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EMCEE #1: Good morning, dear participants!

May we request everyone to settle down and

please occupy the vacant seats in front.

EMCEE #2: Once again, good morning, everyone and we would like to welcome all of you to the
4th day of our In-service education and training.

EMCEE #1: At this point, we would like to acknowledge the participants of this activity. Let me
give this chance to everyone for presence to be recognized through a roll call. In doing so, may
we call on Sir Christian, of Senior high school department?

EMCEE #2: Thank you so much, Sir Christian Torres.

EMCEE #1: To give us a recap of the previous discussion may we call on Ma'am Jessica?

EMCEE #2: Thank you so much, Ma'am Jessica, for a very comprehensive recap. Surely, our
fellow teachers have learned a lot from the previous discussion pertaining to 5s.

EMCEE #1: This time, to keep us alive all throughout this morning. Let us call on Ma'am Chiara
and Sir Orville a for the ice breaker.

EMCEE#2 May we request everyone to please rise and participate in this activity

EMCEE #1: That was a very wonderful and energetic performance. Thank you so much everyone
for your cooperation. You may now take your seat.

EMCEE #1: I guess everyone is all set to learn from this training, so for the continuation of this
program, may we call on our very own school principal, Sir G.

EMCEE #2: A round of applause, please!

(As much as we would like to be joined by our principal today. unfortunately, he has prior
commitments that he needs to attend to, so he won't be able to join us. So, on behalf of Sir
Mantes, may we call on our dear school head…)

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