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a. The author's argument in this paper is that racially oriented bsdm is not damaging to

women of colour and that doing so can offer relief to a larger landscape of sexual

politics. She provides input towards racial play being okay as long as both parties are

enjoying their involvement, similarly to other conversations about bdsm in this class,

it is hard to say that parties should not indulge in these activities if said parties are

happy in doing them.

b. Following the general argument that racial play is acceptable if both parties are

agreeing, the author conveys this further by citing Williams when she says “ I like my

violence consensual”. This point is adding to the narrative that people who wish to

engage in these activities should be able to if they please. Especially when paired with

an alternative topic in this paper which are black women feeling empowered by this

type of race play, stating it provides them with therapeutic and restorative quantities

during said race play. Both of these areas fall under another argument that is women

of colour when partaking in sex are not thinking about the correlation to political

racial agendas. As seen by Williams's quote “my vagina isn’t really interested in

uplifting the race”, this quote carries truth as a woman’s sex interests aren’t going to

prompt her into allowing racism into her day-to-day life as most times during race

play these are fictional scenes occurring separately from the genuine living experience

one may face day to day.

c. Overall, I feel that the author's arguments are fair and race-play shouldn’t be frowned

upon. The benefits the authors list aside, I believe that whatever sexual desires parties

want to enter should be accepted. In comparison to some of the other articles of

extreme bdsm which required participants to get medical assistance, this realm of

kinkiness does not provide the same extent of harm. One may argue that this type of
play could be psychologically damaging but if the participants are both agreeing and

into this dynamic, it seems that they would not be off put by it.

d. 1. Do you feel that race-play is damaging to people of colour/Does it encourages

racism in a political-social context?

2. This type of dynamic is justified by saying that it is only fantasy/play, do you think

this mindset is justifiable in other contexts such as old man/young girl role play or

would this topic arise separate issues?

3. Do you feel that critiquing this area of porn is able to be enjoyed by a black

women's lens as well or is this genre only for the appeal of white men?

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