Demonstration Company: 0845 838 2000 - Uk

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Demonstration Company

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0845 838 2000 or email


Mr Matthew Brown Invoice No 3062
West Tithe Barn Invoice Date 18/07/07
Pury Hill Business Park Stock No U2225
Nr Alderton Customer Ref: BROWNMD
Towcester Salesman:
NN12 7TB
Reg. No ABC 123 Make Ford Model C·MAX 1.6TDCi 90 Zetec MPV 5d

Colour Deep Navy Engine No 56745 Vin, No GEG34T34ERFG45GTW

Date first
01 /01/2006 Mfr Date MIieage 2500 TRADE DESCRIPTIONS ACT 1968
Regd In UK we have been unat>le to con11rm the
Wheel Nut No Warranty No Order No mileage r900rd9d on this odometer and
therefore It mus1 bo considered Incorrect
Immobiliser Radio Code Key No

Accessories Oty Cost BIi~~ Warranty and Serv_ic_e_s_ _ _ __

Used Car Warranty -
0.00 '
Selling Price 1 2,500.00
Delivery Charge 0.00
Accessories 0.00
Sub Total 12,500.00
VAT due 0.00
0.00 ·Total 0.00
RFLiconce 12months 170.00
Customer Certificate
Warranty• 0.00
I certify that I am ihe buyer of the abow mentioned vehicle at llie price stated. I ackna.vl~ receiving
delivery. I am over 18 years old. YES NO IPT 0.00
Total Price 12,670.00
We<e you given the impression verbally 01 otl\eN,ise that □ □
the mileage was oorreet? Less PXAllowance 8,000.00
Were you made aware by thci sticker adjacent 10 the mile.lge
recorder that the mileage. should be consldered lncorrecl/dlsregarded?
□ □ Sub Total 4,670.00
Have you been made aware of l he operation and controls
for the v~hlcle purcha.sed?
□ □ HP Settlement Amount 0.00

H no were they shown on a similar '19ihicfe?

□ □ Nett Price 4,670.00
Customers Signatur11_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Data_ _ _ __ Finance Amount 0.00
lnpu1 Tax Deduction has not been and will no1 b9 clalmad byme in respect of the vehlclesold on this Balance 4,670.00
invoice. This invoice Is lor a second hand margin scheme supply.
Sellers Signature_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Date_ _ _ __ Less Deposit 0.00

Nothing herein containad is intended to affect, nor will it affec1 a consumer's s1a.Mory rights under the
Sale ol Goods Act 1979 or the Unfalr Con1ract Terms Act 1979 or anyamandme11t thereof.
Balance Due £4,670.00
The goods shall remain the property of th9 sellers until such time as ti\& purchase price in luff is r&Caiwd
by lhe seller and any cheques have bean ,cleared. Vat Analysis
VAT@Oo/o on t2,500.00 0.00

Registe1ed in England. 12345678 VAT Reg No XXX XXXX XX VAT@ 17.5% on 0.00 0.00

PX DETAILS Make Model I CQOfirm that I am the sellerfor authorised lo sen the part e,ocha'lge vehicle
Mitsubishi Shogun 3.0 V6 24v GLS Diamond Opt at the stated price and 111& details odjacen1are tru.e and accurate.
It waSiwas not used outside the UK before UK registration.
Reg.No Stock No Engine No Vin. No II haslhu not been involved in any inadent n,$ulting In a tol;JI loss
N885NWV 1938 claim ocr serious accidental dam119e.
Ii has.'hu not been u,ed for o drM"9 111<'..u\.Ction business, ta><i,
Date R~gd Mileage PXAllowance Colour hackney carria9&, self driva/pri'.tate hire r:,r police wetk.
170000 s ,000.00 green I gold It ls.',s not subject to a finance agreement or othe, en<;J,Jmbr311ce.
(Delete as appropriate)
MOT Expiry Licence Expires Appraisal
Customets Signature Oare

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