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Student Participation Form for Service Learning Project (SLP)

[60 Points]
Student Name: Jose Sanchez Name of Project: Dave's Killer Bread
Date: 12 Feb. 2022 Associated Course: ECON 2301
Description of Social Responsibility in your own words:
A person's obligation to act in a way that fosters social well-being is known as social responsibility. This
implies that a person makes sacrifices for the benefit of others out of a sense of duty to society.

Remember, Adam Smith believed that in acting in our own self-interest, the entire community
benefits as a whole. What did Smith mean by this?
What Adam Smith meant by the statement above wa that humans' desire for wealth, success, or fame
will drive them to raise the caliber of their output and level of competition.

Find a recent article about our recent situation with COVID-19. Discuss the article and Copy and paste
a link to the article here:

Diversity of Communities How have your own attitudes and beliefs been influenced by the recent
and Cultures events caused by the threat of the Covid-19 virus? What have you
learned about yourself and others by this experience? Include the most
surprising or interesting thing that you learned. Give specific examples.

Student Response: What I learned from the recent threat of the Covid-
19 virus was to appreciate the little things of life. That something
common like shaking hands or giving a hug is special in my life. What I
learned from myself by this experience was that I am strong both,
physically and mentally. One of the most interesting things that I
learned from myself was that I can be away from people and still being
well. This was something that I thought that wa not possible from

Analysis of Knowledge  How have you connected knowledge (facts, theories, concepts, etc.)
from the economics course to your recent experiences and the events
in the news? Has your participation in school, civic life, politics, and/or
government changed in any way? Give specific examples.

Student Response: I connected my knwoledge learned from this ECON

2301 to this Covid-19 situation was understanding the high
unemployment rates. My participation in activities did change, because
I started engaging in school and community activities. For example, I
used to reject any invitation that I received from activities from my
community. After these recent experiences, I started accepting, and
even loooking for, invitations for activities to help in any way.

Civic Identity and Describe what you learned about yourself in relation to a growing sense
Commitment of civic identity and commitment. Give specific examples. What advice
do you have for others?

Student Response: Referring to civic identity and commitment, I learned

that I play an important role in the society. Now, I know how important
it is, for example, to vote. We elect our representatives, who will then
look for our well being. The advive that I have to others is to learn and
know your role in the society.

Civic Communication How have you expressed, listened, and adapted ideas and messages
based on others' perspectives? Did you have to change the way you
communicated? Did you have to accept a specific role or job at home,
work or school to establish a working relationship with others? Give
specific examples.

Student Response: Any messages that I have received from others'

perspectives I took it like something I can learn from. I did have to
change my way to communicate with others. I did not have to accept
any role to establish any kind of working relationship.

Civic Action and Reflection What have you done to show social responsibility? Do you think the
community, or your family benefitted from your actions? Give specific

Student Response: I have been active and socially aware in my

community to show social responsability. I do think that my community
and family benefitted from this because I radiated good vibes and
convinced them to transform.

Civic Contexts/Structures Has the volunteer work others have done for our community changed
your view of self-interested individuals? Do you think you are acting in
your own self-interest when you show responsibility in keeping others
healthy also? Give examples.

Student Response: The volunteer work others do for my community

makes me think that there are still good people looking for everyone's
wellbeing. Everything I do whenever I am showing my social
responsibility, I do it with all my love without any self-interest
***For the entire SLP, include photographs and news articles when possible.

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