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Maranding, Lala, Lanao Del Norte

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10
Demonstrator: Messy S. Begontes

I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
A. Define the Permutation
B. Solve permutations using the formula for finding the n objects taken r at a time;
C. Apply permutations in real-life scenarios.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Permutation
References: Mathematics 10 (Module 1 DepEd)
Materials: Cartolina, Cutting Materials
Subject Integration: Values Education
Values Integration: Respecting each other’s opinion
III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

a. Prayer
Let us all stand and feel the presence
of the lord. “The student will lead the prayer.”

b. Greetings and Energizer

“Before you take your set, please pick those (Student do as told)
scattered pieces of plastic and paper under
your chair.”

(Students do as told)

B. Checking the attendance

Anyone absent today?”

“That is good to hear!” You have a perfect

d. Imposing the rules
Before we formally start our lesson for “None, ma’am! “
today, I will impose my rules first during our
discussion. First, avoid talking with your
seatmates during our discussion. Next, if you
want to answer, please raise your right hand,
lastly listen very carefully. Understood?

C. Review

“Who can still remember our previous topic?”

“Yes, Trisha?”
“Yes, ma’am”

What is an arc? Arcs and Inscribed angles

What is an inscribed angle? Arc is a part of circumference of a circle.

Inscribed angle is an angle which vertex is on

the circle and sides contain chords of the circle.

“Very good Trisha. Last meeting, we talked

about arcs and inscribed angles. Do you have any
questions about our last topic?”
“None so far, Ma’am.”


Okay class, Before we proceed to our next topic

let’s play a game.

I have here a collection of selected names of

Elements in Periodic Table. all you have to do is to
guess the following symbols

Phosphorus Erbium Magnesium

P Er Mg
Uranium Titanium Oxygen
U Ti Ta
Tantalum Nitrogen O
Now eyes on the board. Class, observe the sets of
symbols posted on the board and find the hidden
word or mystery word?

Class, what is the mystery word? Yes Arnold?

Class, based on the activity, do you have any idea
what is our topic this morning.

g. Statements of the aim

In this discussion, you are expected to meet
these objectives,
Learning Objectives
A. Define the Permutation
B. Solve permutations using the formula for
finding the n objects taken r at a time;
C. Apply permutations in real-life scenarios.

I want you to lend me your ears because this

morning, we are going to discuss about


“Class, kindly read.”

B. Presentation
Before we unfold the main lesson, let us first (students do as told)
What is Permutation?
Permutation is the mathematical technique that
determines the num ber of possible arrangement in a
set when the order of the arrangement matters.

Permutation Formula:

P(n, r) =

Example 1: The number of photographs of 10 friends

taken 3 at a time.

nPr = = =

= 720.
Another example:

If there are 10 people and only 6 chairs are available

in how many ways can they be seated? P(n,r)= =

Factorial Expanded form value = 151, 200

0! 1 1

1! 1 1

2! 2X1 2
3! 3X2X1 6
4! 4X3X2X1 24
5! 5X4X3X2X1 120
6! 6X5X4X3X2X1 720
7! 7X6X5X4X3X2X 5, 040
8! 8X7X6X5X4X3X 40, 320
9! 9X8X7X6X5X4X 362, 880
10! 10 X 9 X 8 X 7 X 6 X 5 X 3, 628 , 800

Factorial Notation:
The factorial notation is taken for natural numbers
and is represented using the symbol '!' or n!

Example 1: In how many ways can you arrange 5

math books on a shelf?

Solution :
5! = P (5, 5) = 5 · 4 · 3 · 2 · 1 = 120

Another example:

How many ways are there to order the letters G, R,

A, P, E, S? G, R, A,P,E,S (6, 5,4,3,2,1)
(6)(5)(4)(3)(2)(1) = 720 ways ma’am.
Example 2:
(a) Evaluate 12!
(b) Evaluate P (12, 7).

a. 12! = P (12, 12) = 12 x 11 x · · · 2 x 1 = 479,
001, 600.

b. P (12, 7) = =
= 3,991,680

Another example:
a. Evaluate 10!
b. Evaluate P(10,5)
a. 10! = P(10, 10) = 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5
= 3,628,800
C. Activity

Okay class, I have lucky box, each of you b. P(10, 5) = =

will get one of the rolled. The rolled paper contains = 30,240
question. Do not open it yet! Now raise all the rolled
papers. Some papers are blank but there 5 lucky
papers among that. Now, everybody open! Who got
the lucky papers?
Congratulations! Come here in front and
read what is on your paper and you will choose one of
your classmates to answer your question.

1. 5! 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120

2. 10! 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 3 , 628
3. 8!
8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 40,320
4. Calculate P ( 10 , 8)
P( 10, 8) = 10 x 9 x 8 = 720
5. Calculate P ( 12 ,6)
P ( 12 ,8) = 12 x 11 x 10 x 9 x 8 = 95, 040

I will give 1 to 3 minutes to answer the

question on the board.

Yes ma’am

Did you get it class?


How do you find our lesson today? Who can give

me the summary of our lesson? Anyone? Yes,
Jayson? Permutation refers to any one of all possible
arrangements of the elements of the given set.
We calculate the different permutations by
applying the formula P (n, r) = taken r at a time
and P (n, n) = n! Taken all at a time.
Very good class!


Let’s try this one! Group activity. I will divide

you into 2 groups. I have here two same
questions; each group will choose a
representative to explain here in front.

Direction: solve the following permutations.

1. Set A has nine elements and you are P(n, r)=

required to give possible arrangements
for only four of them. P(9, 4)=

= 3024 possible
2. In how many ways can a president, a arrangement
treasurer and a secretary be chosen
from among 7 candidates?

P(n, r)=

P(7, 3)=

= 210
Did you get it class?

Okay class, How can we use permutations in

real life?

We can use permutations to find the different

number of ways competitors will finish a race.
For example, if 10 people are running a
marathon race, we can use factorials to
Awesome idea! calculate the number.

Permutations are a very powerful technique for

counting the number of ways things can be done or
arranged in a sequence. It is differentiated from
combinations because it treats the order of the items
as important. Through permutations, we can solve
various problems such as probabilities and counting
that involve very large numbers.


Direction: Solve the following

P(n, r)=
1. How many signals can be given by 6
lights of different colors while using 3
lights at a same time? P( 6, 3) =

2. . In how many ways can Along Rosa

arrange 6 potted plants in a row just =
simply get the factorial of 6.
6! =

3. Ten Runners join a race. In how many

Possible ways can they be arranged as First, P(n, r)=
second, and third.
P(10,3) =

I will give you 3 minutes to answer and pass =

it forward!

For your assignment!

Directions: Solve for the unknown in each
item and write your answer on your activity notebook.
1. P (6, 6) = _____
2. P (7, r) = 840
3. P (n, 3) = 60
4. P (n, 3) = 504
5. P (10, 5) = _____

a. How did you calculate the different permutations?
b. What mathematics concepts or principles did you
apply to solve each permutation?
c. Did you find any difficulty in finding the answers?
What technique or strategy can you think of to
facilitate your way of solving?

Pass It tomorrow,
Goodbye grade 10!

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