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Lenormand Reader’s



Lenormand Reader’s


Copyright Notice

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may

be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical
methods, without the prior written permission of the
author, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other
non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.
All cards, card images, and illustrations, are property
of Lenormand Reader. For permission requests,
write to the author using this email address and
entitling the subject line “Permissions Request”:

The contents of this book and all works by

Lenormand Reader, including but not limited to text,
information, graphics, and images, contained herein,
whether in physical, digital, or online format
(“Content”), are for informational purposes only. The
Content is not intended to be a substitute for
professional advice, like medical, career, financial, or
any other. Always consult your advisor, a qualified
professional, or authority, with any questions you
have regarding a medical, career, financial, or any
other condition in your life. Never disregard
professional advice or delay in seeking it because of
something you have read in this Content.
How To Work With The Silhouettes Deck 8

Layouts To Get You Started 13

One-Card Reading 13
Two-Card Reading 14
Three-Card Reading 15
Nine-Card Portrait 16
Grand Tableau 18
Near And Far 23

Overview Of The Cards 24

The Anchor 32
The Bear 36
The Bird 40
The Book 44
The Child 48
The Clouds 52
The Clover 56
The Coffin 60
The Cross 64
The Dog 68
The Fish 72
The Flowers 76
The Fox 80
The Garden 84
The Heart 88
The House 92
The Key 96
The Letter 100
The Lily 104
The Man And Woman 108
The Moon 111
The Mountain 115
The Mouse 119
The Rider 123
The Ring 127
The Road 131
The Scythe 135
The Ship 139
The Snake 143
The Star 147
The Stork 151
The Sun 155
The Tower 159
The Tree 163
The Whip 167

About Layla, The Lenormand Reader 171

How To Work With The
Silhouettes Deck

Mlle Lenormand was a famous French fortune teller

who lived between the 18th and 19th centuries. She
is known for two decks, but the most famous one is
Le Petit Jeu, or “the small game”. The Silhouettes
Deck is a version of it.

Reading Lenormand cards is one of the most

enjoyable divination methods because it’s done in a
free-flowing manner by stringing cards together.
From only 36 cards, a multitude of meanings can be
drawn by combining them together and
interpreting them for a specific context.

Unlike many other card games, the Lenormand

method involves reading Tableau, or portrait, style.
The idea behind the portrait is to read cards in
sentences. This is very different from other methods
where cards in a layout have specific positions and
their interpretation is restricted to these placements.

In a Tableau, the cards guide the interpretation. We

can enter a peaceful and contemplative space as we
ponder the many different ways the cards combine.

Not only is this layout method unique, but the card
symbols are so archetypally accessible that they’re
readily understood, which makes combining them
easy and intuitive. This is unlike many esoteric decks
and systems that require a lot more practice and
familiarity before they naturally ‘speak’ to us.

Using Your Silhouettes Deck

There are only 36 cards in the Lenormand deck so

you’ll quickly learn their meaning. Go over each card
and get a sense of its symbol. Don’t limit yourself to
any meanings in this Guidebook, or any other book
for that matter, and develop your own approach
from the outset.

Start by doing a one-card reading, then try reading

cards in pairs, then work your way up to more cards
as you become familiar with combining cards.

In this Guidebook, I give many examples of two-card

combinations. Use them to create your own
dictionary of paired meanings. You can also consult
Lenormand Reader’s Card Combinations Master for
an in-depth exploration of all 595 card pairs and
many triplets.

Follow these simple steps to start your journey.

Step 1: Befriend Your New Deck

Familiarizing yourself with a new pack of cards is a

bit like breaking into new shoes. You have to wear
your shoes a few times before they start taking the
shape of your foot. Similarly, you have to use your
new deck a few times before it speaks to you. So
spend some time holding your deck, going through
its cards, shuffling them, and doing a few readings.

Step 2: Consecrate Your Cards

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with your cards,

you can have a more intimate conversation with
them. Ask them to reveal to you what you and your
clients need to know at a given moment, and ask
that all their messages be aligned with the greater
good. Promise yourself to use your cards for the
benefit of all involved and accept that if it’s not the
right time to receive a message you’ll leave it at that.

Very importantly, embrace your free will and

recognize that your cards are only a mirror of what
your soul already knows. Embrace the one source of
wisdom in the universe and align with it all that you
do, including your divination practice. Ask your
source to guide you at all times and affirm that
you’re open and willing to receive its messages.

Step 3: Ask A Question

Think of a question you’d like to answer. It’s best that

you ask one that focuses on you and that you can
ponder with detachment and objectivity. It’s also
important to phrase it in a way that positive cards
indicate a positive outcome for you. Asking about
someone is fine, but it’s best to focus on your role in
the relationship and avoid ‘peeking’ into their affairs.

Also, reading about a situation that’s ethically

questionable often leads to confusing messages. For
example, asking whether you’ll be in a relationship
with someone attached often produces false hopes.
Be realistic and don’t draw cards for what you can
obviously answer with common sense and wisdom.

Step 4: Shuffle The Cards

When working with a new deck or after drawing

cards for someone else, you might want to shuffle
the cards more thoroughly. The purpose of this is to
release your deck from the energies of previous

It’s good to either contemplate your question or

keep your mind blank when you shuffle. Being
distracted by unrelated thoughts often interferes
with the reading.

Note that the reading starts when you start to
shuffle. It’s a signal that you’ve entered the
divinatory space, so quiet your mind and

Step 5: Choose A Card

It’s a good idea to start with a one-card reading.

There are different ways to select it from a deck. You
can fan the deck and select it randomly, or you can
cut the deck and select the top card. With longer
layouts, you can deal the cards. Regardless of your
method, decide what it is before shuffling. Then
shuffle and select your card. It’s the answer to your

Step 6: Consult This Guidebook

Turn to the corresponding page of your card and

contemplate its meaning. How does it answer your
specific question? How do you make sense of it in
light of your concern? Notice your thoughts and
feelings; they’re key to your reading. Follow the same
process for multiple card readings.

Layouts To Get You Started

In addition to a simple one-card reading, you can do

longer lines or read Tableau-style layouts. Let’s
recap the one-card reading and go over more

One-Card Reading

After completing steps 3 and 4, choose your method

for selecting cards, then select a card and turn it

➤ Look up the card’s meaning and consider its

meaning for the context of your question.

➤ Consider whether the card is positive, negative, or

neutral, and how it answers your question.

➤ It’s also a good idea to think about the advice of

the card and be proactive about the issue.

Follow this simple interpretation approach for longer

Two-Card Line

After completing steps 3 and 4, choose your method

for selecting cards, choose two cards, placing them
face down as shown here, and turn them over.

The cards can be read as a pair or individually. This

simple layout helps you learn card combinations.

➤ Consider the individual meaning of the cards and

their combined meaning in the context of your

➤ Consider whether the cards are positive, negative,

or neutral, and how they answer your question.

➤ It’s also a good idea to think about the advice of

the cards so you can be proactive about the issue.

Three-Card Reading

After completing steps 3 and 4, choose your method

for selecting cards, choose three cards, placing them
face down as shown here, then turn them over.

➤ Consider the individual meaning of the cards and

their combined meaning in the context of your
question. The cards can be read as two pairs
stringed together, or as a three-card combination.

➤ Consider whether the cards are positive, negative,

or neutral, and how they answer your question.

➤ Consider the advice of the cards so you can be

proactive about the issue.

➤ Consider whether card 2 has more weight than

the others and if it gives the main outcome.

➤ Consider whether you can read the cards as a

past-present-future line, with card 1 indicating the
past, card 2 the present, and card 3 the future.

The Nine-Card Portrait

After completing steps 3 and 4, select nine cards,

placing them face down in a 3x3 grid as shown here,
then turn them over.

The central card, card 5, has the most weight

because it connects with every other card. It tells of
the main outcome but also gives the main area to
focus on. The first card represents the readee and
often offers the main advice.

➤ Consider how card 5 answers the query.

➤ Consider how card 1 covers you or your client and

what advice it offers.

The lines are read as three-card sentences: Columns,
rows, and diagonals. It’s possible to combine the
cards in many other ways as described in
Lenormand Reader’s Handbook Of Layout.

The left column (1+4+7) can mean the past, the

middle column (2+5+8) can mean the present, and
the right column (3+6+9) can mean the future.

The top (1+2+3), middle (4+5+6), and bottom row

(7+8+9), as well as the first diagonal (1+5+9) and the
second diagonal (3+5+7), offer additional details to
the story. The first diagonal is quite important
because it carries the first and central cards

➤ Consider how the left, middle, and right columns

tell a past-present-future story about the query.

➤ Consider what additional details the three rows

are offering about the query.

➤ Consider what the two diagonals are saying about

the query, and if the first diagonal is more important.

➤ Determine the final outcome to the query.

The nine-card is effectively a mini Tableau. It looks

simple but it’s actually a master spread whose
techniques are the foundation for bigger layouts.

The Grand Tableau

After completing steps 3 and 4, you might want to

deal the cards instead of fanning out the deck
because this large spread uses all 36 cards.

The Tableau has many sentences and structures that

can be interpreted, but we wouldn’t be able to do
them justice like we do in Lenormand Reader’s
Handbook Of Layouts. Still, we can introduce its
main concepts.

Because it’s so large, the Tableau is normally used for

queries with a long-term horizon or as a life overview
spanning a year or more. But this is flexible as with
any layout.

There are two versions of the Tableau: The Piquet

Tableau and the Grand Tableau of Nines. They’re
illustrated in the next pages.

➤ Select your version of the Tableau, then deal and

turn over its cards.

Piquet Tableau
Grand Tableau Of Nines
The Man and Woman are used to identify the readee
based on gender. This significator must be located in
the Tableau as the very first step.

➤ Select which significator represents the readee

and locate it in your Tableau.

The column the significator is in is the present

column. All columns to its left represent the past,
and all columns to its right represent the future.

➤ Interpret the present column and consider what

it’s saying about the querent or query at this time.

➤ Similarly, interpret the past and future columns.

Rows and diagonals are also read and they can have
past and future components.

➤ Interpret the the rows and diagonals and take

special note of those the significator is in.

Many nine-card portraits are embedded in the

Tableau. They can be read to focus on specific topics.

➤ Select topics of interest and read the portrait

around them.

The corner cards of a Tableau capture the main
indications that surround the reading. In the Piquet,
the corner cards are those in the main rectangle and
exclude any cards from the bottom row.

➤ Consider what the corner cards are saying about

the querent or query.

The bottom row in the Piquet and central column in

the Tableau of Nines capture key outcomes of the

➤ Consider what this key sentence in your Tableau is

saying about the querent or query.

Near And FAr

One classical technique for interpreting cards in a

Grand Tableau is the near and far method.

In this method, cards have different meanings

depending on how near or far they are from the

If you’ve seen a Red Owl deck, you might have

noticed quotes on the face of the card. These quotes
often describe near and far interpretations of the

Other decks have quotes as well, and different

authors have produced their own interpretation of
the near and far indications.

Because it’s an interesting and traditional way of

reading the cards in a Tableau, I’ve included the near
and far interpretations of each card in this
Guidebook. See if you enjoy practicing this method
in your Tableaus.

Overview Of The Cards

Lenormand’s cards have a number, an associated

playing card or pip, and a main symbol. Some decks
also have a short quote that explains the card. The
Silhouettes Deck illustrates a card’s main symbol, its
number, and pip, but does not use quotes for the
sake of focus and simplicity.

A card’s general meaning comes mainly from its

symbol. The pip offers some insight and the number
only helps with the classical ordering of the cards.

I’ve assimilated any meaning from the pip into the

general meaning of the card. You might like to
consult Lenormand Reader’s Card Combinations
Master and Handbook Of Layouts for more details
about this subject.

As for the classical order of the cards, which is

according to their numbers, it’s mainly used in a
version of the Grand Tableau called the houses
spread, also covered in the Handbook.

I prefer to order the cards alphabetically, as they are

in this Guidebook and my other works, because it’s
much easier to look them up this way. The only

exception is that I place the Woman card right after
the Man because the flow makes more sense.

All symbols of the Lenormand deck can be readily

understood because they’re common, everyday
archetypes. So be creative and use your intuition
when you interpret the cards. They’re the basis for a
card’s general meaning.

This general meaning tells us what the card is about

and whether it’s generally positive, negative, or
neutral. It also guides how the card influences and is
influenced by nearby cards, how it can be tweaked
for specific contexts and queries, and how it
interacts with other cards in combinations.

This Guidebook covers the general meaning of the

cards, their specific indications for personality types,
money, career, and relationship contexts, their
advice, their meaning in the context of a portrait and
Grand Tableau, and several card pairs. The Master
covers the cards in much more detail to take your
interpretation and card combination skills to the
next level.

Let’s start with a brief overview of the cards.

Anchor Strength and success.
Unwavering and focused. Positive.

Bear Leadership, strength. Can mean

competition. Neutral.

Bird Discussions, conversations. Can

mean anxiety and tension. Neutral
but sometimes a little negative.

Book Secrets, mystery, things not yet

unrevealed. Education and learning.

Child Children or a new beginning.

Joy and happiness. Positive.

Clouds Confusion, stress, lack of

clarity, nebulousness. Negative.

Clover Great luck and happy events.
Wishes materialize. Positive.

Coffin Ending, absence, stagnant

situation. Negative.

Cross Pains and burdens, but also

spirituality and guidance. Typically

Dog A friend, colleague, or sibling.

Help and support. Positive.

Fish Money, prosperity, abundance,

success, dreams, ambitions. Positive.

Flowers Joy, happiness, fun, creativity.


Fox Someone tricky, a trap. Can bode
well for work and employment.
Usually negative.

Garden A place, an outing, the

outdoors. Getting out, networking.

Heart Love, kindness, feelings,

emotions. Positive.

House Home and family, homebase

or residence. Can refer to our work
team. Success and structure. Positive.

Key Intelligence, problem-solving,

success. Can mean providence.

Letter News, messages, documents,

paperwork, communication. Neutral.

Lily Career and life direction. Can refer
to health. Neutral.

Man The male significator. Represents

a man of significance in our life, or our
partner. Neutral.

Woman The female significator.

Represents a woman of significance
in our life, or our partner. Neutral.

Moon Honors, recognition, success,

popularity. An offer. Positive.

Mountain A blockage, or a place

abroad. Can be negative or neutral.

Mouse Mistrust, annoyances, things

breaking down, loss. Negative.

Rider A messenger, someone helpful,
news, movement, activity, goals.

Ring Relationships, partnerships,

promises, commitments. Positive.

Road Changes, decisions, crossroads,

choices. Neutral.

Scythe Severance, shock, can mean

danger. Often negative but can be

Ship Travel, journey, usually overseas,

immigration, change, trade and
commerce, success. Positive.

Snake Deceit, lies, jealousy, rivalry,

‘the other person’ in a love triangle.

Star Wish-fulfillment, success, faith,
hope, providence, dreams, clarity.

Stork Changes, transformation,

moves, house moves, shaking things
up. Neutral.

Sun All-around happiness,

wish-fulfilment, success. Positive.

Tower The past, the long-term,

longevity, experience, protection.

Tree Health, strength, vitality, growth,

wisdom, abundance. Positive.

Whip Challenge, quarrels, discord,

strife. Strongly negative.

The Anchor
This is the card of safety, security, determination,
certainty, positivity, and strength. It’s solid and
secures in place so it makes things concrete,
complete, and built to last. With determination and
perseverance, success is possible. But because of its
association with stillness, immobility, and discipline,
it can be stubborn, rigid, and impose limitations. In
another sense, it can return matters to a normal
state and help us resume our routine after a period
of instability. It takes on meaning from nearby cards,
but can overturn negative ones through its strength.

As A Person
Anchor people are strong, solid, and not to be
messed with. They’re serious, hard-working, and
reliable. They’re trustworthy, especially with serious
matters. While this tends to make them dull and not
much fun, they can be sophisticated and deep.

Money And Career

The Anchor is positive for money and career if we’re
willing to be disciplined and committed. It’s not
frivolous, and it tells us to focus on building a solid
foundation for the future. So routine and consistency
matter. We must balance the budget and cut
unnecessary costs. If we commit to the disciplines,
the Anchor delivers success.

In Love And Relationships

The Anchor is also positive for love as it’s about trust
and commitment. But on the flip side, it can feel
restrictive. Relationships tend to be settled under its
influence, and families can create a supportive
environment for their children. It’s important to relax
a little and avoid being too rigid or serious if we want
to attract a relationship.

Make things happen and move from thought to
action. Be serious, focus, and commit to your tasks.
Persist until you see results. Have confidence in
yourself and move forward with purpose. Avoid
changes at this time. Stand your ground in the face
of any challenge.

In The Portrait
The Anchor asks us to stick with it when it appears
on the first or central card of the portrait. On the first
card in particular, it advises us to have
self-confidence and not flinch in the face of
challenge. In the central position, it usually answers
a query positively.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Anchor is positive, especially for
business and trade. Also, relationships are solid and
faithful. When far, the Anchor can mean poor
judgement, clinging, and an unwillingness to
change. Relationships lack depth and seriousness.

Notable Combinations

Anchor + Bird: Assertion, self-expression.

Anchor + Cross: Obligations, burdens, or dogmatism.

Anchor + Garden: Community, belonging, setting

healthy boundaries between private and public.

Anchor + Mouse: Self-protection, guarding against


Anchor + Ship: Landing, long-distance travel, or

being wishy-washy.

The Bear
Like the Anchor, the Bear represents strength,
power, willpower, reliability, and capability. It
characterizes matters with importance and amplifies
their significance. The Bear can also be about wealth,
influence, or official and legal matters. It’s a neutral
card and takes on much of its effect from
surrounding cards. Unlike the Anchor, and more like
the Mountain, it can exacerbate negative cards, and
can represent challenge, opposition, competition, or
even an enemy.

As A Person
The Bear classically represents the matriarch, but it
also qualifies people as leaders, bosses, parents, or
someone dominant and influential. Bear people are
typically protective and caring, but they can also be
overbearing or plain bullies. In negative
combinations, the Bear can represent competition
or even an enemy.

Money And Career

The Bear is all about ambition and thinking big. We
must aim high and go for it, but it’s also important
not to be deluded. Promotions, growth, and wealth
are all possible when the Bear is positively aspected.

In Love And Relationships

The Bear is a caring lover. Relationships are secure,
loyal, and founded on trust. It’s excellent for families
and established relationships, whereas single people
should be less defensive or intimidating if they want
to attract a partner. If negatively aspected, the Bear
can indicate possessiveness or jealousy.

Be strong and courageous but don’t overlook the
chain of command. Upgrade your standards and
lifestyle, be more professional, enhance your social
status, and polish your profile. Grow up and be your
own boss. Learn from leaders around you. Be
resourceful, rely on yourself, but also help others. In
health, watch your weight, exercise, be disciplined,
and practice moderation.

In The Portrait
The Bear is similar to the Anchor and encourages us
to be strong and bold. It also advises us to respect
the chain of command. On the first card, we need to
be ambitious and assume leadership qualities. On
the central card, it can suggest that we tap into a
leader or authority for guidance, but with negative
cards, it can point to competition or even an enemy.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Bear brings happiness, strength,
success, victory, and helps us overcome challenges.
When far, it can mean envy, enemies, or others
trying to get in our way somehow.

Notable Combinations

Bear + Clouds: Courage, boldness, stubbornness, or

problems with authority.

Bear + Fox: Upper management, a great job, being

roundabout with authority.

Bear + House: A parent or boss, protection, luxury.

Bear + Moon: Status, fame, admiration.

Bear + Road: Major change, a big decision.

The Bird
The Bird is neutral but with negative cards, it’s often
tense, anxious, scattered, and can point to
arguments. That said, these difficulties are usually
short-lived. With positive cards, it’s lively and brings
bright things. Dialogue, discussions, problem
solving, negotiations, exchange of ideas, and news or
short-distance travel are typical. It often refers to
verbal messages and telephone calls. This is in
contrast with the Letter which is better associated
with written communication.

As A Person
Bird people are talkative types who like to express
themselves and thrive in environments where they
can share and present. They can be nervous and
anxious at times, but their main fault is that they

Money And Career

The Bird is a busy card. Networking goes a long way
and so does sharing and expressing interest. It we
have doubts, it encourages us to reach out and ask
questions. It’s a little chaotic and can be prone to
overspending. Creating a plan and sticking with it

In Love And Relationships

The Bird is tension-causing. There can be a little
quarreling or anxiety in the air. It’s important to talk
things out but without causing more stress on
others. It’s also important to be a listener and not
just a talker. In a more positive light, the Bird
encourages us to socialize and be open to meeting
people. It can mean flirting.

Initiate conversation, debate ideas, and ask
questions. Overcome shyness, and get out to
network. With negative cards, backoff, take it easy
and make sure you’re not causing tension or
pushing it. Exercise wisdom and express yourself
succinctly. Pay attention to how you come across to
see how effective you are.

In The Portrait
The Bird on the first card encourages us to start
conversations, ask questions, and be proactive in
getting the information we need. But it also warns
against gossip or causing tension to others. In the
central position, it can point to news or a short trip.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Bird tells of short-lived uncertainties
and anxieties. When far, it can mean a happy
journey, good news, or a positive conversation.

Notable Combinations

Bird + Book: Assignment, short task, homework.

Bird + Coffin: Stalled communications, distance,

moving away from someone.

Bird + Flowers: Fun, kicking back, compliments.

Bird + Heart: Worry, anxiety, tension, doubts.

Bird + Mountain: A short trip, news from abroad, or

trouble at the borders.

The Book
The Book is about secrets, mysteries, the unknown,
things unrevealed, and a destiny in the making.
Depending on nearby cards, it can mean that
something is about to be revealed. It’s also the card
of knowledge, education, training, research,
intellectual pursuits, writing, publishing, and creative
expression in general. Though neutral, the Book
inspires us to seek the truth, and be wise and patient
for things to unravel.

As A Person
Book people are the educated and intellectual types
who care about learning and academic refinements.
They can be secretive, mysterious, and guarded, so
they’re not particularly social, but they’re often
helpful with their knowledge and might be willing to
show us the way.

Money And Career

The Book is about the quieter careers that require a
lot knowledge and experience. Career growth tends
to be slow and steady under its influence. It’s also
careful with money and encourages us to get into
the details of our accounting. It’s a conservative card

In Love And Relationships

The Book can mean a love unrevealed if positively
aspected. On the flip side, it can indicate that people
aren’t expressing their feelings, or that they’re
keeping secrets from each other. In some negative
combinations, it can hint at an illicit affair.

The Book asks you to concentrate, delve more
deeply into matters, and find out what you can. It
demands patience for things to work themselves
out. Don’t act or make a decision until you have the
right information. Acting prematurely is definitely
not advised when the Book shows up.

In The Portrait
The Book on the first or central position can mean
that it’s too early to answer the query. Specifically on
the first card, it can suggest that we don’t reveal our
plan, much like the Snake would.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Book implies learning of a secret,
but caution is usually needed. When far, matters
could remain hidden for a longer period of time.

Notable Combinations

Book + Key: Discovery, breakthrough.

Book + Man/Woman: An intellectual, someone not

yet known.

Book + Mouse: Misinformation, missing information.

Book + Rider: A secret message, or a secret admirer.

Book + Star: Academic success.

The Child
Children and new beginnings are the key themes of
the Child. It tells of first steps, starting out, or starting
over. Through its association with children, it brings
spontaneity, lightheartedness, fun, and joy to any
situation. It’s a card of openness and innocence, and
can also represent creativity. It’s generally positive
and brightens any reading. On the flip side, it can
represent immaturity and a resulting lack of
readiness in some situations, but especially with
negative cards nearby.

As A Person
The Child often represents an actual child or
someone younger. Otherwise, Child people are
joyous and happy, and always open to the new.
They’re kind and giving and like to have fun. On the
flip side, they can be immature or naive.

Money And Career

The Child is all about first steps in a career or
financial direction. It suggests that we be open to
learn and take things step by step. It’s important not
to be naive in this context, and make sure no one is
taking advantage of our inexperience.

In Love And Relationships

The Child can mean a new relationship, or having or
wanting a family. On its own, it’s a lovely card and
points to joy, excitement, and openness. But in other
contexts or with negative cards, it can mean naivety
and therefore advises us not to be gullible.

Focus on your children and pay attention to their
needs. Smile, laugh, lighten up, be more playful, and
don’t take things too seriously. Take a break and do
things you love, like spending time on a hobby or
playing games. Let your inner child out and do
things you loved as a kid. Be open to new ideas and
perspectives. Take the first steps and start
something. With negative cards, don’t be naive. You
might need to grow up about an issue. While being
vulnerable opens you up to the new, make sure no
one takes advantage of your openness.

In The Portrait
The Child on either first or central card placements
points to our children, our inner child, or tells of a
new beginning. It also encourages us to assume a
more open and playful attitude toward the matter at

In The Grand Tableau

Whether near or far, the Child indicates happiness,
supportive friends, kindness, or a new beginning.

Notable Combinations

Child + Cross: A new level of consciousness, growing


Child + Fox: A tricky start.

Child + House: A new home, renovations.

Child + Mountain: A new direction whose

importance is not yet known.

Child + Snake: Easily manipulated due to


The Clouds
Confusion, doubts, disagreements, uncertainties,
and complications surface with the Clouds. It can be
discouraging and put a damper on the whole
atmosphere. In a neutral sense, it refers to thoughts,
which can be bright or gray. A key feature of this
card is that its illustration has a brighter and darker
side that affect nearby cards accordingly. In the
Silhouettes Deck, the darker side is on the left
because there are more clouds. Less often, it can
literally refer to the weather, usually forecasting
storms, gray skies, or rain.

As A Person
Clouds people tend to be difficult and complicated.
They might be stressed out, mentally strained,
experiencing challenges, or even dealing with
psychological issues. They tend to be flaky and
wishy-washy. Still, they’re thinking types with a
unique outlook on things.

Money And Career

The Clouds brings challenges in this context. We
might have difficulties on the job or many expenses
to deal with. Problems must be resolved when the
Clouds appears, and focus is absolutely key to turn
these challenges around.

In Love And Relationships

The Clouds is negative in relationships. Tension is
apparent and partners are in disagreement. Some
things might be unsaid, but they’re felt. Confusion
could be the issue, as it’s not clear where the
relationship is heading. Families are stormy, and
single people are not in the right mindset to attract
a relationship. Setting priorities can be a first step
toward clarity.

Sort through the confusion, straighten out your
thinking, and set your priorities. It’s not a good idea
to make a decision or take an action before you’re
clear on everything. Instead, clarify your intentions
and resolve any doubts first. Otherwise, more
complications can ensue.

In The Portrait
On the first card, the Clouds tells us that our
thoughts can affect the outcome to a great extent.
We must really focus to see the situation through.
On the central card, it tells of complications and
most likely indicates a negative outcome.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Clouds indicates that our thoughts
significantly impact the situation. But when far, it
suggests that external events impact our affairs

Notable Combinations

Clouds + Clover: Unwarranted negative thinking.

Clouds + Flowers: Optimism, positive thinking.

Clouds + Garden: A tense meeting, or a questionable


Clouds + Lily: Sorrow, stress, or general tension.

Clouds + Sun: Resolution, relief, clarity, discernment.

The Clover
The Clover is all about luck, good fortune, and
positive outcomes. It tends to trump any negativity,
so no matter how challenging the circumstances or
the cards nearby are, the Clover can help overturn
them. Problems are resolved, things fall into place as
if by magic, and all is well for the good of all involved.

As A Person
Clover people are happy, bubbly, trusting,
open-minded, and kind. They’re the happy-go-lucky
type who seem not to have a care in the world. But
it’s probably their positive outlook on life that
attracts to them all sorts of good experiences.

Money And Career

The Clover is very lucky here and can mean that we
land a dream job or get a bonus. If positively
aspected, taking some risk might be encouraged,
but it’s important not to tempt chance or be
foolhardy in any way. Counting our blessings helps
us focus on the good.

In Love And Relationships

The Clover is also very lucky in relationships. It can
indicate a fling or a flirt, but it’s very positive for
established relationships too. Differences are easily
resolved with its appearance. It asks us to be open
and willing to forgive.

The Clover asks you to think positively and oust any
doubts from your thoughts and spirit. Trust that your
highest good is unfolding in the perfect time and
space. Optimism and gratitude are key as they open
doors and allow good to come in. Seize
opportunities and be grateful for them. You might
have to tolerate some risk or unknown elements, but
you can still embrace positive change in alignment
with your highest good.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card placement, the Clover
delivers much luck and asks us to put away any
concerns. On the first card in particular, it could be
suggesting that we don’t get any negative thoughts
in the way of our good.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Clover brings protection and a long
patch of good luck. When far, it remains lucky but
not to the same extent.

Notable Combinations

Clover + Cross: A leap of faith, providence.

Clover + Fox: Acknowledging our self-worth, or

tempting chance.

Clover + Key: Brilliance, giftedness, clarity.

Clover + Ring: A genuine relationship, commitment.

Clover + Whip: Forgiveness, resolution, harmony


The Coffin
The Coffin is commonly associated with death and
dying, but it’s usually in the figurative sense more
than anything else. It’s only in certain combinations
that it can be as final as a physical death, and again
it depends on the query. More commonly, the Coffin
tells of illness, absence, forgetfulness, boredom,
procrastination, stagnation, and a very likely ending
at hand, which can be welcome depending on
nearby cards. It can also indicate someone absent
and suggest that we miss them.

As A Person
The Coffin can represent someone absent or a loner.
But as a character, it’s usually someone depressed,
very bored, or very boring. Coffin people are low
energy types and can be lazy. But they could also be
going through a phase and need time out.

Money And Career

The Coffin usually points to an ending on the job, as
in a resignation or termination. It can also mean that
things are stagnant and there’s no opportunity for
growth. When it appears, it’s usually time for a
change. With money, it asks us to postpone
decisions or end an involvement.

In Love And Relationships

The Coffin is the card of single people and is not a
good sign for relationships. It usually points to an
ending. With positive cards, it can mean time apart,
especially with the Flowers, which implies
reconnecting. But in general, it’s time to let go when
it appears, or suggest that it’s not the right time for a
new relationship.

Patience is key with the Coffin. But it can also
suggest that you need to put an end to something.
You must decide if something has run its course or
needs more time. Taking a break can give you the
space and time needed to think about this. Positive
cards nearby usually suggest a helpful wait or
welcome ending, and negative cards suggest giving
up on a hopeless case. As such, the Coffin also
encourages you to work through things so you can
bring them to a conclusion and move on.

In The Portrait
On the first card, the Coffin most often advises us to
be patient. But it also compels us to ask if we should
end something. We must decide whether
something has run its course or if it deserves more
time. On the central position, it most often indicates
an ending or that nothing’s happening.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Coffin indicate illness and fatigue.
When far, concerns are not so serious and pass

Notable Combinations

Coffin + Flowers: Happy return of someone, recovery.

Coffin + Lily: Apathy, boredom, an uneventful phase.

Coffin + Mouse: Ending, discouragement, loss.

Coffin + Ship: A trip or affairs delayed, possibly


Coffin + Tree: Rest, recovery, temporary pause in


The Cross
Like the Key and Tower, the Cross is a card of
mystery and destiny. It’s about the higher power,
divine guidance, redirection, higher consciousness,
and spirituality. Our convictions and principles are
key in seeing us through. However, the Cross can
also mean pain, guilt, and regret, especially with
negative cards. It’s also associated with burdens,
responsibilities, duties, and the “cross we must bear.”
It tends to show up in times of crisis and distress, or
when we’re going through a tough transition.

As A Person
The Cross is someone going through a difficult
phase or even a crisis. This person can be
experiencing pains and burdens, and is probably
facing some big life decisions. Alternatively, the
Cross can represent religious and spiritual people.

Money And Career

The Cross is usually negative in this context because
it suggests that work is burdensome. We might feel
overwhelmed with all that we have to do, or feel like
we’re not in the right place. On this note, the Cross in
some positive combinations can point to our calling
and suggest that we’re on our destined path.

In Love And Relationships

The Cross is also difficult here. While in a few
combinations it can mean a destined love, it more
commonly indicates a burdensome affair with some
pain and regret.

Big decisions are at hand. Focus on what really
matters because the Cross is about the big things in
life. Faith, intuition, depth of feeling,
self-understanding, sincerity, and transparency
toward yourself, are all key here. You must also be
willing to learn the lessons and examine your karma
for any dysfunctional patterns. Decide which of our
obligations you will embrace and which ones you
will let go of.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Cross points to
providence and divine guidance. But it can also
indicate pains and burdens, especially in the central
position and with negative cards nearby.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Cross points to short-lived
challenges, but also possibly important signs and
decisions. When far, challenges are protracted, and
the Cross takes on a more burdensome and painful

Notable Combinations

Cross + Dog: Guidance from a friend.

Cross + Heart: A soul mate, or a heavy heart,

depending on additional cards nearby

Cross + Letter: Important news, a sign.

Cross + Mountain: Big obstacles, need to resolve

deeper issues, possibly solitude.

Cross + Star: A miracle, healing, faith, spirituality,


The Dog
The Dog indicates a friend, a circle of friends,
friendships in general, or our broader social life. It
most often represents a peer in any context. It’s
generally positive and indicates trust and supportive
relationships, unless accompanied by negative
cards, especially the Fox, Mouse, or Snake, which
then clearly indicates that someone is being
two-faced. The Dog can represent a pet, especially a
dog, whereas the Fox represents a pet cat.

As A Person
The Dog is a friend, peer, colleague, or sibling. Dog
people are friendly, trustworthy, and easy-going.
Negative cards can mean trouble with a friend, or a
friend in trouble. It can also represent a pet,
especially a pet dog.

Money And Career

The Dog is a junior employee and tells of the early
phases of a career. It has an enthusiastic attitude
that helps with learning. Work environments are
friendly and cooperative under its influence. With
money, it can refer to an advisor or someone helpful,
though it’s important to make sure we can trust
them. We should ask questions and learn about

In Love And Relationships

The Dog points to friendship more that intimate
love, but it characterizes our friend or partner as loyal
and trustworthy. It indicates that we have a good
friendship with our lover, which is important for the
long-term because trust is an essential foundation.

In general, the Dog advises you to be honest,
friendly, and kind, unless nearby cards suggest
otherwise. The Dog is about the group, so help out
where you can and be a team player. Openness,
helpfulness, and a positive team spirit are Dog traits
that you could adopt. With negative cards, the Dog
usually warns you of someone having ulterior
motives or being two-faced.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Dog suggests that
we’re well-liked by others or that we could expand
our circle of friends. On the central card, it can mean
that a certain friendship comes into focus.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Dog tells of faithful and loyal friends.
When far, friends are less reliable, and the card can
point to treachery, though this also depends on
nearby cards.

Notable Combinations

Dog + Fish: A wealthy friend, business partner, or

financial assistance.

Dog + Fox: A ‘frenemy’, someone two-faced.

Dog + House: A relative, family friend, housemate, or

a pet.

Dog + Moon: Popularity, appreciated by others.

Dog + Stork: Teamwork, busy with friends.

The Fish
The Fish is the card of wealth, prosperity, and
financial success. It covers all things income, money,
assets, property, luxury, and worldly possessions. It’s
the card of independence so it’s more about
entrepreneurship than jobs, though it can refer to
any source of income. It can also refer to our dreams
and aspirations. Broadly, it’s a card of wellbeing, flow,
growth, progress, forward movement, and
opportunities, but it can be affected by negative

As A Person
Fish people are independent and happy. A sense of
accomplishment and confidence characterizes
them. They can be dreamers but they’re also good at
achieving their goals. They have a good balance
between ambition and action. They’re smart, witty,
and clever.

Money And Career

The Fish is the card of money, so on its own it bodes
very well for all financial matters. But it can take on
negative connotations from nearby cards. At work,
it’s more about business than jobs, so when it shows
up, it’s usually a sign to be entrepreneurial.

In Love And Relationships

The Fish is also positive, but because it’s about all
things material, it tends to be focused on the
physical side of a relationship. So in established
relationships, it tells of a healthy physical life.
Otherwise, it can mean an arrangement like friends
with benefits or a fling.

Positive changes and expansions are ahead, and you
can relax and be open to receive. The Fish brings
freedom and you should welcome an increased
sense of independence, though possibly more
responsibility as well. It urges you to feel abundant
and express gratitude, as well as pursue your dreams
and ambitions. Aim for empowerment and take it as
the green light to get going with your intended
entrepreneurial activities. Nearby negative cards,
however, can suggest that you’re not ready, or warn
you against overspending.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Fish indicates
prosperity and luck with money, though it can be
affected by nearby cards. It also tells us that money
matters are in focus.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Fish brings good fortune, wealth,
and business success. When far, upsets can get in
the way of our expansion, though this also depends
on nearby cards.

Notable Combinations

Fish + Garden: The workplace, business, or financial


Fish + Lily: A high-powered career, financial


Fish + Ring: Financial commitments.

Fish + Scythe: Financial risk, or a lucky break.

Fish + Tower: Long-term investments, best-seller.

The Flowers
The Flowers is among the brightest cards in the
deck and portends much happiness, success, and
fulfillment. It can indicate that a happy surprise or
something we’d been wanting now comes our way.
If we’d been struggling with anything, the Flowers
brings help. It also alleviates any negativity of nearby
cards. All around contentment and fulfillment in our
everyday affairs are the mark of the Flowers. It’s also
associated with creativity and the free expression of
our spirit.

As A Person
The Flowers represents someone of cheer, good
humor, and kind manners. Flowers people are
happy, healthy, fun, bubbly, outgoing, and giving.
They’re some of the most pleasant, helpful, and
easy-going people to be around. They’re also
creative and unique. The Flowers can represent
someone younger or someone who looks young.

Money And Career

The Flowers bodes well for work, indicating positive
improvements or a great offer. Under its influence,
work is fulfilling and engaging, and enables us to
express our creativity. Our work environment is
pleasant and teamwork is productive. We’re
appreciated and have good opportunities for growth
and promotion. Financially, it’s abundant and brings
happy outcomes.

In Love And Relationships

The Flowers indicates a faithful and loving
relationship with a satisfying physical element.
There’s plenty of give and take, and the partners are
sincerely committed to each other.

The Flowers generally invites you to be kind, express
gratitude, and anticipate good things to come your
way. Giving to charity, making random acts of
kindness, and being thoughtful are well-starred with
the Flowers. It invites you to pay it forward and to
give back where you can. Good manners and
consideration are also traits of the Flowers. It further
asks you to take loving care of your health and
beauty, and to give your creativity free reign.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Flowers is positive
and most likely delivers wish-fulfillment. It also
encourages us to express our creativity.

In The Grand Tableau

Anywhere the Flowers falls in the Tableau, it delivers
happiness and brings support.

Notable Combinations

Flowers + Fox: False flattery, insincerity.

Flowers + House: Fulfilling home life, a beautiful


Flowers + Mountain: Nature, the outdoors, return of

someone from abroad.

Flowers + Stork: A party, recovering health, creativity,


Flowers + Tree: Peace, health, happiness, nature.

The Fox
The Fox is a trickster and generally warns of
deception, dishonesty, or underhanded behavior. It
adds suspicion to most situations and tends to be
negative. When it appears, something is fishy and
we should pay attention to what’s going on beneath
the surface. But the Fox is also clever and can call for
stealth to achieve results. It refers to discipline and
clever management, and is the main card of salaried
employment, so it alludes to the job and the
workplace. It’s often negative, but at work or as
advice, it’s neutral and can even be positive.

As A Person
Fox people are shifty, discrete, and don’t reveal their
intentions. They’re tricksters and manipulative types
who are charming, clever, witty, and smart. They
tend to be machiavellian and put their interest first.
They’re attractive but a little dangerous, so we must
handle them carefully. But they’re also very loyal to
their families and are disciplined on the job.

Money And Career

The Fox is the card of salaried employment. It’s
disciplined and manages work well. It tends to
represent a specialist more than a manager.
Financially, it’s clever and focused on goals. It always
advises caution, however, and we should certainly be
careful of entrusting anyone with our money
because the Fox warns of scams.

In Love And Relationships

The Fox is not welcome here. It tells of half-hearted
interest and can even imply deceit. Partners aren’t
completely sincere and manipulation can be at play.
We’re usually better off moving away. However, it’s
committed to family, and sacrifices much for it.

Regardless of context, the Fox asks you to be aware
and make sure you’re not falling for charm or scams.
Don’t rush into anything and calculate everything
carefully. Wit, slyness, and even manipulation may
be called for. In the very least, diplomacy, tact, and
discretion are an advantage. Don’t reveal your
intentions and keep our agenda to yourself. It’s a
good idea to think about your goals and plan them
meticulously. The Fox also advises you to be
self-interested and take care of yourself and your
family first. It further encourages you to commit to
your disciplines without complaint.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Fox advises us to
adopt its roundabout ways. It can also warn of a trap
though, especially on the central position and with
nearby negative cards.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Fox warns of deceptive people or
circumstances. When far, its risks are minimized,
and its clever traits are enhanced.

Notable Combinations

Fox + Heart: A lover keeping secrets, half-hearted.

Fox + Key: Strategy, clever planning, scheming,


Fox + Mouse: Deceit, dishonesty, ill-will, stinginess.

Fox + Road: Multiple jobs, multiple job offers,

multitasking, a selfish choice, or a sacrifice.

Fox + Star: Stealth, intelligence, success, achieving


The Garden
The Garden refers to public spaces, places, meetings,
gatherings, networking, socializing, and parties. It
can refer to the workplace and team meetings, or
even to online social networking sites. Through its
association with greenery and nature, it’s a place,
physical or metaphorical, of peace, rest, quiet, and
solitude. It’s often positive and tends to add a social
element to the matter at hand. It can indicate places
associated with nearby cards and can take on
negative connotations.

As A Person
Garden people are uninhibited and at ease in society
and with crowds. They’re the social butterflies who
get along with almost everyone. Being with people is
important to them. They’re usually creative and
enjoy sharing their work with others. They can be
promiscuous types, or overdo drinking and clubbing.

Money And Career

The Garden brings positivity to our work and usually
involves lots of collaboration and teamwork. Unless
accompanied by negative cards, it suggests that
we’re appreciated for what we do and that our work
atmosphere is pleasant in just about every way.
Financially, it tells of prosperity and investments
bearing fruit, unless contradicted by negative cards.

In Love And Relationships

The Garden is typically associated with being single
but invites us to get out of our shell, socialize, and
meet new people. In existing relationships, it tells of
get-togethers and group outings, and in romance, it
often suggests going out on a date or having an
opportunity to interact with our crush or lover.

The Garden invites you to either get out and
socialize, or take time out to relax. It certainly
suggests that you get out of the house and get
some fresh air, whether with others or by yourself. At
work or with other activities, it advises you to be
productive and get things done. It could also
encourage you to exhibit your work or ‘go public.’

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Garden foretells an
important meeting. It alternatively encourages us to
get out, get some fresh air, or socialize. Going public
with our work can also be suggested.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Garden tells of a happy and eventful
social life, or of an important place or meeting. When
far, it suggests that relationships are superficial or
two-faced, though this also depends on nearby

Notable Combinations

Garden + Heart: A date.

Garden + Moon: A party, meeting at night.

Garden + Mouse: Bad reputation, unpleasant


Garden + Ship: Exploring foreign places and cultures,

commerce, trade.

Garden + Tower: A place from the past, government

or public authorities.

The Heart
The Heart naturally represents love, but also
happiness and fulfillment. It’s very positive and
delivers hopes and desired outcomes. It
characterizes events, places, and people as happy
and joyful. Despite its immediate association with
passion and romance, it doesn’t have to mean
commitment, which is better symbolised by the
Ring. It also doesn’t have to indicate love per se, but
can mean friendship, understanding, and just plain
joy. It can be negatively influenced by nearby cards
to reflect heartbreaks, upsets, and disappointments.

As A Person
The Heart typically represents a lover, crush, or
someone we’re attracted to. As a character, Heart
people are generous, kind, and considerate. They’re
compassionate, trustworthy, and supportive. They’re
gentle and romantic souls who emit warmth and
bring peace to most situations.

Money And Career

The Heart suggests that we’re happy and fulfilled at
work, and that it’s aligned with our purpose. It tells of
a supportive environment where people are
cooperative and at ease with each other. It also
indicates good financial health and a balanced
budget, unless contradicted by negative cards. It’s
open-handed and receives what it gives out.

In Love And Relationships

The Heart is the card of love, romance, and falling in
love. It expresses desires, feelings, passion, and
elation. It also covers genuine friendships and
mutual understanding. It brings hope to any
situation and asks us to be compassionate. That said,
it can be affected by negative cards.

The Heart invites you to be open to love and to be
kind to others. Self-love is also very much
highlighted, so if you’d been neglecting yourself or
not connecting with your feelings, it’s a sign that you
need to do this and have more compassion for

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Heart is most often
about love, though loving kindness can also be more
broadly indicated. Opening our heart and having
compassion are key.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Heart indicates love, a relationship
around the corner, joy, and happiness. When far, love
is more platonic, though friendship, joy, and
happiness are still highlighted.

Notable Combinations

Heart + House: A loving home, a happy family.

Heart + Man/Woman: A dear friend, a lover.

Heart + Ring: A serious love, a relationship taken to

the next level.

Heart + Snake: An illicit affair, dishonesty, a

manipulative lover.

Heart + Whip: Heartbreak, a quarrel with a lover.

The House
The House represents our home, foothold,
community, origins, and anything domestic. It’s not
always physical and can represent our workplace or
team. It helps us establish solid foundations and
often delivers success. It makes things materialize
through consistency and discipline. It can take on
different meanings from surrounding cards. It
typically indicates success and security with positive
cards, or instability and insecurity with negative
ones. As a space, the House refers to anything
indoors, whereas the Garden refers to the outdoors.

As A Person
The House usually refers to our home, family, family
members, or possibly our team at work. House
people are solid and methodical, and prefer the tried
and true over experimentation. So while they can be
a little dull, they’re sensible, grounded, and

Money And Career

The House is positive and indicates success and a
pleasant atmosphere. It also tells of home- or
side-businesses, and can encourage us to start
something along those lines. Financially, the House
is conservative and disciplined. It advises investing
for the long-term and can highlight property and
real estate.

In Love And Relationships

The House is focused on families and long-term
relationships, and generally bodes well in affairs of
the heart. That said, relationships can feel a little
restrictive and conservative, or possibly a little
boring. Single people might need to venture out
more to find someone.

In general, the House advises you to pay attention to
your surroundings, with a focus on your physical
home and family. As it’s associated with boundaries
and demarcations between the inside and outside, it
encourages you to set healthy boundaries with
others and with your community in general. It also
advises you to settle down and start building
foundations for your future. It’s time to create
something tangible for yourself.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, home and family are
highlighted and should be the focus. In a work
context, it can bring our team or department in
focus. The House alternatively advises us to build
something meaningful, starting with the right

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the House points to prosperity and
success in domestic or business affairs. When far, it
advises caution in a broad sense.

Notable Combinations

House + Lily: Lifestyle, well being, a hobby, or

home-based business.

House + Rider: Home activities like cleanups,

renovations and decluttering. A visitor or a delivery.

House + Scythe: Severing family ties, sudden event

in relation to the home.

House + Stork: A house move.

House + Tower: Headquarters, authority, a home or

workplace from the past.

The Key
The Key is the card of insight, intelligence, problem
solving, success, achievement, and resourcefulness.
We can unlock doors and gain access to knowledge
and resources. The Key removes obstacles and
restrictions. We get the green light to move forward
and feel the freedom that comes with it. It delivers
liberation and possibilities. We understand our
power and free will, and can use them wisely to
achieve our goals. The Key is also a card of mystery,
implying the quest to unlock secrets of our destiny.
But it also suggests that we’re divinely protected.

As A Person
The Key represents someone important in our life, or
someone who will play a significant role and help
out. Key people bring solutions and inspire us to
grow. They’re bright, smart, and positive. They’re
self-driven and focused on problem solving. They’re
good at figuring things out, and tend to be
sophisticated and well-educated.

Money And Career

At work, the Key tends to represent more senior
professionals. Leadership qualities drive
collaboration toward finding solutions. It tells of
dynamic and engaging work environments.
Financially, the Key is smart and indicates financial
freedom. Increase and abundance are at hand.

In Love And Relationships

The Key is powerful and can mean soul-mates or a
connection on that level. It’s all about opening up to
love and unlocking our heart. It tells of mature,
sincere, and deep relationships where
communication is easy and smooth-sailing.

The Key advises us to be resourceful and self-reliant,
but if we need help we must also seek it. Knowing
our limitations is smart, and asking for input enables
us to close our knowledge gaps. It urges us to wake
up to our power and start creating the life we want
to live. The Key suggests important events are at
hand, so we must pay attention.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Key answers a query
positively. On the first card in particular, it assures us
that we’re bright and capable. We should be
resourceful to find solutions.

In The Grand Tableau

Whether near or far, the Key points to success,
though when far, success isn’t usually as great as
when near.

Notable Combinations

Key + Moon: Emotional intelligence, creativity,


Key + Mountain: Clues abroad, help from someone


Key + Road: Freedom, liberation, the right decision.

Key + Scythe: Breakthrough, insight, inspiration.

Key + Snake: Disarming threat, clever management,

trying a different approach.

The Letter
Despite the fact that the Letter is neutral and takes
on much of its meaning from nearby cards, it tends
to be bright. It clears the air and puts us in the know.
It’s all about communication but also documents
and paperwork of any kind. It covers anything from a
simple message to a formal invitation, a bill, or a
diploma. It also indicates receiving or sending out
responses and feedback, like resumes and requests
for information. The Letter is about written
communication whereas the Bird is associated with
oral conversations.

As A Person
The Letter is the effective communicator: Confident,
well-spoken, and polished. Letter people are
articulate and think clearly. They bring needed
information and are often helpful. They’re outspoken
and do well with presentations and speaking to
crowds. They also have patience for detail and are
the type who’ll read the user manual first.

Money And Career

At work, the Letter is about collaboration and
communication. Work can be specialized and
require certification or licensing. It’s also a good idea
to update our resume and reach out for the next
steps in our career. Financially, the Letter is about
bringing our books up to date and sorting out bills
and administration.

In Love And Relationships

The Letter tells of healthy communication in
relationships and families, unless contradicted by
negative cards. It bodes well for single people and
encourages them to meet people and get in touch.

The Letter generally tells you to get in touch, submit
documents, organize paperwork, write goals and
to-do lists. It also suggests that you take notes and
keep records so you don’t forget important details.
For anything you need to do or think through,
writing it down on paper goes a long way.

In The Portrait
On the first card, the Letter usually suggests that we
initiate communication, whereas on the central card,
it indicates that we receive news. The Letter is
neutral so nearby cards suggest what it’s about.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Letter points to good news and
happiness, but when far, it’s not as good. But this is a
general guideline and cards nearby should also be

Notable Combinations

Letter + Lily: A job offer, professional

communications, professional license.

Letter + Rider: Feedback, news on the way.

Letter + Ring: Contract, promise, work offer,

romantic interest.

Letter + Sun: News answers a wish, honors,

certificate, award.

Letter + Tower: News from the past, legal

documents, official announcement.

The Lily
The Lily has a number of references including life
path, career, virtues, and sometimes health. It’s
generally positive, suggesting growth, progress, or
reaching a major milestone. It’s a card of maturity
and teaches wisdom and patience. It’s influenced by
nearby cards: Positive ones indicate matters are
under control and developing positively, and
negative ones suggest something isn’t right and
needs rectifying. The Lily is also curiously associated
with sexuality and virtues like chastity. Though this is
less frequent, it comes up in some combinations.

As A Person
The Lily is someone older and mature. As a
character, Lily people are generally happy, relaxed,
and well-established in life. They have good
judgement and can stick to something for a long
time. On the flip side, they can be a little dull,
conservative, and set in their ways.

Money And Career

At work, the Lily represents seasoned professionals
and senior positions. It’s about established
businesses, the long-term view on careers, and can
mean being close to retirement. Financially, pension
funds and long-term investments are in focus. Wise
management is advised.

In Love And Relationships

The Lily tells of established relationships and
long-standing commitments. It’s about loyal
companionship between people who know each
other well. Love is deep, sincere, and mature. Parents
may be older and have grown children. Single
people are encouraged to find someone for the

The general advice of the Lily is to allow things to
unfold without unduly rushing them. Things take
time under its influence so give yourself a chance to
learn and grow. Focus on getting experience as the
Lily is about becoming seasoned through practice,
not just through theoretical learning. Success
doesn’t happen overnight but through consistent
effort spent on the right disciplines.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Lily brings our
lifestyle, life direction, and career into focus. It’s a
good time to contemplate what we’ve achieved and
where we’re headed. It discourages us from rushing
with anything.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Lily tells of virtue, wisdom, maturity,
and enduring happiness, though this also depends
on nearby cards. When far, we might have a shaken
sense of direction and not so clear about where
we’re heading.

Notable Combinations

Lily + Man/Woman: Someone mature, older, a


Lily + Mouse: Stress, sagging energy, loss of


Lily + Road: Lifestyle changes, maturing, a job or

career change.

Lily + Snake: Caution in handling affairs, health


Lily + Stork: Transformation, liberation.

The Man And Woman
The Man and Woman are known as the deck’s
significators and they only represent real people,
usually someone of significance in our life or the life
of the querent.

Both are neutral and draw all of their meaning from

nearby cards. As a result, they don’t have particular
personality traits or specific indications in the
contexts of career, money, relationships, or others.
Also, they don’t offer specific advice by themselves.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Man or Woman
highlights an important relationship or person. Since
either is neutral, the characteristics of this person is
driven by nearby cards. It can also represent the
readee or querent.

In The Grand Tableau

The Man and Woman cards are the significators in
the Lenormand deck and either identifies the readee
based on gender. Its position in the Tableau guides
much of its interpretation as described earlier in the
Layouts chapter.

Notable Combinations

Man/Woman + Mountain: A foreigner, someone


Man/Woman + Rider: A messenger, ‘knight in

shining armor’.

Man/Woman + Ring: Partner, spouse, lover, relative,

an important relationship.

Man/Woman + Ship: Someone travelling, arriving,


Man/Woman + Tree: A health practitioner, someone

supportive, a growing relationship.

The Moon
The lovely Moon indicates honors, respect,
recognition, creativity, optimism, beauty, and
attraction. All sorts of good things flow to us under
its influence. On the job or socially, we’re popular
and recognized for our contribution. The Moon is
also about psychic ability and spiritual matters, and
several combinations bring this out. It can soften
negative cards nearby, but can also indicate illusions,
clouded thinking, melancholy, instability, imbalance,
mental and emotional tension, and lack of credibility
or appreciation.

As A Person
The Moon tells of sensitive and emotional individuals
who are attuned to their intuition and instincts.
Moon people are generally creative and admired for
their talents. They’re helpful, kind, and gentle, and
tend to be quiet. They have much empathy and
compassion toward others and the world. But they
can be dramatic, dreamy, passive, or fearful.

Money And Career

At work, the Moon is about creativity and intuition. It
also tells of success and recognition. We’re
appreciated for our contribution and could receive
honors. Financially, it’s also encouraging as it can
mean receiving a bonus or raise. That said, it can be
affected by nearby negative cards.

In Love And Relationships

The Moon is affectionate and all about feelings,
openness, and tenderness. Relationships are deeply
involved under the Moon and single people have
wonderful prospects for a new love. Again though,
the Moon is susceptible to nearby cards, so they
must be examined as well.

The Moon encourages you to love and care for
yourself, so spend time in peacefulness, doing
healthy exercise, and taking care of your health and
appearance. It’s a soft card that reminds you to take
it easy and be kind to yourself and others. Because
it’s associated with femininity and fertility, it also
encourages you to express your creativity.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Moon suggests we
receive honors and recognition. On the first card
especially, we’re likely to be in the limelight, and in
the middle, an offer may be at hand.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Moon brings us honors, recognition,
and possibly even glory. When far, its negative
qualities are highlighted and it points to illusions,
instability, and possibly, dishonor, scandal, or

Notable Combinations

Moon + Clouds: Illusions, delusions, confusion, out of

touch with reality.

Moon + Mouse: Recovery of something tangible or

intangible, triumph, proved right.

Moon + Ring: Loyalty, commitment, depth of feeling.

Moon + Snake: Wisdom, calm, avoiding envious


Moon + Tower: Popularity, healing the past, releasing


The Mountain
Like the Bear, the Mountain represents something
big, strong, and important. By allusion to distance
and natural borders, it indicates foreign affairs and
travel. With negative cards, it often means obstacles.
We could have a lot to do or feel overwhelmed by it
all. We might feel like we have a mountain to climb.
Nearby cards are often needed to interpret the
Mountain as it has a wide range of meanings.

As A Person
The Mountain is basically the hermit or introvert. It
characterizes people as aloof, cold, stern, detached,
and distant. At the same time, Mountain people are
strong and solid. They’re not easily swayed by
external influences and can be stubborn. They’re
certainly not to be messed with. They’re not very
friendly and often come across as standoffish.

Money And Career

In this context, the Mountain’s indications depend
on nearby cards. It can be positive through its
strength, or difficult through its rigidity. Alternatively,
it can refer to foreign relationships or investments. It
usually blocks progress, and nearby cards can
suggest whether we wait for matters to move or if
we need to actively confront the issue.

In Love And Relationships

The Mountain’s coldness and distance are felt in
relationships. Nearby cards tell what this stalemate
leads to. Families may have members living in
different parts of the world, or could be estranged.
Single people might need more time on their own.

The Mountain can have several suggestions
depending on what it’s about in the context of a
reading. It could be inviting you to tap into your
foreign connections and consider opportunities
abroad. Or it can suggest that you confront
challenges and find ways around obstacles. Often,
the Mountain is cold and distant, so it might ask you
to freeze things until a more appropriate time, or
when you have the green light to move forward.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Mountain can bring
us strength, or point to a foreign location that’s of
significance to our affairs. Alternatively, and
especially in the central position and with negative
cards, it can point to an obstacle or blockage.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Mountain is about obstacles,
hurdles, blockages, and possibly an enemy. When
far, its positive aspects are highlighted and it
indicates strength and possibly help from powerful

Notable Combinations

Mountain + Mouse: Decay, delays, obstacles.

Mountain + Road: Roadblock, speed bumps,


Mountain + Ship: Vacation, international business.

Mountain + Sun: Victory, success.

Mountain + Whip: An enemy, confrontation, serious


The Mouse
The Mouse is about inconvenience, frustrations,
delays, damage, waste, things going wrong,
breaking down, expiring, deteriorating, or going
nowhere. Problems are thrown our way and we have
to deal with them. It also indicates theft or losses. It
causes stress and sometimes physical anxiety or
palpitations. With people, it indicates someone
untrustworthy, stressful, draining, nagging or plain
annoying. Bright cards can help us recover what had
been lost. But negative cards can increase its
severity. Still, it poses hurdles and will almost always
cause us to be sidetracked until we fix the issues.

As A Person
The Mouse is someone we can’t trust. Mouse people
are the time wasters, procrastinators, and the energy
vampires we need to have strict boundaries with or
avoid altogether. Alternatively, they can be those
who are anxious, nervous, stingy, or critical and
skeptical of everything.

Money And Career

While the Mouse can point to professions that
involve meticulous and detailed work, it usually
points to a negative environment and a stressful job.
We’re unappreciated and are probably overworked
and underpaid. It can sometimes point to corruption
and exploitation.

In Love And Relationships

The Mouse is also bad news. Mistrust is the key issue
it highlights. Doubt and negativity permeate the
relationship or family, and single people are not in
the positive state of mind needed for a relationship.
Nearby cards help out to determine what ensues
from this.

When it appears, the Mouse alerts you to the
possibility of things going wrong, something being
lost or stolen, or someone who isn’t trustworthy.
Although it’s not very strong in its negativity, it’s a
warning sign. Rectify the issue before it gets worse,
and stop the bleeding to save yourself bigger
problems down the line. The Mouse could also be
asking you to avoid being overly critical of others.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Mouse alerts us to
the possibility of things going wrong and
encourages us to remain alert and attentive to
details. In the central position in particular, it points
to losses and answers a query negatively.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Mouse points to illness and stress,
but we have a good chance of recovering anything
lost or stolen. When far, we’re protected from illness
or stress, but have a poor chance of recovering
anything lost or stolen.

Notable Combinations

Mouse + Rider: Slowing down, speed bump.

Mouse + Ring: Broken promise, not honoring


Mouse + Road: Wrong choice, wrong turning

causing muddles.

Mouse + Snake: Envy, an infected environment.

Mouse + Tower: Wasting time, dwelling on the past,

feeling regretful.

The Rider
The Rider is a fast-paced card that indicates news or
feedback on the way, and that arrives shortly. It’s
generally positive but if not, it clears the air and
helps us move on. It can represent a visitor, or us
visiting someone. It can indicate something new,
something taking off, a journey begun, new goals,
positive developments, and having momentum to
pursue our ambitions. It stirs things up like the Stork,
and gives us the green light to move forward. It has
inherent directionality because it’s often illustrated
to face one direction or another, but you can ignore
this detail if you like.

As A Person
The Rider is usually a messenger, a helpful person, or
sometimes, a ‘knight in shining armor’. As a
character, it’s active and goal-oriented. Rider people
are happy and friendly. They take life’s challenges in
stride and are quick to move on. They’re
good-humoured and typically bring positive energy.

Money And Career

The Rider is an ambitious go-getter. It encourages us
to pursue our career and financial goals, and to be
ready for a little competition. It has a healthy
approach though, and motivates us to compete in
good spirit. Rewards and positive progress usually
come through when it appears, but we should look
to nearby cards for possible influences.

In Love And Relationships

The Rider is welcome in love, and if things had been
stagnant, they now pick up. It often represents a
new relationship, and tells of fun and enjoyment in
existing relationships. Families are active and happy,
and people get along well. Still, the Rider can be
affected by negative cards.

The Rider encourages you to have a sense of
adventure and be daring. Refresh the energies
within you and around you, and breath new life into
your affairs. Look for improvement opportunities and
pick up the pace in whatever you’re doing. Keep
moving forward because you’re on the right track,
unless nearby cards suggest otherwise. Forge ahead,
even if it means adjusting as you go. It’s an active
card, so don’t stop or give up.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Rider tells of
ambitions and a new journey or goal. In the central
position in particular, it can point to a messenger,
news, or help received.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Rider brings good news or
assistance from someone. When far, it still delivers
good news but can suggest that it comes from
abroad or far away. Whether near or far, cards
nearby the Rider affect its message.

Notable Combinations

Rider + Road: Multiple directions, options, choices,


Rider + Ship: A car, always on the go, opportunities


Rider + Star: Desired direction, pursuing ambitions.

Rider + Sun: Freedom, engagement in life.

Rider + Tree: Fulfillment of our life purpose.

The Ring
The Ring goes beyond everyday relationships to
represent strong bonds and commitments. It’s
normally associated with serious and committed
love, like marriage or relationships on that level, but
can also indicate ties in other areas like professional
partnerships and family relations. It can further refer
to contractual agreements or legally binding
commitments. It also suggests being part of a group
or joining a circle, often an exclusive one. It alludes to
completion and “closing the loop,” but also to
repetition and routines.

As A Person
The Ring represents someone close and with whom
we have an important relationship or a deep
involvement. This doesn’t have to be a lover and can
be a business partner. Ring people are deep and
committed. They’re serious about others in their life,
and care to deliver on their commitments. In that
sense, they’re trustworthy and reliable.

Money And Career

The Ring is mostly harmonious in this context as it
brings people together and helps us commit to our
goals. It also helps with establishing a level of
predictability in our work and finances. Still it can be
influenced by negative cards so these must be
examined as well.

In Love And Relationships

The Ring is the card of commitments, so by itself
tells of deep involvements. All relationships do well
with it, and single people have good prospects for
being in a committed relationship. That said,
negative cards can tell of disagreements. Most
notably, the Scythe and Ring indicate divorce.

The Ring advises you to keep your promises, commit
to bringing tasks to completion, and maintain loyalty
toward loved ones. It can also mean that you need to
prioritize some relationships or commitments over
others. Especially with additional positive cards, it
asks you to be genuine and encourages you to get
serious about your relationships. This is also true of
business and other kinds of commitments.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Ring brings into
focus an important relationship or highlights a
commitment. Nearby cards are important in telling
whether it’s under a positive or negative light.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Ring tells of happy and close
relationships. But when far, relationships are distant
and the Ring can imply separations.

Notable Combinations

Ring + Scythe: Divorce.

Ring + Snake: Winding path, indirect route, moving

away from something fruitless.

Ring + Stork: Connection or involvement with


Ring + Tower: A past relationship, or long-term


Ring + Whip: Broken promises, relationship


The Road
Change, letting go, and moving on, often to better
things, are the main indications of the Road. It tells
of endings, beginnings, and a new path ahead. In
some combinations, it can mean continuing on the
current path, but being at crossroads is its most
common interpretation. Options, alternatives,
choices, and decisions need to be made. In all cases,
the effects of the Road are deep. And while it’s not
always easy, it brings us the opportunity to live and
do things differently. It can mean travelling for a
change of scenery.

As A Person
The Road might represent someone who’s away,
who’s coming or leaving. As a personality, Road
people are independent and do their own thing.
They tend to be nomadic, moving often to explore
people and places. They can be a little hesitant and
lost, not knowing where they’re headed in life.

Money And Career

The Road can be tricky in most contexts because it
can mean pursuing a path or moving on to
something new. So nearby cards must be examined.
In general, it encourages us to explore our choices
and branch out a little. It’s good to know what’s out
there so we have options to choose from.

In Love And Relationships

In love, the Road remains tricky as it can mean a
separation, a new love, or moving forward in a
current relationship. So again, cards nearby must be
examined. Family members could be apart and
wanting to come together more often, and single
people could be wavering or hesitating between

The Road invites you to diversify, broaden your
horizons, and try new things. It often indicates being
at crossroads and having to make decisions. As it’s
associated with multiplicity, you usually have to
choose from several options. But this also comes
with the possibility of freeing yourself from past
things and move into new ones. Embracing change
and being open to adventure are key with the Road.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, crossroads, big decisions,
or major choices, are ahead for us. We can expect
deep changes to ensue. We need to move on.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the effect of the Road depends on
nearby cards: Positive cards bring positive changes,
negative cards bring muddles. When far, the Road
indicates escaping from trouble or danger, or points
to deeper life changes ahead.

Notable Combinations

Road + Anchor: Settling down.

Road + Coffin: End of the road.

Road + Flowers: Someone or something returns,

re-engaging in our goals, newfound enthusiasm.

Road + Star: Desired direction, new path opens up.

Road + Stork: Change of plans.

The Scythe
The Scythe means events happen suddenly, or that
danger, a shock, or an accident is at hand. It always
warns us to be vigilant and alert. Otherwise, it bears
little meaning by itself and brings the qualities of
sharpness and suddenness to surrounding cards
and the query. So, while it’s typically negative, it can
be positive, as in delivering a sudden opportunity or
liberating us from a burdensome situation. The
Scythe is also about reversals. So if we’d been
deluded we’re likely to get a reality check, and if
we’d been struggling we’re likely to find new hope.

As A Person
The Scythe is someone sharp, decisive, and
sometimes aggressive and intimidating. Scythe
people are usually cutthroat and Machiavellian types
who are willing to do what it takes to get results.
They can be arrogant, sharp-tongued, and even
rude. But they also have a sharp and analytical mind.

Money And Career

The Scythe often indicates a severance or
resignation. While it can mean taking risks, it’s
usually negative and tells of bad news or an
unexpected outcome. As a work environment, it’s
fast paced and competitive. But it can also warn of
dangers like workplace injuries. Financially, it can
mean taking risks, but it’s unwise to take any step
without due diligence.

In Love And Relationships

The Scythe is also negative and most often suggests
a breakup. While other cards are needed to
conclude this with certainty, it’s not a soft card and
doesn’t bring harmony to the relationship.

The Scythe asks you to be alert, assertive, and
decisive about a choice, and that you avoid
hesitation at all costs. Making a choice and moving
forward is better than stalling. Breaking out
aggressively from any restrictions is also suggested,
but it can also mean that you need to seize an
opportunity quickly.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, we must act swiftly or
aggressively break out of limitations. In the central
position in particular, it can point to a sudden event.
It can be positive or negative depending on nearby

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Scythe warns of danger, especially
with negative cards nearby. With positive cards, a
sudden opportunity is possible. When far, the
Scythe’s impact is reduced.

Notable Combinations

Scythe + Bear: Big break, major opportunity.

Scythe + Clouds: Danger, fear, need to be vigilant.

Scythe + Cross: Trauma, shock, karma, need to

acknowledge mistakes.

Scythe + Letter: Breaking news, sudden, important

or shocking news.

Scythe + Whip: Danger, abuse, violence, must

protect ourselves.

The Ship
The Ship indicates travel but also rewards. It can
mean arriving or departing depending on the
context. It’s generally bright and active, and points to
new opportunities, progress, activity, and
engagement, especially in commercial ventures. In
this sense, the Ship indicates efforts bearing fruit or
that things take off. It can also suggest new
interests, discovery and exploration. It’s among the
wish cards so it indicates success and seeing our
hopes materialize.

As A Person
The Ship can symbolise a foreigner, an immigrant, a
tourist, or a third culture kid. As a character, Ship
people are adventurous and spontaneous. They like
to discover new places and cultures, and travel
whenever possible, even if it’s just for a weekend.
They enjoy their freedom and are often nomadic,
moving countries every so often. They’re often
impulsive and don’t plan very well.

Money And Career

The Ship can mean travelling for work or being
involved in business projects that might involve
trade. It’s bright and positive, and delivers returns on
investments. Money and business do well when it
appears, but it’s also susceptible to negative cards.

In Love And Relationships

The Ship is not usually ready for commitment as
Ship people are happy exploring. In existing
relationships, it can suggest traveling together for a
romantic getaway or encourage a family vacation. As
the Ship can be affected by negative cards, it can
foretell a separation in some combinations.

The Ship invites you to shake things up and make
some changes and improvements in your life and
work. The idea is to refresh and re-energize by taking
a trip, venturing out, or getting away. It also
encourages you to be bold enough to kick
something off and get going.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Ship tells of travels, a
journey, or taking a vacation. On the central card in
particular, it also tells of success and efforts bearing

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Ship tells of a voyage or an
important trip. When far, it indicates wealth and
riches, usually made through business, or
sometimes through an inheritance.

Notable Combinations

Ship + Book: Unplanned trip, project proposal.

Ship + Fish: Trade, commerce, e-commerce, reward,


Ship + House: Uprooting ourselves, moving,


Ship + Star: Wish-fulfillment, opportunity.

Ship + Tower: A past trip, past location, in business

we must follow our wisdom.

The Snake
The Snake is perhaps the trickiest card of the deck.
It’s often negative suggesting deceit and malice, but
it can also indicate wisdom. It frequently refers to
matters of secrecy, tact, diplomacy, charm, and
taking the indirect route to achieve goals. But it
brings twists and turns that need maneuvering. It’s
often a trap or a bite that’s waiting to strike. Whereas
the negative Fox wants to defraud us from tangible
things like money, the Snake is more about
emotional manipulation. In love, the Snake is the
card of cheating and illicit affairs.

As A Person
Snake people are cunning individuals with an
ulterior motive. They’re passive-aggressive, inclined
to backstab, and can sometimes be outright mean
or bitchy. Despite that, they’re sophisticated,
charming, tantalizing, and even mesmerizing. But
they can also be cold and distant. They’re
sweet-talkers but that’s often because they have a
goal in mind. We must watch out for Snake people.

Money And Career

Snake people are clever with money and business
because they know how to maneuver their way
around to achieve goals. As such, the Snake
encourages us to be cautious in any dealing and
certainly warns us against entrusting our money
with anyone even slightly suspicious.

In Love And Relationships

The Snake is bad news in love as it’s the card of
cheating, illicit affairs, and love triangles. It also often
represents the third person in the triangle. Trust is
clearly an issue and nearby cards must be examined
carefully for how best to tackle this situation.

The Snake raises suspicion and tells you to be careful
and alert. You’re best moving away from something
or someone harmful, and making sure they don’t
compromise your position. Take flattery and
compliments at face value, and realize that they’re
not necessarily sincere.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, but especially on the first,
the Snake advises silence and discretion. On the
central card, it tends to warn of deceit and usually
answers a query negatively.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Snake advises caution in the face of
possible deceit. The closer the Snake is to the
significator, the more vulnerable s/he is to its
influence. When far, the Snake remains threatening
but not to the same extent.

Notable Combinations

Snake + Anchor: Temptation to give up, suggestion

to give it another chance.

Snake + Book: Secret information, wisdom, mystery,

esoteric knowledge.

Snake + Cross: A painful deception.

Snake + Tree: Wisdom, medicine, forbidden


Snake + Whip: A backstab, a bite, falling for

someone’s dishonesty.

The Star
This is the brightest of the wish cards along with the
Clover and Sun, and foretells that all our hopes
materialize as if by magic. It can also deliver healings
or miracles. It brightens any negative card,
indicating that all turns out well despite obstacles. It
can be affected by the Coffin, suggesting delays
before we see wishes materialize, but it otherwise
overturns negative cards and brings hope to any
situation. It also covers metaphysical, esoteric,
philosophical, spiritual, otherworldly, and universal

As A Person
The Star is someone who has faith in us and who
supports us unconditionally. Star people are happy,
healthy, enthusiastic, and open. They’re optimistic,
hopeful, and tend to see good in everything. They
can be perfectionists, but they put honest effort in
everything they do. They’re also bright and
intelligent and can even be psychic. They have a
quiet trust in life and are inspired by their inner

Money And Career

The Star brings a spiritual quality to everything
including work and money. It’s very positive and
delivers our hopes and dreams. We must have faith
in our path, and work toward our career and
financial goals.

In Love And Relationships

The Star is also about wishes coming true and
usually indicates that our desired relationship
materializes. Existing relationships are deeply
connected and often have a spiritual connection.

The Star asks you to have faith and to focus on what
you truly want. You need to plan things out with care
if you want to see results, but also put your heart into
them. Follow your inner guidance, and fulfill what
you know is in your path. Be optimistic and wish well
on all.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Star answers wishes.
On the first card in particular, we could be in a
dream-like state, and it tells us to have faith and
trust that our highest good is unfolding.

In The Grand Tableau

The Star delivers wish-fulfilment anywhere it falls in
the Tableau. But when it’s far and has negative cards
nearby, it can mean a delay before wishes

Notable Combinations

Star + House: Solid foundations, ready to build and

grow, a side business taking off.

Star + Mountain: Opportunities abroad.

Star + Mouse: Healing, recovery.

Star + Tree: Divine right timing, healing, miracles,

things unfold as desired.

Star + Tower: Faith, blessings, protection.

The Stork
This is the card of activity, movement, and
expansion. The Stork shakes things up and refreshes
our life. It’s similar to the Ship and Rider in that it
stirs up anything that had been stagnant. It’s often
associated with house moves and similarly
important changes. On its own, changes are positive
but it can take on negative connotations from
nearby cards. It can also indicate a desire to escape.
The Stork specifies different events when combined
with other cards, in the same way that the Garden
indicates different places in different combinations.

As A Person
The Stork is someone busy but exciting to be with.
Stork people are fun and enjoy parties. They're
bubbly and create a positive atmosphere. They’re
often the ones who get the party started. They’re
active and on the go, and make good leaders. On the
flip side, they can be a little fussy, flighty, restless,
changeable, and even escapist at times.

Money And Career

The Stork brings welcome changes to our work and
finances. This could involve a job change, but it
doesn't have to and can more simply encourage us
to refresh our mindset and renew our enthusiasm.
Generally, it points to progress and promotions, but
is susceptible to nearby negative cards.

In Love And Relationships

The Stork can point to families through its
association with pregnancy. This bodes well for
couples who want children but advises caution to
those who don’t. The Stork delivers changes, so
things could end or go to the next level depending
on the relationship and nearby cards.

Do something different, change your pace, get out
of the house, change scenery, get a haircut, or do
any number of things to refresh your mindset. The
Stork is an active card, so procrastination is out and
proactivity is in.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Stork indicates that
we’re about to be involved in something significant,
or that we’re about to be very busy, or go through
big or many changes.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Stork tells of house moves, plenty of
changes, and activities. When far, changes are
delayed or aren’t as deep.

Notable Combinations

Stork + Anchor: Willingness to change, stop


Stork + Bird: A busy time, exciting events, or snags

and irritations.

Stork + Clouds: Misunderstandings, tension-causing


Stork + Key: Solution, resolution.

Stork + Whip: Quarrel or confrontation.

The Sun
The Sun is among the brightest cards of the deck
and indicates much achievement, success, optimism
and contentment. It brings happiness in all areas of
life and overcomes any negative situation to
brighten our prospects. It trumps most negative
cards completely and significantly lessens the
intensity of aggressive cards like the Scythe and
Whip. It indicates an end to difficulties and lightens
up any challenge. It’s the light at the end of the
tunnel and welcome relief after any struggle. Its
blessings are great.

As A Person
The Sun represents someone bright, cheerful, and
optimistic. Sun people seem to have everything
going their way and come across as being on
vacation all the time, never in a hurry and always at
ease. They love life and keep moving on to the next
enjoyable experience. They’re grateful and
appreciative of all things, big and small. They’re
warm people who give of their time and resources
freely. That said, they can sometimes be showy and

Money And Career

The Sun is positive in all affairs including work and
career. It can represent leaders in an organization
and is certainly encouraging for our ambitions. It’s
also a card of prosperity and bodes very well for
money and abundance.

In Love And Relationships

The Sun is equally positive in relationships as it
delivers all-around happiness and fulfillment for
families, relationships, and single people alike.

The Sun urges you to be optimistic and express
gratitude. You can leave worries behind you and
trust that the path ahead is clear. Relax and bask in
your successes. You’re entitled to tap yourself on the
back and appreciate how far you’ve come and how
much you’ve achieved.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Sun tells of
wish-fulfillment and all-around success. It always
encourages us to focus on the positive side of things.

In The Grand Tableau

Anywhere it falls, the Sun brings happiness and

Notable Combinations

Sun + Bear: Accomplishment, wealth, pride.

Sun + Cross: Renewal of faith, recovery of optimism.

Sun + Garden: Summer, beautiful weather,

celebration, public holiday.

Sun + Ring: Wish-fulfillment in relationships.

Sun + Stork: Relieving transformation, spreading our

wings to fly.

The Tower
The Tower is about longevity, time, the test of time,
endurance, the past, experience, expertise, authority,
refinement, and erudition. Like the Key and Cross,
it’s a mysterious card in the spiritual sense, and tells
of unseen protection and guidance at play. The
Tower can also refer to authority and top leadership,
so it covers government, official, and legal affairs. By
allusion to the ivory tower, it also refers to high
society and the elite. Especially with positive cards, it
gives us the potential to reach the top and achieve
our highest ambitions.

As A Person
The Tower is usually someone older and
experienced, but can also represent someone we’ve
known in the past. Tower people are serious types
who care about politics and the world. They’re
educated and experienced, and we would go to
them for advice. They tend to be conservative and
not particularly fun to be around.

Money And Career

The Tower can represent a prestigious organization
or top management. Authority and influence are its
mark, and it can indicate that we’re on the right
track to a higher position. Financially, it’s
conservative and careful. In all cases, it encourages
us to focus on the long-term.

In Love And Relationships

The Tower represents steady affairs and an
established relationship. Families are well-structured
and single people are encouraged to find someone
for the long-term.

The Tower is a little mysterious and slow. Aspire to
big goals and focus on the long-term. Learn from
role models and seek input from the right authority
or expert. The Tower is generally neutral but its calm,
wisdom, and patience help you through any rough
patch. Learn the lessons and refine your
understanding. It also cautions you against being so
self-absorbed that you lose touch with the world.

In The Portrait
On the first or central card, the Tower tells of a long
and healthy life. While it’s a bit mysterious, we can
trust in providence and that our affairs are in the
hands of the higher power. It doesn't answer a query
positively or negatively because it’s largely neutral,
so nearby cards must be examined.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Tower tells of longevity, healthy
aging, guidance, and protection. When far, it can
mean illness or challenges, though this also depends
on nearby cards.

Notable Combinations

Tower + Book: Erudition, experience, university or

publishing house.

Tower + Clover: Healing solitude, success with

authority, achieving big goals.

Tower + Heart: An ex-lover, renewal of the

relationship is possible.

Tower + Rider: Leaving the past behind, moving

forward unfettered.

Tower + Tree: Fulfilling our life purpose.

The Tree
The Tree is the card of good health and strength. It
brings positive developments and growth in all
areas. It’s grounded, steady, and confident. Under its
influence, we’re at ease with discipline and make
consistent effort though without feeling attached to
outcomes. That said, it usually indicates that our
work bears fruit and we’re happy with the results.
The Tree overcomes nearby negative cards, but in a
health context or with other health cards, it can
reveal issues or conditions that need attention.

As A Person
The Tree represents a grounded individual usually in
their thirties or forties. Tree people are mature,
experienced, wise, and spiritual. They have a strong
inner foundation, focus on health and wellbeing, and
take good care of themselves inside and out. They’re
pensive types who spend a lot of time in meditation
and yoga retreats and enjoy natural foods.

Money And Career

The Tree represents a supportive work environment
where it’s possible to grow and get promoted. It
usually points to mid-career and the time when
we’re establishing ourselves. Financially, it’s very
positive and tells of increase and prosperity. Our
efforts bear fruit and we reap rewards.

In Love And Relationships

The Tree is healthy here as it tells of peace between
people, and partners settling into their relationship.
Like the Key, it can point to a soul connection. It also
bodes well for single people as it can mean a
relationship in its early phases, though it also advises
that they love and heal themselves first if needed.

Take care of your physical and mental health. Plant
seeds for anything you’d like to see bloom in your
life, and then take care of those seeds. Learn from
your experience, ponder matters, take time out, and
spend time in nature. Meditating, taking a walk, and
writing in a journal, are positive Tree activities. The
idea is to step back to reset and refresh your
perspective. Balance, moderation, and going within
are key.

In The Portrait
On the first card, the Tree encourages us to take
time out and to think things through. It clearly
advises against rushing. On the central card, it points
to growth and positive developments. It also
generally answers a query positively.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Tree tells of good health and
fruitfulness. When far, it remains positive, but is
more susceptible to nearby negative cards.

Notable Combinations

Tree + Bear: Big steps, major improvements,

empowerment, anything is possible.

Tree + Clouds: Feeling ungrounded, a health scare,

need to check things up.

Tree + Clover: Authenticity, things unfold as desired.

Tree + Dog: Growing friendship, healthy relationship.

Tree + Garden: Time out, contemplation, spending

time in nature.

The Whip
The Whip is a negative card indicating quarrels,
hurts, and all kinds of troubles. Things go wrong and
fail. It also tells of difficult emotions like anger, fear,
and hatred. Blaming others, often openly, is likely
when it shows up. It can indicate punishment or a
disciplinary measure being meted out. Some bright
cards, like the Clover, Flowers, Moon, Tree, and Sun,
help lessen its impact significantly, or suggest that
problems can be overcome. The Whip is an intense
card that’s also sometimes associated with sex,
especially with positive cards nearby.

As A Person
The Whip is someone quarrelsome. Whip people
think they’re right all the time, tend to be
confrontational, and often speak their mind without
restraint. The more difficult of them are also prone to
violence and we must be aware of that. But they’re
also passionate individuals with deep emotions,
though they’re not very good at containing them.

Money And Career

The Whip is the main card of challenge and brings
problems. It represents a stressful and unhealthy
work environment where people don’t get along.
Financial troubles are also highlighted with the

In Love And Relationships

While the Whip is about sex and an exciting physical
life, it often indicates arguments and chaotic
situations. By itself it can represent a separation, but
nearby negative cards can confirm this further.
Single people may be conflicted about a relationship
or struggling from a recent breakup.

The Whip can advise you to work harder or faster, or
be more aggressive with an issue. If you’re part of
the problem, it’s usually a good idea to back off.
Though the Whip often demands confrontation, the
context and nearby cards must be examined to help
you identify the best approach.

In The Portrait
On the first card, the Whip advises us to confront the
matter at hand and to “crack the whip” so to speak.
On the central card, it points to challenges and
answers a query negatively.

In The Grand Tableau

When near, the Whip brings challenges, upsets,
disappointment, quarrels, and misunderstandings.
When far, it remains negative but not to the same

Notable Combinations

Whip + Bird: Gossip, angry words.

Whip + Cross: Pain, grief, suffering.

Whip + Flowers: Harmony restored, resolving


Whip + Moon: Shame, dishonor, bad reputation.

Whip + Tree: Overcoming pain, hurts, and obstacles.

About Layla, The Lenormand Reader

Layla has been studying and practicing the

Lenormand way for over 20 years. While she’s also
fluent in other forms of divination, the Lenormand
deck is by far her favorite divination tool.

She offers high-quality resources and teaches the

Lenormand way through various media including
her website and Youtube channel. Her approach is
one of the only comprehensive and methodical ways
available today.

Visit or get in touch at

Insightful And Empowering
Lenormand Deck
Lenormand’s deck has long been the lesser
known card divination method in light of the
Tarot’s modern-day popularity. But those of us
familiar with it are well aware of its incredible
depths. Its card-combining method magically
produces infinite possibilities from just 36

Lenormand Reader’s beautiful Silhouettes

Deck™ and Guidebook help you access the
cards easily and deepen your insights. Step by
step instructions guide you to conduct
accurate readings. Each card explanation
covers its general meaning, heart-centered
advice, as well as several card pairs, and more.

This simple yet detailed approach enables you

to tailor your interpretation to the context and
query, while tapping into your intuition. Use
this beautiful deck to take your readings to the
next level and inspire your journey!

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