा न समझना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Every inch a gentleman
✓ entirely पूणत
ा :

Catch a tartar
✓ a violent, troublesome person शत्रु से सामना होना

To add fuel to the fire

✓ Make thing worse िि से िितर िनाना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To take to heart
✓ to be greatly affected प्रभाववत होना

To bring to light
✓ to reveal प्रकालशत करना

All moon shine

✓ Far from reality सच्चाई से कोसो िरू

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

At a snail’s pace
✓ Slowly र्ीमी गगनती से

Call on
✓ Pay a visit भें ट करना

Pros and cons

✓ Advantages and disadvantage िायिा और नुकसान

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Once in a blue moon
✓ Very rarely कभी-कभार

Fish out of water

✓ an uncomfortable position मस
ु ीित में होना

Be down with
✓ Suffering from िीमार होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Fair-weather friend
✓ Supports only when easy and convenient सुख का
Pull together
✓ Work harmoniously लमलिल
ु कर काया करना

To bury the hatchet

✓ to make peace झगड़ा खत्म करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Selling like hot cakes
✓ To have a very good sale अच्छी बिक्री होना

Scot free
✓ unpunished बिना सज़ा के िच यनकलना

To give oneself airs

✓ Behave arrogantly घमंड से पेश आना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

At a stone’s throw
✓ At short distance िहुत नज़िीक

Bone of contention
✓ Matter of dispute झगड़े का कारण

To eat humble pie

✓ to yield under humiliating circumstances
ववनम्रता से काम यनकलवाना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Sweeping Statement
✓ Thoughtless statement ववचारहीन ियान

All at sea
✓ Puzzled आश्चयाचफकत

Enough rope
✓ enough freedom for action काया करने की स्वतंत्रा िे ना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

By fits and start
✓ irregularly अयनयलमत

Fell foul of
✓ Got into trouble with िवु वर्ा में िंसना

Token strike
✓ Short strike held as warning िड़ी हड़ताल की चेतावनी

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Face the music
✓ Get reprimanded डांट खाना/आलोचना झेलना

Look down upon

✓ Hate intensely घण
ृ ा करना

Flogging a dead horse

✓ wasting time in useless effort िेकार कायों में समय ििााि करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Under a cloud
✓ Under suspicion शक के िायरे में

Green thumb
✓ to have a natural interest स्वभाववकता

Played havoc
✓ Caused destruction तिाही मचाना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

No love lost between
✓ not on good terms संिंर्ों में खटास होना

Fair and square

✓ honest ईमानिार

A white elephant
✓ Costly or troublesome possession महँ गी और व्यथा वस्तु

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Out and out
✓ totally पूणतयः

On the cuff
✓ On credit उर्ारी पर

Does not hold water

✓ cannot be believed ववश्वास करने के अयोग्य

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A wild goose chase
✓ futile search व्यथा प्रयास

In a tight corner
✓ In a difficult situation कदठन पररजस्थयत में

Going places
✓ Talented and successful प्रयतभाशाली और सिल व्यजतत

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

In cold blood
✓ a murder done with intention नगण्य हत्या

Off and on
✓ occasionally कभी-कभी

Hard and fast

✓ strict सख्त

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Took to heels
✓ Run away in fear डर कर भागना

To keep up
✓ to keep in touch संपका में रहना

Make a clean breast

✓ Confess without reserve बिना झझझक गलती किूलना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Heads will roll
✓ Transfers will take place स्थानांतरण होना

Make no bones about

✓ Do not have any hesitation in anything िेझझझक

Take after
✓ Resembles समान होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
To stave off
✓ Postpone टाल िे ना

To give a piece of mind

✓ to reprimand िटकारना

Rest on laurels
✓ to be complacent परु ानी उपलजधर्यों का गण
ु गान करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Pay through nose
✓ Pay an extremely high price अत्यगर्क मूल्य भरना

Draw on fancy
✓ Use imagination कल्पना करना

Turn an honest living

✓ Make a legitimate living ईमानिारी से िीना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Give the game away
✓ Give out the secret राज़ खोलना

38. Cheek by jowl

✓ Very near िहुत नज़िीक

39. Give in
✓ Yield हार मानना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Run riot
✓ Act without restraint स्वतंत्रता का हनन करना

Go through fire and water

✓ Undergo any risk कोई भी खतरा मोल लेना

Talking through hat

✓ talking nonsense िकवास करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Put up with
✓ Tolerate ििाास्त करना

By fits and starts

✓ irregularly अयनयलमत

Reading between the lines

✓ Understanding the hidden meaning छुपे हुए अथा को
समझ लेना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Get the sack
✓ Dismissed from िखाास्त होना

Pros and cons

✓ considering all the facts सारे पहलय
ु ों को िांचना

By leaps and bounds

✓ Very quickly शीघ्रता से

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

In the good books
✓ In favour with boss अच्छे सम्िन्र् िनाये रखना

In the long run

✓ ultimately आझिरकार

To be always one’s beck and call

✓ ready to serve one’s master आज्ञा में हाजिर रहना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Turn a deaf ear
✓ Disregard / ignore / Refuse अनसुना करना

At one’s wit’s end

✓ Puzzled / Confused / Perplexed चफकत

To fight tooth and nail

✓ to fight in a determined way दृढ़ता के साथ संघर्ा

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

The green-eyed monster
✓ a way of talking about jealousy ईर्ायालु

Set the record straight

✓ Give a correct account सही धयौरा िे ना

Good Samaritan
✓ Helpful person परोपकारी व्यजतत

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Bad blood
✓ angry feeling संिंर्ों में खटास होना

To go to the whole hog

✓ to do it completely पण
ू ा करना

Lay out
✓ Spend खचा करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Laying off
✓ Dismissal from jobs अस्थायी तौर पर यनकाल िे ना

By Leaps and bounds

✓ at rapid pace दिन िन
ू ी रत चौगन
ु ी

Spilling the beans

✓ revealing the information राज़ उिागर करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Carry out
✓ Execute आज्ञा का पालन करना

Went to the winds

✓ dissipated/ to be utterly lost लप्ु त हो िाना

66. Ins and outs

✓ Full details सारा वववरण

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A white elephant
✓ A costly but useless possession महं गा परं तु िेकार

Fed up
✓ Annoyed परे शान होना

In the good books

✓ In favour with कृपा पात्र होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Sharp practices
✓ dishonest means भ्रष्ट सार्न

In high spirits
✓ Full of hope and enthusiasm आशा और उत्साह से भरा

Shake in shoes
✓ Tremble with fear डर से काँपना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Fits and starts
✓ Not regularly अननयलमत

Close shave
✓ Narrow escape िाल-िाल िचना

Take with a grain of salt

✓ to listen to something carefully ध्यान से सुनना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Hobson’s choice
✓ No real choice at all कोई ववकल्प न होना

To eat a humble pie

✓ to apologize माफ़ी मांगना

To give the devil his due

✓ to give encouragement प्रोत्साहन िे ना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Reading between the lines
✓ looking for hidden meaning छुपे हुए अथा को समझना

An open book
✓ One that hold no secrets खल
ु े ववचारो वाला

An axe to grind
✓ a private interest to serve स्वाथा से भरा उद्िे श्य

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To blow one’s own trumpet
✓ Praise one’s own abilities and achievements
अपना गण
ु गान करना
✓ Indifferent एकांतवािी
Sowing wild oats
✓ Irresponsible pleasure seeking in young age
ु ावस्था में गलयतयां करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A bolt from the blue
✓ something unexpected and unpleasant आकजस्मक
Take up the hatchet
✓ Prepare for or go to war युद्र् की तैयारी करना

Of no avail
✓ Useless व्यथा

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

On the verge of
✓ On the brink of कगार पर होना

A sore point
✓ something which hurts पीड़ा का कारण

Rise like a phoenix from the ashes

✓ with a new life/reincarnation ववनाश के िाि नए लसरे
से उभरना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To keep under wraps
✓ Secret गप्ु त रखना

Die in harness
✓ to die at one’s work कायावगर् के िौरान ही मत्ृ यु होना

Fair- weather friend

✓ a friend that deserts in difficulties मुसीित में साथ न
िे ने वाला लमत्र

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Emerge out of thin air
✓ Appear Suddenly अचानक प्रकट होना

Cut no ice
✓ Have no influence कोई प्रभाव न डालना

Bring to light
✓ Introduce for discussion चचाा के ललए प्रस्तत
ु करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Cannot hold a candle to
✓ cannot be compared to यनम्न स्तर का होना

Burn one’s boat

✓ Leave no means of return ववकल्प ितम करना

Make one’s flesh creep

✓ Horrify डराना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

At loose ends
✓ In an uncertain situation बिना कुछ काम के

To take into account

✓ to consider ववचार करना

Blow over
✓ Pass off शांत होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Run into
✓ to experience difficulties मुसीित का सामना करना

Blue-eyed boys
✓ Favorites पसंिीिा

Dropping names
✓ to mention famous people you know or have met
in order to impress others रौि जिाना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A Red letter day
✓ an important day मह्त्वपूणा दिन

Bone to pick
✓ Cause of quarrel झगड़े का कारण

At stone’s throw
✓ Very near नज़िीक

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Struck a chill to the heart
✓ Arouse fear डराना

End in a fiasco
✓ a total or utter failure वविलता के साथ अंत होना

Fall back
✓ to turn or move back हार मानना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Turn up one’s nose at
✓ to reject नीचा दिखाना

Turn one’s head

✓ to feel proud in a way that other people find it
annoying घमंड करना

High and dry

✓ to leave someone helpless अकेला छोड िे ना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Take for granted
✓ to accept readily महत्व नही समझना

Mince matters
✓ to confuse issues/ to mix facts तथ्यों को लमला कर
भ्रलमत करना
Currying favour with
✓ trying too hard to get please somebody
ु ामि कर के कृपा का पत्र िनना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Set one’s face against
✓ Oppose strongly कड़ा ववरोर् करना

Strom in a tea cup

✓ Commotion (angry/worry) over a trivial matter
छोटी से िात पर िहुत शोरगल
ु करना

Putting one’s foot down

✓ asserting one’s authority अगर्कार िताना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

The man in the street
✓ an ordinary man (common man) सार्ारण व्यजतत

To catch up with
✓ to compete with स्पर्ाा करना

Fight to the bitter end

✓ to fight a losing battle हारी हुई िाज़ी लड़ना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Throw down a glove
✓ to accept defeat हार मानना

Read between the lines

✓ Understanding the hidden meaning यछपे हुए अथा को
Let the cat out of the bag
✓ to utter a secret carelessly or by mistake
राि उिागर करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To have Too many iron in the fire
✓ To get engage in too many enterprises at the
same time िहुत सारे कामों में व्यस्त होना

Fall through
✓ to fail असिल होना

Cut one off, without a shilling

✓ Disinheriting िायिाि से िेिखल होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To smell a rat
✓ to suspect a trick कुछ गलत है -ये महसूस कर लेना

Turn a deaf ear

✓ Disobey अनसन
ु ा करना

Have the last laugh

✓ to be victorious at the end of an argument
अनपेनछत िीतना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Red letter day
✓ Happy and significant day (Gala day) खश
ु वार दिन

To blaze a trail
✓ to lead the way as a pioneer अग्रसर होना

To beat a retreat
✓ to run away in fear from a dangerous or
unpleasant situation डर कर भागना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To steer clear of
✓ Avoid टालना

To get one’s own back

✓ to get one’s revenge ििला लेना

To run across
✓ to meet by chance सहसा लमल िाना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A dark horse
✓ an unforeseen competitor अनपेनछत वविेता

Put up with
✓ Endure सहन करना

Got the sack

✓ dismissed from िखाास्त होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Herculean task
✓ a work requiring very great effort िहुत कदठन काया

By leaps and bounds

✓ rapidly तेज़ी से

✓ In disorderly haste अस्त-व्यस्त

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Go to the winds
✓ Disappear लुप्त हो िाना

Make ducks and drakes of

✓ Squander अपव्यय करना

On the level
✓ Honest and sincere ईमानिार

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Done for
✓ Ruined उिड़ा हुआ

Make a clean breast

✓ Confess गलती किल
ू ना

To end in smoke
✓ to come to nothing, no outcome ननरयाक प्रयास

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To have something up one’s sleeve
✓ Having a secret plan or solution गप्ु त योिना

To take to one’s heel

✓ To run away भाग िाना

To turn a deaf ear

✓ To be indifferent अनसन
ु ा कर िे ना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
At snail’s pace
✓ To do things very slowly िहुत र्ीमी गयत से

To run one down

✓ To disparage someone उपेक्षा करना

To blow one’s own trumpet

✓ To praise oneself अपने मह
ु लमया लमठ्ठू िनना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To face the music
✓ to bear the consequences पररणाम सहना

To take someone to task

✓ to scold someone डांटना

At one’s wit
✓ Puzzled/Confused/Perplexed घिराया हुआ

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

At stake
✓ In danger िांव पर लगा हुआ

To play to the gallery

✓ to behave in an exaggerated way to attract
people’s attention लोकवप्रयता प्राप्त करने के लए आडम्िर
Read between the lines
✓ Understand the hidden meaning यछपे हुए अथा को

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Sitting on the fence
✓ hesitating which side to take फकसी का पक्ष ना लेना

No love lost between

✓ not on good terms लमत्रता का ना होना

To have not a leg to stand on

✓ Unable to prove or explain why something is
reasonable वप्राझणत ना कर पाना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A man in the street
✓ An ordinary person / Common man सार्ारण मनुष्य

Blood running cold

✓ Become very frightened िहुत घिरा िाना

Playing to the gallery

✓ befooling the common man लोकवप्रयता प्राप्त करने के
ललए आडम्िर पूणा व्यवहार करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Come out of one’s shell
✓ to appear suddenly अचानक प्रकट होना

Lay down arms

✓ to surrender आत्मसमपाण करना

Making hay while the sun shines

✓ Taking advantage of a favorable opportunity
अच्छे मौके का लाभ उठाना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Blow one’s own trumpet
✓ to praise oneself अपने मुहँ लमया लमठ्ठू िनना

Bear with
✓ to be patient with some body or something
सहन करना
Give vent to
✓ to emphasize or to express प्रकट करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Turn a deaf ear
✓ Pay no attention अनसुना करना

Bone of contention
✓ Matter of dispute झगड़े का कारण

Stand on own feet

✓ to be independent आगथाक रूप से स्वतंत्र होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

By fits and starts
✓ irregularly अनयलमत रूप से

Over head and ears

✓ completely पण
ू तययः

To call it a day
✓ to conclude proceedings कायावाही समाप्त करने के ललए

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To put up with
✓ to tolerate ििााशत करना

To face the music

✓ to bear the consequences पररणाम भग
ु तना

Yeoman’s service
✓ Social work उत्कृर्ाट काया

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To take to hearts
✓ to grieve over

To smell a rat
✓ to be suspicious िाल में काला लगना

To move heaven and earth

✓ to try everything possible िमीन आसमान एक करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To take someone for a ride
✓ to deceive (cheat) someone र्ोखा िे ना

In cold blood
✓ Intentional / excitedly िानिझ
ू कर / क्रूरतापव
ू कय

A damp squib
✓ a disappointing result ऊँची िक
ु ान िीके पकवान

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To bite the dust
✓ to be defeated परास्त होना

To take to one’s heel

✓ to run away भाग िाना

To be all at sea
✓ Lost and confused उलझा हुआ

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Cold Comfort
✓ Slight satisfaction झूठी तसल्ली

A bolt from the blue

✓ an unexpected and unpleasant event आकजस्मक

To feather one’s nest

✓ to make oneself rich अपना घर भरना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To die in harness
✓ to die while in service काया करते हुए मत्ृ यु को
पराप्त करना

To show a clean pair of heels

✓ to escape / Run away भाग िाना

To flog a dead horse

✓ to waste one’s efforts व्यया प्रयास करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To strain every nerve
✓ to make utmost efforts खन
ू पसीना एक करना

A bolt form the blue

✓ unexpected problem आकजस्मक घटना

Sailing in the same boat

✓ being in the same difficult situation एक ही पररजस्थती
में होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Gift of the gab
✓ Ability to speak well भार्णक्षमता

To keep the wolf from the door

✓ Escape starvation फकसी तरह से गज़
ु ारा करना

Soft option
✓ Easy and agreeable option आसान ववकल्प

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A little gush of gratitude
✓Feeling grateful आभारी होना

To lose ground
✓to become less popular प्रलसद्र्ता खोना

To fall back on
✓to use or do something else after other things
have failed आश्रय लेना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To make one’s blood boil
✓ to make somebody furious खन
ू खौलना

Wear and tear

✓ Damage टूट-िूट

To add fuel to the fire

✓ to cause additional anger हालात को िितर िनाना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Hand in glove
✓ in close relationship घयनष्ट संिंर्

To make a mountain of a molehill

✓ to give great importance to little things िात का
ितंगड़ िना िे ना

To speak one’s mind

✓ to be frank and honest ववचार प्रकट करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Maiden speech
✓ First speech पहला भार्ण

At the eleventh hour

✓ At the very last moment अंयतम समय में

Cope with
✓ to face and deal with responsibilities सायनध्य करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Go a long way towards doing something
✓ to be helpful मििगार साबित होना

Gift of the gab

✓ Talent of speaking भार्ण क्षमता

✓ Complete halt परू ा पडाव

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Cross swords
✓ Disagree िहस करना

Pore over
✓ Go through गौर से िे खना

Make both ends meet

✓ to live a lavish life आय व्यय िरािर करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Run down
✓ Criticise आलोचना करना

Grease anybody’s palm

✓ to give bribe ररश्वत िे ना

Leave in the lurch

✓ Abandon in the midway मस
ु ीित में साथ छोड िे ना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Caught red handed
✓ at the time of committing crime रं गे हाथों पकड़ना

on the brink of
✓ On the point of कगार पर

Face the music

✓ Face the unpleasant consequences पररणाम भग
ु तना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Gift of the gab
✓ Ability to speak impressively भार्ण क्षमता

Go down the drain

✓ Lose forever िरिाि होना

A close shave
✓ Narrow escape from danger िाल िाल िचना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Cool as a cucumber
✓ not nervous or emotional र्ैया वान

In high spirits
✓ Cheerful प्रिुजल्लत होना

✓ A person who is blamed for the wrongdoings
with arrogant reactions िलल का िकरा

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A red letter day
✓ a day memorable for joyful event खश
ु गवार दिन

Wears heart on sleeves

✓ Express feelings openly दिल खोल कर रख िे ना

To pay off old scores

✓ to refund old dues ििला चुकाना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Man of letters
✓ Proficient in literary arts सादहत्यकार

Turn down
✓ Refuse मना करना

On good terms
✓ Agree with someone सदहत होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Stole the show
✓ Win everyone’s praise िशाकों का दिल िीत लेना

Measure up
✓ Reach the level िरािर होना

Doctor the accounts

✓ to manipulate the accounts दहसाि में गडिडी करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Dark horse
✓ an unexpected winner एक अप्रत्यालशत वविेता

Face the music

✓ to bear the criticism पररणाम भग
ु तना

In the red
✓ Losing money घाटे या उर्ार लेना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

In lieu of
✓ Despite of के िाििि

Beat about the bush

✓ Speak in a round about manner इर्र उर्र की
िातें करना
Bring about
✓ Cause घदटत करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Pull up
✓ Reprimand डाटं ना

At sixes and seven

✓ In disorder or confusion परे शानी में होना

Lose head
✓ Panic घिराना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Take to task
✓ to criticize severely िुरी तरह से िटकारना

Sit in judgement
✓ to pass judgement बिना अगर्कार के यनणाय िे ना या
दठपण्णी करना
Leave in the lurch
✓ to desert someone मलु सित के समय छोड़ िे ना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Cry over spilt milk
✓ Cry over irreparable loss व्यया पछताना

Bad blood
✓ Active enmity कटुता

Close shave
✓ a narrow escape िाल िाल िचना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Grease palms
✓ to bribe someone ररश्वत िे ना

Carrot and stick

✓ Reward and punishment policy िं ड और िं ड की नीयत

To cut teeth
✓ to gain experience of something for the first time
प्रथम िार अनुभव प्राप्त करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Cut no ice
✓ Have no influence प्रभाववत नहीं करना

Close the book

✓ Stop working on something काया िंि करना

In fits and starts

✓ irregularly अयनयलमत

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Bird’s eye view
✓ an overview एक लसंहावलोकन

Run in the same groove

✓ Advance in harmony सद्भाव में आगें िढना

Keep your head

✓ Remain calm अपनी सुर्-िुर् िनाये रखना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Pull strings
✓ Use personal influence व्यस्ततगत प्रभाव का प्रयोग करना

Pot luck dinner

✓ Dinner where somebody-
-brings something to eat रात का खाना िहां कोई खाने के
ललए कुछ लाता है

To hit below the belt

✓ to attack unfairly गलत तरीके से प्रहार करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

All at sea
✓ Puzzled उलझन

Sought after
✓ wanted by many people because of
it’s good quality or difficult to find लोकवप्रय

Build castles in the air

✓ Daydreaming ियाली पल
ु ाव पकाना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

On the spur of the moment
✓ To act suddenly, without planning तत्काल

To have something up one’s sleeve

✓ To have a secret plan गप्ु त योिना

A red letter day

✓ an important or joyful occasion in one’s life मह्तवपण
ू ा दिन

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To explore every avenue
✓ to try every opportunity हर संभव तरीका िांचना

At one’s beck and call

✓ ready to follow orders इशारे पर नाचने वाला

By fair or foul means

✓ In honest or dishonest way फकसी भी तरह

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Status quo
✓ as it is / Unchanged position यथाजस्थयत

To burn candle at both ends

✓ To be extravagant पानी की तरह पैसे िहाना

To hit the jackpot

✓ to make money quickly भाग्य िागना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To bring to light
✓to reveal प्रकालशत करना

At the eleventh hour

✓At the last possible moment आझखरी समय पर

Go scot-free
✓to escape without punishment बिना सिा के

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To shed crocodile tears
✓ to pretend grief घडडयाली आंसू िहाना

To look down one’s nose

✓ to regard with contempt नमस्कार करना

To miss the bus

✓ to miss an opportunity मौका गवा िे ना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A white elephant
✓ Costly and troublesome possession िहुत खचीली वस्तु

To call spade a spade

✓ to be frank स्पष्ट िोलना

To fight tooth and nail

✓ to fight heroically िी िान से लड़ना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Birds of same feather
✓ Persons of same character एक ही थाली के चट्टे िट्टे

Take exception
✓ to object over something आपवि उठाना जउाना

High handed
✓ Using authority in an unreasonable way उर्मी

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Too fond of one’s own voice
✓ Very selfish स्वाथी

By leaps and bounds

✓ rapidly िहुत तेिी से

An open book
✓ straight forward and honest dealings खल
ु ी फकताि

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Fall short
✓ Fail to meet expectation उम्मीिों पर खरा नहीं उतरना

Heart to heart talk

✓ Frank talk स्वच्छं ि एवं आंतररक िातचीत

Give the game away

✓ Give out the secret (unintentionally) गलती से राज़ उिागर

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Take cue from
✓ to copy what someone already did
in past in order to be successful दृढ़ता से प्रभाववत होना

Call for
✓ to ask मांगना

Out of the question

✓ Undesirable/ Not worth discussing अनु उप्यत
ु त

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Run into
✓ to meet someone accidently संयोग से लमलना

End up in smoke
✓ Come to nothing / Useless कोई पररणाम न यनकलना

Spread like fire

✓ Spread rapidly िंगल की आग की तरह िैलना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Ins and outs
✓ Full details पूरा वववरण

Dropping like flies

✓ Collapsing in large numbers िड़ी संख्या लमलना

Rat race
✓ fierce competition for power तीव्र प्रयतयोगगता

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Hard nut to crack
✓ difficult task लोहे के चने चिाना

See eye to eye

✓ to think in the same way परू ी तरह से सदहत होना

Put across
✓ to communicate your-
-ideas, feelings ववचारो या भावनाओ का
ू क
ा संवाि करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To have second thoughts
✓ to reconsider पन
ु ववाचार करने के ललए

Not my cup of tea

✓ not what somebody likes-
-or interested in नापसंि व्यजतत या वस्तु

To break the ice

✓ to start a conversation पन
ु ः वातायलाप चालू करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To eat a humble pie
✓ to say or show sorry for a-
-mistake that one made ववनम्रतापूवक
ा मािी मांगना

To add fuel to fire

✓ to worsen the matter / to incite हालात को िितर िनाना

To burn one’s fingers

✓ to get physically hurt स्वयं को मुसीित में डालना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

At the eleventh hour
✓ At the last moment अंयतम समय में

To feel like a fish out of water

✓ Uncomfortable situation असुववर्ािनक समय

To foam at one’s mouth

✓ to be very angry िेहि गस्
ु सा होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Send packing
✓ Terminate service िखाास्त करना

Kick up a row
✓ Make a great fuss हं गामा खड़ा करना

Wet behind the ears

✓ Young and without experience अनुभवहीन

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To talk someone over
✓ to convince over ररझाना

Wear heart on sleeves

✓ Express emotions freely दिल खोल कर रख िे ना

Bury the hatchet

✓ to make peace झगड़ा खत्म करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Once in a blue moon
✓ rarely कभी कभार

Through thick and thin

✓ Under all circumstances सभी पररजस्थयतयों में

Come to grief
✓ to suffer भुगतना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Eat anyone’s salt
✓ to be anyone’s guest फकसी का मेहमान िनना

Give a hand with

✓ to help with something सहायता करना

Take to heart
✓ to be very upset by something-
-that somebody says or does प्रभाववत होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Had better
✓ Used for telling somebody-
-what you think

Strike a bargain
✓ to negotiate a deal सौिा करना

Point blank
✓ Very definite and direct सीर्ा यनशाना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

✓ Fall guy िलल का िकरा

Kicking heels
✓ to be relaxed and enjoy समय ििााि करना

End in smoke
✓ Come to nothing कोई पररणाम न यनकलना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Die in harness
✓ Die in service/ Die while working सेवा कताव्य करते हुए मरना

On the horns of dilemma

✓ In a situation where you have to-
-make choice between things that-
-are equally unpleasant आगे कुआं पीछे खाई

Hold one’s tongue

✓ to be silent चप
ु रहना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

No hard and fast rules
✓ Easy regulation आसान यनयम

Live from hand to mouth

✓ miserably फकसी प्रकार गि
ु ारा करना

Turn a deaf ear

✓ Refuse to obey अनसुना करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Take exception
✓ to object आपवि उठाना

To hail from
✓ to come from उत्पन्न होना

To put an end to
✓ stop अंत कर िे ना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

By fits and starts
✓ irregularly कभी कभी

Bad blood
✓ Feeling of hatred कटुता

Turn up
✓ to appear प्रकट होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Die hard
✓ Unwilling to change अपररवतानीय

Turn down
✓ Reject अस्वीकार कर िे ना

To pass away
✓ Die चल िसना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Carry weight
✓ Be important / Important influence महत्वपूणा होना

Fall flat
✓ Fail to amuse people असिल होना

Under the thumb of

✓ Under the control of यनयंत्रण में होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To get wind
✓ Come to know about something-secret-
-or private रहस्य िान लेना

Part and parcel

✓ An essential part of something हसी ठठता

To give vent to
✓ To express a feeling भावनाओं को प्रकट करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Stand by
✓ To help सार िे ना

In black and white

✓ In writing ललझखत में

At a loss
✓ Unable घिरा िाना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Lame excuse
✓ unsatisfactory explanation झठ
ू ा िहाना

Hand in glove
✓ working closely with someone घयनष्ठ संिंर्

A hard nut to crack

✓ a difficult problem or situation to-
-solve or deal with कदठन पररजस्थयत

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

For better or worse
✓ Always / In every condition चाहे अच्छा हो या िुरा

From the bottom of one’s heart

✓ to speak frankly स्पष्ट िोलना

In a nutshell
✓ Brief संक्षेप में

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A shot in the dark
✓ an attempt to guess something अमम
ु ान लगाना

At the eleventh hour

✓ At a last moment अंयतम समय में

Water under the bridge

✓ something that happened in the-
-past and is now forgotten or no-
-longer important िो िीत गया सो िीत गया

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Stick to guns
✓ Hold on to original decisions अपनी िात पर अडड़ग रहना

Out of hand
✓ Out of control, at once, immediately यनयंत्रण के िहार

The salt of the earth

✓ Very good and honest आिशावािी

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Talking through hat
✓ talking nonsense िकवास करना

Looking forward to
✓ to expect something or someone िश
ु ी से प्रतीक्षा करना

Slip off
✓ Leave quietly बिना सूचना दिए यनकल िाना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Get on well
✓ Have a friendly relationship लमलिल
ु कर रहना

In a pickle
✓ In a awkward situation शमानाक या कदठन पररजस्थयत में

Under a cloud
✓ Being subject to suspicion शंका युतत

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

As hard as nail
✓ Emotionless यनिा यी

Allow a free hand

✓ complete liberty खल
ु ी छूट

Lays out
✓ to spend money व्यय करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Break down
✓ to lose control of your feelings-
-and start crying हार िाना

Cut coat according to one’s cloth

✓ Live within one’s means अपने सार्नों से िीवन यापन करना

Weal and woe

✓ Ups and downs उतार चढाव

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Iron will
✓ Strong determination दृढ़ संकल्प

To take to task
✓ Punish िुरी तरह से िटकारना

Rack and ruin

✓ Ransacked तहस नहस होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Rides the high horse
✓ Feel superior श्रेवर्ाता की भावना

By fits and starts

✓ irregularly अयनयलमत

Have a bee in one’s bonnet

✓ to be preoccupied or obsessed-
-with something र्न
ु सवार होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

See through
✓ Detect स्वभाव िानना

Take after
✓ to take care of older members of family सदृश होना

Break up
✓ Disband itself संिंर् तोड़ना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Stand by
✓ Support साथ िे ना

Bull in a China shop

✓ a clumsy person अनाड़ी व्यजतत

Change colours
✓ to turn pale िीका पड़ना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Spick and span
✓ Neat and clean / Tidy साफ़ – सथ
ु रा

Give in
✓ to agree to do something that-
-you don’t want to do झक
ु िाना

Wide off the mark

✓ irrelevant यथाथा से परे होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Out of the world
✓ extraordinary उत्कृर्ाट

Sweep under the carpet

✓ To hide something छुपाना या नज़रअंिाज़ करना

By leaps and bound

✓ Very rapidly िहुत तेिी से

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To toe the line
✓ To follow the lead आिे श का पालन करना

Stick to guns
✓ Maintain opinion अडड़ग रहना

Take hat off

✓ Encourage प्रोत्सादहत करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Null and void
✓ Empty अकृत और शून्य

Break the ice

✓ Initiate a talk चुप्पी तोड़ना

Keep the wolf from the door

✓ Avoid starvation फकसी तरह से गज़
ु ारा करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Fish in troubled water
✓ To make a profit out of-
-troubled situation प्रयतकूल अवसर का लाभ उठाना

Look into
✓ To investigate िांच करना

Smell the rat

✓ Suspect that something is fishy िाल में काला लगना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Let the grass grow under the feet
✓ Delay in getting things done ववलम्ि करना

Apple of discord
✓ Cause of animosity झगडे का कारण

A fish out of water

✓ In uncomfortable situation परे शानी में होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

In the long run
✓ Over a period of time अन्ततः

Jumping down one’s throat

✓ To react very angrily to-
-somebody गस्
ु सा व्यतत करना

Out of wits
✓ Greatly confused उलझन में होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Call spade a spade
✓ To speak in a straightforward-
-manner (frankly) स्पष्ट िोलना

Face the music

✓ Accept the punishment काया का पररणाम भग
ु तना

To play second fiddle

✓ Take a subordinate role

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Casting pearl before swine
✓ offering good things to undeserving-
-people भैंस के आगे िीन ििाना

Putting the cart before the horse

✓ doing things in the wrong way गलत ढं ग से काया करना

Not fit to hold candle

✓ Not so good as somebody or something else

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Egg someone on
✓ To encourage somebody to-
-do something आग्रह करना

For good
✓ Permanently हमेशा के ललए

Achilles’s heel
✓ Weak spot कमिोर कड़ी

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Take a leap in the dark
✓ To take risk िोझखम लेना

Cut the guardian knot

✓ To solve problem मुजश्कल िरू करना

Blow one’s own trumpet

✓ Self boasting अपनी तारीि खि
ु करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A cakewalk
✓ An easy achievement आसान िीत

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth

✓ not to find fault with the-
-gift received उपहार में कोई कमी न यनकलना

Man of straw
✓ A man of no substance अववश्वासी व्यजतत

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Born with a silver spoon
✓ Born in a rich family अमीर पररवार में िन्म लेना

Let sleeping dogs lie

✓ Not to bring up an old-
-controversial issue गड़े हुए मि
ु े उखाड़ना

A month of Sundays
✓ A long time लम्िा समय

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A closed book
✓ A mystery रहस्य

In apple pie order

✓ In perfect order अस्त व्यस्त हालात मे

Through thick and thin

✓ In spite of all difficulties सुख िख
ु में

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Wet one’s whistle
✓ To have a drink शराि पीना

Bury the hatchet

✓ Make peace झगड़ा खत्म करना

Cool one’s heel

✓ To keep waiting इंतिार करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

✓ A person who is lively or energetic ऊिाावान व्यजतत

Feel blue
✓ In trouble / depressed गचन्ता में होना

Above board
✓ Legal and honest ईमानिार

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Pour cats and dogs
✓ Rain heavily मूसलार्ार िाररश होना

For good
✓ Permanently हमेशा के ललए

Iron fist
✓ to treat people in severe-
-manner गंभीरता से व्यव्हार करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Time and again
✓ Always िार िार

Eat humble pie

✓ to say or show that you are sorry-
-for the mistakes committed by you स्वयं मािी मांगना

Rule the roost

✓ Exercise authority मझु खया होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Have something up your sleeve
✓ have an alternate plan वैकजल्पक योिना होना

Take to task
✓ Punished / Reprimanded िुरी तरह से िटकारना

Feel one’s pulse

✓ To find what one is thinking-
-on some point फकसी का ववचार िानना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Donkey’s year
✓ A long time लम्िा समय

To make things done

✓ To manage प्रिंर्न करना

Chicken out
✓ Withdraw डर कर कुछ न करने का यनणाय लेना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Ice breaking
✓ Starting a conversation वाताालाव चालू करना

Bad hats
✓ People of bad character परे शानी िढ़ने वाला व्यजतत

Give and take

✓ Adjustment आपसी सूझिूझ रखना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Off and on
✓ Irregularly अयनयलमत

Man of straw
✓ A man of no substance अववश्वासी व्यजतत

Break down
✓ Weep bitterly रोने लगना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Get down to business
✓ To begin work seriously काया शुरू करना

Giving a piece of one’s mind

✓ Speak sharply डाँटना

Go about
✓ Go around काया चालू रखना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Take exception
✓ To object at something आपवव व्यतत करना

Picking up holes in
✓ Finding out faults with something गलत मतलि

To cast a die
✓ To take a decision यनणया लेना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Put up with
✓ Bear patiently सहन करना

The gift of the gab

✓ Ability to speak well वाचाल कला

See through
✓ Detect / To realize the truth समझ लेना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Cordon off
✓ Isolate घेरा डालना

Keep an open house

✓ Welcome all members सभी का स्वागत करना

Wet behind ears

✓ Young and inexperienced / Naïve नौलसझखया

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Pick on
✓ Warn severely चेतावनी िे ना

Fight tooth and nail

✓ Fight with strength and-
-fury परू ी शस्तत सेप्रयास करना

Teething problems
✓ Difficulties at the start प्रारजम्भक कदठनाइयाँ

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
A wild goose chase
✓ Fruitless pursuit नयनणायक खोि

To get into hot water

✓ To get into trouble मुसीित में पड़ना

A bolt from the blue

✓ A complete surprise आकजस्मक घटना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Plain sailing
✓ Very easy िहुत आसान

Take to one’s heel

✓ Run off भाग िाना

To cut one short

✓ To criticize आलोचना करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Show the white flag
✓ To surrender आत्मसमपाण करना

A cut above
✓ Rather superior to से कहीं िेहतर

To throw dust in one’s eye

✓ to deceive र्ोखा िे ना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Read between the lines
✓ Know hidden meaning छुपा हुआ अथा समझना

Give vent to
✓ to express िादहर करना

Bring about
✓ Cause to happen काया-संपािन करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Husband one’s resource
✓ to save / Economical िचत करना

Foam at the mouth

✓ angry अयनयंबत्रत क्रोर् की जस्थयत में होना

Keep wolf away from the door

✓ Keep away extreme-
-poverty फकसी तरह सेगु ज़ारा करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Pin money
✓ Additional money अनतररतत आय

The Alpha and Omega

✓ Beginning and end आरम्भ और अंत

Salt of the earth

✓ Good, honest and ideal सच्चा और ईमानिार

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Bring the house down
✓ Make the audience applaud enthusiastically वाहवाही पाना

Gerrymandering way
✓ in a manipulative and unfair way िालसाज़ी करना

Strain every nerve

✓ Make all efforts खन
ू पसीना एक करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Hard and fast
✓ that cannot be altered / fixed िंर्ा हुआ

Turn up one’s nose at

✓ to treat with contempt स्वीकार न करना

Down in the dumps

✓ Sad and depressed उिास

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Dot one’s I’s and cross one T’s
✓ be detailed and exact सटीक

All moonshine
✓ superficial अगाढ़

Wild goose chase

✓ A foolish and useless enterprise यनरथाक प्रयास

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Swan song
✓ Last prayer (at funeral or farewell) अंयतम वविाई

By the skin of teeth

✓ By the narrowest margin िहुत कम अंतर से

Bury the hatchet

✓ Make peace झगड़ा खाररि करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Keep up with
✓ Go at equal pace समान गयत से चलना

Flies off at a tangent

✓ Start discussing something irrelevant मद्
ु िे से भटकना

Batten down the hatches

✓ Prepare for a difficult situation मजु श्कल जस्थयत के ललए
तैयारी करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Nail one’s colours
✓ to the mast refuse to climb down हार स्वीकार करने से
इंकार करना

All might and main

✓ with full force परू ी ताकत के साथ

Red herrings
✓ Clues intended to distract or mislead भुलावा

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth
✓ to live within one’s means अपने सार्नो के भीतर रहना

White elephant
✓ a costly but useless-
-possession वयथा की चीि चो खचा िहुत कराए और लाभ न आए

Look sharp
✓ Pay attention कड़ी यनगरानी रखना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Big draw
✓ huge attraction आकर्ाण

Bear down
✓ To move quickly towards-
-something अलभभत
ू करना

To put a spoke in someone’s wheel

✓ Destroy the plan िार्ा उत्पन्न करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

At a stretch
✓ continuously यनरं तर

Know beans about something

✓ well informed and intelligent िानकार

To get into hot water

✓ to get into troubles िवु वर्ा में पड़ना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Know the ropes
✓ learn the procedures प्रफक्रया समझना

Barking up the wrong tree

✓ trying to find someone at-
-wrong place गलती करना

In the swim
✓ Well informed and up-to-date सूगचत और सफक्रय

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Rub up the wrong way
✓ to irk or irritate someone परे शान करना

Add fuel to the fire

✓ Worsen the situation जस्थयत को और िराि करना

In the loop
✓ Informed regularly यनयलमत रूप से सगू चत करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Hold one’s horses
✓ to keep waiting इंतज़ार करना

Black out
✓ Lost consciousness िेहोश होना

Cut and dry method

✓ Specific स्पष्ट

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Back to the drawing board
✓ Plan it all over again शुरुआत से योिना िनाना

In the air
✓ certain यनजश्चत

On the same page

✓ Thinks in a similar way सदहनत

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Pull no punch
✓ Speaks frankly स्पष्ट िोलना

Going places
✓ Talented and successful

Stand / Hold your ground

✓ refuse to yield अड़े रहना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Put your feet down
✓ Take a firm stand दृढ यनश्चय करना

Read between the line

✓ To understand the inner-
-meaning छुपे हुए अथा को समझना

To the letter
✓ Paying attention to every-
-detail प्रत्येक वववरण का पालन करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To carve out a niche
✓ to work harder in order-
-to have successful career खि
ु के ललए ववशेर् मेहनत करना

Wild goose chase

✓ Useless search लाभहीन प्रयास

In Dutch
✓ In trouble मस
ु ीित में पड़ना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

See eye to eye
✓ to have the same opinion एक तरह के ववचार रखना

Come to light
✓ been revealed प्रकट होना

Around the clock

✓ Day and night दिन और रात

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Balloon goes up
✓ the situation turns-
-unpleasant or serious जस्थयत का अचानक अववप्रय
या गंभीर हो िाना

Watching grass grow

✓ Very boring उिाऊ

Nine day’s wonder

✓ A dazzling short-lived-
-spectacle of no real value चार दिन की चांिनी

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Beyond the pale
✓ outside commonly accepted-
-standards समझ के िाहर

Took after
✓ Similar to सदृश होना

Throw dust into one’s eye

✓ to deceive र्ोखा िे ना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Cool about working
✓ not tense about working बिना तनाव के काम करना

Salad days
✓ Adolescence िचपन

All ears
✓ Attentive चौकस

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Maiden speech
✓ First speech पहला भार्ण

Hold water
✓ with logical backing ववश्वास-योग्य होना

Other fish to fry

✓ some important work-
-to attend to िहुत ही िरूरी काम होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A close shave
✓ a narrow escape from danger िाल िाल िचना

To tell in a nut shell

✓ in a brief manner संक्षेप में प्रस्तत
ु करना

Within a stone’s throw

✓ At a short distance यनकट

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To feather one’s nest
✓ to enrich oneself when-
-opportunity occurs अपना घर भरना

A close-fisted person
✓ A miser कंिस

To gather roses only

✓ to seek all enjoyments-
-of life िीवन के सभी आनन्िो को तलाश करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A black sheep
✓ a person with bad reputation कुल कलंक

To grease the palm

✓ to bribe ररश्वत िे ना

For good
✓ permanently हमेशा के ललए

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

An about turn
✓ complete change of opinion-
-or situation पूणा पररवतान

Make a mockery
✓ No serious outcome कोई गंभीर पररजस्थयत से नहीं यनकलना

Eat like a horse

✓ Eat a lot िहुत खाना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Go to the dogs
✓ to be ruined तहस नहस होना

Pay on the nail

✓ Pay promptly तुरंत भुगतान करना

Penelope’s web
✓ an endless job अंतहीन काम

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

At draggers drawn
✓ Enmity शत्रत
ु ा होना

Bury the hatchet

✓ Make peace झगड़ा खत्म करना

Null and void

✓ not binding / having no legal force

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Break in
✓ Force entry to a building िल पूवक
ा प्रवेश करना

Stir up a Hornet’s nest

✓ to create a lot of trouble िहुत सारी समस्याएँ खड़ी

Second thoughts
✓ reconsidering the original idea पन
ु ः: ववचार करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Average out
✓ Balance संख्या िरािर होना

Go to the dogs
✓ Ruin / to go to in very bad situation तहस नहस होना

✓ to surprise or confuse अलभभूत होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Give way
✓ Collapse पतन

Tall tales
✓ Boasting डींगे हांकना

Backseat driver
✓ a person who gives unwanted advice
एक व्यजतत िो अवांनयछत सलाह िे ता है

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

At random
✓ without any aim or target बिना फकसी लक्ष्य के

Break off
✓ Suddenly stop अचानक रुकना

Go haywire
✓ Become out of control सि अस्त - व्यस्त होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Above board
✓ Honest / without any secret यनकर्ा कपट

Feather in one’s cap

✓ an achievement उपलिर्ी

Follow one’s nose

✓ to go straight ahead सीर्े िाना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To latch onto
✓ to promote िढ़ावा िे ना

Fight shy of
✓ to avoid someone/ something टालना

Add fuel to the fire

✓ Worsen the matter िलती आग में तेल डालना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Cock and bull story
✓ Absurd an unbelievable story मनगढत कहानी

Hold water
✓ Seem logical ववश्वास-योग्य होना

To be down to earth
✓ to be realistic वास्तववक

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

In the nick of time
✓ Just in time कुछ ही समय में

To shun evil company

✓ to avoid or give up bad company िरु ी संगत को
Seamy side
✓ Unpleasant and immoral अनैयतक

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A sacred cow
✓ a person never to be criticized

A dog’s breakfast
✓ a total mess सि गड़िड़

Sail in the same boat

✓ to be in same situation समान पररजस्थयत में होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Take the bull by the horns
✓ to face a difficulty courageously कदठन समय का
ू ा सामना करना
Shed crocodile tears
✓ to pretend to be sympathetic घडडयाली आंसू िहाना

To be in a quandary
✓ in a confusing situation भ्रलमत होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Take French leave
✓ absenting oneself without permission बिना सूचना
के अवकाश लेना
To put in a nutshell
✓ to state something very concisely संक्षक्षप्त में व्यतत
The genomes of Zurich
✓ A slang term for Swiss banker’s जस्वस िैंकर

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To make up one’s mind
✓ to decide what to do यनश्चय करना

To call it a day
✓ Decide to finish working of the day दिन की कायावाही
खत्म करना
In two minds
✓ To be undecided िवु वर्ा में होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Put something by
✓ to save money for a particular purpose िचना

On cloud nine
✓ Extremely happy अत्यंत खश
ु होना

The jury is out

✓ No decision has been reached फकसी यनणाय पर
न पहुंचना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Have a finger in every pie

✓ to be meddlesome िहुत सारे कामो में िसना

To take after
✓ to resemble an older member of family सदृश होना

Flying visit
✓ Very short visit छोटी यात्रा

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Telling upon
✓ having strong effect गहरा प्रभाव डालना

Kith and kin

✓ Relatives ररश्तेिार

Part and parcel

✓ important part अवयवभत
ू अंश

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Beat about the bush
✓ Does not talk specifically घुमा फिरा कर िातें करना

Carry out
✓ Complete something समाप्त करना

Take fancy
✓ to attract or please somebody आकवर्ात करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Snake in the grass
✓ a hidden enemy छुपा िश्ु मन

Make a mountain of a mole hill

✓ Exaggerate a minor problem छोटी सी िात का
ितंगड़ िनाना
Spill the beans
✓ Reveal the secret information रहस्य उिागर करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Make amends for
✓ Compensate the loss प्रायजश्चत करना

Leave high and dry

✓ in a difficult situation without help or money
मुसीित के समय साथ छोडना
Make believe
✓ to pretend that something is true सच होने का
नाटक करना
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Go for the jugular
✓ to attack somebody’s weaker point during a
discussion कमज़ोर पहलू पर आक्रमण करना

Keep a level head

✓ to remain calm and sensible in a difficult
situation कदठन पररजस्थयत में शांत रहकर सूझ-िूझ
से काम लेना
Under the weather
✓ Sick िीमार

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

At loggerheads
✓ In strong disagreement असदहत होना

Go Dutch
✓ Divide the cost साझा करना

Alma mater
✓ Institution where one got education िहाँ से लशक्षा
पायी वह संस्थान

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A closefisted man
✓ a miser कंिस

As daft as a brush
✓ Very silly िहुत मख
ू त
ा ापण
ू ा

Rise with the lark

✓ Get up early to get out of bed very early in the
morning सि
ु ह िल्िी उठना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

At one’s wit’s end
✓ To be so worried by a problem that you don’t
know what to do next घिराना

Make a beeline
✓ Rush / to go straight towards something as
quick as you can तीर की तरह के पासना

Wild goose chase

✓ Useless search व्यथा प्रयास

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A man of letters
✓ A literary person ज्ञानी व्यजतत

Horse sense
✓ Basic common sense व्यवहाररक ज्ञान

Shot in the arm

✓ something that gives encouragement प्रेरणािायक

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Catch time by the forelock
✓ Seize opportunity समय के अंिर काम करना

Get on nerves
✓ Annoying फकसी के ललए गचंता या क्रोर् का कारण िनना

Clean hands
✓ Innocent यनअापरार्

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A golden mean
✓ Middle course between two extremes

Vexed question
✓ Controversial issue वववाि-ग्रस्त ववर्य

Keep the wolf away from the door

✓ To keep off starvation फकसी तरह से गज़
ु ारा करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Out of sorts
✓ Ill or sick / Upset अस्वस्थ

Gut feeling
✓ Strong instinct आंतररक अनभ
ु यू त

Finish with something

✓ to have something at the end अंत में कुछ पररणाम
प्राप्त होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Red-letter day
✓ an important day महत्वपूणा दिन

A close fisted man

✓ Miser कंिस

To set the Thames on fire

✓ Do a heroic deed असार्ारण काया करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Eat humble pie
✓ to say sorry for mistakes मािी माँगना

Play ducks and drakes

✓ Spend lavishly अत्यगर्क खचाा करना

Be taken aback
✓ Shocked or surprised है रान

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Lay it on thick
✓an exaggeration

Bird’s eye view

✓a overview / A general view from above

To win laurels
✓to earn great prestige ववशेर् सम्मान प्राप्त करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

In the soup
✓ To be in trouble मुसीित में पडना

Draw the line

✓ to set a limit सीमा यनर्ााररत करना

A bee hive
✓ a busy place व्यस्त स्थल

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To cut the Gordian knot
✓ to perform a difficult task अत्यन्त कदठन समस्या का
सामना करना
Take a French leave
✓ Being absent without permission बिना सूचना के
अवकाश पर िाना
Arm-chair critic
✓ a person who give advice based on theory not on
practice एक व्यजतत िो लसद्र्ांत के आर्ार पर सलाह
िे ता है अभ्यास पर नहीं

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A chip of the old block
✓ an experienced old man अनुभवी व्यजतत

Feather your nest

✓ to make yourself richer अपना घर भरना

Throw up cards
✓ to blow away the plan गप्ु त योिना का रहस्य
उिागर करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Vote with your feet
✓ showing your disapproval अस्वीकृती दिखाना

Dog in a manger
✓ a selfish person ` स्वाथी व्यजतत

Chapter and verse

✓ providing minutes details कायावि
ृ वववरण प्रिान करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Bring down the house
✓ To make everyone cheer सिको खश
ु करना

Give a wide berth to

✓ to stay away from or avoid someone िरू रहना

A hard nut to crack

✓ a difficult problem to solve कदठन समस्या

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

In black and white
✓ In writing ललखत में

Beside the mark

✓ Irrelevant /Not to be accurate अप्रासंगगक

To give a piece of mind

✓ Scolding डांटना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Give away
✓ to distribute something िाँटना

Fight tooth and nail

✓ Fight with all strengths िी िान से लड़ना

Show a clean a pair of heels

✓ to run away fast / to flee swiftly रफ़ूचकर होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

All moonshine
✓ Concocted िकवास

Up to the mark
✓ According to the required standard कसौटी पर
उतरा हुआ
A red letter day
✓ an important day महत्वपण
ू ा दिन

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
To end in smoke
✓ to fail / to end without any practical results
कोई पररणाम ना यनकलना
To spill the beans
✓ to reveal a secret भेि खोलना

Drive home
✓ Emphasis ज़ोर िे ना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A left hand compliment
✓ an ambiguous compliment अस्पष्ट अलभवािन

Cut a sorry figure

✓ Make a poor impression िास प्रभाव न िनाना

To take to task
✓ Reprimand िुरी तरह से िटकारना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Bad blood
✓ Enmity कटुता

Maiden speech
✓ First speech पहला भार्ण

To get cold feet

✓ Fear डरना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Beside the mark
✓ Not to the point असंगत होना

On tenterhooks
✓ In suspense and anxiety असमंिस में

A cuckoo in the nest

✓ an unwelcomed intruder घुसपैदठया

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A house of cards
✓ An insecure scheme असुरक्षक्षत योिना

To smell a rat
✓ to suspect foul dealings िाल में काला लगना

Old head on young shoulder

✓ to be wise beyond one’s age अनंत वववेकी नौिवान

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

A wild-goose chase
✓ Pointless search व्यथा प्रयत्न

Hard of hearing
✓ to be deaf फकसी की न सन
ु ने वाला

Burn your boats

✓ do something that makes it impossible-
-to return to the previous situation वापस िाने के सभी
संभाववत तरीकों को नष्ट करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

✓ To give scolding िटकारना

Null and void

✓ Invalid यनजष्क्रय

A dark horse
✓ Unexpected winner अप्रत्यालशत वविेता

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Throw cold water
✓ Discourage हतोत्सादहत करना

Butt in
✓ Interrupt िार्ा डालना

Couch potato
✓ a person who prefers to watch television

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Carry the ball
✓ be in charge जिम्मेिारी उठाना

Turn down
✓ Reject अस्वीकार कर िे ना

Catch a tartar
✓ to deal with a person who-
-is more than one’s match शेर को सवा शेर लमलना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Cap in hand
✓ in a respectful manner ववनीत भाव से

In the blues
✓ Cheerless and depressed उिासीन

Cheek by jowl
✓ Very close together साथ-साथ

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Beyond the pale
✓ Unreasonable or unacceptable स्वीकारीता के िाहर

Blow one’s own trumpet

✓ Praise oneself अपना राग अलापना

Stick to one’s guns

✓ Maintain own opinion िात पर अड़े रहना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

At sea
✓ confused व्याकुल

Straw in the wind

✓ an indication of what-
-might happen संभावनाओं का सझू झम संकेत

Face the music

✓ be punished फकये का पररणाम भुगतना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Curry favours
✓ Seek favourable attention चापलूसी करके कृपा का-
-पात्र िनना

Weal and woe

✓ Good times and bad times ठहत-अठहत

Call in question
✓ Challenge आपवव करना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Make both ends meet
✓ live within means आय व्यय िरािर करना

Put up the shutters

✓ Go out of business

A drop in a bucket
✓ a very insignificant amount ऊँट के मँह
ु में िीरा

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Draw a blank
✓ Find no favour असिल होना

To keep in abeyance
✓ in a state of suspension संिेह रखना

To be in a fix
✓ in a difficult situation मस
ु ीित में होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To break the ice
✓Start conversation वाताालाप पुनः चालू करना

As daft as a brush
✓extremely silly िेहि िेवकूि

In a nutshell
✓briefly and concisely संक्षेप में

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Strain every nerve
✓Work very hard खन
ू पसीना एक करना

Evening of life
✓Old age िुढ़ापा

Button one’s lips

✓Stop talking चुप हो िाना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Cock and bull stories
✓ Absurd and unlikely stories मनगढत कहानी

A live wire
✓ lively and active जिन्िा दिल

Capital punishment
✓ Death sentence मत्ृ यि
ु ंड

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Leaps and bounds
✓ rapidly िहुत तेिी से

Wet behind the ears

✓ Young and without much experience अनभ
ु वहीन

Under a cloud
✓ Under suspicion संिेह में होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Get the sack
✓ be dismissed िखाास्त होना

Feather in one’s cap

✓ a new and additional distinction

Donkey’s year
✓ a long time िहुत लंिा समय

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Leave no stone unturned
✓ to try every possible way कोई कसर न छोड़ना

A man of letters
✓ Scholar ववद्वान

Bear in mind
✓ Remember स्मरण रखना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

To nip in the bud
✓ to stop something in the starting शुरुआत में रोकना

To put a spoke in one’s wheel

✓ to hinder िार्ा डालना

To clip one’s wings

✓ to deprive one of power शजततयाँ छीन लेना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Hold up
✓ Delay रोकना

To play fast and loose

✓ to act in an unreliable way झखलवाड़ करना

Feather one’s own nest

✓ Make money in an improper way अनगु चत रं ग से पैसे

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Pull a fast one
✓ Play a trick र्ोखा िे ना

Grease the palm

✓ to bribe ररश्वत िे ना

✓ Complete over-turn of a situation उलट िाना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Take the bull by the horns
✓ Grapple the situation courageously साहस पूवक
ा मलु सितों का-
-सामना करना

A gentleman at large
✓ A man without a job िेरोज़गार

Lose face
✓ Become embarrassed नाक कटना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Build castle in the air
✓ Day dreaming ियाली पुलाव पकाना

Fall back on
✓ Resort to something सहारा लेना

Go to rack and ruin

✓ Get into a bad condition ििााि होना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Bite the dust
✓ Suffer a defeat र्राशाही होना

Have a chip on one’s shoulder

✓ Nurse a grudge

The seamy side

✓ Unpleasant aspect अववप्रय पहलु

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Too many chiefs and not enough Indians
✓An inefficient situation

Make one’s mark

✓Distinguish oneself

Throw in the towel

✓Acknowledge defeat हार मान लेना

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Mare’s nest
✓ Worthless thing

A storm in a tea cup

✓ big fuss over a small matter िात का ितंगड़

✓ Of noble birth

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Do a roaring trade
✓ highly successful र्ड़ार्ड़ िेचना

Keep body and soul together

✓ to have just enough to sustain गज़
ु ारा करना

✓ Unreal Imagining लमथ्याभास

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

✓ an activity that involves-
-mystery and secrecy घटने और गप्ु तचर के रं ग-सा

Palm off
✓ to dispose off with the-
-intent to deceive र्ोखा िे ना

From stem to stern

✓ All the way from the front-
-of a ship to the back आगे से पीछे तक

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Over-egg the pudding
✓ Add unnecessary details to make-
-something seem better or worse व्यया वववरण

Turn over a new leaf

✓ Change ones behavior for the better नया िीवन शरू
ु करना

With might and main

✓ with full force पूरी शजतत या िल से

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Ruffle somebody’s feather
✓ Annoy somebody परे शान करना

Cut short
✓ Interrupt रोक िे ना

Bad blood
✓ Ill feeling कटुता

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Enquiry No.

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

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