International Current Issue 8. Dönem Vi̇ze

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“Unemployment”, l terally “be ng unemployed, unable to f nd a job”. It s one of the most

d scussed top cs n bus ness and academ c stud es n recent years. The "golden age" that lasted
from the 1950s to the 1970s has left ts place to the problem of unemployment, wh ch s
rap dly ncreas ng on a global scale and affect ng all countr es deeply. Another ssue as
mportant as unemployment s a global problem s the nab l ty of econom es to create new
job opportun t es desp te the r growth. Wh le the causes of unemployment are very d fferent,
these reasons show ser ous d fferences between countr es. Desp te th s, the b ggest problem
on the agenda s unemployment tself, wh ch has now become global zed and has become a
threat to all countr es.
The phenomenon of unemployment s one of the most mportant soc al problems that all
developed and develop ng countr es are deal ng w th. Wh le countr es have developed
technolog cally, espec ally s nce the 1980s, product on systems have changed accord ngly and
the workforce has been able to adapt to these developments.It has been d ff cult to adapt. In
add t on , creat ng employment opportun t es for the workforce that has ncreased due to
populat on growth has become a ser ous problem.
W th the development of technology, old-fash oned labor- ntens ve enterpr ses have started to
become cap tal- ntens ve enterpr ses and changes have occurred n the employment structure.
In add t on, the d sappearance of t me and space boundar es w th nternet connect on, the
connect on of f nanc al markets worldw de and nstantaneously.revealed the s tuat on. W th
the end of the cold war and the end of polar zat on, Amer ca, the cradle of the cap tal st
structure, has taken steps to ncrease global zat on n l ne w th ts goals. Cap tal, one of the
most mportant data of global zat on.
Fore gn d rect nvestments, wh ch are called nvestment n d fferent countr es, have shown a
cont nuous ncrease except dur ng the nvestment cr s s per ods. Countr es that could not keep
up w th the global z ng world often faced cr ses. more underdeveloped.
These cr ses, wh ch have a global nature that have a strong mpact n countr es, are caused by
econom c cr ses n the countr es n quest on, and econom c cr ses are; Due to the contract ons
n the econom c structure, t causes unemployment at very h gh rates.
Exam n ng the level of soc al welfare depend ng on econom c growth s of great mportance
n terms of determ n ng the econom c development of soc et es. The happ ness of nd v duals
l v ng n a soc ety s measured by the unemployment rate along w th econom c growth. S nce
the developments n the unemployment rate are closely related to da ly l fe, they affect almost
every part of the soc ety. Unemployment s one of the ma n econom c problems that ser ously
affect the economy, espec ally n terms of ts short-term results. The effect of econom c
growth ma nly occurs n the long term and ts soc al effect s assoc ated w th ncome
nequal ty.
The phenomenon of unemployment may d ffer depend ng on var ous factors such as
educat on level, age, gender, geograph cal features, culture, soc oeconom c structure. Today,
nd v duals who rece ve a better educat on and have the opportun ty to develop themselves
can f nd jobs more eas ly, and women n almost all sectors n the labor market.
It s observed that they are n a more d sadvantaged pos t on compared to men and f nd jobs
more d ff cult. In add t on, dynam c and young nd v duals who can use technology well n
certa n occupat onal groups are preferred, and nd v duals above the spec f ed age are not
accepted n job recru tment. On the other hand, the unemployment data released show that the
general unemployment rate for women and youth s qu te h gh. Features such as the general
cultural structure of the country, ts soc o-econom c character st cs and geograph cal
cond t ons also affect the unemployment level n that country.
If the econom c growth n a country leads to a decrease n the unemployment rate, the
purchas ng power of the nd v duals l v ng n that country w ll ncrease, employment w ll
ncrease and the economy w ll develop. The concept of unemployment, wh ch s one of the
ma n problems of develop ng countr es, plays a key role n order to talk about the ex stence of
susta nable econom c growth. If there s no s gn f cant decrease n the unemployment level
wh le the econom c growth rate ncreases, a s gn f cant port on of the grow ng nat onal
ncome due to growth s l v ng n th s country.
t leads to a d fferent at on of ncome d str but on for the benef t of th s segment by go ng to a
certa n part of the res dents. Wh le the opportun t es created as a result of global zat on affect
econom c growth pos t vely, they also br ng ncome nequal ty.
The dea that unemployment can only be reduced w th the rate of econom c growth var es
accord ng to the nature of the growth. How the growth occurs, whether t s or ented to the
domest c or fore gn market, whether there s a labor or cap tal ntens ve growth, the
percentage of labor n the labor-cap tal compos t on n product on, the speed of growth n the
sector ga n mportance and determ ne the d rect on of the relat onsh p between growth and
When the global labor market s exam ned; It s seen that the cap tal s not dependent on the
labor market of a country, and t s faced w th a w de area opened to the labor markets of
d fferent countr es. Thus, the global zat on of labor markets has assumed the funct on of an
nternat onal labor market n wh ch cap tal w th h gh nternat onal mob l ty and labor force n
d fferent countr es are put nto open compet t on. Therefore, many reg ons of the world have
been converted nto "cheap labor reserves", wh ch play an mportant role n reduc ng labor
Increas ng wages n any of the develop ng countr es has revealed soc al pressures. In th s
case, the product on of nternat onal cap tal was d rected to alternat ve cheap labor centers or
subcontracted n these centers to produce abroad. These labor markets, wh ch have changed
w th global zat on, have started to show s m lar character st cs n most countr es. The current
state of the labor market has led to an ncrease n unemployment n the world economy. These
structural features; the deregulat on of the economy, the change n the product on structure,
and the structural change n the workforce. These developments have negat vely affected
employment around the world and unemployment has become a chron c problem.
Unemployment has become a very mportant problem all over the world due to factors such as
econom c pol c es mplemented s nce the 1980s, pr vat zat ons, weaken ng of un ons, and the
search for cheap labor by mult nat onal compan es. Turkey has been affected by these
developments and has faced r s ng unemployment s nce the 1980s.

KAYNAKÇA cat on/283123031_Kuresellesen_Dunyada_Iss zl k
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Etk ler ”, e-Journal of New World Sc ences Academy 2007, ISSN:1306-3111, Volume: 3,
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