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What is happening to Muslims around the globe?

In China they are put into

concentration camps, in Myanmar they are slaughtered en masse, in Indiathey
have been the targets of systematic pogroms, in Israel along with Christian
Palestinians they are mowed down on a daily basis, in Europe and the United
States they are subject to increasing demonisation and persecution.

The fate of Muslims in their own homeland is not particularly rosier. From
one end of the Muslim world to the next, Muslims - in Iran, Syria, Egypt,
and Saudi Arabia in particular - live under tyrannical regimes, ruthless
dictators, murderous military juntas, with their most basic civil liberties and
human rights denied. In Yemen, they are being slaughtered and subjected to
man-made famine by the Saudis and their partners - and if one journalist
dared to raise his voice he is chopped up to pieces in his own country's

What is this? What is going on? What does it all mean?

Chinese gulag
Let's begin with China. How are we to fathom the criminal, vicious, atrocities
of the Chinese authorities in their Muslim gulags? "If ethnic cleansing takes
place in China and nobody is able to hear it, does it make a sound?" asks Josh
Rogin, in a poignant piece for the Washington Post. " That's what millions of
Muslims inside the People's Republic are asking as they watch the Chinese
government expand a network of internment camps and systematic human
rights abuses designed to stamp out their peoples' religion and culture."

The numbers and the very idea are staggering: the UN reported that more
than one million Uighurs are in detention in "counter-extremism centres" and
at least two million are in "re-education camps".

In another investigative piece, BBC reports: "China is accused of locking up

hundreds of thousands of Muslims without trial in its western region of
Xinjiang. The government denies the claims, saying people willingly attend
special "vocational schools" which combat "terrorism and religious
extremism". That "terrorism and religious extremism" bit belies the malignant
intent of these camps.

In another report, we read, "Muslims forced to drink alcohol and eat pork in
China's 're-education' camps." The same reports further add: "The
psychological pressure is enormous when you have to criticize yourself,
denounce your thinking."

These are not just journalistic reports. "British diplomats who visited
Xinjiang," Britain's foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has told parliament ,
"[we] have confirmed that reports of mass internment camps for Uighur
Muslims were 'broadly true'."

Myanmar genocide and beyond

Then we come to Myanmar. The massacre of Muslim-majority Rohingya in
Myanmar under the watchful eyes of the Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu
Kyi has horrified the world but been kept apace for years now.

Since 2016, Muslim-majority Rohingya in Rakhine State have been the targets
of Myanmar armed forces and police, which have been accused of ethnic
cleansing and genocide by the United Nations, International Criminal Court
officials, human rights groups, journalists, and governments including
the United States.

Then we go to India. The roots of Hindu violent mobs attacking Muslims in

India is of course as old as British incitement of communal violence to sustain
their own rule. The list of systematic Muslim massacres is gruesome: From
1964 in Kolkata and 1983 in Nellie to 1987 in Hashimpura all the way to the
Gujarat slaughter of Muslims in 2002, in which Narendra Modi, who is now
the prime minister of India, was accused of orchestrating the violence.

Now look at Palestine: Muslim and Christian Palestinians alike have been the
subject of systematic ethnic cleansing in their own homeland now under the
occupation of the European colonial enclave of Israel. Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's son has recently said h e'd "prefer if all the
Muslims leave the land of Israel". Facebook temporarily banned the
despicable thug from his habitual racism and deleted that call for genocide.
But he was just airing what his father and other Zionist warlords have been
practising for decades in Palestine.

Let's move to the other side of the globe: The historic xenophobia of the racist
white supremacists in the US, the chief supporter of the Israeli settler colony,
resulted in two major and many more US-led invasions of Muslim states in
which hundreds of thousands of Muslims were slaughtered. When Americans
freely and openly elected Donald Trump, he unleashed the most hateful
campaign of terror and intimidation against Muslims in the United States. His
infamous Muslim ban, sustained by the US Supreme Court, is the legal
manifestation of this abusive treatment of Muslims.

In Europe too, the historic hatred of Muslims rooted in their version of

Christianity have now reached epidemic proportions among racist,
xenophobic, and proto-fascistic movements, best evident in the Brexit crisis
but equally staged in the rest of Europe.

In Australia too, where Prime Minister Scott Morrison just recognised west
Jerusalem as Israel's capital, anti-Muslim racists enjoy wide-spread support
among xenophobic nationalists. He is in the good league of the notorious
Australian MP Pauline Hansonwho believes her country is about to be
"swamped by Muslims."

Darkening horizons
But Muslims killing Muslims is not any less evident on the global scene. Saudi
Arabia and its sidekick, the United Arab Emirates, have led a coalition of
Muslim states to slaughter tens of thousands of Yemenis and drive millions
more to starvation. Yes, the US and Europe are chiefly responsible for arming
these Arab countries, but it is the Arabs who are pulling the triggers and
dropping the bombs.

In Syria, it is first and foremost Bashar al-Assad (and his Russian and Iranian
backers) who are responsible for the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of
Syrians and driving the rest to refugee camps in and out of their devastated

Yes, the US, Israel and multiple Arab states are equally guilty of the mayhem
in Syria, but the net result is the massacre of more Muslims in Syria. Turkey's
war with the Kurds amounts to even more Muslims murdering Muslims. In
Egypt and Iran too, the ruling regimes have had no qualms maiming and
murdering their own citizens in prisons or in the streets.

No doubt in each and every one of these circumstances one can come up with
multiple and varied explanations as to what is happening to Muslims. One
must make a distinction between the 're-education' camps in China and the
Muslim massacre in Myanmar and the Saudi-led slaughter in Yemen, the
incremental genocide Israel is committing in Palestine, and Bashar al-Assad's
mass killings in Syria.
But the net result is the same, there is a pandemic of Muslim cleansing around
the globe, what amounts to incremental and cumulative genocide, in part
committed by Muslim rulers and despots. That pandemic needs urgent
attention - perhaps even a UN-sponsored conference. There is no single cause
but there is a field of hatred and Islamophobia in which Muslims as Muslims
or Muslims as humans or Muslims as critical thinkers or Muslims as defiant
agents of their own destinies are seen as the enemy that must be neutralised,
pacified, killed, and eradicated.

The centre and periphery

The epicentre of this Muslim cleansing in its current gestation is no doubt the
rise of Islamophobia in the US and Europe rooted in historic hatred of Islam
and Muslims in the European context.

And this fear and loathing of Muslims is the extension and mutation of the
historic fear and loathing of Jews writ large and rendered global. The
pathological roots of Euro-American Islamophobia are rooted in their
endemic anti-Semitism.

With Islamophobia, however, that European disease has shifted its target and
become global in the age of globalisation. Since medieval European
Christianity, both Jews and Muslims have been sources of fear and hatred in
Europe. With the Holocaust, the European hatred of Jews came to a genocidal
crescendo. With the writing of Samuel Huntington's Clash of
Civilizations (1993), Muslims have almost completely (but not entirely)
replaced Jews as the civilisational other of the thing that calls itself "the West".

To be sure in between that medieval version and the current gestation we have
the agitation of Muslim-Hindu hatred in India during the British colonialism.

In his book titled Castes of Mind: Colonialism and the Making of Modern
India, Nicholas B Dirks has demonstrated how what is globally coded as "the
Indian caste system" was in fact the product of the encounter between India
and British colonialism, when under British rule, the caste system became a
stable term subsuming diverse forms of social formations. Even more so is the
Hindu-Muslim communal violence deliberately exacerbated to serve the
British colonial rule.

Therefore, the affinity between Hindu fundamentalism and European and US

racism is hardly surprising. As Aadita Chaudhury has recently argued: "white
supremacy and Hindu nationalism have common roots going back to the 19th-
century idea of the Aryan race."

What is happening in China is also aided and abetted by European and US

Islamophobia, which offer the convenient cover. The anti-Uighur campaign is
framed in the Western language of anti-terrorism and deradicalisation. That
religious bigotry in China is also underlined by an equally poisonous ethnic
element whereby Chinese imperial arrogance is dead-set to consolidate a Han
hegemony over all other ethnicised communities.

In manufacturing a robotic labour and consumer person, China seems

determined to erase any sign of cultural or human resistance to its mechanical
project, very much on the dystopian model Herbert Marcuse anticipated in his
One-d imensional Man (1946). Any deviation from a servile human consumer
that does anything other than manufacturing Chinese labour and expansion of
state capital is a waste of time and must be eliminated.

That dystopian nightmare is now spreading around the globe with the speed
and in the form of Western-style Chinese Communist party-inspired
capitalism. Communism was not destined to be the end of capitalism.
Capitalism was the end of Communism. That very sentence spells out the
monstrous chimaera our humanity faces today.

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not
necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial stance.

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