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Republic of the Philippines

Bohol Island State University

Main Campus
Tagbilaran City

VISION: A premier S & T university for the formation of a world class and virtue-laden human resource for
sustainable development of Bohol and the country.
MISSION: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in
the professional and technological fields, undertake research and development and extension services for
the sustainable development of Bohol and the country.


Submitted by:
BSEd Social Studies 3-2

Submitted to:

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Identify the prominent philosophers of Pre-Socratics,

b. determine how their contribution help and affects the society in the present and
c. create any form of creative piece regarding the beginning of doing philosophy in
ancient Greece.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Doing Philosophy in Ancient Greece: The Pre-Socratics

Reference: Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person Book (Phoenix

House), Chapter 1. Doing Philosophy- Lesson 2. The Beginnings of Doing Philosophy

Author: Mark Andrew F. Fietas, Michael M. Mercado, Mark Alvin M. Cruz

Materials: PowerPoint and Google Meet

Values: Collaborative Approach in Learning

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Classroom Management/
a. Opening Prayer

Good Day Class! Before

starting our formal lesson, let All students bow down their heads for the
us have a prayer. Requesting prayer.
everyone to please bow down
your heads.

Good morning, class. How are Good morning, Ma’am. We are doing
you today? great Ma'am

Okay that's good to hear,

please feel comfortable now as Thank you Ma'am.
we will start our lesson for

Cleanliness and Orderliness

I've seen unnecessary stuffs in (The students clean their study table,
your study table right now, aligned their cameras in the right angle
kindly get rid all of it for now and preparing their selves for the
and please make your discussion)
camera’s stable as much as
you can. I want to see all your
faces in here. Okay, so is
everyone ready for today’s
lesson? Yes Ma’am. We are all set.

Okay, that’s great.

b. Checking of Attendance

Who is the class monitor?

I'm the class monitor Ma'am (raises her
right hand)
I see, kindly check the
attendance of your classmates
and after the class, please Okay Ma’am Noted.
send to my messenger account (After the instruction, the class monitor
the names of those who are checks the attendance)
absent in today's meeting.

c. Review of the Past Lessons

Again, good morning class. Since

it's been a long weekend, may I The topic that we have tackled last
ask someone to recall last meeting was about the Origination of
meeting's topic, Yes? (Picks name Philosophy.
of a student)

Thank you. So the topic that we

have tackled last week was all In Ancient Greece and scattered all over
about the Origination of the world because of several reasoning’s
Philosophy. In which it's been of every philosophers. Also, it influenced
rooted in where? Mr./Ms. (Picks a our ways of living.
name of a student)

Very good! In what way did Philosophy influence us through our

philosophy influenced our way of ways of living. Also, by acquiring those
living? Mr./Ms. (Picks a name of a perspectives they formulate and we often
student) used it in decision making and even in
dealing with scientific deeds also.

Okay, that's interesting! Thank you

Mr./Ms. (Name of the student)
d. Motivation

So, I have here pictures of some

known and prestigious
Philosophers and you'll try to
guess their names.
(Display pictures one at a time by
using PowerPoint Presentation) Any answers will be accepted but it vary.
Here's the pictures, kindly guess it. (Students guessing the name of the
Who is this philosopher? Philosophers names)

Okay great, next one is?

Exactly! You're good with this.

Last one, he is?

Very good, so they are familiar to

you. That's great! Yes Ma’am, I’ve seen some of these
philosophers from the books during my
high school years.
I see. That makes sense Mr./Ms.

e. Presentation of the Topic

Regarding on the pictures that I've

presented, what would be our
topic this meeting? Anyone? Ma'am, we might be tackling about those
philosophers and even their contributions
Very good, thank you. So today to the society.
we will be dicussing about the "
Doing Philosophy in Ancient
Greece: The Pre-Socratics".
The first 3 Philosophers are the
Milesians Philosophers.

f. Reading of the Objectives

But before we delve into the new

lesson, let us read first the (A student read the following objectives.)
objectives. Kindly read it Mr./Ms.
(Picks a student)

Okay. Thank you Ms./Mr. So our

objectives are:
At the end of the lesson, the
students should be able to:

a. Identify the prominent

philosophers of Pre-Socratics,
b. determine how their contribution
help and affects the society in the
present and,
c. create any form of creative piece
regarding the beginning of doing
philosophy in ancient Greece.

We will not achieve these

objectives without R.I.G.H.T.
Readiness to listen
Initiative to participate
Goal to pertain
Honesty to answer
You’re right Ma’am!
Time to consider

d. Discussion

The importance of the first

group of philosophers known
as the Pre-Socratics should not
be underestimated. In fact
many of the popular ideas
today had their roots in Pre-
Socratic philosophy. The
important questions that this
lesson would attempt to
explain is: What are the ideas
or important contributions of
Pre-Socratic philosophy to the
discipline of philosophy today?
So in your own way of thinking,
what would be these important (Students are raising their hands)
contributions? Please raise
your right hand to answer.
Okay Mr./Ms.
Since these philosophers were
recognized, surely they contribute great
ideas for the development and growth of
the society in terms of philosophical
deeds and manners.
Thank you for that practical
idea Mr./Ms.
To know such great
contributions as what your
classmate said, let’s discover
those philosophers thoroughly
to weight if how their ideas
bring a huge contributions to
our society in today’s aspect.

It has been a very long journey

since the beginning of Western
Philosophy dating back to 630
B.C. in Miletus. Miletus, as a
fishing village and center of
trade and commerce in ancient
Greece, was the ideal place for
the first practice of philosophy
to emerge, according to Curd.
It became the melting plot of
ideas from other cultures in
other parts of the globe.
Together with the shrewdness
of businessmen going in and
out of Miletus, it was part of
ordinary life to hear people
trying to voice out their opinion
and convince others through
argumentation that their
opinion is the most plausible
one. For example, Thales was
known to have brought back
geometry from Egypt, where
he would travel for his olive oil
trade. Thus, the Milesians were
exposed and became tolerant
to different ideas. So what was
the place where it was known
as the center of trade and
commerce in ancient Greece?
Mr./Ms. (calls a student)
The place was called Miletus and was
considered as an ideal place for first
practice of emerging philosophy.

Very good, you’ve listened

attentively! Thank you.
Now, let’s talk about the three Milesians
Philisophers, who are? Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes
(Students answering in chorus)

Okay, Thank you for a quick response.

The Milesians (Thales, Anaximander,

and Anaximenes)
The story of philosophy started with the
triumvirate of the three Milesians who
were the first group of philosophers and
thinkers who gave us non-mythological
account of nature of reality and the
universe without the aid of instruments,
by merely using their rational faculty
together with their ability not only to
observe but also to speculate. Also, they
were also considered as the doctrine that
all matter has life hylozoist from the root
word "hylo" or stuffs and "zoe" life.
So, with these Milesians who did not
used any instruments in giving us
accounts of nature of reality and the
universe, do you think their ability in
dealing with speculations enough?
Anyone can answer the question. (A student gives an answer based on
his/her opinion)

Okay, thank you for your idea Mr./Ms. To

answer that question, we will continue
with our discussion. To start we have

Thales - known as the most popular

among the three, being the "Father of
Western Philosophy" and was regarded
as one of the seven sages (a wise man)
of ancient Greece. He is a shrewd
businessman, mathematician, and
astronomer because he was credited to
have successfully predicted an eclipse.
He believed that the lodestone or natural
magnet is alive since it could make an
object move. Aside from the main idea
that the fundamental substance or
primary constituent of reality is water,
Thales was the first philosopher to
assume that the earth is flat, such that
when you reach the edge of the horizon,
you will fall.
So, what can you say about the
assumption of Thales that the earth is
flat? Mr./Ms. (Calls a student)

(The called student answers the question

Thank you Mr./Ms. for voicing out your based on her/his perspective.)
idea. (Gives comment to the students
Anaximander (610-540 B.C.) - a student
of Thales. He was a very good prose
writer, claimed that fundamental
substance of reality is the "infinite or the
apeiron". Furthermore, he claimed the
apeiron has no precise characteristics or
attributes. If it is ageless and eternal, and
it encompasses all the worlds. This
conclusion about the infinite is highly
speculative and abstract rather than
based on observation. He believed that
the earth is cylindrical and is suspended
in space. In addition, he was the first
philosopher to attempt to draw a map.
Anaximenes (588-524) - was a student
of Anaximander. He concluded that the
fundamental substance must be "air".
According to him, air holds our soul
together, it encompasses the whole
world. Like Thales, he went back to the
flat-earth theory; but unlike Thales who
did not give an exact shape of the earth,
this time around, Anaximander gave a
definite shape, by claiming that the earth
and other heavenly bodies for the matter
are like saucers floating in air. Thus, the
earth is flat and round.
Again, who are those three known
Milesians Philosophers? Okay Ms. (calls
a female student) The three Milesians Philosophers
mentioned were Thales, Anaximander
and Anaximenes.
Okay very good Ms. Now, what are their
contributions way back their respective
times? Mr./Ms. (Calls a student) Thales was credited to have successfully
predicted an eclipse and was considered
as the first philosopher to assume that
the earth is flat. The second philosopher,
Anaximander was the first philosopher to
attempt to draw a map and he elieved
that the earth is cylindrical and is
suspended in space. Lastly, Anaximenes
the student of Anaximander gave a
definite shapeof the earth, by claiming
that the earth and other heavenly bodies
for the matter are like saucers floating in
That’s indeed a very detailed explanation
coming from you Mr./Ms. Excellent!

Is everything clear about the Milesians

Philosophers? No further questions? Yes Ma’am.

Okay so now, let us move on to the other

Pre-Socratics Philosophers None so far Ma’am.

Other Pre-Socratic Philosophers

After the Milesians, other pre-Socratic
philosophers would give primary
considerations on the nature of reality.
Some of those are:
Parmenides (450 B.C.) - he was known
as the leader of the Eleactic School, from
Elea in Southern Italy, now Velia in
Naples. His philosophical idea is a
contradiction of the idea of change from
Heraclitus. He proposed that the only
thing that is permanent in this world is
"being", that is, reality is made up of one
continuous object or plenum called being.
Change, for him is merely an illusion.
Amidst this illusion of change, there is
something indestructible, immovable
complete and without beginning or end,
which he called being. Thus, for
Parmenides, there is no such thing as
change and motion.
With Parmenides perspective, do you
agree to his reasoning's that there’s no
such thing as change and motion (A student raises her right hand)
because of what he called existence of For me Ma’am, I don’t agree with
“being” ? Parmenides perspective because change
is the only sustainable deeds in the
reality and being alone without the guts
of pertaining change is not too
resourceful. That’s all Ma’am.

Okay Ms./Mr. Kindly express your

opinion for the class to know your point of
You’ve got a point Ms./Mr. Thank you for
sharing your opinion. Parmenides
considered such belief because of the
time he lived with like a culturally and
conservative period where change is an
option for development and yes we can’t Yes Ma’am
blame him for having the perspective
because he was a philosopher born in a
trial and error reasoning and discoveries.
Unlike in today’s time, where innovation
were highlighted and became a key for
development. Do you understand my
point class?
That’s good to hear, now let’s proceed to
another philosopher,
Empedocles (493-433 B.C.) - He was a
very interesting figure among the roster
of pre-Socratic philosophers. He believed
himself to be immortal and that he had
magical powers. He was known to have
cured somebody who was comatose for
24 months. What makes Empedocles
different from the rest of the pre-
Socratics is that he firmly believed that
he was immortal and to prove this, he
leaped into the mouth of Mt. Etna, an
active volcano in Sicily, southern Italy,
that led to his untimely death.
Empedocles was the proponent of the
notion that reality is made up of the four
elements, namely, earth, air, fire and
water. Here, he is regarded as "pluralist"
because he had four elements as his
fundamental substances that reality is
made of, instead of only one substance.
Anaxagoras (480 B.C.) - He believed
that there's not just one element that
reality is made of. As a matter of fact, for
him, matter becomes infinitely divisible.
Whenever you divide matter, each
separated part will contain elements of
everything else. Another important
contribution of Anaxagoras is his idea
about the nous or the "mind" , which was
conceived of as external but is infinite
and is self-ruled and according to him,
"has the greatest strength and power
over all things". Some scholars suggest
that this may have been an inspiration for
the conception of the characteristics of
the Christian God, which was yet to be
formalized as a doctrine at this early
Between Empedocles and Anaxagoras,
who catches your interest the most? Any
volunteer? Okay Mr./Ms.
(A student raises his/right right hand)
For me as someone who loves
supernatural and magical genre, beliefs
of Empedocles made me curious and
eager to search more with his life
experiences. Imagine, he jump off to the
mouth of Mt. Etna just to prove his
reputed philosophy it’s quite weird but
authentically interesting.

Wow, that’s a nice explanation Mr./Ms.

you’re an active learner for having such
eagerness. Thank you. Next is
Zeno of Elea (490 B.C.) - He was a
student and loyal follower of Parmenides
and as expected he would pronounce
and reiterate the idea of Parmenides that
reality is being. Thus, to strengthen the
point, he went on to prove this
assumption by pronouncing that there is
no motion. This became his impetus to
propose his arguments against motion.
Originally, Zeno had four arguments
against motion, but in these four
arguments, there are two main ideas that
are being proposed; the Achilles and the
tortoise and the arrow in flight is at rest.
Also, he had misused the idea of time,
velocity and space which are correlated
with each other. This is pamimilosopo in
the context of everyday life.
Leucippus and Democritus - They
contributed the idea that the ultimate
substance that reality is made of are
atoms. Atoms, which means inseparable
or indivisible, must be the ultimate
constituent of matter, which later on has
been accepted by the scientific
community and proven upon the
discovery of the microscope as a tool for
examining matter.
With the two philosophy , who’s ideas
were more considerably evidential?
(Student’s answer may differs but are still
recognized and accepted.)
Can I ask a question Ma’am?
Yes sure, what is it? Is something making
you confuse?
With all the Pre-Socratic Philosophers
who is your favorite Ma’am?
Well, with that matter personally as an
individual who believed more on scientific
deeds. I’m into Leucippus and
Democritus because their ideas were
indeed realistic enough even in today’s
generation and it had been useful for
human beings usage and reasoning’s. So
that’s it. Does my answer fulfill your
question, class?
Yes Ma’am. Thank you so much.
You’re welcome Mr./Ms. I’m glad to know
Now, to wrap-up this discussion, we have
seen the great ideas that these
philosophers have contributed to the
development of human knowledge.
However crude some of their methods
were, what is more important is the
realization that without their crude
speculations about the fundamental Exactly Ma’am
substance of reality, we might not have
started the process of searching for
knowledge for its own sake. Right? Yes Ma’am

e. Application

So now, who are the known Pre- They are Thales, Anaximander,
Socratic Philosophers? Anaximenes, Parmenides, Empedocles,
Anaxagoras, Zeno of Elea, and
Leucippus and Democritus.

Those are all correct. Thank you


Do you find those Philosophers

resourceful enough? (Student’s answer may vary.)

You’ve really learned something.

Very good class!

Since the topic is crystal clear to

you , I want you to used a whole
sheet of long bondpaper and other
creative materials that I asked you The student’s get their materials.
to prepare the other day.
I’ll give you the freedom to create
any short literary works it could be (Student’s start to make their outputs
through 3 stanza of poem or 3 silently)
paragraphs of essay that contains
the importance of the Pre-Socratic
philosophers especially to their
contributions at the present. Now,
you have 15 minutes to do it. Scan
or take a picture out from it then
send it via messenger. Do your
works honestly and neatly.
Yes Ma’am.
Also, this is the rubrics:
Content and Relevance 15 points
Organization of Ideas 10 points
Grammar and spellings 5 points
Total 30 points

Okay, so are there any questions

with regards with the instructions? Okay Ma’am.
If there is none, begin your literary
works now.

f. Generalization

Upon seeing your works it’s quite

interesting and rich of ideas
seems like you’ve learned from
today’s discussion. Pre-historic
philosophers brought authentic
and resourceful contributions to
their times and of course to this
present generation. Indeed, it
affects how we see things as it is
and make decisions regarding with
the enflourishing beliefs of various
ideas and reasoning’s coming
from numerous philosophers of all
time. That’s all for today’s

Again, Is there any questions? None so far Ma’am.

Okay, It seems that you

understood the lesson very well.
Since we still have 15 minutes
before the time ends, let’s have a
quick quiz just to check your
memory. Please get any scratch
paper there. Okay Ma’am.

IV. Evaluation.
(Identification and Enumeration)
Instruction : Number your paper 1- 10.
Identify the correct answer of what is
being asked.

1. He was a very interesting figure

among the roster of pre-Socratic
philosophers and believed himself
to be immortal and that he had
magical powers. Empedocles
2. He believed that the earth is
cylindrical and is suspended in
space and he was the first
philosopher to attempt to draw a
map. Anaximander
3. They contributed the idea that the
ultimate substance that reality is
made of are atoms. Leucippus and
4. He was the most popular among
the three, being the "Father of
Western Philosophy" and was
regarded as one of the seven
sages (a wise man) of ancient
Greece. Thales
5. He was a student of Parmenides
and propose his arguments
against motion.
Zeno of Eleas
6. He was a student of Anaximander.
He concluded that the
fundamental substance must be
"air". Anaximenes
7-10. Give at least 4 Pre-Socratic
Philosophers in Ancient Greece.

Okay, after answering take a picture

of your paper and send it via
messenger. Thank you.

Okay Ma’am. Noted

Okay, so for your assignment,

V. Assignment
Choose one philosopher from Pre-
Socratic Philosophers in Ancient Greece
and create a slogan with regards to the
contributions of that philosopher.

Here’s the criteria,

Content & Relevance - 10 points
Creativity - 10 points
Overall Visual Impact - 15 points
35 points

The same method please take a picture

of your slogan and send it via
messenger. Pass it before the day of our
next meeting.
Noted Ma’am. Thank you also for a new
Okay, so is there any question? If none, shared knowledge.
requesting everyone to please bow down
your head for the closing prayer. Let’s put
ourselves to the holy presence of God,
by saying in the Name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you so much class for attending

today’s lesson. Be safe always. God
bless you and have a great week ahead
of you!

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