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Our group topic, “Covid-19” refers to the recent global pandemic which struck our earth three (3)
years ago. Our group investigated different types of impacts our country and world experienced during
that time under this topic which were Education, Economy, Deaths and Vaccines were subtopics we
chose to research.
We met after school via WhatsApp, discussed our articles and chose the best three articles which
fitted our topic. From our twelve (12) articles we chose two poems “In the Time of Plague” (2020) by N.
Scott Momaday and “I’m Here: a poem about unemployment” (2021) by Jordan and an internet article
“Education and the Covid-19 pandemic” (2020) by Sir John Daniel. Although Covid-19 is an important
topic in our society today, articles for the topic like “Covid-19 effect on Education” were difficult to find
since these topics were barely talked about since the economy, deaths and vaccines were more important.
The poem “In the Time of Plague” talks about when humans are in isolation at the beginning of the
pandemic when it all started. Humans social distancing and wearing masks not wanting to contract this
deadly virus. The internet article “Education and the Covid-19 pandemic” talks about school being closed
because of the disease that struck the world. The article also talked about the preparations involved in
getting the students in online school, assessments, curricula, and after covid-19. The poem “I’m Here: a
poem about unemployment” shows how Covid affected people mentally and financially.

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