Linnhoff Sahdev - Pinch Technology

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Pinch Technology 1075

Pinch Technology
Bodo Linnhoff, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, United Kingdom
Vimal Sahdev, Linnhoff March Ltd., Manchester, United Kingdom

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075 5.2. Cogeneration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1078

2. Composite Curves and Energy Targets 1075 5.3. Flexibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1078
3. Pinch Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1076 6. Specific Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1079
4. Energy – Capital Tradeoff . . . . . . . . 1077
6.1. Modification of a Continuous Process 1079
5. Process Modifications and
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1077 6.2. Integration of a Batch Operation . . . 1080
5.1. Batch Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1078 7. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1080

1. Introduction 2. Composite Curves and Energy

The discovery of the pinch principle by
Linnhoff has provided engineers with a sci- All processes consist of hot and cold streams. A
entific design methodology which has achieved hot stream is defined as one that requires cooling,
outstanding results across the range of process and a cold stream as one that requires heating.
industries [1]. The way in which industrial pro- For any process, a single line can be drawn on
cesses are designed and retrofitted has been rev- a temperature – enthalpy plot which represents
olutionized. Using the pinch principle, engineers either all the hot streams or all the cold streams
can obtain a better understanding of the funda- of the process. A single line representing all the
mentals of a particular process. Some of the orig- hot streams and a single line representing all the
inal applications in ICI [2] and Union Carbide cold streams are called the hot composite curve
[3] showed energy savings and capital savings in and the cold composite curve, respectively.
new designs. The technology has evolved to in- The construction of a composite curve is il-
corporate cogeneration schemes [4], to improve lustrated in Figure 1. Two hot streams are shown
plant flexibility [5], [6], increase production ca- on a temperature – enthalpy diagram.
pacity [5], and reduce the effect of fouling [7] in Stream 1 is cooled from 200 ◦ C to 100 ◦ C. It
both new designs and existing plants. has a CP (i.e., mass flow rate times specific heat
The early applications were in the oilrefin- capacity) of 1; therefore, it loses 100 kW of heat.
ing, petrochemical, and bulk chemical plants, Stream 2 is cooled from 150 ◦ C to 50 ◦ C. It has
but the technology has also been proved across a CP of 2; therefore, it loses 200 kW of heat.
a wide range of process industries, including The hot composite curve is produced by sim-
pharmaceuticals, food, pulp and paper, cement, ple addition of heat contents over temperature
brewing, coffee making, and ice-cream and dairy ranges. Between 200 ◦ C and 150 ◦ C, only one
products. Pinch technology has been used in var- stream exists and it has a CP of 1. Therefore, the
ious kinds of processes including batch, semi- heat loss across that temperature range is 50 kW.
continuous, and continuous operations incorpo- Between 150 ◦ C and 100 ◦ C, two hot streams ex-
rating various operating parameters, such as dif- ist, with a total CP of 3. The total heat loss from
ferent feedstocks, seasonal demand fluctuations, 150 ◦ C to 100 ◦ C is 150 kW. Since the total CP
multiple utilities, quality constraints, and envi- from 150 ◦ C to 100 ◦ C is greater than the CP
ronmental constraints. from 200 ◦ C to 150 ◦ C, that portion of the hot
composite curve becomes flatter in the second
temperature range from 150 ◦ C to 100 ◦ C. Be-
1076 Pinch Technology

tween 100 ◦ C and 50 ◦ C, only one stream exists, The point at which the curves come closest to
with a CP of 2. Therefore, the total heat loss is touching is known as the pinch. At the pinch the
100 kW. LIVE GRAPH curves are separated by the minimum approach
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temperature ∆ T min . For that value of ∆ T min ,
the region of overlap shows the maximum possi-
ble amount of process-to-process heat exchange.
Furthermore, QH, min and QC ,min are the min-
imum utility requirements.

Figure 1. Two hot streams plotted on a temperature –

enthalpy diagram

Figure 2 shows the hot composite curve for

the problem. The cold composite curve is con-
structed in the same way. In practical applica-
tions the number of streams is generally much
greater, but these streams are constructed in ex-
Figure 3. Composite curves showing the pinch and the en-
actly the same way. Figure 3 shows the hot and ergy targets
cold composite curves plotted on the same tem-
perature – enthalpy diagram. The diagram repre-
sents the total heating and cooling requirements 3. Pinch Principle
of the process. LIVE GRAPH
Click here to view Once the pinch and utility targets of a process
have been identified, the three “golden rules”
of pinch technology can be applied. The pro-
cess can be considered as two separate systems
(Fig. 4) – a system above the pinch and a system
below the pinch. The system above the pinch
requires only residual heat and is, therefore, a
heat sink, whereas the system below the pinch
has heat to reject and is, therefore, a heat source.
The three rules are as follows:
1) Heat must not be transferred across the
Figure 2. Hot composite curve
2) There must be no outside cooling above the
Along the enthalpy axis the curves over- 3) There must be no outside heating below the
lap. The hot composite curve can be used to pinch.
heat up the cold composite curve by process-to- If the amount of heat traveling across the pinch is
process heat exchange. However, at either end α, then an extra amount (α) of hot utility must be
an overhang exists such that the top of the cold supplied and an extra amount of cold utility α is
composite curve needs an external heat source required (Fig. 5). Similarly, any outside cooling
(QH , min ) and the bottom of the hot composite of the heat sink and any outside heating of the
curve needs external cooling (QC , min ). These heat source increases the energy requirements.
are known as the hot and cold utility targets. Thus:
Pinch Technology 1077

simply by shifting one or both of the compos-

T =A−α ite curves horizontally relative to the other. Ver-
where tical movement of the composite curves is not
allowed since temperatures are governed by the
T = target energy consumption, process.
A = actual energy consumption If ∆ T min is increased, the overlap decreases
α = cross-pinch heat flow and the energy target increases. However, capital
cost decreases.
To achieve the energy targets, cross-pinch heat
If ∆ T min decreases, capital cost increases
flows must be eliminated.
but energy cost decreases. Therefore, a tradeoff
between energy and capital and, thus, a cost opti-
mum exists. Figure 6 shows the effect of ∆ T min
on energy, capital, and total cost.
Pinch technology provides the value of
∆ T min with the minimum total cost prior to de-
sign. This is determined by a procedure known
as supertargeting [8].

Figure 4. Schematic representation of the systems above

and below the pinch

Figure 6. Energy cost, capital cost, and total cost plotted

against ∆ T min

5. Process Modifications and

Figure 5. Heat transfer across the pinch from heat sink to
heat source The insight into the thermodynamics of the pro-
cess provided by pinch technology enables an
experienced practitioner to identify potentially
4. Energy – Capital Tradeoff advantageous process changes. For example, by
alteration of the temperatures or pressures, it
The composite curves can be moved anywhere may be possible to reduce substantially the en-
parallel to the enthalpy axis, because the com- ergy bill without an adverse effect on the product
posite curves represent changes in enthalpy bet- or process. Proper modification of the process
ween certain temperatures, and not absolute val- also leads to other benefits, such as the removal
ues. Thus, ∆ T min can be increased or decreased of bottlenecks and the improvement of process
1078 Pinch Technology

A systematic search of the data for such op- the projects identified by pinch technology have
portunities is an essential element in any pinch been implemented, in whole or part, in all in-
technology survey. This can be an iterative pro- stances mentioned in Table 1.
cedure: once any beneficial changes are high-
lighted, the composite curves must be redrawn
and the minimum energy needs recalculated, 5.1. Batch Processes
which may then open the way to further process
changes [3], [9]. In the early days pinch technology achieved its
most impressive results in continuous processes,
Table 1. Savings from some applications of pinch technology ∗ but Table 1 includes a number of processes with
exceptionally successful studies in batch opera-
Process description Savings
tions. The key to applying pinch technology in
Crude oil unit savings of ca. $ 1.75×106 at 1.6 year noncontinuous processes lies in the data extrac-
Large petrochemical savings over ca. $ 7.00×106 with
tion. There are no shortcuts; detailed measure-
complex manufacturing paybacks from 12 to 20 months ments and timings of all the process streams are
ethylene, butadiene, essential if cost-saving opportunities are to be
polypropylene found. Where the technology has been applied to
Tailor-made chemicals, savings of ca. $ 0.45×106 at existing operations, there have frequently been
batch process with 30 paybacks of 3 months to 3 years wider process benefits, as well as lower energy
reactors and over 300
products bills. By improved integration of the plant, ca-
Sulfur-based speciality 30 % savings to total site energy bill pacity has often been increased, without ad-
chemicals, batch and (worth ca. $ 0.18×106 at paybacks of
continuous 9 – 16 months
versely affecting operability [10].
Edible oil refinery, batch savings of 70 % of process energy
operation, wide range of equivalent to ca. $ 0.79×106 with
feedstocks paybacks from 12 to 18 months and
debottlenecking equivalent to 15 %
5.2. Cogeneration
increased capacity
Batch processing of dairy savings of 30 % (equivalent to ca. $ The principles governing the correct siting of
products and dried 0.20×106 ) with payback of less than cogeneration systems were established several
beverages 1 year
Brewery savings from 12 % to 25 % of energy
years ago [11], [12]. A pinch study uncovers
costs with paybacks from 9 months to opportunities for introducing such equipment or
2 years optimizing existing units.
“State-of-the-art” whisky significant debottlenecking and
distillery savings of ca. $ 0.35×106 with In the pulp and paper industries, for example,
paybacks from 18 months to 2 years power generation is an important element, and
Paper mill savings of 8 – 20 % of energy bill at pinch technology has been applied successfully
paybacks from 1 to 3 years
Continuous cellulose savings of ca. $ 0.28 × 106 at 1 year to improve performance and to evaluate alterna-
acetate processing payback tives. Some of the examples in Table 1 feature
Continuous dry cement large energy savings the use of cogeneration schemes.
∗ Savings mentioned above are concerned primarily with
energy costs. The majority of the companies also benefited from
increased throughput and improved process flexibility and 5.3. Flexibility
operability; the economic value of these benefits is not included
in the table above. A well-integrated plant need not be less flexi-
ble [5], [6]. In fact, the opposite is the case, with
Since 1983, pinch technology has achieved techniques having been developed to ensure that
energy savings in the range of 10 – 70 %, reduc- flexibility is incorporated into the process design
tions in the capital cost of new plants by up to in the most cost-effective way. For example, it
25 %, increased process capacity by the removal is possible to allow for changes in feedstock and
of bottlenecks, and greater flexibility and oper- product specifications, turndown requirements,
ability. The projects summarized in Table 1 in- and seasonal variations.
dicate the variety of industries in which pinch In a study for Shell, UK, where flexibility
technology has been successfully applied: food, was of paramount importance, an integrated de-
paper, dairy products, whisky, cement, special- sign was produced that included twelve operat-
ity and bulk chemicals, and oil refining. To date, ing modes [13]. Throughput was also increased
Pinch Technology 1079

Figure 7. Example of a process flow diagram

a) Fractionation column; b) Furnace; c) Reactor; d) Stabilizer column; e) Benzene column; f) Toluene column

and energy savings of ca. $ 2×106 were achieved which are mixed with a preheated hydrogen-rich
within a 1.6 year payback period. stream before entering the main reactor. The re-
actor product is cooled and partially separated
before being fed to the first of a series of three
distillation columns, each fitted with a reboiler
and a condenser.
The pinch analysis without process modifi-
cations showed that the utility energy target was
22 % lower than the actual use. The pinch point
occurred at 150 ◦ C on the hot curve.
When the aspect of process modification was
included, it was obvious that on all four of the
columns (the initial fractionation column and the
three distillation columns), the reboiler tempera-
ture was above the pinch and the condenser tem-
Figure 8. Original flow diagram of distillery cooker system perature was below it. If the possibility existed to
a) Water tank; b) Cooker; c) Fermenter; d) Ejector reduce the reboiler temperature to below 150 ◦ C,
where excess heat is readily available, then the
requirement for heating above the pinch would
6. Specific Examples be correspondingly reduced, thus offering sig-
nificant savings. In fact, practical considerations
The two examples that follow give some indi- limited the scope for this change, but change was
cation of the way in which pinch technology is achieved on one of the columns by a reduction
applied to specific problems and help to show of the operating pressure.
why it has had such an impact on every industry
that has used it. The next step was to examine the furnace,
which supplied most of the process heating. The
flue gas exit temperature was well above 150 ◦ C;
6.1. Modification of a Continuous
therefore, recovery of this heat above 150 ◦ C
Process would reduce the heating target. After composite
Figure 7 shows a simplified flow sheet of an or- curves had been redrawn and process modifica-
ganic chemicals plant. The crude feed is sep- tions incorporated, the revised energy target was
arated into residue and light aromatic fractions, less than half the former energy use.
1080 Pinch Technology

The implementation of these proposals pro- need for steam to be brought in. The resulting
duced an integrated design that used 45 % less energy savings were only part of the benefit; the
energy than before, with the investment that was cooking cycle was shortened because the cool-
involved being paid for in less than one year. ing was faster and, thus, a process bottleneck
was removed and the production capacity of the
plant increased. The revised design of the batch
cooker is shown in Figure 9.

7. References
1. B. Linnhoff., D. W. Townsend, D. Boland,
G. F. Hewitt, B. E. A. Thomas, A. R. Guy,
R. H. Marsland: User Guide on Process
Integration for the Efficient Use of Energy,
IChemE (Rugby, UK) 1982.
2. B. Linnhoff, J. A. Turner: “Heat Recovery
Networks – New Insights Yield Big Savings,”
Chem. Eng. November 2, 1981 pp, 56 – 70.
3. B. Linnhoff, D. R. Vredeveld: “Pinch
Technology Has Come of Age,” Chem. Eng.
Prog. July 1984, pp. 33 – 40.
Figure 9. Distillery cooker system after integration 4. B. Linnhoff, A. R. Eastwood: Combined Heat
a) Water tank; b) Cooker, c) Buffer tank; d) Interchanger; and Power and Process Integration,
e) Fermenter Institution of Gas Engineers, 51st Autumn
Meeting, London, November 1985.
5. E. Kotjabasakis, B. Linnhoff: “Sensitivity
6.2. Integration of a Batch Operation Tables for the Design of Flexible Processes,”
Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 64 (1986) 197 – 211.
The batch cooking operation in a distillery is 6. E. Kotjabasakis, B. Linnhoff: Flexible Heat
shown in Figure 8. Preheated water and grain Exchanger Network Design: Comments on the
are cooked by steam injection; cooling begins Problem Definition and on Suitable Solution
by venting steam at above atmospheric pressure Techniques, paper presented at IChemE
to the water preheat tank and is then speeded Symposium “Innovation in Process Energy
by a steam ejector that evaporates water from Utilisation” Bath, 16 – 18 September 1987.
the cooker under vacuum. The cooled batch then 7. E. Kotjabasakis, B. Linnhoff: “Better System
moves to the fermentation stage. Design Reduces Heat Exchanger Fouling
The pinch analysis of the distillery as a whole Costs,” Oil Gas J. September 1987, pp.
had identified the pinch point at 90 ◦ C, which 49 – 56.
8. B. Linnhoff, S. Ahmad: Supertarget: Optimal
meant that a substantial cross-pinch heat trans-
Synthesis of Energy Management Systems,
fer existed within the batch cooking process.
presented at the ASME Winter Meeting,
Vent steam hotter than the pinch was heating the Anaheim, December 1986.
process water below it, and the ejector exhaust 9. B. Linnhoff, H. Dunford, R. Smith: “Heat
steam was being condensed by cooling water. Integration of Distillation Columns into
The cross-pinch heat transfer was eliminated Overall Process,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 38 (1983)
by a series of modifications. By introduction of no. 8, 1175 – 1188.
a buffer tank between the cooker and the fer- 10. B. Linnhoff, G. J. Ashton, E. D. A. Obeng.
menter, the process water could be preheated Process Integration of Batch Processes, paper
from the cooling cooked grain, which was be- presented at the 79th AIChE Annual Meeting,
low the 90 ◦ C pinch, thus eliminating the in- New York November 1987, pp. 15 – 20.
appropriate steam ejector. The vent steam, no 11. D. W. Townsend, B. Linnhoff: “The
longer needed for preheating the process water, Preliminary Design of Networks in Process
was utilized elsewhere on the site to reduce the Design,” Part 1: ‘Criteria for placement of heat
Pinch Technology 1081

and engines and heat pumps in process and Process Matching’, AIChE J. 29 (1983)
networks’, AIChE J. 29 (1983) pp. 742 – 771. no. 5, 748 – 771.
12. D. W. Townsend, B. Linnhoff: “Heat and 13. T. N. Tjoe, B. Linnhoff: “Using Pinch
Power Networks in Process Design,” Part 2: Technology for Process Retrofit,” Chem. Eng.
‘Design Procedure for Equipment Selection April 28 (1986) pp. 47 – 60.

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