Lesson Plan 7 - Inferances

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Level II - Teacher Ed Lesson Plan Template (UED Courses)

Teacher (Candidate): Nhan Lee Molzahn Grade-Level: 8th Lesson Date:

Title of Lesson: Inferences Cooperating Teacher: Victoria Smith

Core Components
Subject, Content Area, or Topic

English – Reading – Inferences

Student Population

30 Students
0 IEPs
5 504s

Learning Objectives

-I will be able to make inferences and conclusions in reading.

Virginia Standard(s) of Learning (SOL)

8.5 The student will read and analyze a variety of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction, and

b) Make inferences and draw conclusions based on explicit and implied information using
evidence from text as support.

VDOE Technology Standards

English Language Proficiency Standards (WIDA Standards)


Inference Worksheet AND Answer Key copies and print out,

High Yield Instructional Strategies Used (Marzano, 2001)
Check if Used Strategy Return
Identifying Similarities & Differences 45%
Summarizing & Note Taking 34%
Reinforcing Efforts & Providing Recognition 29%
Homework & Practice 28%
Nonlinguistic Representations 27%
Cooperative Learning 23%
Setting Goals & Providing Feedback 23%
Generating & Testing Hypothesis 23%
Questions, Cues, & Advanced Organizers 22%
Does your instructional input & modeling yield the positive returns you want for your
Check if Used Strategy Return
Teach Others/Immediate Use of Learning 95%
Practice by Doing 75%
Discussion 50%
Demonstration 30%
Audio Visual 20%
Reading 10%
Lecture 05%
Safety Considerations

Process Components
3 min *Anticipatory Set

TTW use the YouTube video to have the students make inferences on what might
happen in the video

LINK: https://youtu.be/khFb4FTJ4Jo

NOTE: Freeze the screen and get the video ready prior without the title of the video
showing. The title gives away the answer!

1 min *State the Objectives (grade-level terms)

-I will be able to make inferences and conclusions in reading

20 *Instructional Input, Modeling, or Procedures

TTW go over the rules for making inferences and conclusions.

-Using facts, observations, and logic/reasoning to come to an assumption
-based on clues as well as background information
-it is NOT stating the obvious

Drawing Conclusions:
“Next logical steps”
-based only on available information in the text
-must have evidence (inferences) to be able to draw a conclusion.

It’s a warm, sunny day in the middle of May. Families have gathered from around the
country to celebrate the love of two people. One little girl is wearing a fancy dress
and has been given a basket of flowers. As she prepares to walk down the aisle, she
takes a picture with the bride to be.

Inference: “fact”
The little girl is a flower girl in the wedding

Drawn conclusion: “Next Logical Step”

The little girl is going to throw the flowers as she walks down the aisle.
5 min *Check for Understanding

TTW show the students the following pictures and have them make inferences on
them. TTW lead them by asking them the following question:

What do we know about the picture?

What inference can we make about the picture?
What conclusion can we then make?

Picture examples:

*Guided Practice

TTW go through a practice paragraph with the students

TTW help the students make inferences by showing this Pixar video. TTW pause the
video at specific moments in the video where the students can make inferences.

LINK: https://youtu.be/nYTrIcn4rjg
*Independent Practice

TTW have the students work through an inference worksheet to complete on their


TTW use the website Jeopardy Labs for assessment.

LINK: https://jeopardylabs.com/browse/?q=+inferences


TSW pair up

In the pairs, one student will say something that they will do later that day.
The other student will make an inference what they will do after based off what he or
she said. The first student will confirm if that inference is accurate or true. TSW
reverse the roles in their pairs.

Differentiation Strategies (e.g. enrichment, accommodations, remediation, learning style,


Classroom Management Strategies (To ensure a positive learning environment).

Lesson Reflection. To be completed following the lesson. Did your students meet the
objective(s)? What parts of the lesson would you change? Why? (Professor will determine
if reflection goes here or in written report).

*Denotes Madeline Hunter lesson plan elements.

Candidate Signature Cooperating Teacher Date

Signatures indicate the candidate presented the lesson for cooperation

Lesson Reflection
LESSON PLAN REQUIREMENTS: In this lesson, I wanted to focus on Integration of

technology and media resources for instruction, classroom organization, and student

learning. Specifically with this lesson, I included a lot of activities that require their

Chromebooks, and the digital classroom board. For the warmup, I included a YouTube video

where they would practice inferencing/predicting. During the instruction phase, I had all the

rules and instruction posted on a google drive slide sheet where the students can visually follow

along. Furthermore, on the google drive slides, I included various pictures where they would

have to use their inferencing skills to predict what might happen next. Next, I included another

YouTube video of a short Pixar film where I would pause the video and have the students

practice inferencing and then I would play the video to see if they were correct. Lastly, I

included a quiz for them to complete on Quizzes website. Technology is important to include

during instruction because it allows the students to engage in learning in a technological way.

The students can become more accustomed to the technological advancements the more I include

technological resources in their learning.

How did I differentiate? – In this lesson, I differentiated in multiple ways. Through all the

technology I included, I was able to reach learners who need audible, visual, and kinesthetic

learners. With the audible learners, I was able to include practice problems with inferences for

students who need the element of hearing and listening for practicing. With the hearing element

in student learning, the students can actively engage through communication, responding directly

to what they hear of notice. Additionally, with the visual learners, I included multiple resources

where they can visually see and practice inferencing. Having that visual aid helps the students

practice inferencing through direct and instant learning. On the other hand, inferencing through

writing and reading, the students must actively read and think about what is being said to make
an inference. With the inclusion of visual aids, the students can gain practice based off what they

see in that very moment while building the foundations of how inferencing works. Lastly, with

the kinesthetic learners, I included the practice worksheet for inferences. In this method, the

students can highlight specific elements in the reading to help support their practice of

inferences. They can reread certain parts in the worksheet that stand out to them. They can take

as much time as they need for their own practice with inferences.

What went well? – Students were more engaged because I added more technology.

Particularly, I included videos and pictures that were funny so the students could engage in

inferencing. If the students are interested and engaged with the activity, the students can learn

more about the subject content. The students seemed to be more involved in the instruction part,

taking the initiative to complete the day’s goal, creating inferences. At times, getting the students

to participate and engaged can be a challenge, but they enjoyed the visual aid to reinforce the

learning. Furthermore, after the visual aid of the technological resources, I included an inference

worksheet for the students to complete. I believe that including the worksheet after the visual

technology was a smart idea. The students were able to work better on their own independently

because they had a better understanding of how to complete the inference worksheet. Moreover,

they understood the steps for creating inferences. The visual aid with technology and active

engagement supported the independent practice, the inference worksheet, by building their


What needs improvement? – The flow of the slides I included needed better

improvement. Sometimes a slide wouldn’t pop up when I showed it on the digital board.

Furthermore, when I showed the video on the screen, sometimes the video didn’t play smoothly.

The best idea would’ve been to test run all the media used before the class began to support the
overall class flow. Furthermore, when there were hiccups to the technology included, there were

times during those hiccups that students didn’t know what to do. In other words, there was

wasted time where the students didn’t do anything because I was trying to fix the issues of the

technology. During this time, I would want to make sure that I include small tasks for students to

complete while I fix the technological issues.

What will I take to my own class? – As the world moves faster and faster into

technological advancements, our students become more and more familiar and dependent with

those advancements. As a result, technology must be included and used as a vital part of their

learning process. I want to ensure that my future students are receiving a good mixture of all

different learning techniques, but the inclusion of technology builds a unique bridge for the

students engagement, allowing them to understand the content material in new ways.

Furthermore, I want to continue to provide the reason and explanation of why we are using a

certain technology resource, or any educational resource used. I believe that providing that

explanation to the students allows them to better understand why we are doing what we are

doing. Moreover, providing that explanation gives the students a confidence and inspiration

while doing their work because they have a connection to the given assignment.

How will I use the assessment in my own future classes? – I used Jeopardy Labs for my

assessment this lesson. This assessment proved to be fun for the students. It was something

different other than a written down test or quiz. The students were engaged and competitive

throughout this assessment. Because this assessment provided a sense competition, the students

were more adamant on retrieving their knowledge from the content instruction. The sense of

competition proved to help the students to use the rules of inferencing in more imaginative ways

as it encouraged the students to think outside the box and to do better than their peers. As for the
data collected, this assessment really allowed me to see direct results on how they understood the

content material and where I needed to fix my future instruction. In some ways, this

technological assessment was more valuable compared to a quiz or test format assessment.

Because of the element of competition between the students, the students wanted to engage in the

activity. Thus, this allowed me to observe and record the data of the extent of their capabilities

with the content instruction and knowledge.

How did I develop this lesson? – I developed this lesson by taking the students interest of

technology in the classroom and focused this lesson with more technology. In past lessons, I

knew the students responded better with visual and audible aid, something that was funny and

engaging. As a result, I decided on the topic of the lesson and carefully picked out certain

technology resources that would help support the lesson. Although the SOL standards lean

towards making inferences on reading material, which I included, engaging in other resources

other than reading enforced the students’ ability to make inferences. I included the inference

reading material towards the end because I knew that would be the most challenging working

independently. Allowing the students to work with technological resources with each other and

having them engaged gave them the confidence they needed to work on the inference worksheet

independently. On the other hand, if I included the worksheet towards the beginning of the

lesson, without the practice and incorporation of inferences through technology, the students

wouldn’t have that confidence. Furthermore, I wanted to expand my boundaries for incorporating

technology to give myself practice and the confidence I need through my use of technology. At

times, I tend to shy away from the use of technology because I am not always tech savvy. In an

article written by Abeera Rehmat and Janelle Bailey, they discuss the perceptions that teachers

have when it comes to technology. They state,

“One possible reason for the lack of change towards a technologically enhanced student-

centered pedagogy could be the viewpoints that teachers hold. Chen (2008) states that

teacher refer to their preexisting beliefs and experiences when trying to integrate

technology into their instructional practices. Such beliefs can influence the development

of new ideas regarding technology integration and related instructional practices. If those

beliefs focus only on using technology for administrative tasks or to enhance traditional

content delivery – rather than to support a more student-centered view of learning as and

active construction of knowledge use is limited – then it should come as no surprise that

technology use is limited,” (Rehmat and Bailey).

I do not want my fear of technology to influence the amount of technology I include in my

instruction. Rather, I want to continue to expand my knowledge and skill with technology so I

can build that confidence. Furthermore, the confidence I show in my technology will influence

the confidence my students have in themselves.

Cited Sources
Rehmat, A. P., & Bailey, J. M. (2014). Technology Integration in a Science Classroom:

Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 23(6),

744–755. http://www.jstor.org/stable/24026310

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