Cpi Final Assessment Novacare Rehabilitation

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APTA Clinical Performance Instruments for PT

Clinical Staff: Melissa Drake
Site: NovaCare - Lansing - Pennsylvania Ave
Evaluation Name: PTH 634 Summer 2021 - Class of 2023

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1.   Professional Practice – Safety

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake Rick is always safe with all patients. He establishes and maintains a safe working environment. He makes sure
that everything that is touched is sanitized afterwards. He recognizes changes in patients and adjusts their
interventions accordingly. He has verbalized awareness of contraindications and precautions of patient
interventions. He ensures his own safety as well as the safety of the patient, families, and other staff throughout
treatment. He asks for assistance when necessary. He uses correct body mechanics, guarding and level of
assistance. He demonstrates knowledge of facility safety policies and procedures including sanitizing.

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Rick always establishes a safe working environment. He makes sure that he uses good body mechanics. He
makes sure that the patient is comfortable. Keeps in mind the precautions and contraindications of the patient
that he is treating. If he has any questions he makes sure that he asks before he sees the patient or when the
questions come up. He recognizes changes in the patient and informs me immediately. If the person needs
advancement he comes and discusses ideas to progress them. If they are painful or not doing well he discusses
what exercises need to be taken out or different ideas of exercises to perform instead. He demonstrates
awareness of contraindications and precautions of patients. He ensures the safety of all patients, self and others.
He makes sure that everything is sanitized. He keeps the area clean and free of clutter. He requests assistance
when necessary. He uses correct body mechanics, correct guarding, and correct levels of assistance. Rick is
very aware of our facility safety policies and procedures-we have discussed what would be expected.

Self +2
CI +6

2.   Professional Practice – Professional Behavior

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake Rick always arrives well prepared, arrives early, offers assistance, and seeks learning opportunities. He is
punctual and dependable. He wears appropriate attire. He demonstrates integrity in all interactions. He is caring,
compassionate and empathetic in all interactions with staff, patients, caregivers, and families. He maintains a
productive working relationship with all patients, families, and staff. He maintains patient privacy and modesty.
He values the dignity of all patients. He seeks feedback from me and all staff. He also provides effective
feedback to me.

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Rick demonstrates initiative. He always arrives well prepared. He offered assistance to all staff and patients. He
seeks out learning opportunities. He has been able to observe the OT at our clinic as well as the other PT and
the PTA that works at our clinic. He always arrives early and stays after. He makes sure that all notes are
completed correctly and on time. He is dependable. He wears appropriate attire. He is very caring,
compassionate, and empathetic in all interactions. He maintains productive working relationships with all
patients, families, myself and all staff. He maintains a productive and positive work environment. He always
maintains patient privacy and modesty. He values the dignity of all patients. He seeks feedback from me before,
during and after treating a patient. He provides feedback to me about clinical teaching and mentoring.


Professional Self +1
Behavior CI +6

3.   Professional Practice – Accountability

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CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake He always puts the patients needs above his. He asks me questions if he has any. He maintains patient
confidentiality, privacy, and modesty. He adheres to all legal policies and procedures.

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Rick always puts the patient's needs above his own. He always discusses patients with me. He abides by all
policies and procedures. He will help out whenever he is asked and routinely goes above and beyond. He
maintains patient confidentiality, privacy and modesty. He adheres to all legal practice standards. He is always
generous with his time and effort that he puts into each and every treatment session. He strives to always go
above expected standards of practice when working with patients.

Self +2
CI +6

4.   Professional Practice – Communication

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake Rick does a great job with his communication verbally and nonverbally. He selects who the most appropriate
person to communicate with is. He listens actively. I know this because he asks appropriate questions and
follow-up questions. He uses professional communication with staff and in verbal and written communication.
He uses appropriate communication that patients and their caregivers that they understand. He uses
communication that patients and caregivers understand. He gives them the opportunity to ask questions if they
have them. He answers them if he knows and if he doesn't have the answers he asks someone else. He evaluates
the effectiveness of his communication and changes it accordingly. He is able to communicate effectively with
all of my patients which is children up to the elderly. He uses language that the patient can understand.

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Rick communicates verbally and nonverbally in a professional manner. He initiates conversation. He is able to
select the most appropriate person to talk to when there are multiple people with the patient. This is especially
important when working with pediatrics. He communicates respect for everyone that is involved in the patients
care. He listens actively and attentively so that he understands what is being communicated. He asks follow-up
questions in order to make sure that he understands. He uses professional and technically correct written and
verbal communication. He uses nonverbal communication that matches his verbal communication.He engages
in dialogue with all staff at the clinic. He interprets and responds to nonverbal communication of others- for
example if a patient is giving the vibe that they are in more pain that they are letting on he questions them. He
always makes sure that he is talking with the patient. Getting feedback on what he is doing and if he needs to
change his pressure if he is doing manual therapy. He is able to modify his communication according to who he
is talking to and if they are understanding what he is talking about. He is able to talk with pediatric patients and
keep them involved in their treatment. He is also able to converse with adults and keep them involved in their
treatment. He is able to talk with all staff professionally. He always makes sure that he is using language that
the patient is understanding and follows up with questions to verify that they are understanding.

Self +2
CI +6

5.   Professional Practice – Cultural Competence

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake Rick understands the implication of individual and cultural differences. He adapts his behavior accordingly. He
communicates with sensitivity. He provides care in a nonjudgmental manner. He is aware of and suspends his
own social and cultural biases.

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Rick understands that there are cultural differences and adapts his behavior accordingly. He communicates with
sensitivity by considering differences in race/ethnicity, religion, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation,
disability and health status. He provides all aspects of physical therapy care in a non-judgmental manner. He
respects differences of patients. He has never shown any social or cultural biases when working with any


Cultural Self +2
CI +6

6.   Professional Practice – Professional Development

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake Rick knows his strengths and weaknesses. He asks questions when he has them. He seeks guidance when
necessary. He uses self evaluation and feedback from others in order to improve his clinical practice. He has
been able to participate in a couple of journal article clubs with me. He understands that he is always going to
be learning even after he has completed school work.

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CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Rick knows that he has strengths and limitations in his ability right now. This is his first clinical. He has done
an amazing job. He jumped right in with treating patients and asking questions. He has always seeked guidance
to address any limitations that he sees in his ability. He uses self-evaluation, gets on-going feedback from others
in order to improve his clinical practice and development. He has been able to complete a few initial
evaluations and establishes realistic short and long term goals. He also has realistic short and long term goals
for himself and his professional development. He seeks out additional learning experiences. He provides and
seeks feedback from all staff at the clinic as well as patients and caregivers.


Professional Self +2
CI +6

7.   Patient Management – Clinical Reasoning

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake He is able to present a logical rationale for his clinical decisions. He is ethical in all decisions that he makes. He
utilizes information from me, other staff, medical records and patient reports in order to make his clinical
decisions. He is working on making clinical decisions in ambiguous situations. He selects appropriate
interventions. He assesses patient response to interventions and informs me of what is going on. He is able to
offer some suggestions but asks for my opinion on what should be done. He focuses on the whole person and
not just the disease. He recognizes that he has limitations as he has not finished his classwork and this is his
first clinical.

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Rick is able to present logical rationale for clinical decisions that he is making. He makes clinical decisions
within the context of ethical practice. He utilizes data from multiple sources to make clinical decisions. He talks
to patients, caregivers, other staff that have treated them, and medical records. He recognizes when
interventions are not working and need to be changed. If someone is very painful and the exercises seem to be
making it worse he is able to come up with alternative exercises to try. He always discusses it with me first but
he is very resourceful. He also is able to progress some exercises. He has excelled at aquatic therapy exercises.
He selects interventions based on the best available evidence, clinical expertise, and patient preference. He
assesses the patients response to interventions and responds accordingly- too easy change the exercise, add
resistance, increase time/sets/reps. To difficult change the exercise, decrease resistance, decrease the
time/reps/sets. He uses appropriate measures in order to determine the patients response to treatment. He always
puts the whole person first and not the disease. You can tell this based on the interactions that he has with the
patients. He really gets to know the person. He asks questions. He does recognize that he has limits based on his
current knowledge and asks for assistance when needed.


Clinical Self +2
CI +6

8.   Patient Management – Screening

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake He has brought to my attention red flags that a patient talked with him about. He reviews medical history from
me, the chart, and other clinicians. He discusses with me what the appropriate tests and measures would be. He
interprets tests and measures accurately.

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Rick utilizes appropriate tests and measures that are sensitive to indications of physical therapy interventions.
He reviews medical history from patients and medical records that we receive. He has been able to perform a
systems review and recognizes red flags that should be addressed by a physician. He selects appropriate tests
and measures and performs them accurately. He analyzes and interprets the results of tests and measures and
determines whether there is need for further examination or a referral back to the physician.

Self +2
CI +6

9.   Patient Management – Examination

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake Rick is able to select best tests and measures for initial evaluations. He conducts tests and measures
appropriately. He is sequencing them in an effective and logical manner. He has been able to go through a few

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Rick is able to obtain a history from patients and other medical records when we had access to it. He utilized
information from the history and other data in order to formulate a hypothesis and prioritize what tests and
measures should be performed. He selects tests and measures that are evidence based and are relevant. He
conducts all tests and measures appropriately and in a logical manner. He adjusts his tests and measures based

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on the patients response. He has been able to perform re-evaluations and determine if the interventions are
helping or if they need to be changed. Also if they need to be discharged or continue with therapy.

Self +2
CI +6

10.   Patient Management – Evaluation

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake He has gone through initial evaluations with me and we have discussed pertinent impairments, functional
limitations, and what goals to set. He makes correct clinical judgment based on data that he obtained from the
examination. He reaches clinical decisions efficiently.

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Rick looks at the examination data and identifies pertinent impairments, functional limitations and makes
clinical judgments based on the data that he collects from the examination. He reaches clinical decisions
efficiently. He is able to discuss how he came to his decision and goals that he would expect to meet.

Self +2
CI +6

11.   Patient Management – Diagnosis and Prognosis

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake Rick does a good job at integrating data and arriving at a prognosis. He understands that there are co-
morbidities that are factors in how the patient is going to do. He utilizes the research and literature to identify
prognostic indicators. We have discussed diagnosis's for PT and come up with a differential diagnosis.

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Rick has gotten to see how diagnosis for physical therapy are found. He has determined a diagnosis that is
congruent with pathology, impairments, functional limitations and disability. He integrates data and was able to
discuss a prognosis. He looks at the possible contribution of other factors that the patient has that may change
the effectiveness of interventions. He utilizes research and literature to identify prognostic indicators that may
help predict the patients outcomes.


Diagnosis and Self +2

CI +6

12.   Patient Management – Plan of Care

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake Rick establishes realistic and functional goals. We have discussed POC's and what is realistic for the
outcomes/goals. He selects appropriate interventions based on the initial evaluation tests and measures. He has
identified a patients that would benefit from further follow up.

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Rick has been able to do some initial evaluations and re-evaluations where he established realistic goals and
functional outcomes. He established a plan of care that was consistent with the examination and evaluation. He
selects interventions that based on the best available evidence. He follows established guidelines when
completing a plan of care. He is able to progress and modify the plan of care and discharge planning based on
patient responses. He asks for guidance when needed. He is able to discuss the risks and benefits of
interventions. He was able to identify a patient that needed to have further follow-up with their physician.

Self +2
Plan of Care
CI +6

13.   Patient Management – Procedural Interventions

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake Rick performs all interventions safely, effectively, efficiently, fluidly, and in a coordinated and technically
competent manner. He performs interventions consistent with the POC. He follows guidelines. He assesses
patient responses to interventions and adjusts accordingly.
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CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Rick always performed interventions safely, effectively, efficiently, fluidly and in a coordinated and technically
competent manner. He understood that everything needs to be sanitized after being touched. He performs
interventions consistent with the plan of care. He is able to provide a rationale for interventions that he selects.
He assesses patient responses to interventions and is able to adjust based on their response. He is able to discuss
with caregivers strategies in order to minimize risk of injury.


Procedural Self +2
CI +6

14.   Patient Management – Educational Interventions

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake Rick is able to identify the patient's learning style and use it appropriately. He identifies barriers to learning and
modifies his interaction based on them. He is able to instruct the patient, family members, and caregivers
regarding the patients condition, and interventions. He understands that every patient needs an ongoing program
in order for them to have an effective outcome. He provides the patient and their family with the necessary tools
and the necessary education to manage their problem. He provides education and promotion of health, wellness
and fitness.

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Rick is able to prioritize what education needs to be done with the patient. He is also able to prioritize
interventions that should be done. He is able to identify the patients best learning style and utilizes it. He has
been able to identify barriers to learning. He modifies his interactions with patients depending on their learning
style. He is able to instruct the patient, family members, and caregivers regarding the patients condition,
interventions and HEP. He is also able to discuss the patients with other staff members in professional grammar.
He is able to provide education and promotes health, wellness and fitness.


Educational Self +2
CI +6

15.   Patient Management – Documentation

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake Rick does a fabulous job with selecting relevant information to document. He documents all aspects of the
delivery of physical therapy care (including screening, examination, evaluation, plan of care, intervention,
response to interventions, and communication). He produces documentation that follows our guidelines. He
documents all information in an organized manner. It is accurate, concise, timely and legible. He uses correct
terminology that is professionally and technically correct.

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Rick does a phenomenal job at documentation. He selects relevant information to document. He documents all
aspects of physical therapy care. He makes sure that everything that should be in the documentation is there.
However, he does not put useless information in the note. His documentation is consistent with all guidelines
and requirements. His documentation is very organized and demonstrates sound clinical decision-making. All
documentation is accurate, concise, timely and legible. He uses terminology that is professional and technically
correct. He has been able to look at other PT's notes and review their documentation.

Self +2
CI +6

16.   Patient Management – Outcomes Assessment

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake He applies his knowledge of assessments to interpret how the patient is doing. He uses his didactic coursework
and applies it appropriately to the clinic. He assesses the patients response to interventions and reacts

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Rick has been able to look at functional outcome assessment throughout the episode of care and interpret and
report them within the documentation. He assesses and responds to the patients response to the delivery of
treatment. He seeks feedback from patients and myself on how he is doing with his delivery of interventions.
He assesses the patients response to treatment and interventions and adjusts his delivery accordingly. He has
been able to look at functional goals and determine if the patient is making progress towards the goal or if the
goal has been met.

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Outcomes Self +2
CI +6

17.   Patient Management – Financial Resources

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake Rick has gotten to see how to schedule patients appropriately. Currently our schedule is crazy. Due to COVID
restrictions we are only allowed to have one person in the pool at a time. This has made it very difficult. But he
has helped me make sure that I am not double booking the pool. He sets priorities in the order to perform
interventions. He submits his notes in a timely manner so the billing charges are submitted on time. He uses our
technology effectively. He implements risk-management strategies to prevent injury and to effectively do
infection control.

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Due to COVID our scheduling has been confusing/complicated. We have a pool and only 1 person at a time is
allowed in the pool. Rick has gotten to see what a chore this has been. Also trying to keep patients 6 feet apart
and making sure that everything is sanitized after being used. Rick has done a great job at being flexible with
the order in which he completes interventions. He does make sure that he maximizes patient and facility
outcomes. He is able to use his time efficiently and effectively. He has done a fabulous job at accommodating to
unexpected changes in the schedule. He always gets his notes completed on time and therefore his billing
charges get submitted on time. He adheres to all reimbursement guidelines. Due to the large number of
Medicare and Federal payers that my clinic sees, Rick has been able to learn how to submit correct charges
when there are two patients being seen at the same time with differing insurances. He has done a great job at
learning the ins/outs of this and is able to submit charges correctly. He uses correct documentation, coding and
billing. He uses our facilities technology correctly, effectively and efficiently. He uses risk management
strategies in order to prevent injury to himself and others as well as preventing infection and illnesses. He
promotes physical therapy.


Financial Self +2
Resources CI +6

18.   Patient Management – Direction and Supervision of Personnel

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake We do not have any support staff that he is able to utilize. He is very aware and does a phenomenal job with
time management. We have 1 PTA and we have discussed patients with her when she is going to be seeing a
patient that we have evaluated. We also have had a couple of different therapists help us out and he has
informed them about patients as well. He has gotten to see how as a PT I have to sign the PTA's notes. He is
very respectful of all staff in our office. He makes sure that his notes are clear and accurate and expects the
PTA's to be that way as well.

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake We have 1 PTA that Rick has learned who could be put on her schedule and who should stay with a PT. He
understood that time management, supervision and patient care is important and needs to be paid attention to
when treating patients. He understood that sometimes you have to let the patient know why they are going to
have to talk to someone else in the clinic for services. For example referring a patient to talk with Annette to
find out about insurance questions. Rick has phenomenal interpersonal skills. He was able to connect with all
patients that he worked with. He was able to review the PTA's note when I needed to sign primary and check
for clarity and accuracy.


Supervision of Self +2
Personnel CI +6

19.   Summative Comments / Caseload / Days Absent

Areas of Strength

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake Time management Able to connect with patients

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Compassion Empathy Aquatic exercises Progressing exercises Time management Connecting with the patient
Working with the variety of ages that I see (Pediatrics-Geriatric)

Areas for Further Development

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake Will work on you going through a initial evaluation independently

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CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Continue to develop a plethora of interventions. Take ideas from all your clinicals and make them your own.

Caseload/Other Comments
1) What is the full caseload at your clinical site for a new graduate?
2) Considering the rating anchors, what percent of a new graduate caseload is the student capable of managing at this time?
CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake 1) 50 visits a week 2). Rick is able to manage 75% of the caseload currently. He has not had the chance to see 2
patients at the same time currently. He also has not been able to complete a full initial evaluation by himself.

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake 1) 50 visits a week 2). Rick is able to manage 90% of the case load. He has only seen 1 patient at a time, but I
have no doubt that he would be able to do it if it was necessary. He has been able to complete a initial
evaluation as far as general information, medical review, subjective and objective measurements and setting


CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake I am going to try to ask you more questions. I will let you complete an initial evaluation by himself.

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake Never stop learning. Take continuing education in areas that you are passionate about!!

Mid-Term Days Absent CI: 0 days

Final Days Absent CI: 0 days

Reason for Absence

CI Mid-Term — Melissa A. Drake N/A

CI Final — Melissa A. Drake He has been at the clinic every day.

Evaluation Sign Off Dates/Times

Self Mid-Term
[CI] Melissa A. Drake - 06/07/21 09:54 AM
[Student] RICK A. SCHUSTER - 06/07/21 09:54 AM

Self Final

[CI] Melissa A. Drake - 06/25/21 12:47 PM

[Student] RICK A. SCHUSTER - 06/25/21 12:46 PM
CI Mid-Term

[Student] RICK A. SCHUSTER - 06/07/21 09:58 AM

[CI] Melissa A. Drake - 06/07/21 09:54 AM
[CI] Melissa A. Drake - 06/07/21 09:54 AM

CI Final
[Student] RICK A. SCHUSTER - 06/25/21 12:47 PM
[CI] Melissa A. Drake - 06/25/21 12:46 PM
[CI] Melissa A. Drake - 06/25/21 12:46 PM

Post-Assessment Comments
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