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Assignment - 1


Submitted by: - Ashish garg Registration no: - 10905203 Roll no: - RQ 1902 B43 Class: - BBA 5th SEM.

Submitted to: - Pardeep Bawaa

Topic: Arrange an event related to an educational program on importance of hygiene to student in a school.

Arrange an event program related to hygiene program in a school. By using: -

Marketing screening Financial screening Operations screening

Purpose of event: - Make children aware of the importance of good personal hygiene. - Show the areas of the body where germs are most likely to develop. - Introduce easy-to-apply personal hygiene rules. - Teach effective personal hygiene practices.

General Introduction related to hygiene: Each year over three million children under the age of 8 die from diarrhoeal diseases. This, together with other heath problem, including malnutrition, schistosomiasis, trachoma result from risky hygiene practices and inadequate facilities for domestic water supply. Contaminated household environment and risky hygiene practices account for almost 30% of the total burden of disease in developing countries. Within this group, 75% of all life year lost are due to the lack of good water supply and sanitation and the prevalence of risky hygiene behavior.

To promote better hygiene practices, many hygiene education programmers focus on increasing focus on increasing peoples knowledge. Planners and implementers assume that when people know better how water and sanitation diseases are transmitted, they will drop unhygienic practices and adopt improved ones.

Introduction related to hygiene education in schools: School is important for cognitive, creative and social development of children. So are the School Sanitation and Hygiene Education, necessary for the safe, secure and healthy environment for children to learn better and face the challenges of future life. This understanding is very much a part of the policy of Government of India. From policy to programmer, School Sanitation and Hygiene Education (SSHE) has now become a reality of school centric development action being realized by most of the schools. Government of India has launched this programmer integrating with broader sanitation program to ensure that all the schools especially rural schools in the nation have basic sanitation and drinking water facilities and good hygiene practices are taught to the children. The SSHE programmer is participatory in nature and an important component of the national reforms programmer for rural water and sanitation sector. Many of the challenges, which the programmer in India faces, are similar to those of other countries. Approach, strategy, and mode of implementation may differ but the vision associated it remains the same. Sharing these may offer insights and serve as a starting point for cross-learning and further improvement of the programmer

Importance of school: Schools partly determine children's health and well-being by providing a healthy or unhealthy environment. Although water and sanitation facilities in schools are increasingly recognized as fundamental for promoting good hygiene behavior and children's well-being, many schools have very poor facilities. Conditions vary from inappropriate and inadequate sanitary facilities to the outright lack of latrines and safe water for drinking and hygiene. This situation contributes to absenteeism and the high drop-out rates of girls. Schools can also be a key factor for initiating change by helping to develop useful life skills on health and hygiene. Children are often eager to learn and willing to absorb new ideas. New hygiene behavior learned at school can lead to life-long positive habits. Teachers can function as role models new hygiene behavior learned at school can lead to life-long positive habits. Not only for the children but also within the community. School children can influence the behavior of family members - both adults and younger siblings - and thereby positively influence the community as a whole. It is also more cost-effective to work with children in school-based programmers than with adults.

These all general information as above helps us for arrangement of an event.

Bases of market screening: -

Market screening is a useful first step for retailers or developers who are trying to identify the best locations in a large geography. The Strategic Edge has conducted numerous multi-state, regional, and nationwide screenings. Each screening is customized to match key success variables of the retailer / developer to the geographies that exhibit those characteristics. In other words, we can locate the geographic areas which have a profile similar to your target customer and provide the greatest opportunity for expansion.

By using market screening we collect the general data in which area or school hygiene educational program is need. Then on that particular area we conduct an event. Market screening is a useful key. By using market screening we gather all the data related to hygiene program on page 2 and 3.

After collecting the data we decide to conduct an event in government school. Because in government school there is no proper programing related to hygiene. So we are target the government school in Ludhiana.

Name of school in which an event is held: - Govt.Sr. Sec. School, Kum KAlan

On the bases of financial screening: Financial screening related to finance, from where the funds is arranged for this event. We arrange the fund by charity and from the govt. because it is a social event so govt. helps by financially to arrange this event.

No fees are charge from students for this program.

Operational screening: An operational definition defines something (e.g. a variable, term, or object) in terms of the specific process or set of validation tests used to determine its presence and quantity. That is, one defines something in terms of the operations that count as measuring it. So in operational screening we explain various tasks which have to be done in an event.

We make a program file related to hygiene program and place in front of authority of school. When school authority agrees on this particular event then we take farther steps.

Now father details related to all screening process.

1 - AREAS SUSCEPTIBLE TO GERMS Objective Enable the child to identify areas where germs multiply. Material - Pupil's sheet no 1. - Small red labels. Time: 20 minutes individually and 15 minutes everyone together. Method - Give a sheet to each child and talk it through, relating the pictures to their own experiences:

What is it about? What are the children's names? What have they been doing? Are they clean? Are they dirty? When you play outside, what do Mum and Dad ask you to do?

- Do the exercise. - 'The exercise can be personalized by asking the children to colour the people. - Put up some differing results and talk about them together. - Go over the different areas again, drawing attention to those which are not obvious. - Draw attention to hands, mouth and nose. 2 - BE CLEAN - IT'S UP TO YOU Objectives - Develop the previous activity. - Find out hygiene routines appropriate to different areas of the body.

Material - Pupil's sheet no 1. - Board or large sheet of paper. Time: 1 hour. Method The exercise is done individually and continued all together. - Do the exercise. - Finish by establishing that we always need water to wash. - Do this by:

Pointing out all the times we wash during the day. Emphasizing bath or shower time and cleaning teeth. Specify how and with what we wash (role played by flannel, bath towel, toothbrush, etc.). Having the children draw washing situations on the board, and so building a complete overview. Defining the time(s) of day when we wash which parts of the body. Pointing out that our hands are often dirty because we touch so many things. Finding out how the whole body can become dirty: perspiration, dust, etc. Establish that water is necessary for washing. Getting the children to say what they dislike about washing, e.g. soap in their eyes, and what they like most, e.g. playing about with water! 3 - SPRAY EXPERIMENT

Objectives - Ensure the child understands how necessary it is to put your hand in front of your mouth when you cough or sneeze. - Understand that it is absolutely essential to wash your hands after coughing or sneezing. Material: Water in spray. Time: 45 minutes. Method - Compare sprays with a sneeze:

What happens when we sneeze?

- Examine the suspended particles of a spray. Use sufficient light. - Spray a pupil and get their reaction when comparing the spray to a sneeze. Is that still so funny?

- Dampen the pupils' hands and get them to place their hands on various surfaces. Then draw the comparison between the marks they left and germs. - Conclusions:

Necessity of putting your hand in front of your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Need to keep your nose clean to avoid contaminating anyone else (emphasize importance of using disposable handkerchiefs). Necessity of washing hands well, explaining the different steps to follow. 4 - WASHING OUR HANDS

Objective Know how to wash our hands properly. Material - School washroom. - Soap or liquid soap. - Clean towel. Time: 30 minutes. Method This activity should be fun: hand washing is often a game, children love water, and pumping out liquid soap is particularly popular. - At the washbasin, look at your hands. Say where the dirty parts are: on the back, on palms, ends of fingers (nails), between fingers (identify by name). - Wet hands. Say what it feels like. - Take some soap. How does it smell? Describe how it feels: a smooth and slippery bar, or a liquid. - Play at making bubbles by blowing through soapy fingers. - Rinse and dry. Describe the feel of the towel: soft, nice smell, does it dry well, etc. - Smell the smell of clean hands. Further Options - In class; draw what you have done, to show parents. Older ones should write "I am washing". - Using drawings already prepared by the teacher, children should put them in logical order: dirty hands, wet hands, clean and dry hands. 5 - ALL ABOUT TEETH Objective Teach the child to realize the importance of brushing to keep teeth healthy.

Material - Pupil's sheet no 2. - Each pupil's toothbrush. - Toothpaste in assorted flavours and colours. - Plastic cups. Time: 30 minutes. Method - Do the exercise. - Using the printed sheet, take the class to the school washroom to brush their teeth. - Proceed as for hand washing, going through each stage in detail:

Wet the toothbrush. Look at the toothpaste. Smell the toothpaste. How does it smell? Does it smell nice? Taste the toothpaste. How does it taste? Nice or nasty? What's the toothpaste like at home? Hold the toothbrush at an angle. Brushing the top teeth. Brushing the bottom teeth. Brushing the front teeth. Rinse out the mouth. Dry the mouth. Look at your clean teeth, and show them to others. Let others smell your mouth.

- Go over again the points set out in the sheet.

Using a circular movement, brush from the gums towards the teeth. Go round all the teeth, not forgetting the tips and behind. Hold the toothbrush at an angle. Brush top and bottom teeth separately.

- Children will understand the importance of brushing when they realize that long, stiff bristles can get between teeth and remove food debris. 6 - WHY CHANGE OUR CLOTHES? Objectives - Realize that germs multiply on clothes. - Review conditions in which germs multiply i.e dust, warmth, perspiration and other body secretions, etc. Material - Three airtight plastic bags.

- Damp and dirty white T-shirt - Dirty and dusty T-shirt. - Clean and dry white T-shirt (control). - Adhesive tape. - Pupil's sheet no 3. A napkin or towel could be used instead of a T-shirt. Time: 1 session of 30 minutes + 10 minutes observation over four weeks. Method - Do the experiment using 3 plastic bags:

Bag 1: a pupil inserts the damp white T-shirt. Bag 2: a pupil inserts the dirty and dusty T-shirt. Bag 3: a pupil inserts the clean and dry white T-shirt.

- Identify and close the bags with adhesive tape. - Leave the bags out on view in the classroom, in a warm place, but out of direct sunlight. - Observe the 3 bags every day without opening them, analyses progress and fill in the pupil's sheet. - Encourage suggestions on the degree of staining in the bags - what do they relate to? - In week 4, the teacher should remove the clothes from the bags. Observe:

The stains have different shapes, some smaller, some larger, etc. The clothes smell.

- All together draw a conclusion, using as evidence connection between germs and the marks on the clothes: the more there are, the more germs on the clothes. - Explain the importance of washing clothes and of changing clothes often, to avoid proliferation of germs. - Mention specifically that underclothes, which are in contact with body secretions and away from fresh air, should be changed every day. - Finally, throw away all material used in the experiment and wash hands thoroughly. 7 - LICE Objectives - Be aware of the risks of contamination and how it happens. - Learn the way to combat lice. Material: Pupil's sheet no 4. Time: 30 minutes. Method - Get children's reactions to lice.

- Question the children on how lice contaminate and how we can combat them. - Draw a collective conclusion from work done on the pupil's sheet. 8 - WHEN I HURT MYSELF Objective De-dramatize wounds by finding out how you can easily prevent infection. Material - Large sheet of paper with the drawing of a man. - Pupil's sheet no 5. Time: 20 minutes and throughout the year. Method - Do the exercises on sheet no. 5. - In the classroom, put up the drawing of the man. - With the children, find a title. - Each time a children has an accident, he marks it on the man. This de-dramatizes the incident and improves knowledge of the body. 10 - HYGIENE EXHIBITION Objectives - Reinforce personal hygiene knowledge. - Make other pupils at the school and parents aware the importance of personal hygiene. Material - Poster paper in different colors, large sheets of drawing paper. - Felt tips, paint, etc. - Magazines to cut out, etc. Time: Variable. Method - Suggest that the children put on a personal hygiene exhibition. - List the various exhibition components (posters, captions, drawings, photos, etc.) - Share out the tasks.

- The exhibition should demonstrate the need for good personal hygiene and the actions required to ensure it.

So these all are the activity which are doing in an event.

A message related to the hygiene program:

- Appropriate personal hygiene is essential to avoid falling ill or passing germs on to others. Clean teeth after every meal, wash hands after touching anything suspicious and wash the body every day, as well as after playing sport. - It's good to share, but not germs. Avoid touching things that someone else has touched or put into their mouth, and vice versa. Sneezing and coughing should be done with the hand in front of the mouth and hands should be washed afterwards. Noses should be blown as a matter of course with disposable tissues.

Thank you

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