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There are several elements that make up a piece of music, including:

Melody: The melody is the main theme or tune of a piece of music. It is the element that is most likely to
be remembered and hummed by listeners.

Harmony: Harmony refers to the way that multiple pitches are combined to create a chord. It is created
by playing or singing different notes at the same time.

Rhythm: Rhythm refers to the way that the music is organized in time. It is created by the combination
of long and short notes and rests, and the emphasis on certain beats.

Timbre: Timbre refers to the unique quality or character of a particular instrument or voice. It is what
distinguishes a violin from a trumpet, for example.

Dynamics: Dynamics refers to the loudness or softness of a piece of music. A composer can use
dynamics to create contrast and add interest to a piece of music.

Form: Form refers to the overall structure of a piece of music. It can be as simple as a verse and chorus,
or it can be more complex, with multiple sections and varied repetition.

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