Base24 Argentina Response Codes

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Base24 Argentina Response Codes

Code Processor Response Message Description

0 Y:[AuthCode]:[Transaction Approved.
Transaction ID]
1 N:01:Refer to card Issuer The transaction was not authorised by the Issuer
for an unknown reason. The cardholder should
contact their Issuer.
2 N:02:Refer to special conditions The transaction was not authorised by the Issuer
for card Issuer for an unknown reason. The cardholder should
contact their Issuer.
3 N:03:Invalid merchant The transaction was declined as the Merchant was
not recognised.

4 N: 04:Pick-up card The transaction was not authorised by the Issuer

most likely because fraud was suspected.
5 N:05:Do not honour The transaction was not authorised by the Issuer
for an unknown reason.
7 N:07:Pick-up card, special The transaction was not authorised by the Issuer
condition most likely because fraud was expected.
12 N:12:Invalid transaction The transaction was declined as it was invalid or not
enabled for the merchant.
13 N:13:Invalid amount The amount is set to zero, is unreadable or exceeds
the allowable amount. Make sure the amount is
greater than zero and in a suitable format.
14 N:14:Invalid card number (no The submitted card number does not include the
such number) proper number of digits. The customer should try
again using the correct card number.
30 N:30:Format error An error occurred while processing the card. The
payment should be attempted again. If it still
cannot be processed, try again later and/or contact
31 N:31:Unknown response code The Issuer decline response is not recognised. A
retry may be successful depending on the
underlying reason for the decline.
38 N38:Allowable PIN tries The Issuer has declined the transaction because the
exceeded cardholder has entered the PIN incorrectly too
many times.
43 N:43:Stolen Card The card was identified as stolen by the Issuer and
will not be processed.
45 N45:The card can’t operate with Instalments are not allowed by the Issuer on the
instalments card. Try again without using the instalment option.
46 N:46:Card expired The card is expired. The customer will need to use
a different payment method.
47 N47:The card needs a PIN The card required to be processed with a Personal
Identification Number in order to be approved. Try
again using the card’s PIN.

Base24 Argentina Response Codes
Code Processor Response Message Description
48 N:48:Exceed max limit The number of instalments chosen is not supported
instalments on this card. Try again with another number of
49 N:49:Check the system There is a system error which has prevented the
transaction from being processed. Retrying the
transaction may result in an approval.
50 N:50:The amount is out of range The amount exceeds the allowable amount. Try
allowed again with a lower amount.
51 N:51:Not sufficient fund The cardholder’s account does not have sufficient
funds to cover the transaction amount. Subsequent
attempts at a later date may be successful.
54 N:54:Expired card The card is expired. The customer will need to use
a different payment method.
55 N:55:Incorrect personal The PIN or code entered is incorrect. Try again with
identification number another
56 N:56:No card record The card number is not recognised by the Issuer.
57 N:57:Transaction not permitted The transaction was declined as it was invalid or not
to cardholder enabled for the merchant.
58 N:58: Transaction not permitted The terminal has not been configured to accept the
to terminal transaction.
61 N:61:Exceeds withdrawal The cardholder’s account does not have sufficient
amount limit funds to cover the transaction amount. Subsequent
attempts at a later date may be successful.
65 N:65:Exceeds withdrawal The card has exceeded the frequency of
frequency limit transactions allowed.
76 N76:Request phone The Issuer with not process the transaction in real
authorisation, in case if the time and has requested phone authorisation by the
transaction is approved, load the cardholder.
retrieve code and leave the
operation offline
77 N:77:Invalid number of The number of instalments chosen is not supported
instalments for this plan on this card. Try again with another number of
89 N:89:The number of terminal is The terminal used is not recognised by the Issuer.
not available for Issuer
91 N:91:Issuer or swith is The Issuer is currently unavailable. This may be
inoperative temporary – a subsequent attempt may be
94 N:94:Duplicate transaction The submitted transaction appears to be a
duplicate of a previously submitted transaction and
was declined to prevent charging the same card
twice for the same service. Check your systems to
see if a duplicate exists.

Base24 Argentina Response Codes
Code Processor Response Message Description
96 N:96:System malfunction There is a system error which has prevented the
transaction from being processed. Retrying the
transaction may result in an Approval.
11101 Instalment only supported for
local cards
11102 Argentinian private label cards
only support Peso
11103 Cashback amount and tip
amount can not be present in
the same request

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