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fantastic news

Good night, starting another fantastic news edition, speaking directly from gustavo adolfo’s
Everyone knows that the economy has been very damaged because of many things, such as
government acts, wars and global crises. All this makes even the world cup’s stickers increase the
value, getting the prices to double in comparison to the stickers in 2018. The main point here is how
the inflation impact in all areas of our lifes
According to research, Brazil has more than 40% of children between 6 and 7 years old who cannot
read and write, according to the IBGE. With the arrival of the pandemic, it caused 100% of public
schools to be closed, being decadent because of online studies, causing a decline in Brazilian

A strong circulation of air passes through the south, and pushes smoke from the fires. Between Mato
Grosso and Ceará the climate remains dry and hot. In Porto Alegre the maximum is 18 degrees, in
Rio de Janeiro it is 34 degrees. In Brasilia the weather goes to 23 degrees and in Manus 32”. Now we
move on to sports, hi Juliana, how are you? shall we go to your news?

- It's okay yes Victory
we are going yes
- FIFA anticipates(antisapeits) the start of the Qatar Cup and changes(tinjas) the
opening game to November 22 (twenty two), which will be between (buh twen) Qatar
and Ecuador. The champion(chempion) of the cup will receive(rihseev) the
largest(leijãsr) prize pool in the history of the competition(kanpethetion), being(bin)
R$60 million(sixty million reais). It is also() announced(anaiuced) that 2.45(two point
… forty five ) million tickets were(wur) sold for the cup, the most sought(sót) after
would(wud) be for the games in Brazil.
- Let's go now with the news from our correspondent, Arthur, who is in Qatar. Are you
ok Arthur?

arthur (correspondent)

Good night ladies and gentlemen who are watching another fantastic news, here I'm
directly in Qatar and as you can see behind me, this is Ras Abu Aboud, a stadium for the
world cup 2022, which is totally demountable. This type of stadium is built so the government
can control its size, avoiding having big stadiums with no or little audience. It's all built from
containers and is probably the future of the nexts stadiums for big events.
wait,wait seems like we have an urgent news about a tragedy

gu: Mc Meno, 16 year old singer, after leaving a party in Alvorada, ended up being shot by
criminals who ran away, after the act, he was taken to the hospital and survived, being able
to leave the hospital some days later.

ending: oh, really bad news from Gustavo, hope everything gets fine, this was not planned,
but alright. Good night Brazil, tomorrow we’re going to be here again for more news, good

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