Topic 15 Drugs

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| [elsany chemical substance taen into the body that modifies or affects cheraleal reacthons In the body, i-Medicinal drugs | | se Antibiotics (Antibiotics) “S© Antibiotics Chemical substances produced by ntieroorganismesy mostly funge), used to kill stop growth of bacteria wnithout harming any acker fuing cells How. ihiotiee icill bacteria auly? Penicillin(jérst discovered antibiotic, made by famgus peniciltium) , prevents the formation ef cell wall in bneteria, othee astibiatics damage the cell wall of bacteria. Antibiotics have either bacteriostatic action: by preventing bacterial erowth Le prevent formation of cell wall, Others have bucterickdal effect: they cause the bacteria to lusin or barat by damaging is eel wall ‘Why antibiotics cam pails kill hetero"? Becouse they interfere with the formation offeell wall ix bocterig, bur krman cells and wirases look ceil walt sa their evils une nat affected . Why nol use antibioties too often? To avoid development af resistanr ( muutanz) strains of hocteria whieh will survive and be resistant to antibiotics, se antibiotics become ne longer effective, How population of antibiatic: resistant hacteria as MESA can develop? Ja normal bacterial populstion, one resistant cell may evolve by mutation{ DNA change} , » Upon antibiotic treatment, all population is kilted except for the resistant cell + Then by neitural selectiont surrviol of fittest), only this sera will reproduce. Whole new population will be resistant to antéhiotie treatment, Continue on antibiotics Don't use antibiotics unless they are prescribed by doctors. Finish the antibiotic course. Don't use only one type of antibiotic, but use different types( as using same type upon each time of infection, allows some of bacterial population to recover& develop resistant strains) Antibiotics sensitivity test Grown — ~— Petri dish filled with agar on which Antintrebat \ ~“certain type of bacteria are growing. ; 4)"The four grey circles are little dis s of filter paper soaked in different antibiotics to check which antibiotic will be most effective against this type of bacteria. doeat. Vy Zane ACclear zong):bacteria are most (woorowny\ sensitive to antibiotic A Showing the \ / wridest clear area, where Bacteria stopped growing or killed by antibiotic A Zone B.Camaller clear zone): bacteria are less sensitive to antibforie B Zanes C& Dz bacteria are resistant to ‘antibioties C&D ioties, the more selection pressure we put on bacteria to evolve resistance. Antibiotics don’t creat resistance but selects it in a population.

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