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● Information giving — offering facts, providing

April 4 (Tuesday) information, stating opinions, and giving suggestion

and ideas.
● Clarification — interpretation of input, an indication
NSTP 2 of possible alternatives to any issues, and giving
● Closure — summarization and conclusions.
Group Dynamics the influence of personality, power, and ● Consensus testing — checking for agreements and
behavior on the group’s processes. trials to determine the group’s inclinations to specific
topics or problems.
Formal groups — usually created to address persisting and
long-term objectives in the group environment. Informal Maintenance behavior addresses the need of the group for
groups — emerge naturally in response to organizational or social and emotional support to be consistently effective.
member interests.
● Encouraging — showing regard for other members
Advantages and disadvantages: and providing a positive response to their
Group size: small groups may be overwhelmed by the ● Consensus creation — expressing group feelings,
workload while, large groups are prone to conflict sensing moods and relationships, and sharing
Group skills and performance — groups must be created with
● Harmonizing — reconciling differences and reducing
considerations to time, resources, and relations to other
group tension.
● Compromising — reaching agreements to de-escalate
conflict via devised alternatives.
Group diversity — groups must be balanced according to
● Gatekeeping — attempts to keep communications
tasks or objectives.
flowing, facilitating the participation of others, and
Stages of group development: suggesting procedures for sharing discussion.
● Standard setting — reminding the group of norms,
1. Forming occurs right after member assignment in a rules, and roles.
group, members are preoccupied with familiarizing
themselves with the task and to other members of the Self-interest behavior is a negative function displayed by
group. individuals in the group that may undermine the group’s
2. Storming (counter-dependent stage) the most critical success.
stage in group development, as is this the so-called
● Domination – disrespect for others, such as cutting
“make-or-break” phase that determines whether the
group will be effective or not. members off, not listening to their opinions, or
3. Norming the members start to resolve issues creating restating their information in a different meaning or
conflict and begin to develop social agreements and context.
compromises. ● Blocking – act of stifling a line of thought and
4. Performing demonstrates that the group has sorted steering a topic away from the intended point of view
out its social structure and understands its goals and
or back to his/her interest.
individual roles to be able to move forward in its
task/s. ● Manipulation — act of providing self-serving
5. Adjourning continued success in fulfilling its task/s, information designed to achieve a decision consistent
the group will resort to some form of event that to their station.
includes rites and rituals. ● Belittling — disregard of value for other members of
the group, usually through put-downs, sneering or
making jokes at the other members’ expense.
Group functions ● Splitting hairs — nitpicking or searching of
incriminating but insignificant details that delay a
Task functions embody the primary reason as to why the solution, undermine a fellow member’s statement or
group is formed. compromise the group’s integrity by degrading a
member via any of the other self-interest behaviors
● Initiating — proposing of tasks/goals, and
suggestion of procedures that lead to a solution. stated above.
● Information seeking — requesting of facts, seek
relevant information, and asking for suggestions and
April 3 (Monday)

Conventions are larger meetings that include some form of

Micro Perspective of Tourism exposition or trade shows.

and Hospitality A typical convention has the following format:

M.I.C.E AND TRAVEL TRADE SECTORS 1. Welcome Registration

2. Introduction of the president of the association
Four (4) Pillars of MICE 3. President’s welcome speech
4. First keynote address by a speaker
Meetings are single-day events held in hotel conference rooms
5. Exposition booths open
or at convention centers.
6. Several workshops or presentations on specific topics
7. Luncheon
● Clinic – a workshop where attendees learn by doing.
8. More workshops and presentations
It involves small groups who interact with each other
9. Demonstrations of special topics
10. Vendor’s private receptions
● Forum – an assembly to discuss a group’s common
11. Dinner
concerns, featuring a panel of experts who tell
12. Convention center closes
opposite sides of an issue.
● Seminar – gathering of professionals who work
Exhibitions also referred to as trade shows, exhibitions are
together under the guidance of a discussion leader.
usually massive events that draw thousands of visitors and
● Symposium – a meeting where experts discuss a
exhibitors worldwide. They can last anywhere from several
subject, and a consensus of the group is gathered.
days to a week.
● Workshop – a small group led by a trainer
concentrating on skill enhancement. ● Networking events — a great place to meet potential
● Conference – formal meeting of professionals partners, discuss collaborations, and exchange
assembled for a common purpose. thoughts on current trends. 
● Colloquium – an informal discussion on ● Awards —part of many exhibitions and honors
group-selected topics. industry leaders for their achievements. It also gives
● Panel – consists of two (2) or more speakers stating winners quite a public relations and marketing push.
their viewpoints. ● New business pitches — since trade shows want to
● Lecture – meeting in which an expert speaker promote growth and innovation in their industry,
addresses an audience. there is often a dedicated event for new business
Three types of meeting setup such as;
Key Players in the MICE Industry
1. Theater Style – intended for a large audience that
does not need many notes or documents. Meeting Planners — makes hotel and meeting bookings and
2. Classroom Setup – used when participants need to ensures that the services contracted have been delivered.
take notes or refer to documents.
3. Boardroom Setup – intended for a small number of Activities of the meeting planner:
1. Pre-meeting Activities – planning the meeting
Incentives are the most fun part of the MICE segment. They agenda, establishing meeting objectives, predicting
include all types of travel rewards a company offers to attendance, setting the meeting budget, selecting the
individual staff, teams, or partners. meeting site, selecting meeting facility and hotels, etc.
2. On-site Activities – conducting pre-event briefings,
Some factors that a company considers in planning incentives: preparing executive plans, moving people in or out,
troubleshooting, and approving invoices.
● Setting specific goals 3. Post-meeting Activities – debriefing, evaluating,
● Measuring performance providing recognition and appreciation, and planning
● Communicating standards to participants for the next year of operations.
● Choosing rewards appropriate to participants
● Celebrating achievement.
Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) is a major player in ● Tour Guides and Couriers – they travel with tourists
the MICE market. It is a non-profit organization that represents and work to ensure travelers’ needs are met and that
an urban area that tries to solicit business from their visit runs smoothly.
pleasure-seeking visitors. ● Short Break Operators – they offer accommodation
packages, usually between one (1) and four (4) nights.
Special Events Market ● Group Travel Organizers (GTOs) – they often work
voluntarily, organizing travel on behalf of
Special Events Market is very important to the attendees of
organizations such as the Women’s Institute.
meetings, conventions, and incentive programs.
● Hotel Booking Agencies – they specialize in
Types of events: procuring accommodation facilities and services for
their clients. They range from large organizations run
● Corporate Events – incentive programs, product by global hotel brands to independent properties.
introductions, building openings, recognition events, ● Conference and Incentive Organizers – they manage
anniversaries, retirement, groundbreaking, and all aspects of the conference organization on behalf of
ribbon cuttings. their clients.
● Meetings, Conventions, and Expositions – opening
ceremonies, gala dinners, dances, opening receptions,
award ceremonies, theme events, trade shows, and
● Public Events – parades, firework displays, festival
fairs, inaugurations or swearing-in ceremonies,
holiday observances, military ceremonies, and
sporting events.
● Retail Events – grand openings, promotions,
celebrity appearances, and seasonal promotions.
● Social or Private Events – weddings, anniversaries,
graduations, reunions, funerals, memorials, births,
Christening, charity balls, runs, and auctions.

Why is MICE Tourism Important?

● It facilitates access to new technology.

● It attracts high-spending visitors.
● It provides a high yield and returns per capita.
● It enhances international economic contact.
● It creates a more economic multiplier effect and
● It can enhance off-peak tourism.

The Travel Trade Sector

Travel trade means many things to many people in the

tourism industry. It is defined as “people and companies that
resell travel products they have bought and/or reserved from
other parties.”

● Travel Agents – they organize personal travel and

accommodation for travelers.
● Tour Operators – they build a package for the
elements that make up a holiday or a tour, and
booking activities at the destination.
● Wholesalers – they develop and market inclusive
tours through travel agencies.

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