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Using Orthanc


You have successfully installed the Windows package of Orthanc by

Osimis! Orthanc is now running as a Windows service in the

By default, Orthanc listens to incoming DICOM connections on TCP port

4242 and incoming HTTP connections on TCP port 8042.

You can interact with Orthanc by opening its administrative Web

interface, that is called "Orthanc Explorer". This can be done by
clicking the link in the Start Menu or by opening your web browser at Please remember that Orthanc
Explorer does not support Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Content of the package 23.3.4


Orthanc server 1.11.3

Modality worklists plugin 1.11.3
Serve folders plugin 1.11.3
Connectivity check plugin 1.11.3
Housekeeper plugin 1.11.3
Delayed Deletion plugin 1.11.3
Stone Web viewer plugin 2.5
Osimis Web viewer plugin 1.4.2
Orthanc Web viewer plugin 2.8
DICOMweb plugin 1.13
PostgreSQL plugin 4.0
MySQL plugin 4.3
WSI Web viewer plugin 1.1
Transfers accelerator plugin 1.4
Authorization plugin 0.5.0
GDCM decoder/transcoder plugin 1.5
ODBC plugin 1.1
TCIA plugin 1.1
Orthanc Indexer plugin 1.0
Orthanc neuroimaging plugin 1.0
Orthanc Explorer 2 0.8.2 (Win64 installers only !)
Azure blob storage plugin 2.1.2 (Win64 installers only !)
Kitware's VolView plugin 1.0


* STORAGE: During the installation, you were asked to choose a storage

folder where Orthanc stores its database. By default, this folder is
"C:\Orthanc". Running the uninstaller will remove the Orthanc
program files from your system, but it will not delete this storage

If you wish to delete the data Orthanc has saved, delete this
storage folder (e.g. C:\Orthanc) after uninstalling Orthanc. Keep
this in mind if you use Orthanc to store protected health
information (PHI).

* CONFIGURATION: The Orthanc configuration files can be found inside

the folder "Configuration" within the installation directory. A
shortcut to the configuration folder is present in the Start Menu to
access and modify it more easily.

* LOGS: The Orthanc log files can be found inside the folder "Logs"
within the installation directory.

* PLUGINS: By default, Orthanc will look within the "Plugins" folder

within the installation directory to find its plugins.


1. Verify that the service called "Orthanc" is running using the

Services control panel (for quick access, launch the command

2. Make sure you do not use Internet Explorer to open Orthanc

Explorer, but rather Chrome or Firefox.

3. Verify that your firewall is configured to allow inbound

connections to the TCP ports Orthanc is listening on (by default,
4242 and 8042).

4. Verify that no other applications are using the ports that Orthanc
is listening on. For instance, Juniper is known to also use the
port 4242 for its VPN solutions.

5. By default, remote access to Orthanc Explorer is disallowed for

security reasons. Turn the option "RemoteAccessAllowed" to "true"
in the Orthanc configuration file if you wish to access Orthanc
from another computer.

6. Check the Orthanc logs in the "Logs" folder within the installation

7. Check the Orthanc Book and associated FAQ:

8. Post a request for help to the Orthanc Users group:!forum/orthanc-users


You can find more information at the official homepage of Orthanc:


The content of this file is adapted from the unofficial Windows

installer of Orthanc developed by Lury:

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