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Lucy Ehlers

JCM 180
Feb 7, 2023

Suicide prevention workshops improve overall student mental health

University of Alabama's suicide prevention workshops works toward helping students

and faculty better mental health.

Members are taught about the 3 step program to prevent suicide: question, persuade,

refer. These steps are important for managing suicidal thoughts and finding help for those who

need it.

During the workshops, students and faculty are taught how to handle a suicide, how to

prevent it and how to get help.

“Going to these training workshops has drastically helped me. Not only is it helping my

own personal health and well being, I feel like I am helping other people as well,” Sophia

Pellitta, an attendee, said.

Suicide on college campuses has become more and more prevalent in recent years. It is

the third leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds, according to Governors State University.

Students undergo lots of pressure when adjusting from high school to college lifestyles. As many

people move far away from home, the loss of close family and friends can take a tremendous toll

on a student's mental health. The transition can cause unwanted stress that is overwhelming and

could cause irrational thoughts.

Here at the University of Alabama, suicide is taken very seriously. “We all care about the

health of our peers and want to see a positive change in the future,” Julia Hurley, an attendee,

These events are open to anyone willing to go and they take place in the Student Center

often throughout both of the fall and spring semesters.

Word Count – 246

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