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* EXERCISE: ReplicaSet | Kubernetes
* Author: Srinath Challa | Kubernetes SME | Udemy
* Connect me on:
* --------------
* https://www.udemy.com/user/srinathchalla/
* https://www.linkedin.com/in/srinathchalla/
* https://www.youtube.com/srinathchalla
* Reference:
* ----------
* https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicationcontroller/
* https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicaset/#how-a-
replicaset-works *

In this Exercise:
You will deploy the sample ReplicaSet, then Validate, Scale, Edit and Cleanup.

a. To successfully finish this exercise, It is important to go through ReplicaSet
Concept and Demo videos in this series.
b. You can refer to Kuberenetes Docs for help when needed.


STEP-1: Create ReplicaSet:

Write the ReplicaSet YAML file with below configuration and Deploy it using kubectl
apply command.

Container Image: redis

ReplicaSet Name: redis-rs
Replicas: 3
# backend.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
# backend.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
name: redi-rs
app: database
tier: backend
replicas: 3
tier: backend
tier: backend
- name: gb-redisworker
image: gcr.io/google-samples/gb-redisworker:v1


STEP-2: Validate ReplicaSet (rs) and Pods:


a. Display "redis-rs" replicaset and ensure "Desired, Current, Read" count is 3

kubectl get rs -o wide

b. Display the complete details of "redis-rs" by running "..describe replicaset.."

kubectl describe rs backend

c. Print the labels of "redis-rs" ReplicaSet.

kubectl get rs backend --show-labels

c. Display the Pods which are created by this ReplicaSet

kubectl get pods

d. Ensure, "redis-rs" replicaset creates exact 3 three replicas

kubectl get pods

c. Identify on which worker nodes these Pods are scheduled

kubectl get pods -o wide


STEP-3: Edit the ReplicaSet


a. Edit the "redis-rs" ReplicaSet and update the replica count from 3 to 5.
kubectl edit rs redis-rs

b. Display the "redis-rs" replicaSet and ensure "Desired, Current, Ready" is 5.

kubectl get rs -o wide

c. Display the Pods and Ensure two extra Pods are created. Total 5 Pods related to
"redis-rs" should be "Running"
kubectl get pods -o wide


STEP-4: Delete the ReplicaSet:


a. Delete the ReplicaSet.

kubectl delete rs redis-rs

b. Display the ReplicaSet and Ensure "redis-rs" replicaSet is deleted.

Kubectl get rs

c. Display Pods and Ensure "redis-rs" related Pods are deleted.

Kubectl get pods -w


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