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State Ministry of Rural Housing and Construction

Building Materials Industries Promotion

Procedures for Registration of

Sri Lankan Individual Qualified Persons

Construction Industry Development

123, Wijerama Mawatha
Colombo 07.
Tel : 2699801

Issue No: 1 Rev. No. 01 DOI: 06.02.2019

DOR : 05.09.2020

Registration of Sri Lankan Individuals as Qualified Persons as per the Construction

Industry Development Act No. 33 of 2014.

1. General

These procedures shall apply to registration as Qualified Persons of individuals described in

Section 26 (1) of the Construction Industry Development Act No. 33 of 2014 (hereinafter
referred as “the Act”).

These procedures are not applicable to Provisional Registration, as required under Section
33 (1) of the Act, of Foreigners who are not members of a Sri Lankan professional
body/board of registration referred to in Section 26 (1) of the Act.

There are three categories of registration to practice the professions in the disciplines of
Engineering, Architecture, Quantity Surveying and any other disciplines referred to in
Section 26 (1) ( e) in the Act.
(i) Category A - a person who is a member/registrant of a Sri Lankan professional
body/board of registration established by Act of Parliament referred to under Section
26 (1) (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the Act,
(ii) Category B - a citizen of Sri Lanka who is not a member of a Sri Lankan professional
body/board of registration referred to in (i) above and
(iii) Category C - any other citizen of Sri Lanka covered under Section 26 (1) (e) of the

Any person practicing in any of the above professions without due registration as a Qualified
Person under the Construction Industry Development Authority (hereinafter referred as the
“Authority”) shall be committing an offence under the provision of the Construction
Industry Development Act No. 33 of 2014 and shall be subject to prosecution.

2. Application Procedure
Applications for registration will be accepted throughout the year.

2.1 Category A
Written request should be made to the relevant professional body/board of registration
established by Act of Parliament.

2.2 Category B and Category C

The Application Form, given in shall be duly filled and submitted to the Director
General of the Authority along with the required documents and processing fees or
delivered under registered post.

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3. Registration Procedure

The names of registrants shall be entered into the Register of Qualified Persons published in
printed format in February each year. Those who are registered after 31st of January shall
have their names only in the register in electronic format.

3.1 Category A
Such person will be registered as per the register submitted to the Authority by the
relevant professional body/board of registration established by Act of Parliament
without any registration fee or charges.

3.2 Category B and C

Decision to grant registration to such person by the Authority shall be based on the
recommendation of the Credential Committee, after obtaining required
recommendation from the relevant professional body/board of registration established
by Acts of Parliament and upon payment of the registration fee. Such registration shall
be for a specified category of Qualified Persons.

4. Validity of Registration
All registrations shall expire on 31st January each year.

4.1 Category A
Validity period shall be from 01st of February to 31st January of the following year, as
per the register forwarded by the relevant professional body/board of registration
established by Act of Parliament. Relevant professional body/board of registration shall
forward names of registered professionals who have been subsequently included in their
roles in between such period.

4.2 Category B and C

Registration shall be valid from the date of registration up to the immediate 31st January
from the date of registration.

5. Renewal of Registration
5.1 Category A
Renewal of registration shall be granted at the request of the applicant through the
relevant professional body/board of registration established by Act of Parliament.
5.2 Category B and C
Renewal of registration may be granted at the request of the applicant. Such application
for renewal shall be submitted forty (40) working days prior to expiry.

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6. Numbering System
Following Numbering System shall be used as determined by the Authority.

6.1 Category A

(a) In Engineering
Chartered Engineers – CIDA/IESL/CEng/ 00001
Associate Engineers – CIDA/IESL/AEng/ 00001
Affiliate Engineers – CIDA/IESL/AFEng/ 00001
Incorporated Engineers – CIDA/IIESL/IEng/ 00001
Engineering Diplomates – CIDA/IIESL/EngDip/ 00001

(b) In Architecture
Chartered Architects – CIDA/SLIA-ARB/CA/ 00001
Architects – CIDA/ARB/A/ 00001
Architectural Licentiates – CIDA/ARB/AL/ 00001

(c) In Quantity Surveying

Chartered Quantity Surveyors – CIDA/IQSSL/CQS/ 00001
Quantity Surveyors – CIDA/IQSSL/QS/ 00001
Assistant Quantity Surveyors – CIDA/IQSSL/AQS/ 00001

6.2 Category B
(a) In Engineering – The level of following categories shall be comparable to the
categories listed under 6.1(a)
Engineers – CIDA / C2 / Eng / 00001
Associate Engineers – CIDA / C2 / AEng / 00001
Affiliate Engineers – CIDA / C2 / AFEng / 00001

(b) In Architecture
Architects – CIDA/C2 /Arch / 00001

(c) In Quantity Surveying

Quantity Surveyors – CIDA / C2 / QS / 00001

Assistant Quantity Surveyors – CIDA / C2 /AQS / 00001

6.3 Category C
Number to include the related discipline (in abbreviated form)

– CIDA / C3 / discipline / 00001

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7. Registration and Renewal Fee ( For Categories B and C)
Registration and Renewal fee shall be as determined by the Authority from time to time.
Prevailing fees shall be as follows.

7.1 Engineering

Category Registration Fee (Rs) Annual Renewal Fee (Rs)

Engineer 100,000.00
Associate /Affiliate Engineer 90,000.00

7.2 Architecture
Category Registration Fee (Rs) Annual Renewal Fee (Rs)

Architect 100,000.00 50,000.00

7.3 Quantity Surveying

A person who is not a member of Sri Lankan professional body/board of registration
established by Act of Parliament:

Category Registration Fee (Rs) Annual Renewal Fee(Rs)

Quantity Surveyor 100,000.00 50,000.00

Assistant Quantity Surveyor 90,000.00 40,000.00

Payments made at submission of applications shall not be refundable.

Above fees are excluding applicable taxes. Such taxes shall be payable in addition to
above fees.

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