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Inglés Técnico

Foro temático del curso - FR1

 Describe how safety signs can help to reduce

Safety signage is a preventive measure designed to inform and, on
many occasions, alert of the existence of a hazard or risk derived
from the activity or the installation itself. The signage will serve to
warn workers of the existence of a hazard and to orient or guide
them on the behavioral guidelines to follow in a risk situation, as
well as to facilitate the location and identification of the means of
protection, evacuation or first aid.

 Why is it important to follow these signs?

It is important to follow safety signs, because these signs warn us
of danger, and these signs help us to avoid it.
For example, in the event of a fire in a workplace facility,
"Evacuation Route" signs let people know the safest route to take to
a safer area.

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