Useful Question For The Exam

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Useful Questions for the exam

Structure of the conversation

Hello, X, nice to speak to you.
What do you want to work with you?
What is your topic?
What do you bring for this session?
Before we start the exploration of your topic, what is important for you
to take the most benefit from this session?
What would you like me to take in account?
How would you like to be supported by me during the coaching?
When will the coaching be a success to you?
And what are your measurements for that success?
Why is it important for you to address this now?
How do you know you achieved your goals?

During the session:

Is it OK for you to dig a bit deeper in this?
What is going on in your body? What do you feel? Where do you feel it?
Where is your attention going to?
What happens when you say this to yourself?
Is it OK for you to explore this path together?
What does .... mean for you?
Co-creative: what do you propose?
How can you handle this?
What is the most important or significant for you regarding XXXX?
Realizing this, how do you feel about that?
That is what you think, How do you FEEL about it?
What tells your body you when you say this?
What is your underlying belief when you say.....
What is even deeper?

Closing the session

Where are you now with your topic/ issue?
What do you take from this session? What else do you take with you?
In what way did you come closer to the goal of your coaching?
What of these insights could be anchors for a next step?
What do you need now to close down the conversation in order to keep
open the link to future development?
To what degree you made progress in the reflection on the topic?
What do you harvest from our conversation and what is the next logical
How do you make sure that you start your action plan? What can motiva-
te you to hold on to your intention?
What can you rely on? Who can support you?
How do you want to close this conversation?

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