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The Cyrus anointing

By Rory Mole
Isaiah 45:1-3
Thus says the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held to subdue nations
before him and loose the armor of kings, to open before him the double doors so that the gates shall
not be shut: I will go before you and level the mountains, I will break in pieces the gates of
bronze and cut through the bars of iron, I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden
riches of secret places, so that you may know that it is I, the LORD, the God of Israel, who call you by
your name.
A. God's anointed
1. God's anointed - One who is marked or stamped for ownership and approval by God.
2. We are the anointed of God.
3. In the New Testament - Anointed means to be a Son
4. Anointed speaks of separation from the world unto God.
5. To be anointed speaks of one who is set apart for a divine purpose in God.
6. The mark of God distinguishes you from everyone else.
7. To be the anointed of God, you must be yourself and don't try and be a copy of anyone else.
B. God holding our right hand
1. The right hand is the side of the favour of God.
2. To be in covenant with another
3. Speaks of guidance and knowing the leading of the Lord.
4. Also speaks of strength and being sustained by God.
5. To receive grace and enablement from God to do what you cannot do on your own.
6. Speaks of having fellowship and intimacy with the Lord.
7. It means that the Lord trusts us.
C. Subduing nations before us
Subdue - conquer by force, bring into permanent subjection, to disable from further resistance. To tame
or to render submissive. To soften, to melt and to reduce to tenderness
1. There are many things in a nation that resists God.
2. Rebellion is the sign that things have to be subdued in us.
3. Slavery needs to be subdued in people
4. Survival needs to be subdued in order for vision to come.
5. Poverty needs to be subdued so that we can come into our divine calling in God.
6. Hurt, pain, rejection
7. Hardness of heart
8. Tradition and religion
9. Pride and arrogance.
D. Loosing the armor of Kings.
1. Armour - Loins - place of influence, procreation, force or ability.
2. To loose - means to open wide or render vulnerable to attack - also means to strip the enemy
of his defenses.
3. There are principalities which need to be dealt with before we can get a breakthrough in any
particular area.
4. When the enemy is bound, we can strip him of his spoils which actually belong to us.
5. When the enemy's armour is loosed, things are released to the body of Christ - resources,
people, finance etc.
E. What is our responsibility for God to loose the armour of Kings?

1. We must stay in covenant with God - keep on holding God's hand.

2. We must stay obedient to God and in favour with Him.
3. We must walk in forgiveness and love.
4. We must promote the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
5. We must agree with God in faith
6. We must decree and declare God's word over our lives and concerning God's purposes.
7. We must make no covenant or agreement with the enemy.
8. We must take our God given rights and authority.
9. We must be faithful to our calling.
10. We must be where God placed us.
F. Opening of double doors.
1. Doors speaks of divine opportunities
2. Doors speak of divine destiny.
3. Doors speaks of favour with God and man - Luke 2:52
4. Doors show us that we need to be ready to act.
5. Doors means that we need to be stepping out and in through faith.
6. Doors show me that there is a divine kairos time in God.
G. Crooked places made straight and cutting the bars of iron.
1. Speaks of Obstacles and hindrances being removed.
2. God will also shorten the time it takes for us to get to our destiny.
3. God will remove the resistance to His purposes.
4. God will change the look of things. That which was intimidating to us will no longer affect us.
5. God will also make it easier if He is in something.
6. We will not need to strive or struggle.
H. Treasure of darkness and hidden riches of secret places given.
1. God has reserved anointings and callings which have been hidden for this generation.
2. God is releasing revelation knowledge which has been hidden.
3. In order to find these treasures, we will need to get close to God and stay intimate with Him.
Copyright Word Of Truth Ministries 2004

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