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1. It is important to answer each question within the specified word limit. However, there is
a relaxation of 10% (+/-) in the wordcount of each question.

2. The first three questions are compulsory to be answered and the candidate has the
option to choose fourth questions from the last 4 questions provided (Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7).

3. The candidates are allowed to search any source of internet for answering their
questions but don’t copy paste the answers or don’t copy with your colleagues.

4. The submission should be made till 4 pm irrespective of the fact that you have completed
all the questions or not (You will be graded based on questions answered by you).

Q.1. Give a brief overview about yourself. (100 words)


My name is Morris Ahari, I'm 22 years old, and I'm currently in my final semester
pursuing a B.Tech in Computer Science at JECRC University .While I was there, I
learned a lot of theoretical information on subjects like programming, web
development, object-oriented programming, and others. I also held a GPA of 8.54
while serving on the core team of the Uipath community on my campus.

I put a lot of effort into my education, and I'm now ready to put what I've learned
to use. Despite the fact that I lack any actual work experience, I have a lot of
exposure to management and leadership. As a lead coordinator, I organised
numerous hackathons and botathons. In many of my classes, students worked with
actual businesses to address actual challenges.

Q.2. What is information system? Define any two real-life applications of the information
system (150 Words)


An information system, specifically one utilised within an organisation, is made up of a combination of

hardware, software, and communication networks. Information technology is widely used by organisations to
carry out and manage operations, communicate with customers, and outperform rivals.

The two real-life applications of the information system are-

1. Changing the conduct and attitudes of employees-

Employing information systems to boost employee-employer communication is a good idea. Employees are
given additional authority through an effective information system that makes pertinent information more
accessible and allows them to participate in decision-making.

2. Information/Data Storage-

Despite the fact that businesses require accurate information to produce better products and services, they also
need a dependable, economical system to store that information and provide quick data access when necessary.
Furthermore, a strong information system aids organisations in maintaining logs of crucial actions and storing
priceless assets including communication histories, revision histories, activity logs, operational statistics, and
other pertinent documents.

Q.3. The chart below shows the number of men and women pursuing higher education in Britain
in three periods and whether they were studying full-time or part-time. Summarize the
information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
(150 Words)


The statistics on full-time and part-time further education among British citizens from 1970 to 1991 is displayed in the form of
bar graphs. The graphs show that during the specified time, more men and women studied full-time than part-time.

Initially, in 1970 and 1971, about 1000 thousand male were in full-time further education and this number decreased to average
850 thousand for 1980 and 750 thousand for 1990. On the contrary, this number for part-time students increased over the time
though the number was many times lower than the number of people in full-time education in 1970-71. But during 1980-1991 the
difference between both was gradually decreasing. On the other hand, in 1970, the total number of females who were engaged in
part-time education was 600 thousand and this number increased over time and reached to 1000 thousand in 1990/91 which was
even higher than the number of males who were in full-time further education in this year. The female part-time students number
decreased over the time and reached to over 550 thousand in 1990 from the initial number of 900 thousand in 1970.

Select any one question from the following and answer accordingly (300
words- 150 words per part)


a) Is it possible to use a binary search algorithm on a linked list? If yes, then explain.

Ans a- If the list is ordered and we know how many elements are in the list, then binary search is possible on
the linked list. However, we can access a single element at a time while sorting the list using a pointer to that
node, i.e. either the previous node or the next node. This increases the number of traversal steps required to
discover the middle member in a linked list. It is hence sluggish and ineffective.

In contrast, the binary search on an array is quick and effective since it can access any element in the array in a
fixed amount of time. Just say "array[middle]" to navigate to the array's centre. Since we cannot directly access
an element from a linked list at a random location, binary search cannot be implemented in a linked list.

b) Explain the difference between divide and conquer programming and dynamic programming
algorithms with example?

Ans b-The main difference between divide and conquer and dynamic programming is that the divide and
conquer combines the solutions of the sub-problems to arrive at the solution of the main problem, while
dynamic programming employs the results of the sub-problems to discover the best solution to the main
problem. Divide and conquer is recursive while dynamic programming is non-recursive. Another difference
between divide-and-conquer and dynamic programming is the time consumption. By dividing the problem into
smaller ones, it is possible to solve each one separately. As a result, it takes more time. On the other hand,
dynamic programming makes advantage of the solutions to the earlier sub problems. Therefore, it takes less

Example for Divide and conquer is matrix multiplication. This process involves dividing a matrix into smaller
square matrices, solving these smaller square matrices, and merging their solutions into larger results.

Example of Dynamic programming is fibonacci series. A fibonacci series is the sequence of numbers in which
each number is the sum of the two preceding ones.


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