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For local governmental entities like townships, cities, and counties, the use of GIS can be

quite advantageous. With geographic data analysis, government agencies can complete a
number of crucial activities, including: Managing resources, displaying environmental effects,
and visualizing land planning.

Geographic Information Systems are employed in African countries but are hardly ever used
as a regular tool for planning, managing natural resources, or making decisions on public
policy. In this essay, I will review the most important areas in which Geographic Information

Systems must be involved, for the best governance of African resources for a 'No Hunger
Agenda in AU Member' countries.

GIS mapping can be an enormous resource in addressing food shortages, tackling

malnutrition, and improving harvests. Effective applications of GIS and remote sensing can
help maximize agricultural yields through precision farming and the accurate targeting of
fertilization and irrigation, as well as monitoring crop health. With the use of GIS, farmers
also may make the most of their land's potential in terms of yield increase, financial savings,
and diminished environmental effects.

GIS comes to play also a big part in keeping track of the water conditions. The type and
qualities of water that stored underground or one that is on the surface use for irrigation, can
be entered into GIS as data, stored, and retrieved for future processing.

During floods and storms, water will gather in places occupied by individuals. Geographic
Information System helps in prediction of this crises. Also, in such cases of flood disaster and
extreme weather conditions, GIS can be used to give insights about the agricultural affected

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