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REVIEW ARTICLE Sports Med 1998 Mar; 25 (3): 191-200


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Impact of Resistance Training on

Endurance Performance
A New Form of Cross-Training?
Hirofumi Tanaka1 and Thomas Swensen2
1 Human Cardiovascular Research Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology, University of Colorado,
Boulder, Colorado, USA
2 Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York, USA

Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
1. Physiological Adaptations to Resistance and Endurance Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
2. Simultaneous Training for Strength and Endurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
3. Effects of Resistance Training on Endurance Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
3.1 Running Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
3.2 Cycling Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
3.3 Swimming Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
4. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198

Summary In accordance with the principles of training specificity, resistance and en-
durance training induce distinct muscular adaptations. Endurance training, for
example, decreases the activity of the glycolytic enzymes, but increases intra-
muscular substrate stores, oxidative enzyme activities, and capillary, as well as
mitochondrial, density. In contrast, resistance or strength training reduces mito-
chondrial density, while marginally impacting capillary density, metabolic en-
zyme activities and intramuscular substrate stores (except muscle glycogen). The
training modalities do induce one common muscular adaptation: they transform
type IIb myofibres into IIa myofibres. This transformation is coupled with oppo-
site changes in fibre size (resistance training increases, and endurance training
decreases, fibre size), and, in general, myofibre contractile properties. As a result
of these distinct muscular adaptations, endurance training facilitates aerobic pro-
cesses, whereas resistance training increases muscular strength and anaerobic
power. Exercise performance data do not fit this paradigm, however, as they
indicate that resistance training or the addition of resistance training to an ongoing
endurance exercise regimen, including running or cycling, increases both short
and long term endurance capacity in sedentary and trained individuals. Resistance
training also appears to improve lactate threshold in untrained individuals during
cycling. These improvements may be linked to the capacity of resistance training
to alter myofibre size and contractile properties, adaptations that may increase
muscular force production. In contrast to running and cycling, traditional dry land
resistance training or combined swim and resistance training does not appear to
192 Tanaka & Swensen

enhance swimming performance in untrained individuals or competitive swim-

mers, despite substantially increasing upper body strength. Combined swim and
swim-specific ‘in-water’ resistance training programmes, however, increase a
competitive swimmer’s velocity over distances up to 200m. Traditional resistance
training may be a valuable adjunct to the exercise programmes followed by en-
durance runners or cyclists, but not swimmers; these latter athletes need more
specific forms of resistance training to realise performance improvement.

Traditional endurance training increases the Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to re-
ability to perform low load, high repetition exer- view research on resistance, endurance and com-
cise, but only marginally affects muscular strength bined resistance and endurance training in order to
and anaerobic power. In contrast, resistance train- examine the physiological basis for adding resis-
ing improves ability to perform high load, low rep- tance exercises to the endurance athlete’s training
etition exercise, but marginally affects endurance. regimen. To tighten our focus, we will concentrate
Therefore, it seems inconsistent to prescribe resis- primarily on the muscular adaptations induced by
tance training to athletes who only seek to improve these aforementioned training modalities. In the re-
endurance, as such a prescription violates the prin- maining sections, we will examine the impact of
ciples of training specificity; i.e., training pro- resistance training on running, cycling and swim-
grammes should simulate the athlete’s mode of ex- ming performance, the 3 forms of exercise tradi-
ercise.[1] tionally integrated into a cross-training regimen.[5]
To be successful in endurance sports, however,
competitive athletes need more than an enhanced 1. Physiological Adaptations to
long term work capacity; they also require muscu- Resistance and Endurance Training
lar strength and anaerobic power, abilities needed Traditional resistance training involves high
for hill climbing, attacking, and final sprinting dur- load, low repetition muscular contractions,
ing the race.[2,3] To obtain proficiency at these whereas endurance training involves low load,
skills, endurance athletes typically perform intense high repetition muscular contractions. As a result
short duration interval training,[4] but many of these differences, each training mode produces
coaches and trainers have recently started to pre- distinct physiological adaptations in the trained
scribe resistance training in conjunction with or in musculature.[1] Resistance training, for example,
lieu of interval training. This prescription is pre- induces muscle hypertrophy as measured by in-
sumably based on the capacity of resistance train- creased cross-sectional area in all fibre types or
ing to improve muscular strength and anaerobic just type II fibres.[6-10] This hypertrophy reflects
power, and in turn, possibly endurance perfor- an increase in muscle protein content, resulting in
mance. In this capacity, resistance training may be increased fibre size and possibly fibre num-
viewed as a form of cross-training, albeit an un- ber.[8,11,12] Resistance training also alters the ratio
traditional application of the concept. Tradition- of the type II fibres; as the percentage of type IIa
ally, cross-training involves activities that produce fibre increases and that of IIb (more recently re-
a common goal, such as improving maximal oxy- ferred to as IIx)[13,14] fibre decreases, there is a con-
gen uptake (VO2max).[5] Resistance training fits this comitant change reflecting a IIb to IIa fibre trans-
paradigm, but from a different perspective; as with formation at a histochemical and myosin isoform
short interval training, it enhances anaerobic level.[6-8,15-17]
power. The body of scientific literature, however, In contrast to these structural changes, resis-
is equivocal concerning the impact of resistance tance training induces little to no change in activi-
training on endurance performance. ties of phosphagen and glycolytic and oxidative

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Interaction Between Resistance and Endurance Training 193

enzymes.[9,10,18-22] Resistance training also has a In marked contrast to resistance training, endur-
modest impact on muscle capillarisation; most ance training unequivocally increases capillary
studies[23-25] indicated that this training mode in- density, mitochondrial density, intramuscular sub-
duces capillary neoformation, or that neoformation strate stores and oxidative enzyme activity, while
occurs because capillary density remains un- also reducing the activity of the glycolytic en-
changed despite muscle hypertrophy. The data zymes.[22,28,38,39] Like resistance training, endur-
from another study, however, showed that resis- ance training alters the size and ratio of the type II
tance training does not induce capillary neo- fibres, as it decreases their cross-sectional area
formation, as capillary density, but not number, while increasing type IIa, and decreasing IIb, fibre
decreases.[26] It is worth noting that even if resis- percentages, a concomitant change reflecting a fi-
tance training induces capillary neoformation, it bre transformation at a histochemical and myosin
does not increase capillary density. At best, resis- isoform level.[15,22,40,41]
tance training maintains capillary density, which Most data indicate that endurance training does
suggests that the O2 diffusion distance, and hence not change the percentage of type I fibres and
O2 delivery, would remain at pretraining levels. slightly reduces or does not change type I fibre
Compared with the effect of resistance training size.[7,13,14,42,43] The fibre size data are, moreover,
on capillarisation, its impact on mitochondrial supported by cross-sectional studies and research
density is pronounced, as the density of this key on rodents.[15,22,41] In contrast, the data from sev-
metabolic organelle decreases, primarily via eral other papers showed that endurance training
hypertrophy-induced dilution.[8,23] In contrast, re- induces type I fibre hypertrophy.[40,44] This dis-
sistance training has an undetermined impact on crepancy might be related to the pretraining fitness
levels of intramuscular phosphagens; data from level of study participants, as fibre size increased
one study indicated that resistance training in- in untrained individuals and decreased or did not
creases this variable,[27] whereas data from another change in moderately to highly trained athletes.
showed no change.[20] Resistance training does, Aside from altering fibre size and percentage,
however, appear to increase the glycogen content endurance training also influences myofibre con-
of the trained musculature.[20,27] tractile properties, as it lowers the maximum short-
In all, the most germane adaptive response to ening velocity (Vmax) of the type II fibres and
resistance training may be the increase in myofibre slightly reduces peak tension development in all
size, which is linked to altered contractile proper- fibre types.[15,43,45] Collectively, the changes in
ties.[15] Collectively, these adaptations may in- myofibre size and contractile properties lower the
crease muscular force production, and hence, con- maximum force generating capability of type I and
tribute to the changes associated with resistance IIa fibres.[13-15] The decrease in force production,
training, such as increased muscular strength, especially in IIa fibres, is not necessarily deleteri-
Wingate anaerobic power, short term power out- ous to endurance performance, as it may be linked
put and time to exhaustion at high intensity sub- to increased fibre efficiency.[15,46] A smaller, more
maximal work rates.[7,15,18,28-31] Interestingly, the efficient IIa fibre may be advantageous for endur-
increases in short term power output and time to ance exercise, as increased fibre efficiency would
exhaustion at heavy submaximal work rates after a reduce the rate of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
period of resistance training were not associated utilisation, and decreased fibre diameter would en-
with significant changes in VO2max.[18,29] Indeed, hance O2 delivery by shortening the O2 diffusion
when all forms of resistance training are consid- distance. Both changes could act to increase long
ered together, this training modality increases term endurance capacity.
VO2max by less than 3%, and then only in untrained Endurance training also increases the expres-
or moderately active individuals.[7,18,19,28,29,32-37] sion of fast myosin light chains in the type I fibres,

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194 Tanaka & Swensen

which increases their Vmax, shifting it towards a 2. Simultaneous Training for Strength
velocity more characteristic of type IIa fibres. [14,15] and Endurance
This adaptation does not, however, indicate a type
I-type II fibre transformation; such a change re- The interaction between resistance and endur-
quires altered myosin heavy chain expression, ance training in untrained individuals was first
studied by Hickson.[28] In that study, concurrent
which has not been reported.[14,15,47] An increased
resistance and endurance training induced an in-
Vmax in the type I fibres may enhance muscle speed, .
crease in VO2max similar to that with endurance
and hence body speed, without affecting fibre effi- training alone, but attenuated muscular strength
ciency.[15] These changes may allow endurance gains compared with solely resistance training. The
athletes to reduce their use of the less efficient type author speculated that overtraining may have
II fibres at a given absolute submaximal work rate, caused the attenuated strength gain, as the concur-
which could account for the improved running rent training group performed both modes of exer-
economy induced by endurance exercise.[48] cise each weekday and completed additional en-
Collectively, the muscular adaptations induced durance training on the weekend, whereas the
by endurance training facilitate aerobic processes, resistance training group performed only resis-
as this training modality increases VO2max, lactate tance exercises 5 days a week.[28] The data from
threshold, and long term endurance capacity. In subsequent studies in which the training load was
contrast, the muscular adaptations, including the reduced, however, confirm that the concurrent
changes in myofibre size, type II subtype ratio, training in sedentary individuals attenuates
and contractile properties, in conjunction with the strength gains when compared with resistance
diminished activity of the glycolytic enzymes,
Although the mechanism for this antagonism is
may compromise anaerobic power and muscular
unresolved, the data from a recent concurrent train-
strength.[7,15,49-51] In fact, endurance training is as-
ing study in which active soldiers served as partic-
sociated with a depressed vertical jumping abil- ipants[7] suggest that differential changes in fibre
ity.[49,51] Interestingly, those who experienced the size might contribute to the attenuation of muscular
largest increase in VO2max and submaximal run- strength gain induced by this training modality. In
ning performance through the endurance training that study, resistance training increased the size of
had the greatest decrease in vertical jump score.[51] the type I, IIa and IIc fibres, whereas concurrent
Moreover, endurance training has been associated training marginally reduced the size of the type I,
with a significant reduction in isokinetic knee ex- IIb and IIc fibres. These data suggest that endur-
tension strength[50] and Wingate anaerobic power.[7] ance training, even with resistance training super-
In summary, resistance and endurance training imposed, tends to produce smaller muscle fibre
induce one common muscular adaptation; they areas than simple resistance training.[7] As dis-
transform type IIb fibres into IIa fibres. This trans- cussed earlier, smaller muscle fibres and the asso-
ciated changes in myofibre contractile properties
formation is coupled with opposite changes in fibre
induced by endurance training (i.e. decreased Vmax
size and, generally, in muscle contractile proper-
in the type II fibres, increased Vmax in the type I
ties, which may explain why resistance, but not
fibres and reduced peak tension development in all
endurance, training improves anaerobic power and fibres) may facilitate aerobic processes, while
muscular strength. For the physiological variables compromising anaerobic power and muscular
traditionally associated with enhanced endurance strength. Indeed, the concurrent training group in
(e.g. capillary density, mitochondrial density and .
that study had a similar increase in VO2max to that
oxidative enzyme activity), resistance and endur- of the endurance-trained group, but an attenuated
ance training do not appear to be synergistic. gain in leg strength and Wingate anaerobic power

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Interaction Between Resistance and Endurance Training 195

when compared with the resistance-trained group. mill performance by ≈10%.[29,32-35] This improved
The data from the endurance-trained group further time to exhaustion on the treadmill was not accom-
support our argument, as this group experienced
. panied with an increase in VO2max.[29]
the largest increase in VO2max and the largest de- As with untrained individuals, resistance train-
crease in fibre size; the latter change, moreover, ing also improves short term treadmill perfor-
was associated with slight reductions in leg mance, leg strength and anaerobic power in mod-
strength and Wingate anaerobic performance.[7] erately trained endurance athletes. Data from 1
Alternatively, the attenuation of strength gain in study, for example, indicated that the addition of
sedentary or moderately active individuals after resistance exercises to an endurance training regi-
concurrent training may be attributed to a time men improves leg strength by 30% and short term
course interaction, i.e. the body cannot adapt max- treadmill performance by 13%.[18] Similarly, an-
imally to both training stimuli if they are initiated other study showed that resistance training in-
simultaneously. This line of reasoning is supported creases leg strength by 40% and vertical leap by 15%
by the data that show the addition of resistance in previously trained runners, indicating enhanced
exercises to the training regimen of well trained anaerobic power and, hence, possibly running per-
endurance athletes does not attenuate strength formance.[37] Neither study found that resistance
gains.[37] Additional support for this hypothesis is .
training altered VO2max in endurance-trained indi-
provided by research on rodents which showed that viduals.[18,37]
hypertrophying muscle experiences attenuated The underlying muscular adaptations responsi-
gains in endurance, whereas previously hypertro- ble for the improved short term running perfor-
phied muscle responds to endurance training sim- mance are unknown. Because resistance training
ilarly to untrained muscle.[52,53]
decreases mitochondrial density and minimally
impacts VO2max, capillary density, substrate stores
3. Effects of Resistance Training on and oxidative enzyme activities, the key mecha-
Endurance Performance nism may be the increase in myofibre size and the
associated changes in myofibre contractile proper-
3.1 Running Performance ties induced by resistance training. Although the
Few studies have examined the impact of resis- effect of resistance training on myofibre size in
tance training on running performance. Improve- highly trained runners has not been studied, con-
ments in muscular strength and anaerobic power current training in active soldiers produced larger
acquired through resistance training could, how- myofibres and greater gains in strength and Win-
ever, help runners sustain attacks, climb hills or gate anaerobic performance than endurance train-
sprint in the final minutes, which should enhance ing alone.[7] In short, if resistance training can in-
running performance. Indeed, it has been reported duce fibre hypertrophy in trained runners, then it
that anaerobic power is a critical determinant for may reverse some of the muscular changes pro-
race success among cross-country runners who duced by endurance training. For example, in-
. creased fibre size may further improve type I fibre
have similar VO2max values,[3] and that the fastest
long distance runners possess the most powerful Vmax and attenuate or reverse the reduction in the
muscles.[54] Vmax of the type II fibres and force production and
The first studies to examine effects of resistance peak tension development in all fibres.[13-15,43,45]
training on running performance used untrained Since faster, larger and stronger fibres generate
participants, which limits our ability to extend the more force, resistance-trained runners may be able
findings to highly trained runners. Nevertheless, to exercise longer at each absolute submaximal
these studies showed that resistance training im- work rate by reducing the force contribution from
proves leg strength by ≈25% and short term tread- each active myofibre or by using fewer of them. In

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196 Tanaka & Swensen

conjunction, a stronger type I fibre may allow re- 6 to 17%) and leg muscular strength (range: 3 to
sistance-trained runners to delay the recruitment of 30%) in sedentary individuals, active soldiers and
the less efficient type II fibres.[18,28] elite swimmers.[7,61,62] Additional data showed that
Our hypothesis is indirectly supported by data resistance training improves leg strength by 35%
that show resistance training reduces the inte- and short term cycling performance by 29% in un-
grated electromyography/muscle tension ratio at trained individuals.[29,30] Data from a subsequent
absolute submaximal work rates in untrained indi- study indicated that the addition of resistance
viduals[55,56] and improves running economy in training to a well trained endurance athlete’s exer-
trained runners.[57] These data can be interpreted in cise programme also improves leg strength by 30%
at least 2 ways: (i) the degree of activation per mo- and short term cycling performance by 11%.[18]
tor unit/muscle fibre is lower; and/or (ii) fewer Moreover, the training programme increased long
motor units/muscle fibres are active.[58] Moreover, term cycling capacity by 20%, as measured by time
based on the motor unit size principle, this latter .
to exhaustion at 80% of VO2max. This finding is
alternative implies that large motor unit activity is supported by data that show resistance training in-
reduced, i.e. fewer, less efficient type II fibres are .
creases time to exhaustion at 75% of VO2max by
active. Additionally, it has been suggested that 33% in untrained individuals.[63] Note that the
running economy is partially related to type I fibre .
mean change in absolute VO2max in the aforemen-
percentage or Vmax or both factors.[59] Since resis- tioned studies was only 2%,[7,18,29,63] which indi-
tance training does not increase type I fibre per- .
cates that changes in VO2max did not contribute to
centage, it might improve running economy by the improved endurance capacity.
augmenting the increased Vmax seen in these fibres The muscular adaptations responsible for the in-
after endurance training.
creases in anaerobic power and short- or long term
endurance capacity are unknown. From a broad
3.2 Cycling Performance perspective, the gains in anaerobic power correlate
As with running, resistance training may im- well to the increases in leg strength.[61,64,65] From
prove cycling performance, because dynamic mus- a cellular perspective, we refer you to the hypoth-
cular strength is an essential component of those esis elucidated in the previous section on running:
facets of competitive road cycling requiring anaer- namely, the changes in fibre size, type II subtype
obic and short term power output, such as attack- ratio, and myofibre contractile properties induced
ing, responding to an attack, climbing a short steep by resistance training may allow individuals to ex-
hill or sprinting.[2] Indeed, the more highly rated ercise longer at a given absolute submaximal work
cyclists within the US Cycling Federation, the gov- rate by reducing the force contribution from each
erning body for amateur cycling in America, had active myofibre or by using fewer myofibres. In
significantly higher anaerobic power outputs than conjunction, the myofibre changes may also allow
the lower rated cyclists.[60] None of the work that individuals to delay the recruitment of the less ef-
has examined the impact of resistance training on ficient type II fibres.
cycling, however, has used trained cyclists as par- Additional support for our hypothesis is found
ticipants, so it is uncertain if the results apply to in a study by Marcinik et al.,[63] whose data indi-
this population. Nonetheless, the data indicate that cated that the 33% increase in long term cycling
resistance training may improve certain aspects of capacity induced by resistance training was associ-
cycling performance. ated with a 12% increase in the lactate threshold.
Data from the studies that examined the impact Indeed, mean blood lactate was 30% lower at the
of resistance training on cycling-specific anaerobic same absolute submaximal work rate after training.
power, for example, showed that this training mo- These data reflect a lower overall activation of the
dality increases Wingate anaerobic power (range: working musculature, and hence, its mitochondria.

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Interaction Between Resistance and Endurance Training 197

As a result, disturbance of cellular homeostasis mance were examined using competitive colle-
would be reduced, as would glycogenolysis and giate swimmers.[74] Even though combined train-
lactate production.[39,59] Additional research is ing increased upper body strength by ≈30%, it
needed to determine if resistance training can alter did not produce faster sprint times or lower sub-
cycling economy or glycogen depletion in the var- maximal blood lactate levels compared with swim
ious types of myofibres, as such data would allow training. It was speculated that the strength gain
us to discern if fibre recruitment patterns change. induced by the resistance training programme did
not translate into better performance because the
3.3 Swimming Performance swimming stroke is highly technical, i.e. tradi-
tional resistance training is not specific enough to
As with competitive running and cycling, dy-
improve swim performance. This hypothesis is
namic strength is an important determinant of
swimming performance. Many studies have re- supported by data that show combined swim and
ported that upper-body muscular strength and/or swim-specific (or ‘in-water’) resistance training
power output correlate highly with swim velocity improves performance more than swim or com-
over distances ranging from 23 to 400m, with bined swim and traditional resistance training in
average correlation coefficient values of 0.87 for competitive swimmers.[70,75] In these studies,
the shorter distance and 0.63 for the longer dis- swim-specific resistance exercise included: bio-
tance.[66-70] Hence, resistance training, through its kinetic swim bench training, reverse current
ability to increase muscular strength and anaer- hydrochannel swimming and in-water devices that
obic power, may improve endurance swim perfor- the athletes push off from while swimming. Addi-
mance. tional data showed that in-water resistance training
Similar to running and cycling, the early studies in well conditioned children was more beneficial
that examined the impact of resistance training on than dry land resistance training.[76]
swim performance used untrained participants. The data from the aforementioned studies indi-
Since many of these early studies did not include cate that traditional resistance training or com-
a control group or provide information on the type bined swim and resistance training does not im-
of exercise regimen used as the training stimu- prove endurance in competitive swimmers. In
lus,[66,71,72] their data are difficult to interpret. The contrast, combined swim and swim-specific resis-
data from the better controlled studies indicated tance training, particularly if executed ‘in-water’,
that traditional resistance training or combined improves a competitive swimmer’s velocity over
swim and resistance training was no more effective
distances up to 200m.[70] The effects of combined
than swim training in improving swim perfor-
swim and in-water resistance training on perfor-
mance in sedentary individuals. For instance,
mance over longer distances are unknown. Inter-
Thompson and Stull[73] observed a significant im-
estingly, traditional and swim-specific dry land re-
provement in swimming performance as a result of
concurrent resistance and swimming training, but sistance training induced greater gains in upper
the swim training only group (or control group) body strength than in-water resistance training,
increased performance more than the combined whereas the latter training modality more favoura-
group. These results are supported by a report that bly impacted those factors associated with im-
there were no differences between the swimming proved stroke mechanics, such as stroke force and
only group and the combined swimming and re- distance per stroke.[70,74,76] These data support the
sistance training group in a 15-minute endurance contention that stoke mechanics are an important
swim test.[72] determinant for swim success, and imply that they
Recently, the effects of combined swim and tra- may be more crucial than upper body strength in
ditional resistance training on swimming perfor- determining swimming velocity.[70,74,76-78]

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198 Tanaka & Swensen

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