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I/ On the move - Travel, holiday, transport and traffic:

 Travel and holidays, commuting:
*Cụm từ:
1. Make a business trip to sth
2. Have a short break
3. Book a flight
4. Book a hotel room (in advance) = make a hotel (table - a table at a
restaurant) reservation
5. Make a travel arrangements to somewhere: make a plan for how sth will
Also: an agreement between two people or groups about how sth happens or
will happen:
 Come to/ reach an arrangement: I’m sure we can come to an arrangement
 Have an arrangement: We have an arrangement - he would clean the
house and I would cook
6. To catch some rays/ Soak up some sun/ to ‘sunbathe/ try to get a suntan
(brown skin)
7. Enjoy a self-planned tour
8. Self-catering: having cooking facilities available so that you can cook
meals for yourself rather than having them provided for you
9. Be bumped to later flight: chuyển xuống chuyến bay sau
10.Local delicacy = local cuisine and specialties
/ˈdel.ɪ.kə.si/: sth esp. rare or expensive that is good to eat. Eg: In some parts of
the world, sheep's eyes are considered a great delicacy
Cuisine /kwɪˈziːn/ a style of cooking
*Danh từ:
1. Travel agency: a company or shop that makes travel arrangements for
2. Guided tour: an organised group shown around a place of interest by an
3. A one-way ticket: vé 1 chiều (Time is right. One way ticket)
4. A round trip: vé khứ hồi
5. Boarding pass: a card that a passenger must have in order to be allowed to
get on an aircraft or a ship (after check-in)
6. An aisle seat (in an aircraft, cinema, or church): ghế sát lối đi
7. A bumpy flight: an uncomfortable and rough flight (bumpy road) >< a
smooth flight
8. Connecting flight: chuyến bay chuyển tiếp
Long-haul (flight): sth that takes effort over a long time, rather than a few
days, weeks…
Red-eye flight: a plane journey during the night
 She took the red eye from New York
 Carry-on bag/ hand baggage/ luggage: bags, cases,etc. the you take with
you when you travel (etc.: /ɪtˈset.ər.ə/)
Check-in baggage: hành lí ký gửi
 A seedy (hotel): looking dirty or in bad condition and likely to be
involved in dishonest or illegal activities
 Red line (n): a limit beyond which someone’s behaviour is no longer
 A dingy (room/ corridor) (adj) /ˈdɪn.dʒi/: dark and often also dirty
 The red-light district: a part of a city where people and businesses sell
9. Package holiday/tour: a holiday organized by travel company/ agency for
which you pay a fixed price that includes the cost of the hotel and travel
and sometimes food (du lịch trọn gói)
10.Fly economy (class): chuyến bay hạng phổ thông
11.Peak season >< Out of season : We should not go to Ha Giang out of
season because there is no breathtaking view to see at that time.
Tomatoes are out of season now.
12.Tourist attractions
13.Customs officer: nhân viên hải quan
14.Domestic fight >< International flight
15.Emergency exit
16. First-class: hạng nhất
Business class: hạng thương gia
Economy class: hạng phổ thông
17.Jet lag: the feeling of tiredness and confusion that people experience after
making a long journey by plane to a place where the time is different from
the place they left
18.Life vest/ jacket: áo phao
19.Oxygen mask /ˈɒk.sɪ.dʒən/
20.Motion sickness: illness, esp, a need to vomit, caused by movement when
travelling in a boat, car, or aircraft
Vomit: to empty the contents of the stomach through the mouth
Stomach:  /ˈstʌm.ək/
21.Tourist trap: a crowded place the provides entertainment and things to buy
for tourists, often at high prices
22.(Holiday) brochure  /ˈbrəʊ.ʃər/: a type of small magazine that contains
pictures and information on a product or a holiday
23. Holiday resort
Holiday destination
1. Flea market: a market, usually taking place outside, where old or used
goods are sold cheaply (chợ trời)
Scheduled trading sessions are what make ethnic minorities in the nation’s
northwestern upland unique (chợ phiên)
1. Unspoilt (adj): an unspoiled place is beautiful because it has not been
changed or damaged by people
Eg: an island with clean, unspoilt beaches
25.Head for ( a place): thẳng tiến đến
Have a (good) head for sth: to have a natural ability to do sth well
26.Kim has a head for numbers
27.Head for sth: they’re heading for disaster if they’re not careful (=leading
to/ cause)
28. Go on vacation
29.Scream in panic = very frightened
30.Laze around on the sandy beach
31.Local delicacy = local cuisine and specialties
/ˈdel.ɪ.kə.si/: sth esp. rare or expensive that is good to eat. Eg: In some parts of
the world, sheep's eyes are considered a great delicacy
Cuisine /kwɪˈziːn/ a style of cooking
32.Off the beaten path/ track: not known or popular with many people
33.Promote tourism image: quảng bá hình ảnh du lịch
34.Enjoy bustling trade: tận hưởng sự mua sắm nhộn nhịp
Bustling (adj) /ˈbʌs.lɪŋ/ : If a place is bustling, it is full of busy activity
35.Take a sunset/ sunrise cruise /kruːz/
36.To dispel the heat of summer: Sam Son is an ideal destination of Ha Noi
people in order to dispel the heat of the summer.
37.Sightseeing: the activity fo visiting interesting places, esp. by people on
38.Holiday of a lifetime: a special holiday that you are unlikely to repeat
39.Wildlife safari/animals  /ˈwaɪld.laɪf/ (chuyến đi để đời)
I am very passionate about animals, so my friends and I are going to have
wildlife safari to Africa next week to find out more endangered animals.
40.Hostel: a large house where people can stay free or cheaply
41.Places of interest: điểm thu hút du lịch
42.Breathtaking view of sth: We are enjoying a breathtking view of Da Nang
which attracts tons of visitors each year.
43.Picturesque village  /ˌpɪk.tʃərˈesk/
44.Stunning landscape: extremely beautiful countryside. When standing on
the peak of the mountain, we see completely a stunning landscape of Ha
45.Far-off destination: Somewhere a long way away (Điểm đến xa xôi)
South Polar is considered as a far-off destination that few visitors want to
come there
46.Travel agent: đại lý du lịch
I have jusr stopped by a travel agent near my office to book a flight to Nha
47.Departure lounge: the area in an airport where passengers wait before
getting onto an aircraft /laʊndʒ/
48.Hordes of tourists: crowds of tourists
Horde /hɔːd/: a large group of people
49.In the middle of sth: busy doing sth
When she called, I was in the middle of making dinner
In the middle of nowhere: far away from any towns and cities and where few
people live = off the beaten path/track
50.All-inclusive: including everything. Eg: an all-inclusive resort
I’ve never thought that hotels with all-incusive service are so comfortable!
You can grab a piece of cake at 6 a.m. or get a cocktail at midnight.
51.To get away from it all: to go somewhere, usually on holiday, where you
can completely relax and forget your responsibilities or problems
52.Put one’s foot up = to let one’s hair down = to blow off (some) steam
53.To dive: lặn
54.To go sailing: chèo thuyền
55.To windsurf: lướt ván
56.To waterski: trượt nước
57.Hit the road: to leave a place and begin a journey
58.Watch one’s back: Be carefull with someone
59.Get the move on: to hurry
60.A full plate: a full schedule or a lot to do
61.Rushed off one’s feet: extremely busy
62.If worst comes to worst: if the situation develops in the most serious or
unpleasant way
63.A night on the town/ hit the town/ go out on the town: an evening when
you go to various places and enjoy entertainment such as dancing, eating
in restaurant, or drinking in a bar
64.Thumb a lift: to stand near the edge of a road and hold out your hand with
the thumb raised as a signal for a vehicle to stop and take you somewhere
65. Give some one a lift: to make someone happier
66.The win last week really gave her a lift
67.Live like a king/lord: to have a luxurious (=spending a lot of money) way
of life
68.Pedal to the metal: Drive as fast as you can, or do sth with maximum
speed or effort
69.A pit stop: a short stop that you make during a long car journey in order to
rest and eat
70.Any port in a storm: used to say that in a difficult situation, people ger
help frim whenever or whoever they can
71.At the wheel: lái xe. Falling asleep at the wheel
72.Make one’s way: to travel or move to a place
+ to move to a different situation or state: More women are making their way
into politics
+ to be succesful and make progress in your life and work: He will teach you
how to build a career and make your way in the world.
73.Miss the boat: to lose an opportunity to do sth by being slow to act
74.In the same boat: in the same difficult situation as someone else
75.None one of us has any money, so we’re all in the same boat
76.To embark/ set off on an exciting trip: to start a exciting journey
77.To make an arduous journey: thực hiện một hành trình gian nan
Arduous (adj)  /ˈɑː.dʒu.əs/ : difficult, needing a lot of effort and energy
Eg: To mark my last year of being student, I successfully made an arduous
journey exploring mountainous areas in the North of Vietnam.
78.To enjoy each other’s company: thích dành thời gian cho nhau
I had an amazing trip with my family, since we enjoy each other’s company
so much
79.Spectacular scenery
Eg: I had an eye-opening experience visiting Switzerland and seeing
spectacular scenery of nature
*Eye-opening (experience): surprising, and teaching you new facts about
life,etc. (mở mang đầu óc)

90. Get in (when travelling on a train or coach): arrive

Get into sth: If you get into sth, you arrive at the place

80.Get around: go or travel to different places within a city

+ if news gets around, a lot of people hear about it
+ if you get around sth, you find a way of either dealing with a problem or
avoiding it
81.Hold sth/sb up: cause a delay, or make sth/sb late
82.In the nick of time: at the very last moment
83.You usually get on >< get off a train, bus, plane, bike or motorbike.
You can get in/into a car or taxi >< get out of sth
84.Stop off: make a short visit somewhere suring a longer trip in order to do
85.Be on the move: be moving, be going somewhere
86.Carry on to somewhere: continue travelling or doing sth
87.Look around sth: walk around a place or building to see what is there
88.At the crack of dawn: very early in the morning
89.Take-off (n): the moment when a plane leaves the ground (take off -v)
90.Get through (all the security check): complete sth
91.See sb off: so to an airport or station w/ sb, in order to say goodbye to
92.Stop over: stay somewhere for a short time ( one night, for a couple
93.Get/ go back: return, esp. to your home
94.Pick sth/ sb up: go to a place and collect sb/sth, usually in a car
95.Be murder: be difficult and unpleasant (Airports are murder in July)
96.Of one sort or another: used to refer different types of things, without
saying exactly what you mean
97.Take (time, a week, etc.) off: have a period of time away from work
98.Get away: go somewhere in order to have a rest or a holiday
99.The last minute: the lastest possible time for doing sth
100. Be booked up: if a flight, hotel, etc. is booked up, there are no more
seats, rooms,etc. available
101. If you check in, you go to a desk at an airport, hotel and tell sb
officially you have arrived
I you check sth in, you leave your luggage with an official to be put on a
plane or train.
102. End up: find yourself in a place or situation that you did not plan to be
103. Date back (to…): have existed since a particular time in the past or for
the period of time mentioned
104. This tradition dates back to medieval times. (thời trung cổ)
105. Get sth out of sth: enjoy sth, or learn or benefit from it
106. Wind down: rest or relax after a period of activity
107. Make a change: used to say that an activity is enjoyable because it is
different from what you usually do

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