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Funding for Research Areas. https://malebreastcancerblog. 4. Orenstein P. Our feel-good war on breast cancer.

New York
org/2013/05/08/a-200m-advocacy-bump-in-nci-breast-cancer- Times. 2013,
research-funding/; our-feel-good-war-on-breast-cancer.html?_r¼0. Accessed
fact-book/data/research-funding. Accessed January 11, 2016. January 11, 2016.

Targeting the Cell Cycle in Breast Cancer CDK inhibitors has failed to advance beyond the clinical
trial stage until recently, with the CDK4/6 inhibitor palboci-
Jason P.W. Carey, PhD, and Khandan Keyomarsi, PhD clib gaining U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
approval via improved relapse free-survival in hormone
Over the past several decades, studies have shown that tumor receptor-positive patients.15-17 As a result, several CDK4/6
suppressors and oncogenes play a hierarchal role in influenc- inhibitors are currently undergoing clinical trials within the
ing the dynamics of cell cycle regulation in cancer cells, ulti- ER-positive breast cancer patient population.16 Ongoing
mately inducing a degree of deregulation that signals research suggests that targeting the cell cycle directly still
increased proliferation.1 Cell cycle deregulation lies at the remains an effective therapeutic strategy in vitro and in
axis of several hallmarks of cancer, including genomic insta- mouse models, with several clinical compounds under inves-
bility, cell death, replicative immortality, and sustained pro- tigation that target various aspects of the cell cycle pathway
liferative signaling.2 The overarching importance of cell in breast cancer.
cycle deregulation as an integral aspect of tumorigenesis is
reflected in the myriad of oncogenes and mutations that CDK4/6 INHIBITORS
induce deregulation of the cell cycle.3,4 Additionally, the effi- Palbociclib has recently gained FDA approval in ER-positive
cacy of therapeutic treatment options today are assessed by breast cancer, in combination with HDT (fulvestrant/letro-
their ability to assert cell cycle control in deregulated zole), and is seeking FDA approval for use in HER2-
tumor cells, underscoring the importance of understanding positive breast cancer.18,19 Palbociclib has been shown to
the role of the cell cycle in response to new treatment improve progression free-survival in hormone receptor-
strategies.5,6 positive breast cancer patients; however, the effect on overall
Breast cancer has a long-established close association survival has been minimal.17 Other CDK4/6 inhibitors, abe-
with deregulation of the cell cycle as a mediator of tumor maciclib and ribociclib, are also currently undergoing clinical
progression and response to therapy. Over 70% of breast can- evaluation in ER-positive breast cancer.16 Preclinical models
cers are hormone receptor positive, expressing estrogen have predicted several resistance mechanisms to CDK4/6
receptor (ER), progesterone receptor, or human epidermal inhibition that indicate further deregulation of the cell
growth factor receptor 2 (HER2).7,8 In this patient cohort, cycle; this marks a shift away from CDK4/6 cell cycle con-
hormone deprivation therapy (HDT) elicits control over the trol via upregulation of analogous cyclins and CDKs, thus
cell cycle via the G1-S checkpoint. Loss of G1-S checkpoint overcoming CDK4/6 inhibition.20,21 Deregulation of the
control signifies a persistent resistance mechanism in G1-S checkpoint in CDK4/6-resistant cells is dictated by
response to HDT.9,10 Hormone-negative triple-negative either overexpression of cyclin E or loss of RB expression,
breast cancers (TNBCs) typically acquire several molecular suggesting that the fundamental resistance mechanism
alterations that signify deregulation of the cell cycle, includ- involves alternate activation of the G1-S checkpoint transi-
ing frequent p53 mutations, which result in deregulation of tion, further strengthening the clinical need for novel cell
the cell cycle via the loss of p21 control over G1-S transition. cycle inhibitors that target alternate phases of the cell cycle
The high level of genomic instability in TNBC tumors is typ- in response to CDK4/6 resistance mechanisms.
ically correlated with upregulation or amplification of cyclin
E, a cell cycle protein that develops oncogenic isoforms, CDK2 AND CYCLIN E
which have been shown to mediate resistance to chemother- Cyclin E is overexpressed across several breast cancer
apy and HDT.11-13 subtypes and has an integral role in influencing tumorigene-
Over the past several decades, directly targeting the cell sis. In ER-positive breast cancer, cyclin E has been shown to
cycle in breast cancer has been a clinical imperative with lit- predict resistance to HDT, both in vitro and in vivo. In TNBC,
tle success.14 The development of several generations of more than 50% of tumors harbor overexpression or

256 Breast Diseases: A Year BookÒ Quarterly

Vol 27 No 4 2017

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