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: Scarlett Galarce Pérez



Nombre: ___________________________________________________ Fecha: ____________

Objetivo: Evaluar que comprenden el uso del verb to be – do and does. En sus formas
afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas.
Exigencia: 60% Tiempo: 45 min
Puntaje ideal: 50 puntos Puntaje obtenido:

1. Lee bien las indicaciones antes de responder.
2. Si tienes dudas levanta la mano y pregunta a la profesora.
3. Completa
Antes decon Do orrevisa
entregar, Does en susy formas
la prueba asegúrateafirmativa, negativa
que las respuestas e interrogativa
que pusiste eran las
según corresponda
que querías poner. (2 ptos. c/u). Total 30 ptos.
4. Utiliza correctamente la ortografía
,. 1. ________ your little sister like to play with the doll? (+)
2. How much time ________ you spend at the stadium? (+)

3. Tom ________ take part in the competition. (-)

4. What ________ Liz prefer: tea or coffee? (+)

5. We ________ want to go to the museum. (-)

6. I ________ drive my car because I have no license. (-)

7. When ________ Mary want to go to Paris? (+)

I ________ know. (-)

7. ________ you plan to go by car or by bus? (+)

8. ________ Mona believe Tim? (+)

10. ________ they speak Spanish? (+)

Yes, they ________. (+)

11. ________ you like to read books every day? (+)

12. What ________ Mona do in her free time? (+)

Prof.: Scarlett Galarce Pérez

13. ________ they plan to visit different museums? (+)

14. ________ Ben use his PC every day? (+)

15. ________ you like rainy weather? (+)

II.- Escribe la forma correcta del Verb to be (2 ptos. c/u). Total 20 ptos.

1. Cindy ______ my best friend.

2. Peter and Kate ______ classmates.

3. Johnny _______ my brother.

4. You _______ a good student.

5. They ______ in the classroom.

6. It ______ an apple.

7. Felicia and I ______ sisters.

8. I _____ her teacher.

9. It _______ a book bag.

10. You _______ a doctor.

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