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Origins and Evolution of Hepatitis B Virus

and Hepatitis D Virus

Margaret Littlejohn, Stephen Locarnini, and Lilly Yuen

Molecular Research and Development, Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory,
Doherty Institute, Melbourne 3000, Australia

Members of the family Hepadnaviridae fall into two subgroups: mammalian and avian. The
detection of endogenous avian hepadnavirus DNA integrated into the genomes of zebra
finches has revealed a deep evolutionary origin of hepadnaviruses that was not previously
recognized, dating back at least 40 million and possibly .80 million years ago. The non-
primate mammalian members of the Hepadnaviridae include the woodchuck hepatitis
virus (WHV), the ground squirrel hepatitis virus, and arctic squirrel hepatitis virus, as well
as a number of members of the recently described bat hepatitis virus. The identification of
hepatitis B viruses (HBVs) in higher primates, such as chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and
gibbons that cluster with the human HBV, as well as a number of recombinant forms between
humans and primates, further implies a more complex origin of this virus. We discuss the
current theories of the origin and evolution of HBV and propose a model that includes cross-
species transmissions and subsequent recombination events on a genetic backbone of ge-

notype C HBV infection. The hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a defective RNA virus requiring
the presence of the HBV for the completion of its life cycle. The origins of this virus re-
main unknown, although some recent studies have suggested an ancient African radiation.
The age of the association between HDV and HBV is also unknown.

he long-term evolutionary history of the reverse transcriptase (RT) lacks proofreading

T hepatitis B virus (HBV) remains elusive
and controversial. Numerous theories have
ability and allows nucleotide misincorporation
during genome replication, HBV is expected to
been proposed for the origin of HBV (Sim- have a high mutation rate. Indeed, commonly
monds 2001), but they do not adequately ex- accepted rates for HBVare 2.0  1025 nucleo-
plain the current geographical distribution of tide substitutions per site per year (Orito et al.
the HBV genotypes (Fig. 1). These theories are 1989). However, this rate inferred that the most
predominantly derived from molecular phylo- recent common ancestor (MRCA) for human
genetic analyses of the HBV genome, but the HBVs is 2000 to 3000 years old. It could be
timescales inferred by these methods are possible that HBV genotypes have emerged
strongly influenced by the parameters and sta- within this time frame, but it is insufficient to
tistical algorithms used during the inferencing allow for the complete global expansion of HBV
process, with a key parameter being the muta- infections in .350 million chronically infected
tion rate of the organism. Because the HBV humans and primates.

Editors: Christoph Seeger and Stephen Locarnini

Additional Perspectives on Hepatitis B and Delta Viruses available at
Copyright # 2016 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a021360
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M. Littlejohn et al.

B6, D, A
B6, A/B
A2, B6, C2, D, F1 A2

B, C, A2, D, G C
D C2 B1
A, D

F, H A3
B2–5, 7–9
E C3


A1 A, B1, C
B, C, D

A, D

A, B, C, D

Figure 1. Geographical distribution of the HBV genotypes and subgenotypes. Genotype I and J are not shown as
they have not been ratified by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV); genotype I is found
in Southern China and Vietnam, whereas genotype J was identified from a Japanese soldier who had spent time
in Borneo. Subgenotype C3 in the Western Pacific is referring to Melanesian areas, such as the Solomon Islands
and Vanuatu. (From Spradling et al. 2013; with permission from the authors.)

The disparity between the inferred MRCA of host cellular RNA, including the recognition of
human HBV and the current geographical dis- circular RNA, have led to new models and hy-
tribution may also be explained by the unique potheses on this topic.
features of the HBV itself. To elucidate the evo- In this review, theories on the possible ori-
lutionary history of HBV, it is necessary to con- gins of human HBVand HDV will be discussed,
sider the complex genome structure of this vi- as well as the evolutionary processes involved
rus. The HBV genome is mainly composed of with emergence of the current 10 known major
overlapping open reading frames (ORFs), which genotypes of HBVand eight genotypes of HDV.
limit nonsynonymous mutations, and a signifi-
cant proportion of the single coding regions are
either embedded within regulatory elements or
are involved in secondary structure interactions. The human HBV is the prototype member of
This compact organization of the viral genome the family Hepadnaviridae. Detailed informa-
places considerable constraints on where nucle- tion about the virus can be found in Burns and
otide substitutions can occur, and suggests a Thompson (2014). The Hepadnaviridae family
substantially slower long-term mutation rate. comprises two genera: Orthohepadnaviruses
In contrast, far fewer theories have been pro- that infect mammals, and Avihepadnaviruses
posed for the origin and evolution of the hepa- that infect avian species (Table 1). The phyloge-
titis D virus (HDV). Given that the HDV ge- netic relatedness between the Hepadnaviridae
nome is composed of a viroid-like component species is shown in Figure 2.
and a protein-coding component, a plausible
theory is that the viral genome was the product
of a recombination event between RNA mole-
cules derived from different sources (Taylor The ability for hepadnaviruses to undergo en-
2014). However, recent revelations concerning dogenization into the host genome has only

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Origins and Evolution of HBV and HDV

Table 1. Comparison of the different members of the Hepadnaviridae family

Physical characteristics
Genome size 3182–3284 3308–3320 3149–3377 3021– 3027
nt Homology with HBV 100 70 48 40
Number of ORFs 4 4 4 4
ORF—amino acid lengths
Pre-S 163 204–205 159–224 161– 163
S 226 222 223–224 167
Pre-C 29 30 28 –33 43
C 183 187 188–189 262
P 838 879 827–902 786– 788
X 145 141 135–144 114
HBV, hepatitis B virus; WHV, woodchuck hepatitis virus; BtHV, bat hepatitis virus; DHBV, duck hepatitis B virus; nt,
nucleos(t)ides; ORFs, open reading frames; Pre-S, presurface; S, surface; pre-C, precore; C, core; P, polymerase.

been realized in recent years. The first evidence tions estimated to have occurred during a peri-
of HBV-derived endogenous viral elements od of bird evolution from 12 to 82 mya (Suh
(EVEs) was identified by BLAST-based analyses et al. 2013), and constituted the first discovery
on the zebra finch genome, although this of a Mesozoic paleovirus genome (.82 mya).
bird species is not productively infected with Not surprisingly then, birds have been proposed

a hepatitis virus today (Gilbert and Feschotte as the ancestral hosts of Hepadnaviridae, and
2010). Gilbert and Feschotte (2010) identified mammalian HBVs probably emerged after a
at least 12 HBV-derived endogenous sequences, bird– mammal host switch (Suh et al. 2013).
extending over 4% – 40% of the “modern-day” These paleovirological studies support a reeval-
duck HBV (DHBV) genome, and labeled them uation of current theories on hepadnaviral ori-
endogenous zebra finch HBVs (eZHBVs). Phy- gins and subsequent evolution.
logenetic analysis suggested the integration
events occurred at least 19 million years ago HBV AS A ZOONOTIC INFECTION
(mya). The study also identified orthologous
insertions in other bird genomes of the order Bat Hepadnaviruses
Passeriformes, including other finch species The recent identification of the bat hepatitis
(Estrildidae family), the olive sunbird (Nectar- virus (BtHV) has substantially changed the per-
iniidae family), and the dark-eyed junco (Em- ception of the zoonotic potential of HBV
berizidae family) (Gilbert and Feschotte 2010). (Drexler et al. 2013; He et al. 2013). The pro-
Subsequent to this landmark study, similar avi- portion of BtHV DNA-positive bats ranged
hepadnaviral elements have been identified in from 2.2% to 9.3% in the various bat species
the genome of budgerigars of the order Psitta- (Drexler et al. 2013; He et al. 2013). There are
ciformes (Cui and Holmes 2012). Comparative .1100 species of bats (Chiroptera) in the world,
phylogenetic analysis on these endogenous and representing 25% of all known species of
existing exogenous avian hepadnaviruses estab- mammals on Earth (Drexler et al. 2011). Mul-
lished the eZHBVs are far more divergent than tiple factors, such as longevity, migratory activ-
modern-day DHBVs and form their own dis- ity, large and dense roosting communities, and
tinct lineages (Gilbert and Feschotte 2010), in- close social interaction, predispose bats as res-
dicative of multiple or recurrent genomic inte- ervoirs for a wide diversity of viruses (Calisher
gration events. A more recent study reported a et al. 2006). This “viral burden” or “virome” in
genomic record of Hepadnaviridae endogeniza- bats can have considerable public health signifi-

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M. Littlejohn et al.

Asian nonhuman primates

63 AB486012_HBV-J
73 Primate hepatitis virus
African nonhuman primates
98 Genotypes A + B + C + I
Genotypes D + E + G
Genotypes F + H
99 RBHBV + HBHBV Bat hepatitis virus
70 72
99 WHV Rodent hepatitis virus

94 Avihepadnavirus

0.5 64

Figure 2. Maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenetic tree showing the genetic relationships between all members of
the Hepadnaviridae family. These include 219 complete hepatitis B virus (HBV) genomes determined from
primate, rodent, bat, and avian species. Primate HBV sequences were from humans (genotypes A–J), nonhu-
man primates from Asia (gibbons and orangutans), apes from Africa (chimpanzees and gorilla), and woolly
monkey hepatitis B virus (WMHBV). Rodent HBV sequences were from ground squirrel hepatitis virus
(GSHV), arctic squirrel hepatitis virus (ASHV), and woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV), whereas the bat
HBV sequences were from Burmese long-fingered bats (LBHBV), African roundleaf bats (RBHBV), African
horseshoe bats (HBHBV), and tent-making bats (TBHBV) from Panama. The avihepadnavirus HBV sequences
were determined from duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV), Ross goose hepatitis virus (RGHBV), crane hepatitis B
virus (CHBV), heron hepatitis B virus (HHBV), stork hepatitis B virus (STHBV), and parrot hepatitis B virus
(PHBV). The ML tree was bootstrapped 1000 and only values .50% are shown.

cance (Drexler et al. 2012). Although the trans- into liver cells (Yan et al. 2012). In vitro studies
mission mode for the majority of bat-borne have also confirmed that BtHV has the potential
viruses has not been elucidated, they can readily to infect human hepatocytes, thereby posing a
be passed to other mammals resulting in out- very real public health threat, particularly in bat-
breaks of epidemic and life-threatening propor- infested areas (Drexler et al. 2013).
tions (Dobson 2005; Chu et al. 2008). Ongoing The genomic structure of BtHV is similar to
studies are in progress to determine the tropism the other orthohepadnaviruses (Table 1), and
and prevalence of BtHVs in other bat species, is similar in size to the primate HBVs and ro-
as well as their possible zoonotic potential. It dent hepatitis viruses. Although the genomic
should be noted that the PreS1 protein of diversity of BtHV genomes to all known hepad-
BtHV contains the motif [NPLGF(F/L)] (Ni et naviruses is .35%, it should be noted that the
al. 2014), which enables human HBV to bind to BtHVs isolated from the four bat species to date
the hepatocyte receptor sodium taurocholate also have genomic diversities of up to 39% be-
cotransporting protein (NTCP) and gain entry tween each other (Fig. 2) (Drexler et al. 2013),

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Origins and Evolution of HBV and HDV

suggesting that BtHV originated in bats a long (Ni et al. 2014). Thus, drawing from the evolu-
time ago, possibly during the early phases of bat tionary history of HIV-1 and HIV-2 that were
evolution, and the different species of BtHVs initiated from cross-species transmission of
have since coevolved with their host species. simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) from in-
fected chimpanzees, gorillas, and macaques into
Rodent and Avian Hepadnaviruses humans (Sharp and Hahn 2011), a similar sce-
nario may have occurred between the nonhu-
Although rodent and avian HBVs cannot infect
man and human primate hepadnaviruses. De-
primary human hepatocytes in vitro, it is known
termination of the timing of these events could
that infectious cDNA constructs from these
provide important insights into HBV origins
HBVs can replicate, assemble, and release infec-
and subsequent evolution.
tious virus when transfected into human hepa-
tocytes (Schlicht et al. 1987; Seeger et al. 1989).
Thus, these groups of viruses are unlikely to pose HUMAN HBV
a zoonotic threat to man. Nonetheless, the Role of HBV Genotype and Subgenotypes
proposal discussed above that members of Avi-
Classification of human HBVs is based on phy-
hepadnaviridae made a zoonotic jump to mam-
logenetic analysis of the complete viral genome
mals (Suh et al. 2013) will require further exper-
(Miyakawa and Mizokami 2003; Norder et al.
imentation to validate in terms of specific virus-
2004; Olinger et al. 2008; Tatematsu et al. 2009).
cell receptors, such as NTCP (Yan et al. 2012).
The convention is to group HBVs with up to
8% nucleotide divergence in their complete ge-
Nonhuman Primate Hepadnaviruses nome sequences into genotypes, and intrageno-
Natural infections with species-specific Hepad- typic HBVs with 4% – 8% nucleotide divergence

naviridae have been well documented for go- into subgenotypes (Okamoto et al. 1988; Nor-
rillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, gibbons, and der et al. 1994; Sugauchi et al. 2001). Human
woolly monkeys (Norder et al. 1996; Lanford HBVs are currently classified into 10 genotypes
et al. 1998; Warren et al. 1999; Grethe et al. (A-J) and a growing number of subgenotypes.
2000; Robertson and Margolis 2002; Sall et al. It was evident soon after the classification
2005), and there is a strong association between scheme was introduced in 1988 that HBV geno-
their genetic relatedness and the natural habitat types have distinct geographical distributions
locations of these primates (Starkman et al. (Okamoto et al. 1988), and this association
2003). For example, gorilla HBV genomes are formed the base from which the majority of
most closely related to those of chimpanzee HBV evolutionary theories were constructed
HBVs from Pan troglodytes troglodytes, and their (see section on Theories of HBV Origins). The
habitats are located in overlapping geographical current global distribution of HBV genotypes is
ranges (Starkman et al. 2003), whereas HBV shown in Figure 1, and more detail on the topic
isolated from chimpanzee species in other re- can be found in a review by Kramvis et al.
gions are genetically more distantly related. This (2005a) (genotypes A– H) and in a number of
relationship is comparable to the current geo- other study reports (genotypes I and J) (Seeger
graphical distribution of human HBV geno- et al. 1989; Norder et al. 2004; Tatematsu et al.
types. More interestingly, phylogenetic analysis 2009). Interestingly, evidence is emerging that
performed on the genomes of all primate HBVs HBV subgenotypes also have distinct geograph-
has revealed that both human and nonhuman ical distributions as shown in Figure 1, implying
primates do belong to the same lineage, and no an important role in the evolutionary history
distinct MRCAs could be inferred for the two of HBV. For example, phylogenetic analysis on
primate groups (see Fig. 2). the complete HBV genome sequences showed
The nonhuman primate HBVs share the that genotypes A– D and F can be further divid-
consensus PreS1 sequence that allows binding ed into subgenotypes (identified by numbers).
to the NTCP receptor on human hepatocytes Some subgenotypes, such as D1, D2, and D3, are

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M. Littlejohn et al.

widely distributed (Kimbi et al. 2004; Banerjee Second, HBV mutations have the tendency to
et al. 2006), whereas others show distinct geo- “revert” back to the genotype consensus over
graphical localization. For instance, A1 is pre- time (“genotypic self-reversion”), thus, suggest-
dominantly found in Africa and Asia, whereas ing that the HBV genome would not have
A2 is mainly found in Europe and North Amer- changed significantly over time despite having
ica (Sugauchi et al. 2004a); B1 is confined to a high mutation rate (“The Red Queen hypoth-
Japan, whereas B2 (a genotype B and C recom- esis”) (Tedder et al. 2013). These observations
binant) is found in the rest of Asia (Sugauchi further support the model that HBV has a long
et al. 2004b); and C1 is the dominant strain in evolutionary history and may have coevolved
South and Southeast Asia, whereas C2 is mainly with humans in the ancient past.
found in North Asia (Huy et al. 2004; Chan et al. The fortuitous finding of an HBV-infected
2005). By using a variety of phylogenetic meth- mummified child from 16th century Korea pro-
ods, Kramvis and Paraskevis (2013) were able to vided a unique opportunity to recalculate the
show HBV-A1 originated in Africa, and that its mutation rate of HBV (Kahila Bar-Gal et al.
presence in Asia and Latin America was the con- 2012). Phylogenetic analysis of this ancient
sequence of the slave trade operating from the HBV (aHBV) confirmed the child was infected
9th to 19th centuries. Conversely, the absence with HBV-C2 (Ahn et al. 2010). Using a range of
of subgenotypes in HBV genotype E has been mutation rates not slower than 1026 s/s/y (Ori-
assumed to be the consequence of its more re- to et al. 1989, 2001; Zhou and Holmes 2007),
cent genesis (Mulders et al. 2004; Fujiwara et al. Korean HBV was estimated to have originated
2005; Kramvis et al. 2005b; Huy et al. 2006). This sometime between 3000 and 100,000 years ago.
is supported by the observation that HBV-E has This timeframe conclusively places HBV in East
not been isolated from Americans of African Asia at least 3000 years ago (Orito et al. 1989;

origin, who are mainly descendants of African Jazayeri et al. 2010). However, nucleotide diver-
slaves from Venezuela and Brazil (Quintero et al. gence analysis surprisingly revealed that the
2002; Motta-Castro et al. 2005). aHBV genome had up to 97% identity with
other modern HBV-C2 genome sequences
from Korea, despite being isolated from a child
Mutation Rate of the Hepadnavirus Genome
who had lived 350 years previously. This find-
An essential factor for calculating the evolution- ing strongly supports the hypothesis that the
ary divergence of hepadnaviruses is the inferred long-term mutation rate of HBV is substantially
mutation rate of the virus genome. It is defined slower (1026 – 1027 s/s/y) than the currently ac-
as the number of base substitutions within the cepted range (1024 – 1025 s/s/y).
genome per site per year of continuous virus
replication in the host. HBV mutation rates are
Mixed Infections and the Role
often inferred by comparing the HBV sequences
of Recombination
either from mothers and children of maternally
acquired cases, or chronic carriers over a specific Double infection with two different HBV geno-
time frame. However, these mutation rates are types was first shown using serological methods
considered short term, and should be used with (Hess et al. 1977; Tabor et al. 1977). The advanc-
caution. There are two important observations es made in genotyping methodologies have en-
to support this claim. First, mutation rates can abled double infections of HBV, with different
vary by at least one order of magnitude if the genotypes, to be detected in patients with
HBV genome sequences used for inferencing chronic hepatitis B (Kao et al. 2001). Numerous
were from individuals in the HBeAg-negative studies have since described high rates of such
phase (anti-HBe-positive) of disease instead of double infections with different HBV geno-
being in the asymptomatic HBeAg-positive types, ranging from 4.0% to 18.0% (Ding et al.
phase (1024 vs. 1025 substitutions per site per 2003; Kato et al. 2003; Osiowy and Giles 2003;
year [s/s/y], respectively) (Harrison et al. 2011). Chen et al. 2004; Olinger et al. 2006).

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Origins and Evolution of HBV and HDV

Coinfection or even superinfection with two driven by host– virus relationship and patho-
different HBV genotypes in the same host may genesis of chronic hepatitis B. Simmonds and
enable exchange and recombination of genetic Midgley (2005) have also described the HBV
materials between two viral strains to take place. genome as modular, representing a blend of
There are many opportunities throughout the small segments from genomes of different hu-
HBV life cycle for this to occur, including man and primate HBV strains. Given the op-
RNA– RNA during packaging of pregenomic portunity, key antigenic epitopes in the enve-
RNA, as well as DNA– DNA during reverse lope and core proteins that are associated with
transcription and generation of double-strand- immune escape, as well as binding sites for tran-
ed linear genomes (Yang and Summers 1995). scription factors that control viral replication
Opportunities are also present during RNA (Fischer et al. 2006), can rapidly emerge via re-
transcription from the two main subpopula- combination events within the genome of
tions of minichromosomes for recombination HBVs in endemic countries.
events to occur (Newbold et al. 1995). Simmonds and Midgley (2005) and Yang
Some HBV recombinants are now endemic and colleagues (2006) have tested for the pres-
in certain geographic regions, and have been ence of recombination in the HBV genome us-
assigned their own genotype or subgenotype. ing tree-order scanning. Most (90%) of the re-
Most notable is the recombination between iso- combinants detected were either B/C or A/D
lates of HBV genotypes B and C (Sugauchi et al. hybrids. Other recombinants identified includ-
2002), resulting in HBV subgenotype B2, which ed A/B/C, A/C, A/E, A/G, C/D, C/F, C/G,
contains the precore and core genes of an HBV C/U (U ¼ unknown genotype) and B/C/U
genotype C, and is found throughout Asia (Su- hybrids. Genotypes A and C tend to show a
gauchi et al. 2002). The parent subgenotype B1 higher tendency for recombination than other

is not a recombinant and is mainly confined to genotypes, and up to eight breakpoint hotspots
Japan. Subgenotype HBV genotype I can be re- have now been mapped as crossover points for
garded as a triple recombinant containing ele- intergenotype recombination (Fig. 3B). Inter-
ments from genotypes A, G, and C, and is pre- species recombination events between human
dominantly found in Vietnam (Huy et al. 2008), and chimpanzee HBV (Magiorkinis et al.
whereas genotype J appears to represent a re- 2005), as well as the human and gibbon HBV
combinant between genotype C and gibbon (Fig. 3A) (Tatematsu et al. 2009) discussed pre-
HBV (Fig. 3A) (Tatematsu et al. 2009). Other viously, have also been described. The former
recognized recombinants that localize to specif- study characterized an HBV-recombinant that
ic regions have also been described, including was isolated from a wild-caught chimpanzee
the C/D-recombinant circulating in Tibet (Cui (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in East Africa
et al. 2002; Wang et al. 2005; Zeng et al. 2005). (Vartanian et al. 2002). The genome of this iso-
The HBV genome has a very complex struc- late (FG) contained a segment from human
ture with the majority of genes located in over- HBV subgenotype C2, supporting the occur-
lapping reading frames, and viral regulatory el- rence of recombination among various primate
ements embedded within coding regions. Thus, HBV strains, which may have played an impor-
HBV genomes are expected to have alternating tant role in the current distribution of HBV
regions of variable and conserved domains. genotypes and subgenotypes following Homo
Bowyer and Sim (2000) referred to these do- sapiens exit from Africa and subsequent global
mains as mosaic structures, and showed that diaspora (see section on HBV and Indigenous
some of the more variable regions were associ- Populations).
ated with recombination events rather than ac-
cumulation of point mutations. It is possible
that modern HBV genomes comprise allelic
modules with different properties caused by At least five theories have been proposed on the
evolutionary selection pressure on key regions, origins of HBV.

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M. Littlejohn et al.

A preS2 preS2
S1 S1
pre pre
Po Po
l s l

genotype Gibbon

Co Co
re re

core preS2 Pre
pr eS1
Po x




B preS2


5 2

4 3



Figure 3. Diagrammatic representations of recombination among hepatitis B viruses (HBVs). (A) Gibbon HBV
and a human genotype C HBV, recombining in the core gene to generate the genotype J. (B) Modular (at least
eight) nature of the HBV genome recognized from common HBV recombinants identified to date (Simmonds
and Midgley 2005; Bowyer and Sim 2000). Simmonds and Midgley (2005) have identified each one of these as a
major phylogenetic discontinuity, which they propose has led to the emergence of the major HBV genotypes
recognized today.

1. New World origin (out of South America): en the current geographical spread of global
This account suggests that human HBV had HBV genotypes, and the presence of HBV in
originated in the Americas and was brought nonhuman primate species. The isolation of
into the Old World during the last 400 years the aHBV from the Korean mummy dating
after contact with Europeans (Bollyky et al. from the 16th century (Kahila Bar-Gal et al.
1997). This theory is difficult to reconcile giv- 2012) also strongly contradicts this theory.

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Origins and Evolution of HBV and HDV

2. Cospeciation: A second theory suggests that and nonhuman primate HBVs proposes
Hepadnaviridae have evolved in parallel to several instances of cross-species transmis-
specific species of primates over the past 10 – sion. This is supported by the finding that
35 million years. This theory is supported geographical regions with potentially high
by the times of divergence inferred between HBV transmission rates between human
the different ortho- (mammals) and avi- and nonhuman primates are also areas of
(birds) Hepadnaviridae being similar to those high HBV prevalence among humans (i.e.,
inferred between the respective hosts based Southeast Asia and Africa). There are several
on phylogeny as well as fossil-based evidence reports of known cross-species transmission
(MacDonald et al. 2000). Additionally, chim- cases, such as human HBV identified from
panzees of different geographical regions chimpanzees (Hu et al. 2000; Takahashi et
have chimpanzee hepatitis B virus (ChHBV) al. 2000), the identification of human/pri-
with genome sequences that constitute mate HBV recombinants (Magiorkinis et al.
unique phylogenetic clades, thus, further sup- 2005; Simmonds and Midgley 2005), infec-
porting HBV cospeciation, at least in chim- tion of Mauritian macaques with human
panzees (Hu et al. 2001). However, the high HBV (Dupinay et al. 2013), and a gibbon
level of similarity between the HBV genome variant isolated from a chimpanzee (Grethe
sequences from gorillas and chimpanzees, in et al. 2000), which would lend substantial
particular from P. t. troglodytes with whom credence to this model.
gorillas share an overlapping geographical
5. Bat origin: A theory put forward recently
range, poses a problem for this interpretation.
following the detection of Hepadnaviridae
3. Coevolution as anatomically modern hu- in several bat species (Drexler et al. 2013)

mans (AMH) migrated out of Africa: An al- suggests a bat origin of primate hepadnavi-
ternative theory is that human HBV has co- ruses. This theory could explain the unex-
evolved with AMH since their migration out pected absence of HBV detection in other
of Africa 100,000 years ago (Norder et al. primate species, including cercopithecoid
1994; Magnius and Norder 1995). Although monkeys and other non-Simiiformes mon-
this theory can explain the current geograph- keys.
ical spread of HBV genotypes, it does not fit
Given the arguments for and against each of
with the close genetic relationships observed
these five theories, it is probable that HBV evo-
between primate and human HBV. Another
lution cannot be explained by any single theory.
inconsistency is that Native Americans
The reality probably involves cospecies evolu-
predominantly have genotype F infections,
tion within birds, rodents, and bats, followed by
whereas northeast-Asians, who are their clos-
a series of cross-species transmission events to
est relatives genetically, have genotypes B and
explain the close relationship between human
C infections. Nonetheless, support for this
and nonhuman primate HBVs observed today.
“out of Africa” theory is found in a recent
Challenges for any unifying theory include the
study by Paraskevis and colleagues using
high level of genome divergence observed be-
Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of hepatitis B
tween HBV sequences of New World woolly
surface antigen gene sequences, who con-
monkeys and other nonhuman primates, which
cluded HBV “jumped” into humans between
cannot be explained by the cross-species trans-
22,000 and 47,100 years ago from an un-
mission theory, and also that HBV has only
known source, and proposed that humans
been detected in rodent species of the New
then went on to infect nonhuman primates
World. If HBV coevolved with avian, rodent,
in Africa, Asia, and the New World (Paraske-
and primate species, then why is it not found
vis et al. 2013).
in all rodent and primate species? In addition, if
4. Cross-species transmission: A theory that ex- HBV emerged out of Africa with AMH, then
plains the close relationship between human why are people from the New World, who are

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M. Littlejohn et al.

genetically most closely related to humans in prising admixtures, with up to 4% of Neander-

the Far East, predominantly infected with thal DNA found in the nuclear DNA of modern
HBV genotypes F and H rather than the genet- Europeans and Asians (with none in Africans)
ically unrelated HBV genotypes B and C that are and up to 5% of Denisovan DNA in Melane-
found in the Far East? sians from Papua New Guinea and the Bougain-
ville Islands. Importantly, no Denisovan DNA
has yet been detected in the genome of Nean-
derthals or other living humans. Additionally,
using the DNA sequences from 61 loci of mod-
All evidence discussed thus far supports a long ern African genomes, Hammer and colleagues
and complex evolutionary history for HBV, and (2011) inferred that 2% of H. sapiens DNA
its origin could even date back to the Cretaceous originated 35 thousand years ago (kya) from
period when birds first began to emerge (see an archaic population that had split from the
section on Viral Genomic Fossils). An impor- ancestors of AMH about 700 kya. Taken togeth-
tant missing element in all of the theories pro- er, these results suggest interbreeding between
posed on primate HBV origin to date is the in- ancestors of H. sapiens and archaic humans on
fluence of archaic hominids on the evolution of at least three occasions (Fig. 4). This AMH or-
this virus. igin model has been termed “leaky replace-
The sequencing of two archaic human ge- ment,” as opposed to the complete sequen-
nomes (Neanderthal [Green et al. 2010] and tial replacement of the archaic population
Denisovan [Reich et al. 2010]) has resulted in model (Gibbons 2011). The influence of these
a reappraisal of human evolution. Examination various groups of archaic humans on the evo-
of the two ancient DNA sets revealed some sur- lutionary history of HBV would be difficult

Modern “Archaic” African (Nigerian)
lineage French

Vindija Neanderthal

Neanderthal Interbreeding

500,000 100,000 0

Time (years)

Figure 4. The human family tree updated with the recent recognition of admixtures between the common Homo
sapiens lineage with an archaic African (Nigerian) as well as with the Neanderthal and Denisovan lineage. This
has become known as the “leaky replacement model” of anatomically modern human (AMH) origins. (From
Gibbons 2011; modified, with permission, from the author.)

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Origins and Evolution of HBV and HDV

to decipher. However, the possibility that hu- of indigenous Australians and related popula-
man HBV may have originated, at least in tions (Melanesians) had diversified from the
part, from these archaic humans should not be Eurasian population before their split into Eu-
discounted. ropean and Asian populations (Rasmussen et al.
2011). If these archaic populations were infect-
ed with HBV at a similar endemicity as seen in
the indigenous populations of today, then it
may be possible to hypothesize an alternative
Present-day indigenous Australians are likely to origin of HBV genotypes, reflecting their geo-
be one of the oldest continuous populations of graphical distribution. Molecular phylogenetic
AMH outside Africa (Rasmussen et al. 2011). studies of HBV genotypes repeatedly show that
Comparative analysis between the genomes of the genotype C viruses appear to be the oldest
an indigenous Australian who lived 100 years of the human HBVs (Paraskevis et al. 2013) and
ago in southern Western Australia and 1220 liv- their HBsAg is the closest of all the other hu-
ing individuals of 79 populations, confirmed man HBVs to the primate hepatitis viruses
that indigenous Australians are descendants of (Norder et al. 2004). It is important to note
the early wave ( presumably first) of human dis- then that indigenous Australians are infected
persal into Eastern Asia (Sunda) possibly 62,000 with a unique HBV subgenotype C4, which
to 75,000 years ago (Fig. 5) (Rasmussen et al. may very well represent the oldest strain of
2011). This study further showed that this dis- HBV infecting AMH (Davies et al. 2013; Little-
persal was separate from the wave that gave rise john et al. 2014).
to modern Europeans and Asians 25,000 to Although the geographical distribution of
38,000 years ago. This two-wave model of H. HBV genotypes and subgenotypes does provide

sapiens migration proposes that the ancestors some insights into HBV evolutionary relation-

15–30 kyBP


25–38 kyBP AB

YRI 62–75 kyBP

ca. 50 kyBP

Figure 5. Reconstruction of early spread of modern humans outside Africa. YRI, Yoruba; ABR, Australian
Aboriginal; CEU, European; HAN, Han Chinese; kyBP, thousand years before present. (From Rasmussen
et al. 2011; with permission from the authors.)

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M. Littlejohn et al.

ships and history (Paraskevis et al. 2013), the However, there are at least two conundrums
impact of significant population movements to be addressed. First, why is there no genotype
needs to be taken into account. For example, C HBV reported in India or further west? Ba-
the slave trade in African peoples into South nerjee and colleagues (2006) showed a clear de-
America over at least a 300-year period, and marcation between genotype D in India/Ban-
the more recent immigrations from Asia into gladesh and the genotype C predominantly
Europe and North America in the last 200 years. found in Myanmar/Thailand. A possible expla-
Such population shifts introduce complexities nation is the climatic catastrophe following the
that phylogenetic analysis cannot readily re- Toba eruption in western Sumatra 73,000 +
solve. Therefore, characterization of the HBVs 4000 years ago. The areas directly affected by
from remote and isolated indigenous peoples ash fall from the Toba explosion included nu-
would provide a more accurate picture of hu- merous sites in central India with evidence of a
man HBV origins. thickness of more than 6 meters (20 feet) (Achar-
We have assembled HBV isolates from in- yya and Basu 1993), and the associated “volcanic
digenous populations including the Orang Asli winter” has been estimated to have been at least 6
from the Malaysian peninsula, indigenous peo- years in duration. The subsequent global cooling
ple from the Torres Strait Islands (TSI), indige- triggered by this 73 kya “super eruption” precip-
nous Australians from northern Australia, and itated an environmental catastrophe that result-
Melanesians from Vanuatu. We also have re- ed in the near extinction of most contemporane-
trieved from GenBank (Benson et al. 2005) ous human populations (Gibbons 1993; Hewitt
HBV sequences from people of the Jarawas 2000), but this devastation was confined to the
tribes who reside in the Andaman Islands of West of Toba. Recent fossil evidence suggests
the Bay of Bengal (Murhekar et al. 2006), as that, East of Toba, mammals including gibbons

well as sequences from Papua New Guinea. and orangutans survived the immediate and
These populations are more likely to be direct postenvironmental changes of Toba and recov-
descendants of the first wave of humans out of ered to subsequently flourish (Louys 2007). This
Africa. Remarkably, all of the HBV isolated from implies that any human populations on the
these populations was of genotype C (Fig. 6; Sunda shelf at that time would also have sur-
Table 2). It should be noted that the HBV-C4 vived and quickly recovered, compared with
identified in indigenous Australians has, to their Indian subcontinent counterparts.
date, been the exclusive strain isolated from Second, why is there no HBV genotype C
that group (Davies et al. 2013). This HBV ex- in Africa? Vartanian and colleagues (2002) dis-
presses the HBsAg serological subtype ayw3, covered a novel strain of HBV (FG) isolated
which is an atypical serotype for genotype C from a wild-caught chimpanzee (Pan troglo-
HBVs. This unusual HBsAg of the C4 possibly dytes schweinfurthii) in East Africa. Subsequent
arose as a consequence of a recombination event molecular analysis of FG revealed that the strain
with the recently reported HBV genotype J from is a recombinant between the genome of a
Borneo (Tatematsu et al. 2009; Littlejohn et al. ChHBV (backbone) and a 500-base-pair seg-
2014). Thus, it is reasonable to suggest that ment of an HBV-C2 genome (Magiorkinis et al.
AMH were either infected with an ancestor 2005). The C2 part of FG mapped closely with
strain of HBV genotype C when they left Africa other C2 isolates recovered from the Asia-Pacific.
or became infected as they migrated east along It is significant that the chimpanzee was wild
the coastal trail of the Indian ocean, out to the caught and from East Africa, bridging the Asian
Andaman Islands, onto the Sunda shelf, into genotype C isolates with an African connection.
Sahul (Papua New Guinea and Australia), then Additional field studies are clearly needed to
Melanesia, and the Solomon Islands (Fig. 7), identify the broader African origins of genotype
evolving into the very large number of HBV-C C – linked HBVs in and/or around Africa and
subgenotypes over time (Table 2) (Norder et al. their relationship to these indigenous strains
2004; Mulyanto et al. 2011, 2012). along the beachcomber or coastal trail (Fig. 7).

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Origins and Evolution of HBV and HDV

89 C1_Thailand_AF068756
91 Melayu_Asli_TU02
100 Senoi_UP04
100 Senoi_UP02
Genotype C1
91 100 Senoi_SK01
100 Melayu_Asli_TU03
Genotype C2
Genotype C14
100 TSI_5252
99 TSI_5228
96 TSI_5255
99 TSI_5251
100 TSI_5223
56 Genotype C3
63 Vanuatu_5081
100 Vanuatu_5022
100 Vanuatu_5075
97 Vanuatu_5093
90 99
Genotype C6

54 50
Genotype C11
Genotype C13
85 Genotype C12
50 C9_Indonesia_AP011108
Genotype C8
Genotype C5
99 Australia_019
100 C4_Australia_AB048704
85 Australia_022
94 Australia_055


Figure 6. Phylogenetic tree of indigenous samples of HBV full genomes. The Orang Asli sequences form two
groups (red): three clustered with C1 sequences, and three did not group with any other subgenotypes of C. The
Torres Strait Islanders (blue) form their own clade, which shows a relationship with genotype C14. The
Melanesians from Vanuatu clustered with C3 sequence, whereas the HBV from the indigenous Australians
( purple) were genotype C4. The tree was generated using the maximum likelihood method. Numbers on
branches indicate .50% bootstrap values (from 1000 resamplings).

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M. Littlejohn et al.

Table 2. Summary of HBV genotypes and subgenotypes determined from the indigenous populations of
East Africa along the beachcomber route
Indigenous population Geographical location HBV subgenotype HBV serotype References
Jarawas Tribe Andaman Island C1 adr Murhekar et al. 2006
Orang Asli Malaysia C1 N Aziz, M Littlejohn,
L Yuen, et al.,
Torres Strait Islanders Torres Strait Islands C14-like V Ho, E Anderson,
R Edwards, et al.,
Indigenous Australians Northern Australia C4 ayw3 Sugauchi et al. 2001;
Davies et al. 2013;
Littlejohn et al. 2014
Melanesians Vanuatu C3 adrq2 Jazayeri et al. 2004

Based on these studies, we are proposing a POSSIBLE ORIGINS OF HDV: HDV RNA
model of HBV evolution, which suggests that AND HEPATITIS DELTA ANTIGEN (HDAg)
modern-day HBVs are a result of multiple
cross-species transmissions or zoonoses fol- The HDV genome is a 1700-nucleotide nega-
lowed by subsequent recombination events on tive-stranded circular RNA, which is 70%
a genetic backbone of genotype C HBV infec- self-complementary and forms a highly base-
tion in humans (Fig. 7). paired rod-like structure. It is comprised of

15–30 kyBP


U C2
25–38 kyBP AB C
62–75 kyBP


ca. 50 kyBP C4 J


Figure 7. Reconstruction of early spread of modern humans outside Africa superimposed with the genotype C
trail of HBV isolated from indigenous people along the coastal route. CEU, European; HAN, Han Chinese; ABR,
Australian Aboriginal; YRI, Yoruba; GiHBV, gibbon HBV; ChHBV, chimpanzee HBV; kyBP, thousand years
before present. (From Rasmussen et al. 2011; modified, with permission, from the authors.)

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Origins and Evolution of HBV and HDV

two separate domains: the viroid-like region sis that HDV actually arose directly from the
encoding the self-cleaving ribozyme, and the human transcriptome (Salehi-Ashtiani et al.
protein-coding region encoding the HDAg. 2006). Because this ribozyme is found exclusive-
Based on nucleotide sequence analysis of avail- ly in mammals, it may have evolved as recently
able samples, HDV has been separated into as 200 million years ago (Salehi-Ashtiani et al.
eight genotypes, which generally have distinct 2006). The human CPEB3 ribozyme adopts a
geographical distributions. The most divergent complex tertiary structure resembling the HDV
HDVs have been isolated from African samples, ribozyme fold (Salehi-Ashtiani et al. 2006);
suggesting a possible ancient African radiation however, there are no sequence similarities.
(Radjef et al. 2004). A recent study of genotype 1 The third theory proposed for the origin of
sequences from Turkey has suggested the pres- HDV comes from Taylor and colleagues who
ence of an amino acid polymorphism near the have based their model on the newly identified
carboxyl terminus of large (L)-HDAg, which circular host mRNA molecules in cells (Taylor
may be indicative of an African origin for se- and Pelchat 2010; Taylor 2014). It would be
quences with a serine residue instead of an ala- from this pool of host RNA circles in hepato-
nine at position 202 (Le Gal et al. 2012). Apart cytes (Memczak et al. 2013; Valdmanis and Kay
from these few studies, the evolution of HDV 2013) that a rare RNA circle was selected caused
has not been well researched. Similarly, the or- by its ability to undergo RNA-directed repli-
igins of HDVare also unknown. The virus must cation using host cell RNA polymerase. The
have arisen in an HBV-infected cell due to the source, however, of the genetic information
essential HBV helper function of HBsAg, which for the HDAg remains unknown, but HBV-
is required not only for HDV particle forma- spliced mRNAs or transcribed HBV DNA inte-
tion, but also for virion release and the next grated sequences that have undergone extensive

round of primary infections. genetic drift could be possible candidates. Tay-

Brazas and Ganem (1996) proposed one of lor and Pelchat (2010) have also pointed out
the first models for the origin of HDV, involving that the ribozyme located on HDVantigenomic
a two-step process in which a viroid-like RNA RNA is located downstream rather than up-
“captured” host-coding mRNAs. These investi- stream of the ORF for the HDAg. This down-
gators identified a cellular gene, termed delta- stream location is immediately preceded by
interacting protein A (DIPA), and they proposed polyadenylation sequence signals, such as AA
that HDV RNA may have arisen when a free- UAAA, an arrangement typically used on host
living, self-replicating viroid like RNA “cap- mRNAs (Hsieh and Taylor 1991). These investi-
tured” a cellular mRNA encoding this DIPA pro- gators conclude that HDV may be no more than
tein or its common ancestor. It is worth noting a selfish RNA. Whether or not it provides some
that DIPA has nearly 60% amino acid similarity function, negative or positive, in relation to its
to HDAg. essential helper virus, HBV, the origins of HDV
Until recently, HDV was believed to be the clearly warrants further investigation.
only self-cleaving RNA associated with humans,
albeit in the genome of a viral pathogen. At least
two self-cleaving RNAs have now been found
in mammals. The CLEC-2 ribozyme was iden-
tified in the mouse genome (Martick et al. A number of models for the origins of HBV
2008), whereas the cytoplasmic polyadenylation have been proposed but none have become
element-binding protein 3 (CPEB3) ribozyme widely accepted because the conundrum of
is present in numerous mammalian genomes, the viral mutation rate has not been adequately
including human (Salehi-Ashtiani et al. 2006). accounted for. Studies have consistently shown
The ribozyme found in an intron in the CPEB3 that genotype C is the oldest of the modern
gene is structurally and biochemically related human HBVs and its HBsAg seems most closely
to the HDV ribozyme, leading to the hypothe- related to primate HBsAg. We have described a

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Origins and Evolution of Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis D Virus

Margaret Littlejohn, Stephen Locarnini and Lilly Yuen

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2016; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a021360

Subject Collection The Hepatitis B and Delta Viruses

Hepatitis B Virus X and Regulation of Viral Gene Origins and Evolution of Hepatitis B Virus and
Expression Hepatitis D Virus
Betty L. Slagle and Michael J. Bouchard Margaret Littlejohn, Stephen Locarnini and Lilly
The Woodchuck, a Nonprimate Model for Assembly and Release of Hepatitis B Virus
Immunopathogenesis and Therapeutic Lisa Selzer and Adam Zlotnick
Immunomodulation in Chronic Hepatitis B Virus
Michael Roggendorf, Anna D. Kosinska, Jia Liu, et
Mouse Models of Hepatitis B Virus Pathogenesis Hepatitis D Virus Replication
Matteo Iannacone and Luca G. Guidotti John M. Taylor
Therapy of Delta Hepatitis Treatment of Liver Cancer
Cihan Yurdaydin and Ramazan Idilman Chun-Yu Liu, Kuen-Feng Chen and Pei-Jer Chen
Immune Response in Hepatitis B Virus Infection Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis D Virus Entry,
Anthony Tan, Sarene Koh and Antonio Bertoletti Species Specificity, and Tissue Tropism
Koichi Watashi and Takaji Wakita
Hepatitis D Virus: Introduction and Epidemiology Hepadnavirus Genome Replication and
Mario Rizzetto Persistence
Jianming Hu and Christoph Seeger
Management of Chronic Hepatitis B in Patients The Chimpanzee Model for Hepatitis B Virus
from Special Populations Infection
Ching-Lung Lai and Man-Fung Yuen Stefan F. Wieland
Hepatitis B Virus Genotypes and Variants Hepatitis B Virus Epidemiology
Chih-Lin Lin and Jia-Horng Kao Jennifer H. MacLachlan and Benjamin C. Cowie

For additional articles in this collection, see

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