Application Letter

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March 20, 2023


Chapter Administrator
Philippine Red Cross
Albay- Legazpi City

Dear Ma’am/Sir:

Good day!

I am Francesca Djoreyn P. Benibe, 17 years old, resident of Camp General Simeon A. Ola,
Legazpi City. I am a Senior High School student taking up Humanities and Social Sciences
Strand in Bicol College. I must actively engage in a Work Immersion as a requirement for this

I will undoubtedly gain from this work immersion as I assess the skills, information, and abilities
I have developed in the classroom and enable it. As your business is the one I have selected and
determined to be ideal for my strand, I humbly request your permission to enter.

I firmly feel that the skills and knowledge I have gained from my cherished school, teachers, and
classmates may help your company while also giving me one of the best chances to develop my

Any position that will allow me to perform any tasks is one that I am ready to commit to. It is
absolutely within my duty to make a start for your company as a trainee, and I will try my
absolute best to put in a lot of effort.

Please get in touch with me using any of these approaches 09488785593 or if you would want to learn more about my personal

Thank You and God Bless.

Respectfully yours, 

Francesca Djoreyn P. Benibe

Work Immersion Student

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