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M. Prakash Institute
Chemistry Daily Workout
Std : X
( AY : 2023-24 )

Dear Students,
As announced, here is the first installment for the of Daily Workout
(DW) questions in Chemistry for your summer vacations.
The theory questions /numericals are set in such a way that they
offer a revision of the topic/ concept to a good extent. In addition
to the given problems, you are expected to revise corresponding
There is one problem set for every week ,which means three to four
simple problems every day. Since the program is called DW, do not
forget to work daily. With regular practice of solving problems, you
will not only be in touch with what has been taught so far, but you
will also make more sense of your Science.
You need to maintain a separate file / notebook for these prob-
lems. Solve each problem carefully and write complete solution.
Kindly note that we are going to discuss this installment in a ses-
sion or two in detail and every student should be ready with legit
doubts. Also, if you have any kind of technical doubts of chemistry
in our syllabus till date, you should utilize the next lecture for the

So here we go!

SET- 1: Mole concept-I

Week-1 27 March-1 April, 2023
Atomic numbers: H:1, C:6, N:7, O:8, F:9, Na:11, Mg:12, Al:13, Si:14,
P:15, S:16, Cl:17, K:19, Zn:30, Br:35, Rb:37, Sn:50, I:53, Ba:56, Pb:82
Atomic Masses: H:1, He:4, Li:7, B:11, C:12, N:14, O:16, F:19, Na:23,
Mg:24, Al:27, Si:28, P:31, S:32, Cl: 35.5, K:39, Ca:40, Fe:56, Ti:48,
Mn:55, Cu:63.5, Rb:85, Sr:88, Ag:108, Au :197, Pb:207, Bi: 209
Note: Use ‘NA ’ = 6×1023
1. Calculate the number of valence electrons in 62 gm nitrate ion.
2. Haemoglobin contains 0.25% iron by weight. The molar mass of
Heaemoglobin is 89600 gm per mol. Calculate the no of iron atom
per molecule of Haemoglobin.
3. Calculate the molar ratio of F e2+ to F e3+ in a mixture of F eSO4
and F e2 (SO4 )3 having equal number of sulphate ion in both ferrous
and ferric sulphate.
4. Calculate the maximum number of mole of Ba3 (P O4 )2 when 0.6
mole of BaCl2 is mixed with 0.6 mole of N a3 P O4 .
5. What is the maximum amount of ammonia formed when 14 gm
of N2 is mixed with 2 gm of H2 .
6. DNA has density 1.1 gm/ml and its molecular weight is 6000
gm/mol. Calculate the average volume occupied by the single
molecule of DNA.
7. 2 mol of H2 S and 11.2 L SO2 at STP reacts to form x mol of
sulphur, y mol of water. Find the value of x.
8. One mole of potassium chlorate is thermally decomposed and
excess of aluminium is burnt in the gaseous product. How many
mol of aluminium oxide are formed?
9. Calculate the number of oxygen atoms required to combine with
7 gm of N2 to form N2 O3 when 80% of N2 is converted to N2 O3 .
10. The element A (at wt=75) and B(at wt= 32) combine to form
a compound X . If 3 mol of B combine with 2 mol of A to give 1
mol of X . Calculate the weight of 5 mol X .
11. Calculate the amount of H2 SO4 consumed when 112 gm of
iron(F e56
26 ) reacts with H2 SO4 in such a way that F eSO4 and F e2 (SO4 )3
are produced in 2:3 molar ratio.
12. 2.4 kg of carbon is made to react with 1.35 kg of aluminium to
form Al4 C3 . Calculate the maximum amount (in kg) of aluminium

carbide formed.
13. 0.2 gm of gas X occupies a volume of 440 ml. If 0.1 gm of
carbon di-oxide gas occupies a volume of 320 ml at the same tem-
perature and pressure, find the molar mass of gas X.
14. The phosphate of a metal has the formula M HP O4 . Write the
formula of its metal chloride.
15. The formula of a hydrated salt of barium is BaCl2 .xH2 O. If
1.936 g of this compound gives 1.846 g of anhydrous BaSO4 upon
treatment with H2 SO4, calculate x.
16. Ammonia is manufactured by the reaction of N2 and H2 . An
equilibrium mixture contains 5.0 g of each N2 , H2 and N H3 . Cal-
culate the initial mass of N2 and H2 in g respectively.
17. 4 gm of NaOH are present in 0.1dm3 solution have specific
gravity 1.038gm/ml. Calculate the mole fraction of NaOH.
18. Calculate the volume occupied by 6 × 1022 molecules of N2 at
19. How many grams are contained in one gram-atom of Na?
20. How many moles of NaOH are contained in 27 ml of 0.15 M
NaOH ?
21. Commercially available concentrated hydrochloric acid contains
38%HCl by mass. What is the molarity of this solution? The den-
sity is 1.19 gm/ml.
22. What volume of 12.389M concenterated solution of HCl is re-
quired to make 1.00 litre of 0.010M HCl?
23. Calculate the amount of oxalic acid (C2 H2 O4 .2H2 O) required
to obtain 250 ml of deci-molar solution.
24. 4 gm of NaOH are present in 0.1dm3 solution have specific
gravity 1.038 gm/ml. calculate:
a. Molality of NaOH solution; b. Molarity of NaOH solution.
25. Find the molality of H2 SO4 solution whose specific gravity is
1.98 gm/ml and 90% by volume H2 SO4 .

Answer key:
1 24 NA 2 4 3 3:2 4 0.2
5 11.33 6 0.9 × 10−20 ml 7 1.5 mol 8 1
9 3.6 × 1023 10 1230g 11 269.5 g 12 1.8 Kg
13 64 14 M Cl2 15 2 moles 16 9.2, 5.88
17 0.017 18 2.24 L 19 23 g 20 4.05 × 10−3 mol
21 12.389 M 22 0,807 ml 23 3.15 g 24 0.96m; 1M
25 191.8

SET- 2: Periodic trends

Week-2 3 April-8 April, 2023

1. Answer the following.
(a) Which is the longest period in long form of periodic table?
(b) Which is the shortest period in long form of periodic table?
(c) Which elements has the highest ionization enthalpy value?
(d) Name three elements that in liquid state.
2. Arrange in the increasing order of the property indicated.
(i) F, Cl, Br, I (electron gain enthalpy)
(ii) M g +2 , O2− , N a+ , F − , N 3− (ionic size)
(iii)Cl− , S 2− , Ca2+ , Ar (size)
(iv) M g, Al, Si, N a (ionization enthalpy)
(v) Br+ , Br, Br− (size)
(vi) P b, P b2+ , P b4+ (size)
(vii) HCl, HF, HI, HBr (acid strength)
(viii)I2 , F2 , Br2 , Cl2 (reactivity)
(ix) Li, Be, B (ionization enthalpy)
(x) SiO2 , P2 O5 , SO3 , Cl2 O7 (acidic nature)
(xi) F, Cl, Br, I (electronegativity)
(xii) N a, Cu, , Zn (electropositive character)
(xiii) N a, Al, F e, P b (density)
(xiv) C, N, O, F (2nd Ionization enthalpy)
3. With reference to periodic table, indicate:
(i) An element that is in group IIIA and third period.
(ii) An element with an atomic number greater than 16 and chem-
ically similar to the element with atomic number 10.
4. (a) Group the following elements (atomic numbers given) into
various blocks noted below:
12, 19, 17, 25, 31, 42, 54, 23, 48
(i) s-block (ii) p-block (iii) d-block
(b) Which of the following are transition elements?
K, Mn, Ca, Cs, Fe , Cu,Pb
(c) In how many blocks have the elements of long form of periodic
table been divided? Name them. [2pt] (d) The electronic configu-
rations of some of the elements are given below. Identify them
(A) 1s2 2s2 3s2 (B) 1s2 2s2 2p6 (C) 1s2 2s2 2p3
(D) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 (E)1s2 2s2 2p5

5. (A) From among the elements, choose elements satisfying con-

ditions given below.
Cl, Br, F, O, Al, C, Li, Sc and Xe
(i) The element with highest electron gain enthalpy.
(ii) The element with lowest ionisation enthalpy.
(iii) The element whose oxide is amphoteric.
(iv) The element which has smallest radius.
(v) The element whose atom has 6 electrons in the outermost shell.
(vi) The element which belongs to zero group.
(vii) The element which forms largest number compounds.
(viii) The element which shows diagonal relationship with mg.
(ix) The element which is in liquid state under ordinary atmospheric
(B) The elements Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl and Ar are arranged in
the periodic table in the increasing order of their atomic number.
(i) Which element is the most electronegative?
(ii) Which element is the most electropositive?
(iii) Which element is the least reactive?
(iv) Which elements are gases at room temperature?
(v) Which element is the most abundant metal?
(vi) Which element is the strongest oxidising again?
(vii) Which element has the given electronic configuration?
1s2 , 2s2 2p6 , 3s2 3p1 3p1 3p1
(viii) Which elements shows +6 oxidation state?
(C) Pick up from the elements Na, Cl, Si and Ar.
(i) The element with highest ionisation enthalpy.
(ii) The element with highest electron gain enthalpy.
(iii) The element with smallest size.
(iv) The element with largest radius.
(v) The element with lowest iniosation enthalpy.
(D) A, B and C are the elements of a short period of a periodic
table containing one two, and three electrons in their outermost
shell, respectively.Arrange A, B and C in the increasing order of :
(i) Their ionisation enthalpy
(ii) Basis character of their oxides
(iii) Covalent character in their chlorides and
(iv) Melting points of their chloride

6. Answer the following.

(a) Give the electronic configuration of third alkali
(b) Give the electronic configuration of fifth element of first transi-
tion series.
(c) Give the electronic configuration of ninth element of first tran-
sition series.
(d) Give the names and atomic numbers of the first and last mem-
bers of the lanthanide series.
(e) Give the names of atomic numbers of the first and last members
of the actinide series.
(f) Name of the groups of elememts classified as s-, p- and d-block.
(g) In terms of electronic configuration, what do elements of a given
period and a group have in commomn?
(h) Name the period whose elements are called represent-tative el-
(i) Write the general electronic configuration of s-,p-,d- and f-block
(j) In 3rd period of normal elements, which element has highest
ionisation enthalpy and which element has highest electron gain
enthalpy? 7. Explain.
(a) M g +2 ion is smaller than O−2 ion although both have same
electronic configuration.
(b) Nitrogen has slightly positive electron gain enthalpy.
(c) Sulphur has more negative electron gain enthalpy than oxygen.
8. Predict the formulae of stable binary compounds that would be
formed by the following pairs of elements.
(a) element with atomic number 11 and fluorine
(b) element with atomic number 12 and oxygen 9. Write short
notes on the following.
(i) Dobereiner’s triads
(ii) Law of octaves
(iii) Ionic radii
(iv) The periodic law
(v) Groups and periods in extended from of periodic table
(vi) Covalent radii
(vii)Representative elements
(viii) Transition elements
(ix) Defects of mendeleev’s periodic table
(x) Merits of extended from of periodic table
(xi) Isoelectronic species

(xii) Screening effect

(xiii) Effective nuclear charge
(xiv) Ionisation enthalpy
(xv) Electron gain enthalpy

Periodic trends: Answer Key

1. (a) 6 (b) 1 (c) He (d) Hg, Br, Ga
2. (i) I < Br < F < Cl (ii) M g < N a < F < O < N
(iii) Ca < Ar < Cl < S (iv) N a < Al < M g < Si
(v)Br+ < Br < Br− (vi) P b4+ < P b2+ < P b
(vii)HF < HCl < HBr < HI (viii) I2 < Br2 < Cl2 < F2
(ix)Li < B < Be (x) SiO2 < P2 O5 < SO3 < Cl2 O7
(xi)I < Br < Cl < F (xii)Cu < Zn < N a
(xiii) N a(0.97) < Al(2.7) < F e(7.87) < P b(11.3) ( values in gm/cc)
(xiv) C(2353) < N (2857) < F (3374) < O(3388) ( values in kj/mol)
3.(i) Al (ii) Ar (iii) Sc (iv) Ne ,Xe
(v) 3 (vi) 2 (vii) G -1, P-7 (viii) G -17, P-2
(ix) 16 (O) (x) 1,2
4. (a) (i) s -block: 12, 19. (ii) p- block : 17, 31,54
(iii) d- block : 25, 42, 23, 48.
(b) Mn, Fe, Cu. (c) 4. s,p,d,f.
(d) (A) Mg (B) Ne (C) N (D) Na (E) F
5. (A) (i) Cl (ii) Li (iii) Al (iv) Li
(v) O (vi) Xe (vii) O (viii) Li
(ix) Br
(B) (i) Cl (ii) Na (iii) Ar (iv) Cl, Ar
(v) Si (vi) Cl (vii) P (viii) S
(C) (i) Ar (ii) Cl (iii) Cl (iv) Na
(v) Na
(D) (i) A,C,B (ii) C < B < A (iii) A < B < C (iv) C < B < A
Q.6 to Q.9: Subjective questions. To be discussed in class if re-

SET-3: Balancing of redox reactions

Week-3 10 April -15 April, 2023

1. I2 + SO2 + H2 O = SO42− + I − + H +

2. Sn + N O3− + H + = SnO2 + N O2 + H2 O

3. M nO4− + SO2 + H2 O = M n2+ + SO42− + H +

4. M nO4− + SO32− + OH − = M nO42− + SO42− + H2 O

5. ClO− + Br− = BrO3− + Cl−

6. Zn + N O3− + H + = Zn2+ + N H4+ + H2 O

7. KM nO4 + HCl = Cl2 + KCl + M nCl2 + H2 O

8. BaCrO4 + KI + HCl = BaCl2 + I2 + KCl + CrCl3 + H2 O

9. ClO3− + SO2 + H + = ClO2 + HSO4−

10. M n2+ + S2 O82− + H2 O = M nO4− + HSO4− + H +

11. Cl2 + IO3− + OH − = Cl− + IO4− + H2 O

12. H2 SO3 + Cr2 O72− + H + = HSO4− + Cr3+ + H2 O

13. ClO2 + SbO2− + OH − = ClO2− + Sb(OH)−

6 + H2 O

14. Zn + N O3− + OH − = N H3 + ZnO22− + H2 O

15. AsO33− + M nO4− = AsO43− + M nO2 + H2 O

16. KM nO4 + H2 O2 + H2 SO4 = M nSO4 + K2 SO4 + O2 + H2 O

17. H2 O2 + P bS = P bSO4 + H2 O

18. M nO4− + C2 O42− + H + = M n2+ + CO2 + H2 O

19. F e2+ Cr2 O72− + H + = F e3+ + Cr3+ + H2 O

20. AsO33− + I2 + H2 O = AsO43− + H + + I −

21. S2 O32− + I2 = S4 O62− + I −

22. HN O3 + I2 = HIO3 + N O2 + H2 O

23. K2 Cr2 O7 + H2 SO4 + KI = I2 + K2 SO4 + Cr2 (SO4 )3 + H2 O

24. CuO + N H3 = Cu + N2 + H2 O

25. As2 S5 + HN O3 = H3 AsO4 + H2 SO4 + N O2 + H2 O


1) I2 + SO2 + 2H2 O = SO42− + 2I − + 4H +
2) Sn + 4N O3− + 4H + = SnO2 + 4N O2 + 2H2 O
3) 2M nO4− + 5SO2 + 2H2 O = 2M n2+ + 5SO42− + 4H +
4) 2M nO4− + SO32− + 2OH − = 2M nO42− + SO42− + H2 O
5) 3ClO− + Br− = BrO3− + 3Cl−
6) 4Zn + N O3− + 10H + = 4Zn2+ + N H4+ + 3H2 O
7) 2KM nO4 + 16HCl = 5Cl2 + 2KCl + 2M nCl2 + 8H2 O
8) 2BaCrO4 + 6KI + 16HCl = 2BaCl2 + 3I2 + 6KCl +
2CrCl3 + 8H2 O
9) 2ClO3− + SO2 + H + = 2ClO2 + HSO4−
10) 2M n2+ + 5S2 O82− + 8H2 O = 2M nO4− + 10HSO4− + 6H +
11) Cl2 + IO3− + 2OH − = 2Cl− + IO4− + H2 O
12) 3H2 SO3 + Cr2 O72− + 5H + = 3HSO4− + 2Cr3+ + 4H2 O
13) 2ClO2 + SbO2− + 2OH − + 2H2 O = 2ClO2− + Sb(OH)− 6
14) 4Zn + N O3− + 7OH − = N H3 + 4ZnO22− + 2H2 O
15) 3AsO33− + 2M nO4− + 2H + = 3AsO43− + 2M nO2 + H2 O
16) 2KM nO4 + 5H2 O2 + 3H2 SO4 = 2M nSO4 + K2 SO4 +
5O2 + 8H2 O
17) 4H2 O2 + P bS = P bSO4 + 4H2 O
18) 2M nO4− + 5C2 O42− + 16H + = 2M n2+ + 10CO2 + 8H2 O
19) 6F e2+ + Cr2 O72− + 14H + = 6F e3+ + 2Cr3+ + 7H2 O
20) AsO33− + I2 + H2 O = AsO43− + 2H + + 2I −
21) 2S2 O32− + I2 = S4 O62− + 2I −
22) 10HN O3 + I2 = 2HIO3 + 10N O2 + 4H2 O
23) K2 Cr2 O7 +7H2 SO4 +6KI = 3I2 +4K2 SO4 +Cr2 (SO4 )3 +
7H2 O
24) 3CuO + 2N H3 = 3Cu + N2 + 3H2 O
25) As2 S5 + 40HN O3 = 2H3 AsO4 + 5H2 SO4 + 40N O2 +
12H2 O

Mixed MCQs : Equivalent Weight/Bonding
Week-4 17 April-22 April, 2023

1. Which forms a crystal of N aCl?

(a) N aCl moleules (b) N a+ and Cl− ions
(c) N a and Cl− atoms (d) None of the above

2. When sodium and chlorine react then

(a) Energy is released and ionic bond is formed
(b) Energy is released and a covalent bond is formed
(c) Energy is absorbed and ionic bond is formed
(d) Energy is absorbed and covalent bond is formed

3. Which one is least ionic in the following compounds?

(a) AgCl (b) KCl (c) BaCl2 (d) CaCl2

4. The electronic configuration of four elements L, P, Q and R

are given in brackets L(ls2 , 2s2 2p4 ), Q(ls2 , 2s2 2p6 , 3s2 3p5 )
P (ls2 , 2s2 2p6 , 3s1 ), R(ls2 , 2s2 2p6 , 3s2 )
The formulae of ionic compounds that can be formed between
these elements are
(a) L2 P, RL, P Q and R2 Q (b) LP, RL, P Q and RQ
(c) P2 L, RL, P Q and RQ2 (d) LP, R2 L, P2 Q and RQ

5. Electrovalent compound’s · · ·
(a) Melting points are low
(b) Boiling points are low
(c) Conduct current in fused state
(d) Insoluble in polar solvent

6. An electrovalent compound is made up of

(a) Electrically charged molecules
(b) Neutral molecules
(c) Neutral atoms
(d) Electronically charged atoms or groups of atoms

7. Electrically bond formation depends on

(a) Ionization energy (b) Electron affinity
(c) Lattice energy (d) All the three above

8. In the following which substance will have highest boiling

(a) He (b) CsF (c) N H3 (d) CHCl3

9. An atom of sodium loses one electron and chlorine atom ac-

cepts one electron. This result in the formation of sodium
chloride molecule. This type of molecule will be
(a) Coordinate (b) Covalent
(c) Electrovalent (d) Metallic bond

10. Formula of a metallic oxide is M O. The formula of its phos-

phate will be
(a) M2 (P 04 )2 (b) M (P 04 ) (c) M2 P 04 (d) M3 (P 04 )2

11. From the following which group of elements easily forms cation
(a) F, Cl, Br (b) Li, N a, K (c) O, S, Se (d) N, P, As

12. Which type of compounds show high melting and boiling

(a) Electrovalent compounds
(b) Covalent compounds
(c) Coordinate compounds
(d) All the three types of compounds have equal melting and
boiling points

13. Lattice energy of an ionic compounds depends upon

(a) Charge on the ion only (b) Size of the ion only
(c)Packing of ions only (d) Charge on the ion and
size of the ion

14. In the given bonds which one is most ionic

(a) Cs − Cl (b) Al − Cl (c) C − Cl (d) H − Cl

15. Elements x is strongly electropositive and y is strongly elec-

tronegative. Both elements are univalent, the compounds
formed from their combination will be
(a) x+ y − (b) x− y + (c) x− y (d)x → y

16. In the formation of N aCl from N a and Cl

(a) Sodium and chlorine both give electrons
(b)Sodium and chlorine both accept electrons
(c) Sodium loses electron and chlorine accepts electron
(d) Sodium accepts electron and chlorine loses electron

17. Which of the following is an electrovalent linkage?

(a) CH4 (b) M gCl2 (c) SiCl2 (d) BF3

18. Electrovalent compounds do not have

(a) High M.P. and Low B.P. (b) High dielectric constant
(c) High M.P. and High B.P. (d) High polarity

19. Many ionic crystals dissolve in water because

(a) Water is an amphiprotic solvent
(b) Water is a high boiling liquid
(c) The process is accompanied by a positive heat of solution
(d) Water decreases the interionic attraction in the crystal
lattice due to solvation

20. The electronic structure of four elements A, B, C, D are

(A) ls2 (B) ls2 , 2s2 , 2p2 (C) ls2 , 2s2 , 2p5 (D) ls2 , 2s2 , 2p6
The tendency to form electrovalent bond is largest in
(a) A (b)B (c)C (d)D

21. Chloride of metal is M Cl2 . The formula of its phosphate will

(a)M2 P O4 (b) M3 (P O4 )2 (c) M2 (P O4 )3 (d)M P O4

22. The phosphate of a metal has the formula M P O4 . The for-

mula of its nitrate will be
(a)M N O3 (b) M2 (N O3 )2 (c) M (N O3 )2 (d)M (N O3 )3

23. In the transition of Zn atoms to Zn++ ions there is a decrease

in the
(a) Number of valency electrons (b) Atomic weight
(c) Atomic number (d) Equivalent weight

24. Phosphate of a metal M has the formula M3 (P O4 )2 . The

formula for its sulphate would be
(a) M SO4 (b) M (SO4 )2
(c) M2 (SO4 )3 (d) M3 (SO4 )2

25. The molecular formula of chloride of a metal M is M Cl3 . The

formula of its carbonate would be
(a) M CO3 (b) M2 (CO3 )3 (c) M 2CO3 (d)
M (CO3 )2

26. Sodium chloride easily dissolves in water. This is because

(a) It is a covalent compound
(b) Salt reacts with water
(c) It is a white substance
(d) Its ions are easily solvated

27. When N aCl is dissolved in water the sodium ion becomes

(a) Oxidized (b) Reduced
(c) Hydrolysed (d) Hydrated

28. Solid N aCl is a bad conductor of electricity since (a) In solid

N aCl there are no ions
(b) Solid N aCl is covalent
(c) In solid N aCl there is no motion of ions
(d) In solid N aCl there are no electrons

29. Favourable conditions for electrovalency are

(a) Low charge on ions, large cation, small anion
(b) High charge on ions, small cation, large anion
(c) High charge on ions, large cation, small anion
(d) Low charge on ions, small cation, large anion

30. The sulphate of a metal has the formula M2 (SO4 )3 . The for-
mula for its phosphate will be
(a) M (HP O4 )2 (b)M3 (P O4 )2
(c) M2 (P O4 )3 (d)M P O4

31. Ionic bonds are usually formed by combination of elements

(a) High ionisation potential and low electron affinity
(b) Low ionisation potential and high electron affinity
(c) High ionisation potential and high electron affinity
(d) Low ionisation potential and low electron affinity

32. Molten sodium chloride conducts electricity due to the pres-

ence of
(a) Free electrons (b) Free ions
(c) Free molecules (d) Atoms of sodium and chlorine

33. The phosphate of a metal has the formula M HP O4 . The for-

mula of its chloride would be
(a) M Cl (b) M Cl2 (c)M Cl3 (d) M2 Cl3

34. A number of ionic compounds e.g. AgCl, CaF2 , BaSO4 are

insoluble in water. This is because
(a) Ionic compounds do not dissolve in water
(b) Water has a high dielectric constant
(c) Water is not a good ionizing solvent
(d) These molecules have exceptionally high alternative forces
in the lattice

35. What is the nature of chemical bonding between Cs and F ?

(a)Covalent (b)Ionic (c)Coordinate (d) Metallic

36. Which one of the following compound is ionic?

(a) KCl (b) CH4 (c) Diamond (d) H2

37. Which of the following compound has electrovalent linkage?

(a) CH3 Cl (b)N aCl (c) CH4 (d)Cl2

38. An ionic compound is generally a

(a) Good electrolyte (b) Weak electrolyte
(c) Non-electrolyte (d) Neutral

39. When metals combine with non-metals, the metal atom tends
(a) Lose electrons
(b) Gain electrons
(c) Remain electrically neutral
(d) None of these

40. Chemical formula for calcium pyrophosphate is Ca2 P2 O7 . The

formula for ferric pyrophos- phate will be
(a) F e(P2 O7 )3 (b)F e4 P4 O14
(c)F e4 (P2 O7 )3 (d) F e3 P O4

41. Among the bonds formed by a chlorine atom with atoms of

hydrogen, chlorine, sodium and carbon, the strongest bond is
formed between
(a) H − Cl (b) Cl − Cl (c)N a − Cl (d) C − Cl

42. Which of the following is least soluble

(a) BeF2 (b) SrF2 (c) CaF2 (d) M gF2

43. Which of the following halides has maximum melting point

(a) N aCl (b) N aBr (c)N aI (d) N aF

44. The high melting point and insolubility in organic solvents of

sulphanilic acid are due to its · · · structure.
(a)Simple ionic (b)Bipolar ionic (c) Cubic (d)
⇑ Ignore. Out of Syllabus

45. Out of the following, which compound will have electrovalent

(a) Ammonia (b)Water (c) Calcium chloride

46. The force which holds atoms together in an electrovalent bond

(a) Vander Waal’s force
(b) Dipole attraction force
(c) Electrostatic force of attraction
(d) All the above

47. The main reaction during electrovalent bond formation is

(a)Redox reaction (b)Substitution reaction
(c)Addition reaction (d)Elimination reaction

48. Electrovalent compounds are

(a)Good conductors of electricity
(b) Polar in nature
(c)Low M.P. and low B.P.
(d) Easily available

49. Ionic compounds do not have

(a) Hard and brittle nature
(b) High melting and boiling point
(c) Directional properties
(d) Soluble in polar solvents

50. Highest melting point would be of

(a) He (b)CsCl (c) N H3 (d) CHCl3

Answer key:
Q 1 2 3 4 5
Ans b a a c c
Q 6 7 8 9 10
Ans d d b c d
Q 11 12 13 14 15
Ans b a d a a
Q 16 17 18 19 20
Ans c b a d c
Q 21 22 23 24 25
Ans b d a a b
Q 26 27 28 29 30
Ans d d c a d
Q 31 32 33 34 35
Ans b b b d b
Q 36 37 38 39 40
Ans a b a a c
Q 41 42 43 44 45
Ans c b d - c
Q 46 47 48 49 50
Ans c a b c b

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