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: Scarlett Galarce Pérez



Nombre: ___________________________________________________ Fecha: ____________

Objetivo: Evaluar que comprenden el uso del verb to be en pasado was and were. En
sus formas afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas.
Exigencia: 60% Tiempo: 45 min
Puntaje ideal: 60 puntos Puntaje obtenido:

1. Lee bien las indicaciones antes de responder.
2. Si tienes dudas levanta la mano y pregunta a la profesora.
3. Completa
Antes decon Was or
entregar, Were
revisa en sus
la prueba formas afirmativa,
y asegúrate negativa
que las respuestas e interrogativa
que pusiste eran las
según corresponda
que querías poner. (2 ptos. c/u). Total 54 ptos.
4. Utiliza correctamente la ortografía
,. 1. Roberto and Claudio _______ ill yesterday (+)
2. I`m here today, but I______ here yesterday (-)

3. Irene is tal now, but she ______ tal two years ago (-)

4. The weather ______ very hot last Saturday (+)

5. We ______ at the zoo last month (+)

6. Frida ______ pretty When she ______ a baby (+)

7. My Friends are here today, but they ______ here yesterday (-)

8. My bedroom is clean now but it _______ this morning (-)

9. It`s sunny now, but it ______ a couple of hours ago (-)

10.You ______ late for School yesterday (+)

11.Claudia and Irene _______ best friend (+)

12.Daniela ______ born in december (+)

13.The shops are open now, but they ______ last weekend (-)

14.I`m happy now, but I ________ two hours ago (-)

Prof.: Scarlett Galarce Pérez

15.Claudia ______ in Germany last summer (+)

16. My brother and I ______ at the park yesterday (+)

17. Mom and Dad ________ at a restaurant last night (+)

18. I ______ at School this morning (+)

19. Daniela ______ born in december (+)

20.______ you in Paris last week?

21.______ Nick and Mario in town?

22.______ she angry?

23.______ it hot yesterday?

24.______ it a fun day for you?

25.______ the film interesting?

26.______ they tired?

27.______ Samuel late?

28.______ Nick and Mario in town?

29.______ the instructor in the park?

30.______ your father happy?

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