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Instituto Politécnico

Lic. Víctor Estrella Liz

Soporte de Redes

English Class
Glaucia Stefannie Marte

Engel Rodriguez Gutierrez


Año escolar

Inusual Animals
The Rose Fish with hands (Brachiopsilus dianthus)

It is a small sized fish, measuring approximately 10 cm long (14 cm including fins). It’s
body is light pink with reddish spots. It presents darker tones in the upper part. It has
Small mouth (in proportion to the rest of its body), but its lips are full . This gives it a
very peculiar look.

the Brachyonychiidae family (fish with hands in general) is endemic to the coasts of
Tasmania and southern Australia. Inhabits the demersal zone of the sea, that is, the
part of the water column that is close to the seabed and the benthos.

The rosefish with hands is an omnivorous animal that feeds mainly on small organisms
that form part of the benthos and are found on the seabed, as well as crustaceans and
marine worms. It’s diet is not very varied due to the fact that food is not abundant in
it’s habitat. On the other hand, its movements are very slow and clumsy, so it is not
very good at hunting.

Other Facts
Their fins are shaped like hands and are designed to move along the bottom of the sea.
This fish does not use it’s fins for swimming, but for "walking" and crawling. They are
oviparous animals, that is, they are born through the fertilization of eggs. To defend
itself, this fish releases a strong toxin through its skin that is capable of killing
The Rose Fish with hands:
fact sheet
Color: Light Pink with reddish spots
Lenght: 10 Cm (14cm incluiding fins)
Weight: Unknow
Country: south of Austrelia
Habitat: Demersal zone of the Sea
Diet: small organisms, crustaceans and marine worms

Other Facts: Can walk and crawling with fins, they are born through the fertilization of
eggs, and they have a strong toxin to defend itself

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