Examen Ingles

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You will have to answer ONE of these questions during 30 seconds. The teacher will
select the questions the day of the exam, so you have to be prepared in advance. the
questions will be graded out of 20 marks.
1. Talk about how one invention will contribute to the world. Use will and
It is a smart phone will have a screen and a web browser will have the ability to
operate it only by gestures and won't need a battery as it will charge itself. It is a
cell phone that won't access without you being nearby. It is a mobile phone that
will advance thanks to technology
2. Talk about you New Year’s resolution. Use “be going to”.
One of my favorite resolutions is "be going to finish the semester with the best
academic grades". I’m be going to change the way I think I'm be going to be a
better son to my parents. Be going to Exercise more to stay fit and take care of my
health. Be going to strive harder to achieve everything I set out to do
3. You will have to pretend that you are going to take your ideal vacation next
summer in New York. You have made all your plans and you have your
itinerary. Talk about your plans. Use present progressive for future
I can't wait for this vacation, my parents, my brothers and I are going to New
York, and we are going to stay at The Peninsula Hotel in New York. The first day
we are going to have dinner at Boucherie Union Square which is one of the best
restaurants in New York. The next day we will visit the Statue of Liberty, Golden
Gate Bridge, Central Park and Disney World where we hope to take many
souvenir pictures. I hope we will be lucky to visit the Cataratas Del Nigiaria
where we will be able to enjoy all the wonderful moments with our family
4. Talk about how you see yourself and your loved ones in 10 years. Also, how
you wish the world will be in 10 years. Mention the dreams you wish come
true. Use future continuous.
In ten years, my family and I will live in a big mansion because we work every
day to have money, we will also travel to other countries on vacation. We will
stay in a Riu Caribe hotel and eat delicious food. In ten years, I we will have a
house, my car, my farm and I will have a lot of money because I will work hard
to have my things.

5. Talk about your plans you have for one/two-days trip. What will you do? Use all
the future tense forms.
I plan to will be visiting Baños, Tungurahua and the trip will be with my family
and my girlfriend, where we will be walking and enjoying the wonders that this
place has to offer. We will also be visiting El pailon del diablo, la casa del arbol
and we will be diving in Ivagatours cayoning. Without a doubt we are enjoying
every detail of the trip.

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