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Part 1

Is it better to own a car or to use public transport?

Nowadays people use different types of transport, constanly use car or public transport for
mobilize. In the same way, we have to consider the advantages and disadvanges that this
transports have.

Firtsly, have a car is expensive, not only that you have to give maintenance, just using it a day
spends a lot of money. On the other hand, mobilize by public transport is consider the
cheapest option, you arrive at your destination without any problem.

Secondly, the industries are making ecofriendly cars so the pollution that make before is going
to dicrease so that is a benefict. About the public transport make a lot of pollution because
are in disrepare so this cause that these produce smog.

Finally, this are not only posible options of transport, exist the bicycle that is ecofriendly, fast
and cheap. Is an alternative that the majority take mainly for save the planet.

To sum up, if you use any type of transport, you have to be aware about the consecuences,
considering all, its better use public transport but not all the days.

Part 2

What I hope to be doing in ten years’ time?

We always imagine about what is going to happend in the future and if it something positive
for us. Most expect that in ten years are going to have a ideal job, family and a good
socioeconomic level.

In my case, when I started the secondary I spent all my time thinking about what I am going to
do when I finish the school, but all change. Now I hope that in ten years I going to work in a
hospital like a psychologist, also I will teach at univerisity. I think at that time I am not plan to
have a family because I only want to focus on me. Definitely, I going to live abroad.

In my opinión, it is important that from a certain age we begin to plan our future although in
the end it is not as it is. Personally I hope that in ten years it will be doing everything that is
planned but in the same way I want my life to be unexpected.

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