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Prepared by:

Conner Becker
February 17, 2023
Data Analytics in Careers
As we all know, data is important. It allows us to learn and predict outcomes, but it can also stray us in the
wrong directions if used wrong. Data analytics is defined by Cambridge Dictionary as, “the process of
examining information, especially using a computer, in order to find something out, or to help with
making decisions.” This report will describe the impact of data analytics and how it has created
opportunities in careers.
Key Findings
 Data analytics is used for predicting tv shows people will like, how diseases spread, the likelihood
someone will be good or bad, and it is making its way into the daily workplace.
 Data analytics can make a prediction but can also fail at making those predictions.
 Data analytics is strong in helping take apart the problem and is bad at making conclusions.
 Data analytics is best used as a tool to help analyze the problem and allow you to find the
 Data analytics will continue to grow as companies collect more data and will need help using that
With the need for someone to make a conclusion companies require more employees who can help them.
This has created a growing field that demands for professionals who can find what the data means and
how it can be used to make a decision.
Since data analytics keeps growing it has created countless opportunities in careers including:
 Data Science/ Data Analytics
 Business Analytics
 Marketing Analytics
 Digital Analytics
 Sales Analytics
 Healthcare Analytics
 Supply Chain Analytics
Skills required for these careers include data driven, analytical skills, problem-solving skills, written
communication skills, mathematic skills, ability to work on teams, and verbal communication skills.
As this report has shown, data analytics is growing and will become more impactful in how companies
operate and make decisions. It is a growing field that will continue to grow in demand requiring more
skillful employees to learn the necessary skills to become a successful data analyst that can help sort large
amounts of data.
 Data analytics can help sort the data and humans need to make the decisions.
 Understand the limits of data analytics.
 Promote the importance of data analytic careers.
Stanton, Wilbur W., and Angela D’Auria Stanton. “Helping Business Students Acquire the Skills Needed
for a Career in Analytics: A Comprehensive Industry Assessment of Entry‐Level Requirements.”
Decision sciences journal of innovative education 18.1 (2020): 138–165. Web.
How to use data to make a hit TV show Sebastian Wernicke YouTube. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved
February 16, 2023, from

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