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Flexi Work Poll

June 6, 2022 8:11 PM MDT

Q1. Would you prefer to work in office on specific set days or have a flexible schedule?

No; I prefer to have a flexible schedule

# Field Choice Count

7 Yes; I would like to have the option to work from home but my job requires me to be onsite 3.00% 31

4 Yes; I prefer coming in on specific set days 20.54% 212

5 No; I prefer to have a flexible schedule 72.58% 749

6 I have no preference 3.88% 40


Showing rows 1 - 5 of 5
Q2 - How many days in a week would you prefer to work in office?


21% 17%


Everyday 3 - 4 days a week 1 - 2 days a week None (WFH everyday!)


21.05% 17.17%


Everyday 3 - 4 days a week 1 - 2 days a week None (WFH everyday!)

Yes; I prefer coming Yes; I would like to have the option to work
No; I prefer to have I have no
# Field in on specific set from home but my job requires me to be Total
a flexible schedule preference
days onsite

1 Everyday 12.00% 3 24.00% 6 60.00% 15 4.00% 1 25

Yes; I prefer coming Yes; I would like to have the option to work
No; I prefer to have I have no
# Field in on specific set from home but my job requires me to be Total
a flexible schedule preference
days onsite

2 3 - 4 days a week 24.86% 44 61.02% 108 6.78% 12 7.34% 13 177

3 1 - 2 days a week 22.88% 140 73.86% 452 1.63% 10 1.63% 10 612

None (WFH
4 11.79% 25 84.43% 179 0.94% 2 2.83% 6 212

Showing rows 1 - 4 of 4
Q3 - What are the reasons for preferring to work from home rather than work in office?

(Check all that apply)

Others: (Please specify)

There will be occasions where face to face working with colleagues will be more fruitful. In view of new covid strains and the potential consequences
of long covid, I want to be safe and not choose to be working in air-conditioned enclosed areas for long hours.

Easier to watch over elderly parents. But doesnt mean efficiency reduce as in fact I work longer hours at home.

1. I save on bus fare. 2. I am used to working with the fan on and find it healthier in a non-aircon environment.

Most of my tasks (not withstanding F2F meetings) can be completed at home. With better efficiency, I'm also able to maximise my working hours
and not OT unlike when in the office. Better segregation of time for sure!

I can save on transportation and food

night shift working from home can save company the transport fees and our travelling time back home. we can be more productive .

Many distractions at office such as cramped seats in an enclosed space. Phone conversation by colleagues. Wasting time in going out for lunch

more focus to work at home.

As and when wfh still can go in if required .

Don’t want to wear mask

Working at the back-end, its actually better to have a fixed place of work, so its either at the office or at home. You might miss an important story
during the time of travel (ofice-home/home-to-office). So who's at fault when you get stuck in traffic and miss a deadline?

My knock off time is 12 ++ am to 1++am, wfh allows me to rest earlier. Also, my parents do not have to wait for me home till late night.

Transport is an issue as I work the night shift and don't drive. I end work past 1am on most days. There is no public transport at that time and
company night transport is provided only at 45min intervals, which means if I cannot make it for the transport timing and don't want to pay for a cab,
I face a long wait to get home sometimes.

(1) The office is too cold for me (2) I need to get used to a different terminal and set it up each time I log on

I save money on commuting as well, as I work the night shift and often cab home, and the night transport intervals are 45 mins apart, which is too

Certain work tasks can be done from home.

My job requires me to think creatively. Nothing creative happens in the office setting. I need my mind to roam free and be constantly exposed to the
market place.

(1)save cost because I eat more often at home. And also eat healthier. (2)I feel energetic and love my job more than before. (3) I am very happy
Others: (Please specify)

It takes me 2+ hours (morning and evening traffic is horrifying) to travel to office and back home everyday. Instead of spending so long to travel, I
rather rest or engage with work. After a few weeks of working from office, I find myself exhausted when I get home and have no more energy to do
more. Moreover, the nature of my work is rather individualistic, like the team would be busy writing our own articles everyday other than meeting.
Therefore I would suggest WFH majority of the time and only head back on meeting days.

Also because of my leg conditions, I prefer to work from home.

1) Can have a nice healthy home cook food for lunch if WFH 2) Can wear exercise shorts and a comfortable t-shirt 3) Office environment is too noisy
as the home is cozier 4) In-office - eyes easy get tired of the dazzling light from the ceiling and the 2) the Air-Con is too cold

I have less unnecessary disturbances from small talks.

depending on the job.

(A) I am productive worker both at home as well as in the office (B) 3 days WFO and 2 days WFH works fine for me (C) On rainy days the fle
flexibility to WFH would be good.

I save time and therefore energy commuting to work

I'm effective working from home as much as in the office. Less tiring. I'm old and I don't really feel the need for me to socialise much.

1) Can focus on work without distraction 2) No need to waste time to commute 3) Virtual meetings more productive coz everyone understands the
importance of 'making time count' and outcomes desired 4) Cleaner environment. I saw a rat and cockroaches in office and in the pantry including
the toilet! 5) Canteen not fully operational and F&B services stop at 4:30pm at Toastbox 6) Productivity is not hindered

my daily work doesn't require a lot of collaborative interaction that cannot be achieved efficiently already via virtual means. I have more flexibility in
attending to issues at home with just a quick step away from the computer then back to work

1) Feel there is no greater productivity WFO compared to WFH. 2) There is a greater sense of self ownership and self responsibility WFH than WFO
knowing that the company trusts you and empowers you. 3) Meetings are more productive WFH than WFO. 4) Not enough car park lots for staff
when everyone comes back to office - very frustrating. Carparking within the company should not be by rank - but an essential need for staff.

I also save a fair bit on fuel and eating out. Got divorced during circuit breaker and lost the maid due to being on a single income now, so being at
home helps immensely.

I save on transport and meal expenses too. No stress in dealing with traffic

my time is spent on work instead of travelling to office unnecessarily. however i see the benefit of seeing and interacting with your colleagues and
supervisors in person

I am still uncomfortable with the idea of being around big groups of people

I take about an hour plus's duration to journey between my house and the office, and for the sake of minimising interactions with the peak hour
commute crowds, which in turn may lead to higher risks of getting infected with the ongoing transmission of covid-19. As such, I would rather
minimise the travelling as I do not own my own form of transport.

The setting in office can be quite disturbing while colleagues are on zoom meeting next to us. their voice can be loud.

Cost of commuting, clothings, meals outside, can be saved. A lot of unproductive time sitting at office desk (between incoming work) can be
mentally draining. At home I can do bits of housework during such short intervals. Environment will be better with lower carbon footprint.

As an event service provider, my duties does not allow me to work from home
Others: (Please specify)

Can stay more focus on targetted tasks

I can concentrate better and not be distracted from the goings-on in the office.

Sometimes it can be disturbing in office. But when the office was quiet during the peak number of cases, I like to work in office.

The work environment and desk/chair are more comfortable.

Airon in office

my work are mainly out of office, with the advancement of mobile apps, i can work better without coming into office. Coming into office is wasting
time travelling and stuck here!

My health.

Less contact in case of outbreaks Ready backup shld office staff affected Sinking chair @ office giving backache Alternate canteen roster
inconvenient - food finishes fast Walk over to to treadmill after work - healthy lifestyle

Have not fallen ill from the cold office environment. Less noise and disturbances.

There are other days where I already must work outside (covering News)

I still get my work done, timely & accurately & in the comfort of my own home

my work doesn't require me to be onsite.

If we envisage ourselves as a media company, then we should really be able to work anywhere and anytime. It's not just practical, it is the
appropriate signal to send to young prospective journalists.

I have fewer distractions such as Office Gossip, Colleagues around me making phone calls or having discussion

My work requires me to be outdoors to take photographs and not in the office.

my work doesnt need me to interact with others much.

I can get the same job done as quickly as in office. In fact can be faster, as there's no interruptions in midst of working.

I have a long working hours. Can have normal meal time when work from home. It is healthier.

Easier for me to pick my kids up from school

It's better for my mental health to work from home, less aggravation.

1) Save travelling time & transportation cost 2) Less interruption, better concentration 3) Can home cooked food, healthier choice 4) Able to receive
goods purchased online

My work requires me to come in office early in the morning (630am), if I can wfh , by starting work at the same time, I can have half and hour more
of sleep. In the past, i used to rush and drive to dash into office, this kind of "rush" feeling to start a day of work was unpleasant and bad for health.
Others: (Please specify)

Much investment into a home office or remote work arrangements to allow for similar if not more productive work habits while minimizing commuting
time had also been spent.

Commuting to work is very tiring and time consuming as office is far and have to change transports. I can use the time to work instead

increased overall personal effective due to the savings in commuting time. Also reduce exposure to Covid-19

As a senior writer, I am judged by my output. Hence my presence in the office is not critical unless I am needed for certain meetings or activities.
Hence 1 or 2 days a week.

I don't have a desk or a desk top and hot desking is inconvenient if I need to bring my laptop with me all the time. Also, there are people who prefer
to sit at a certain spot and will try to make it their own personal space.

The preference is not about home, it's about the freedom to work anywhere undisturbed when necessary

To come office, I need to wake up at 7:00. I just wake up at 8:00 if WFH. Got more time to have breakfast and lunch with my family. Save time,
makeup and lesser cloths to wash also. It save electricity and water bill.

More committed to work as i can log in anytime after office hours to get more stuff done. more rest helps with productivity

I can wfh to finish my tasks. I am happy to return to office on specific days if my assignment requires me to do so.

Personally I have a hand and neck pain problem. I have a set up at home that helps me work pain-free and be more productive. E.g I have a
standing desk, I can use voice dictation without any disturbance etc. I am less productive at office due to this problem

No benefit to working in the office if other workmates are not there.

Can catch another hour of sleep from time saved on commuting

to be able to provide caregiving roles to an elderly parent during wfh

Can go exercise after work.

WFH can be as productive as WFO. Will still WFO on certain days when necessary (for example, to meet & greet, for settling of equipment with
helpdesk & etc)

I work either early hours (from 4.30am) or late shifts (4pm -1am) most of the time so getting public transport to the office or to go back home is

I live in Pasir Ris, so working from home means I no longer need to spend 3h a day commuting. Those extra 3h tend to be spent on work-related
tasks such as filing stories. The flexibility also means I can take a quick breather between tasks when I need to. WFH allows me to work and
recharge more efficiently. Also, since most of us make a living from words, virtual communication (e.g. via Google Hangouts, or a phone call) is often
just as effective as speaking face to face.

I have a better work desk setup at home.

As a journalist, most of my job is outside the office and often outside office hours. It makes sense to meet in the office for specific reasons and to
manage my time accordingly.

There is not much difference if not all colleagues work in office at the same time, especially so when u have overseas colleagues. Save time from
needing to find a meeting room for face to face.
Others: (Please specify)

There should be a balance between WFH and working from office. Certain tasks that requires discussion and collaboration are best done in the office
physically. Task that requires work to be done on an individual level, is best done at home. in addition to wfh or office, I feel that there should be one
allocated day a week, that is mandated that there should be no internal meetings. Because it is so easy to call for a meeting these days, just sent a
google meet link and a meeting can happen. This is disruptive to employees who need to get work done, rather than go for back to back meetings.

I’m at production department we are essential. So make no difference from me.

I can sleep an extra hour.

1) working hour have been longer when in office. 2) Sometimes office seem to be very noisy and is unable to better concentrate on complete a work

Saving money (food, transport, etc)

Taxi transport costs to the office from home have roughly doubled since 2003. Our wages stagnated for the longest time. It is tough lugging a laptop,
handbag, umbrella etc to and from work everyday in hot weather. I wd prefer to be able to leave my laptop (locked) in the office.

1st, We only live once. 2nd, I can multi-tasking to finish my tasks when meeting is held online. Sometimes too many meetings per day, if I come to
office & join the meeting physically, I cannot multi-tasking in front of other ppl. Then I have to OT to finish my tasks.

Other than saving the transportation fees, it also saves my meal fees.

People's online availability makes it more transparent for everyone to see if someone is busy with other tasks and prevent getting tagged into
impromptu meetings, thus enabling priotization and preventing issues with prior commitments.

- easy to attend meetings and take short notes, no need to look for meeting rooms -

i think 2-3 days working in the office and the rest at home are quite effective. i find we can use the WFO days to collab with other team members
and use the home days for focus time (maybe still have meetings but less of them). I also feel that after 2 years of pandemic, we've found our way
to still work effectively both in the office and outside. It allows us to rest a bit more but not commuting so much as well as use the commuting time
for other things (rest, hobbies, spend time with families, etc.). Also essentially not all meetings need to be face to face and some are more effective
through a call.

My work really does not need me to be physically present in the office.

Able to arrange more personal time to do self learning/study

Called it a blessing in disguise - I WFH since COVID. My mom who is a dementia patient - her condition is worsened. I can spend more time with
her while doing my office at home. Such moments which I treasure the most. Most importantly, I am more productive at home. I am proud of myself
for being more disciplined especially on my timing schedule.

When working in office is not as if you are always (8.30am-6pm) on your job. For me, I would say that I spent about 70% of my time on my job. So,
if I WFH, I can use the 30% to do my housework & tend to my aging mum. I find it more productive. To add on, I can still attend to our night shift
colleagues if they need help.

Save money on makeup, nice clothes, petrol, parking, lunch outside. Save time going out for lunch. No colleagues bothering me. Also, I have not
fallen sick with flu since WFH whereas I used to fall sick every 2 months when I had to work in the office. Good health is more precious to me esp
since pandemic.

reduce commuting cost.

Nature of work enables me to work from anywhere

Others: (Please specify)

my work already requires me to commute a lot. any additional trip, even if back to office, adds on to time, money (seeing how transport fees are
rising) and energy expended.

Fewer distractions at home, and no obligations to have kopi and such which can break work momentum

my job doesn't need that many face to face interactions

I can take care of my elderly parent(s)

Aside from saving time commuting, I also save time "getting ready" - ironing an outfit, dressing up, etc. I am not working any less when I work from
home, that much I'm sure.

Can be more time effective,as there are pockets of time in the middle of the day which has less duty, but the morning and late nights are busy
period. If come to office, is like 15 hours work day....

As an editorial staff, our working hours are so long (easily 11-12 hours a day!) and odd that WFH at least makes it feel endurable ...

I find it more productive to do e-learning, meetings and solo work when at home; and more productive at work when working with another

Need to rush projects sometimes and by staying at home I can rush the project out by working after my kids are asleep, unable to do so if need to
return to office cos I need to fetch my kids

All of the above.

Save money on transport.

Save transport fee Cook own lunch

allows me to spend time to care for my aging parents (87 + 92)

Can manage both work and family. Achieve better work life balance with 3/2 hybrid work schedule.

Comment about the previous question - 1 day is too few for wfo and 4 days is like going back full-time on a 5-day work week. So, the best choice
would be 2-3 days in office and more days wfo when needed.

If I am working from home on some days, I can prepare dinner during my lunch hour and I can fetch my son earlier home and have an additional
hour with him. Now, I am unable to prepare dinner and we have to eat out every time. This is very unhealthy. I also fetch him late now. In addition, it
takes me 1 hour to commute to and fro from work. I can go for an half hour jog in the mornings before I start my work. I find that this is more
efficient in our use of time.

I have a helper who looks after my elderly mum. My mum prefers to have me around though I close my room door most of the time to get my work
done. She says at least the helper will not raise her voice at her.

1. More focus 2. More efficient 3. Less travelling time 4. Save expenses

My work does not require teamwork at all, so even if I go into the office, I will be working by myself.

Home office setup is much better than at work (dual monitors, standing desk).
Others: (Please specify)

I save money on commuting to work. And I don't have to rush or call an expensive Grab when I'm running late to pick up my kids from childcare
after work.

easier to maintain a proper exercise routine.

financially safe on transport fare and food.

I also save time on getting ready for work (makeup, dressed up etc).

I prefer to work in office environment

Save cost of transportation, have elderly parents whose needs can be attended to, peace whwn doing Zoom conerences.

Health issues

Medical condition

easy for my medical appointments and can cook for family in the time i take to go home in the evening

When we see our colleagues just via online meetings, the formality is there and work gets done more efficiently.

I spend a lot more money working from office - transport, food...

I do not have to wear a mask. WFH also saves me the hassle of having to disinfect my belongings daily upon returning home.

I am a caregiver for my elderly parents.

it is disruptive to my health to be working in office on some says and at home on others. it affects my sleep pattern

It gives me a peace of mind to be with my elderly parents. Thus I can focus on my work better.

The BH work culture is toxic with bad leadership ie editor. I would rather not expose myself to abuse and be stressed to death.

WFH should be default because my work as a subeditor does not require me to be in the office, as evidenced by the success of the WFH
arrangement over the last two years. The work is siloed does not require collaboration or discussion with colleagues and there is never any group
work. Furthermore, communications within the team and with other departments were 99% via the chat app pre-pandemic -- there was never a need
for in-person interactions. The only exception may be was major news events, such as GE or Budget and similar, where it might be good to have a
core team in the office. So rather than a "preference" for WFH, I do not think there is an operational need to return to the office at all.

So long as the bulk of the staff is working from home, no point in coming in more frequently.

The working is very much subject to demand and supply. There are days we need to put in that extra hours to complete the task assigned. There
must be some level of trust, after all, we went through that phase for the past two years.

Even though we're reaching endemic times, it is still not clear if Covid-19 is safe for everyone. This is why I believe it is necessary for some people
to allow them to work from home. Life is still at stake. If we're all allowed to live without masks and this is no longer a threat then there's no excuse
to work in the office.

Reception are not allowed to wfh

Others: (Please specify)

As there is no option of 2-3 days, I think this would be a good balance compared to the qn before.

There is no reason for me to be in the office. I can do my entire job at home. Even in the office, I'm still talking to people in the office online. I also
save money eating food at home and not having to pay for travel fare. There is absolutely no benefit to working in the office. Furthermore, the
company has to provide night transport - money that otherwise would not have to be spent if I were to work from home.

If I'm slightly ill, I can still try to work from home, but if I go into office, the fever etc may worsen.

Save transport money.

no. i prefer to WFO everyday, with the flexibility of being at home on occasion

I prefer home-cooked food.

Ability to cover all home/family requirements AND work requirements and be more proficient and productive on both! Also, my communte to work is
1 hr each way, so I lose 2 hours of my work/home day on commuting. I do enjoy 1 or 2 days to come into office to team build, lunch with colleagues
and break the routine of being at home office.

work from home also helps to save transportation cost

There is a greater risk of falling sick at work. Apart from COVID, the risk of catching the flu or a cough is higher too.

I save on transportation fees.

Health reasons (healthier food choices at home, more time to workout = healthier me = more energy to do better work)

when not well good to take work from home

- Virtual meetings have become more efficient over time - Healthier sleeping and eating habits - Less anxiety is experienced from the morning rush/

My home setup is more comfortable, quieter, and is larger than what I have in the office.

BH leader not friendly to engage staff and sometimes engage in sarcasm which propagate negative workd condition.

I find working in my own space much better for my mental health.

no need to spend time dressing up to for work

Less distractions unlike in the office

I prefer BTO because convenient having discussion face to face with colleague

I have a permanent medical condition and staying at home makes it easier to manage.

1. Can focus better 2. More efficient 3. Save travelling time and expenses

My job as a photographer does not require me to come to the office at all.

Others: (Please specify)

Lesser disruption at home for analytical or planning kind of work

I have everything I need at home so I can focus on work.

(1) I feel that I have been saving money as I eat more frequently at home (2) I feel that I have been eating healthier as my family cooks more often
since I have been WFH (3) I feel more energetic and enthusiastic when WFH. (4) I found that I love my present work more than before WFH.

as i go to home to an elderly, i still follow the SOPs of the pandemic strictly, including wearing masks when interacting with others, BUT i find some
of the colleagues do not adhere to this rule. Interacting with masks off. I cant control others hence i dont feel safe at the office (on top of all the
other reasons above) as while many are keen to go back to normal lives, caretakers and caregivers have to continue to take precautions.

i dont prefer wfh

Flexi-time: - allows me to avoid the peak hour traffic to and fro. - work-life balance: for e.g, I can go in at 7.30am (after kids have gone to school)
and I'm home for lunch at 2.30pm with the kids, and continue with WFH after.

We work rotating shifts that vary widely and change often, and much of my writing outside of my normal shifts actually takes place in the wee hours
of the night. This allows me to produce more and faster, so the stories will be ready by the time others start work the next morning... Having to
return to office regularly means I expend more time and energy on preparing, commuting, fitting into a fixed schedule, etc meaning productivity will
take a hit.

helps financially

Working from home has less background noise for meetings.

Productive especially for work items requiring deeper thoughts / design / planning. Less distractions.

We have to shift both the PC & CPU back whenever we need to work in office and as my job scope involves calling out to subscribers, it will be less
distracted if wfh & also do not disturb other colleagues that are sitting beside me.

Depending on the tasks on hand, sometimes the home environment is more conducive than office because it can be a bit disruptive when colleagues
near you are on ZOOM meetings.

Fewer distractions, minimal mobility issues, getting to avoid peak-hour commutes (more productive hours instead), and easier to respond to

3 days in office + 2 days wfh is the best. Staying in the office doesn't mean you are the most production. That to and fro of 3 hours commute could
have been spent working on proposals

less rushing in getting ready to work, getting mum ready for her daycare, children off to school. and some me time, working alone at home. this
contributes to personal well being too, i feel.

WFH can be more focus and more productive because of less interruptions. I finish my work earlier thus have more time for family, especially my old
age parents.

I can save money from commuting, lunch and coffee breaks.

More work-life balance ie. more time to workout

Save money from transport/commute

Others: (Please specify)

Commuting is really time consuming!

save time and save money. more productive too.

At times, the office gets a little noisy and limited meeting rooms available

To add to my previous submission: too much noise in the office, often disrupts my work as I find it hard to focus on reading and editing content.

office sometimes too noisy, may be disracted.

There is better focus at home for me. I understand that may not be the case for everyone but I find I get more work done at home. Coming to office
is good for meetings or creating bonds.

My home office setup is also much healthier (proper ergonomic chair; air purifier) and much more efficient (large high-resolution monitor) than what's
available in the office. And in a hybrid cross-functional work environment where colleagues are presenting slides and simultaneously chatting in
multiple chat groups, what matters most is the desk/computer setup, not where that desk/computer setup is located.

Save travel time when need to work late.

My current situation is different and I like to keep myself safe. But I cannot wait to get back to office and connect with all my workmates which i
really miss

Won't fall sick easily as past two years WFH proved the air condition in office makes staff fall sick regularly in pre covid period

I only take my first shower in the evening ! No need to put on make up!

More focus at work as lesser distraction. Save money on transport and food. Lesser clothes to wash and iron. More time to sleep.

Childcare reason

I am also afraid as I am elderly person age 59 I will be vulnerable to the disease and may not have much resistance to fight viruses.

You save time on applying makeup and getting ready (it's quite significant when you add it up HAHA)

Huge investment in WFH setup, will be a waste if no longer used now. Also COVID is not over and workplace transmission is still happening at least
in other organizations. After vaccination you will only have mild symptoms yes, but it's still better to NOT get the infection at all. The long-term
health impacts after an infection is still not 100% clear.

It can be too cold /too noisy/ too many interruptions with colleagues walking up to chat in the office at times, not very conducive to work

Sometime its more productive working alone at home without the distractions in the office. I.e - Colleagues walking over to chit chat - Being task to
a assignment or errands just because we are physically at the office. - allow us some space in the editorial department to have some creative

perfer WFH ,Save Travelling Time

Save time preparing and commuting to work. I could start work much earlier since the work laptop is just within a reach away, and if there are
appointments after work, I need not carry my work laptop around.
Others: (Please specify)

Going to office which starts at 8.30am is a rushing period to send my kid to child care and squeeze in crowded public transport and when end work
at 6pm need to rush back to fetch my kid by 7pm otherwise there will be penalty charges. Hence I have to leave on time in order to make it just bef

Prefer work from home

• Safe Time commuting to work • Juggle work life balance better

Save time commuting to work & can have more sleep & is therefore feeling more energetic. Also can have healthier home cooked meals.

Easier to help out in caring for aged parent while at home.

For me, with a hybrid arrangement, i can better balance my personal live with my job responsibilities. I have a med condition so when working from
home, I can plan/structure my day to use breaks for my exercises and also spend less time commuting. Work-life balance is a vital aspect of any
healthy working environment.

In office a lot of time goes on random chats with colleagues and lunch. At home lunch is 25 - 30 mins including preparation, while in office its is more
than one hour as we go out collectively.

I work irregular and sometimes long hours (more than 10 working hours in a day), as we’re not sure when’s the crunch time, it’s better to let us
choose when to come back to office. Otherwise, the long working hours may be further extended, impacting our work performance the next day.

Being in office can be disruptive to my workflow

Don't have to think about what to wear to the office!

It really depends the work requirements. There are days where there is a need for a quiet time to think/plan/clear some administrative work, WFH
would be a better option. However there are also days where collaboration and meeting up with colleagues in gathering information, understanding
work requirements and relationship building, WFO would be more productive.

Working from home has got its benefits, waking up in the morning I can immediately jump in to a work meeting, or straight away get on with work
without wasting time prepping for work and commute. I get to plan my time and get things done efficiently within offices hours and even after hours
when there is a need to. That provide the flexibility of working with colleagues when there is urgent matters to attend to after hours. Coming in to
office, zap the life out of me with distractions, overly unnecessary interactions.

1. save time commuting to work. The MRT and train is tedious 2. Save money as everything have price increase. In terms of food, transport, grab.
3.I am more productive at home or outside the office. 4. I am able to pick up my kids from childcare after 6pm as it's near by home. If I were to
leave office at 6pm, very often will be late to pick up the kids. 5. Still very worried about the virus as I have young and old at home. Worried about
catching and passing the virus to them. 6.Many companies have already practice Hybrid arrangement , Hence considering to have a change in Job if
SPH don't practice flexi working arrangement.

Even while WFH, I respect office working hours- I start in the morning, and often work till late. At most, I might have a long lunch, but I can also do
that in the office. So it's more the time saved on commuting, rather than less time spent. Of course this may not apply to every employee, but I
believe it applies to the more motivated and dedicated ones.

My job allows me to work remotely without reducing productivity i.e. my work responsibilities do not require me to be in the office

and money

I can save the money that will otherwise go towards travel and meals outside of home.

trying to avoid being down with Covid with some of the side effects some people have been experiencing.
Others: (Please specify)

there are possibilities of distractions from colleagues/bosses e.g impromptu metings/discussions when they see you onsite.

Not applicable as I have prefer to work in office

At times, I need to be in the office to brainstorm with my team, at times I churn out more work at home as it is easier to craft in a quiet environment

I can sleep an additional 1.5 hours and save on 3 hours of commuting time each day.

I tend to work more when working from home because travelling to and from work and dressing up takes up time and energy that can be spent

I already travel a lot on assignments as a journalist. Wld like to cut down on more traveling time (and expenses), esp when having to rush around to
meet deadlines

I work very early shifts or very late shifts, so about half of my working hours will be spent largely alone in the office when I do come in. I don't see
much benefit in WFO often just for the sake of it.

Would not feel so moody when need to OT, esp when you look at the time and thoughts of having to travel back, and the time when you reach
home, and still have to go back ofc next day.

I dont like to wear a mask when working

Younger kid to take care. And someone needs to send him to school and fetch him from school.

Not conducive to take ZOOM/ Online meetings (both internal/ external) at work desk. Will have to find small meeting rooms for the sessions which
are limited.

Possibility of catching covid

It is very exhausting, especially when we have late shifts

I prefer to come only when there is physical meeting or gathering required as I am much more productive wfh

Yes; I prefer No; I prefer to Yes; I would like to have the option
I have no
# Field coming in on have a flexible to work from home but my job Total
specific set days schedule requires me to be onsite

1 I save time commuting to work 21.03% 187 74.58% 663 2.47% 22 1.91% 17 889

I have greater flexibility in

2 15.68% 77 78.82% 387 2.85% 14 2.65% 13 491
choosing my working hours

I am more productive at home or

3 16.70% 94 80.82% 455 0.71% 4 1.78% 10 563
outside the office

I can spend more time with my

4 family and / or on personal 19.11% 95 76.26% 379 2.01% 10 2.62% 13 497

5 Others: (Please specify) 18.26% 42 75.65% 174 3.04% 7 3.04% 7 230

Showing rows 1 - 5 of 5
Q3_5_TEXT - Others: (Please specify)

Yes; I prefer coming in on specific set days

Others: (Please specify)

Easier to watch over elderly parents. But doesnt mean efficiency reduce as in fact I work longer hours at home.

As and when wfh still can go in if required .

Certain work tasks can be done from home.

Also because of my leg conditions, I prefer to work from home.

1) Can have a nice healthy home cook food for lunch if WFH 2) Can wear exercise shorts and a comfortable t-shirt 3) Office environment is too noisy
as the home is cozier 4) In-office - eyes easy get tired of the dazzling light from the ceiling and the 2) the Air-Con is too cold

Cost of commuting, clothings, meals outside, can be saved. A lot of unproductive time sitting at office desk (between incoming work) can be
mentally draining. At home I can do bits of housework during such short intervals. Environment will be better with lower carbon footprint.

Can stay more focus on targetted tasks

Airon in office

Less contact in case of outbreaks Ready backup shld office staff affected Sinking chair @ office giving backache Alternate canteen roster
inconvenient - food finishes fast Walk over to to treadmill after work - healthy lifestyle

I still get my work done, timely & accurately & in the comfort of my own home

1) Save travelling time & transportation cost 2) Less interruption, better concentration 3) Can home cooked food, healthier choice 4) Able to receive
goods purchased online

Can catch another hour of sleep from time saved on commuting

There should be a balance between WFH and working from office. Certain tasks that requires discussion and collaboration are best done in the office
physically. Task that requires work to be done on an individual level, is best done at home. in addition to wfh or office, I feel that there should be one
allocated day a week, that is mandated that there should be no internal meetings. Because it is so easy to call for a meeting these days, just sent a
google meet link and a meeting can happen. This is disruptive to employees who need to get work done, rather than go for back to back meetings.

People's online availability makes it more transparent for everyone to see if someone is busy with other tasks and prevent getting tagged into
impromptu meetings, thus enabling priotization and preventing issues with prior commitments.

Able to arrange more personal time to do self learning/study

When working in office is not as if you are always (8.30am-6pm) on your job. For me, I would say that I spent about 70% of my time on my job. So,
if I WFH, I can use the 30% to do my housework & tend to my aging mum. I find it more productive. To add on, I can still attend to our night shift
colleagues if they need help.

my job doesn't need that many face to face interactions

Aside from saving time commuting, I also save time "getting ready" - ironing an outfit, dressing up, etc. I am not working any less when I work from
home, that much I'm sure.
Others: (Please specify)

I find it more productive to do e-learning, meetings and solo work when at home; and more productive at work when working with another

I have a helper who looks after my elderly mum. My mum prefers to have me around though I close my room door most of the time to get my work
done. She says at least the helper will not raise her voice at her.

I save money on commuting to work. And I don't have to rush or call an expensive Grab when I'm running late to pick up my kids from childcare
after work.

financially safe on transport fare and food.

it is disruptive to my health to be working in office on some says and at home on others. it affects my sleep pattern

As there is no option of 2-3 days, I think this would be a good balance compared to the qn before.

Save transport money.

Health reasons (healthier food choices at home, more time to workout = healthier me = more energy to do better work)

- Virtual meetings have become more efficient over time - Healthier sleeping and eating habits - Less anxiety is experienced from the morning rush/

I have everything I need at home so I can focus on work.

i dont prefer wfh

Productive especially for work items requiring deeper thoughts / design / planning. Less distractions.

WFH can be more focus and more productive because of less interruptions. I finish my work earlier thus have more time for family, especially my old
age parents.

save time and save money. more productive too.

Save travel time when need to work late.

I only take my first shower in the evening ! No need to put on make up!

You save time on applying makeup and getting ready (it's quite significant when you add it up HAHA)

It can be too cold /too noisy/ too many interruptions with colleagues walking up to chat in the office at times, not very conducive to work

Prefer work from home

Being in office can be disruptive to my workflow

and money

I can save the money that will otherwise go towards travel and meals outside of home.
Others: (Please specify)

Not conducive to take ZOOM/ Online meetings (both internal/ external) at work desk. Will have to find small meeting rooms for the sessions which
are limited.

No; I prefer to have a flexible schedule

Others: (Please specify)

There will be occasions where face to face working with colleagues will be more fruitful. In view of new covid strains and the potential consequences
of long covid, I want to be safe and not choose to be working in air-conditioned enclosed areas for long hours.

1. I save on bus fare. 2. I am used to working with the fan on and find it healthier in a non-aircon environment.

Most of my tasks (not withstanding F2F meetings) can be completed at home. With better efficiency, I'm also able to maximise my working hours
and not OT unlike when in the office. Better segregation of time for sure!

I can save on transportation and food

Many distractions at office such as cramped seats in an enclosed space. Phone conversation by colleagues. Wasting time in going out for lunch

more focus to work at home.

Don’t want to wear mask

Working at the back-end, its actually better to have a fixed place of work, so its either at the office or at home. You might miss an important story
during the time of travel (ofice-home/home-to-office). So who's at fault when you get stuck in traffic and miss a deadline?

My knock off time is 12 ++ am to 1++am, wfh allows me to rest earlier. Also, my parents do not have to wait for me home till late night.

Transport is an issue as I work the night shift and don't drive. I end work past 1am on most days. There is no public transport at that time and
company night transport is provided only at 45min intervals, which means if I cannot make it for the transport timing and don't want to pay for a cab,
I face a long wait to get home sometimes.

(1) The office is too cold for me (2) I need to get used to a different terminal and set it up each time I log on

I save money on commuting as well, as I work the night shift and often cab home, and the night transport intervals are 45 mins apart, which is too

My job requires me to think creatively. Nothing creative happens in the office setting. I need my mind to roam free and be constantly exposed to the
market place.

(1)save cost because I eat more often at home. And also eat healthier. (2)I feel energetic and love my job more than before. (3) I am very happy

It takes me 2+ hours (morning and evening traffic is horrifying) to travel to office and back home everyday. Instead of spending so long to travel, I
rather rest or engage with work. After a few weeks of working from office, I find myself exhausted when I get home and have no more energy to do
more. Moreover, the nature of my work is rather individualistic, like the team would be busy writing our own articles everyday other than meeting.
Therefore I would suggest WFH majority of the time and only head back on meeting days.

I have less unnecessary disturbances from small talks.

(A) I am productive worker both at home as well as in the office (B) 3 days WFO and 2 days WFH works fine for me (C) On rainy days the fle
flexibility to WFH would be good.
Others: (Please specify)

I save time and therefore energy commuting to work

I'm effective working from home as much as in the office. Less tiring. I'm old and I don't really feel the need for me to socialise much.

1) Can focus on work without distraction 2) No need to waste time to commute 3) Virtual meetings more productive coz everyone understands the
importance of 'making time count' and outcomes desired 4) Cleaner environment. I saw a rat and cockroaches in office and in the pantry including
the toilet! 5) Canteen not fully operational and F&B services stop at 4:30pm at Toastbox 6) Productivity is not hindered

my daily work doesn't require a lot of collaborative interaction that cannot be achieved efficiently already via virtual means. I have more flexibility in
attending to issues at home with just a quick step away from the computer then back to work

1) Feel there is no greater productivity WFO compared to WFH. 2) There is a greater sense of self ownership and self responsibility WFH than WFO
knowing that the company trusts you and empowers you. 3) Meetings are more productive WFH than WFO. 4) Not enough car park lots for staff
when everyone comes back to office - very frustrating. Carparking within the company should not be by rank - but an essential need for staff.

I also save a fair bit on fuel and eating out. Got divorced during circuit breaker and lost the maid due to being on a single income now, so being at
home helps immensely.

I save on transport and meal expenses too. No stress in dealing with traffic

my time is spent on work instead of travelling to office unnecessarily. however i see the benefit of seeing and interacting with your colleagues and
supervisors in person

I am still uncomfortable with the idea of being around big groups of people

I take about an hour plus's duration to journey between my house and the office, and for the sake of minimising interactions with the peak hour
commute crowds, which in turn may lead to higher risks of getting infected with the ongoing transmission of covid-19. As such, I would rather
minimise the travelling as I do not own my own form of transport.

The setting in office can be quite disturbing while colleagues are on zoom meeting next to us. their voice can be loud.

I can concentrate better and not be distracted from the goings-on in the office.

Sometimes it can be disturbing in office. But when the office was quiet during the peak number of cases, I like to work in office.

The work environment and desk/chair are more comfortable.

my work are mainly out of office, with the advancement of mobile apps, i can work better without coming into office. Coming into office is wasting
time travelling and stuck here!

My health.

Have not fallen ill from the cold office environment. Less noise and disturbances.

There are other days where I already must work outside (covering News)

my work doesn't require me to be onsite.

If we envisage ourselves as a media company, then we should really be able to work anywhere and anytime. It's not just practical, it is the
appropriate signal to send to young prospective journalists.
Others: (Please specify)

I have fewer distractions such as Office Gossip, Colleagues around me making phone calls or having discussion

My work requires me to be outdoors to take photographs and not in the office.

my work doesnt need me to interact with others much.

I have a long working hours. Can have normal meal time when work from home. It is healthier.

Easier for me to pick my kids up from school

It's better for my mental health to work from home, less aggravation.

My work requires me to come in office early in the morning (630am), if I can wfh , by starting work at the same time, I can have half and hour more
of sleep. In the past, i used to rush and drive to dash into office, this kind of "rush" feeling to start a day of work was unpleasant and bad for health.

Much investment into a home office or remote work arrangements to allow for similar if not more productive work habits while minimizing commuting
time had also been spent.

Commuting to work is very tiring and time consuming as office is far and have to change transports. I can use the time to work instead

increased overall personal effective due to the savings in commuting time. Also reduce exposure to Covid-19

As a senior writer, I am judged by my output. Hence my presence in the office is not critical unless I am needed for certain meetings or activities.
Hence 1 or 2 days a week.

I don't have a desk or a desk top and hot desking is inconvenient if I need to bring my laptop with me all the time. Also, there are people who prefer
to sit at a certain spot and will try to make it their own personal space.

The preference is not about home, it's about the freedom to work anywhere undisturbed when necessary

To come office, I need to wake up at 7:00. I just wake up at 8:00 if WFH. Got more time to have breakfast and lunch with my family. Save time,
makeup and lesser cloths to wash also. It save electricity and water bill.

More committed to work as i can log in anytime after office hours to get more stuff done. more rest helps with productivity

I can wfh to finish my tasks. I am happy to return to office on specific days if my assignment requires me to do so.

Personally I have a hand and neck pain problem. I have a set up at home that helps me work pain-free and be more productive. E.g I have a
standing desk, I can use voice dictation without any disturbance etc. I am less productive at office due to this problem

No benefit to working in the office if other workmates are not there.

to be able to provide caregiving roles to an elderly parent during wfh

Can go exercise after work.

WFH can be as productive as WFO. Will still WFO on certain days when necessary (for example, to meet & greet, for settling of equipment with
helpdesk & etc)
Others: (Please specify)

I work either early hours (from 4.30am) or late shifts (4pm -1am) most of the time so getting public transport to the office or to go back home is

I live in Pasir Ris, so working from home means I no longer need to spend 3h a day commuting. Those extra 3h tend to be spent on work-related
tasks such as filing stories. The flexibility also means I can take a quick breather between tasks when I need to. WFH allows me to work and
recharge more efficiently. Also, since most of us make a living from words, virtual communication (e.g. via Google Hangouts, or a phone call) is often
just as effective as speaking face to face.

I have a better work desk setup at home.

As a journalist, most of my job is outside the office and often outside office hours. It makes sense to meet in the office for specific reasons and to
manage my time accordingly.

There is not much difference if not all colleagues work in office at the same time, especially so when u have overseas colleagues. Save time from
needing to find a meeting room for face to face.

I can sleep an extra hour.

1) working hour have been longer when in office. 2) Sometimes office seem to be very noisy and is unable to better concentrate on complete a work

Saving money (food, transport, etc)

Taxi transport costs to the office from home have roughly doubled since 2003. Our wages stagnated for the longest time. It is tough lugging a laptop,
handbag, umbrella etc to and from work everyday in hot weather. I wd prefer to be able to leave my laptop (locked) in the office.

1st, We only live once. 2nd, I can multi-tasking to finish my tasks when meeting is held online. Sometimes too many meetings per day, if I come to
office & join the meeting physically, I cannot multi-tasking in front of other ppl. Then I have to OT to finish my tasks.

Other than saving the transportation fees, it also saves my meal fees.

- easy to attend meetings and take short notes, no need to look for meeting rooms -

i think 2-3 days working in the office and the rest at home are quite effective. i find we can use the WFO days to collab with other team members
and use the home days for focus time (maybe still have meetings but less of them). I also feel that after 2 years of pandemic, we've found our way
to still work effectively both in the office and outside. It allows us to rest a bit more but not commuting so much as well as use the commuting time
for other things (rest, hobbies, spend time with families, etc.). Also essentially not all meetings need to be face to face and some are more effective
through a call.

My work really does not need me to be physically present in the office.

Called it a blessing in disguise - I WFH since COVID. My mom who is a dementia patient - her condition is worsened. I can spend more time with
her while doing my office at home. Such moments which I treasure the most. Most importantly, I am more productive at home. I am proud of myself
for being more disciplined especially on my timing schedule.

Save money on makeup, nice clothes, petrol, parking, lunch outside. Save time going out for lunch. No colleagues bothering me. Also, I have not
fallen sick with flu since WFH whereas I used to fall sick every 2 months when I had to work in the office. Good health is more precious to me esp
since pandemic.

reduce commuting cost.

Nature of work enables me to work from anywhere

Others: (Please specify)

my work already requires me to commute a lot. any additional trip, even if back to office, adds on to time, money (seeing how transport fees are
rising) and energy expended.

Fewer distractions at home, and no obligations to have kopi and such which can break work momentum

I can take care of my elderly parent(s)

Can be more time effective,as there are pockets of time in the middle of the day which has less duty, but the morning and late nights are busy
period. If come to office, is like 15 hours work day....

As an editorial staff, our working hours are so long (easily 11-12 hours a day!) and odd that WFH at least makes it feel endurable ...

Need to rush projects sometimes and by staying at home I can rush the project out by working after my kids are asleep, unable to do so if need to
return to office cos I need to fetch my kids

All of the above.

Save money on transport.

Save transport fee Cook own lunch

allows me to spend time to care for my aging parents (87 + 92)

Can manage both work and family. Achieve better work life balance with 3/2 hybrid work schedule.

Comment about the previous question - 1 day is too few for wfo and 4 days is like going back full-time on a 5-day work week. So, the best choice
would be 2-3 days in office and more days wfo when needed.

If I am working from home on some days, I can prepare dinner during my lunch hour and I can fetch my son earlier home and have an additional
hour with him. Now, I am unable to prepare dinner and we have to eat out every time. This is very unhealthy. I also fetch him late now. In addition, it
takes me 1 hour to commute to and fro from work. I can go for an half hour jog in the mornings before I start my work. I find that this is more
efficient in our use of time.

1. More focus 2. More efficient 3. Less travelling time 4. Save expenses

My work does not require teamwork at all, so even if I go into the office, I will be working by myself.

Home office setup is much better than at work (dual monitors, standing desk).

easier to maintain a proper exercise routine.

I also save time on getting ready for work (makeup, dressed up etc).

Save cost of transportation, have elderly parents whose needs can be attended to, peace whwn doing Zoom conerences.

Health issues

Medical condition

When we see our colleagues just via online meetings, the formality is there and work gets done more efficiently.
Others: (Please specify)

I spend a lot more money working from office - transport, food...

I do not have to wear a mask. WFH also saves me the hassle of having to disinfect my belongings daily upon returning home.

I am a caregiver for my elderly parents.

It gives me a peace of mind to be with my elderly parents. Thus I can focus on my work better.

The BH work culture is toxic with bad leadership ie editor. I would rather not expose myself to abuse and be stressed to death.

So long as the bulk of the staff is working from home, no point in coming in more frequently.

The working is very much subject to demand and supply. There are days we need to put in that extra hours to complete the task assigned. There
must be some level of trust, after all, we went through that phase for the past two years.

Even though we're reaching endemic times, it is still not clear if Covid-19 is safe for everyone. This is why I believe it is necessary for some people
to allow them to work from home. Life is still at stake. If we're all allowed to live without masks and this is no longer a threat then there's no excuse
to work in the office.

There is no reason for me to be in the office. I can do my entire job at home. Even in the office, I'm still talking to people in the office online. I also
save money eating food at home and not having to pay for travel fare. There is absolutely no benefit to working in the office. Furthermore, the
company has to provide night transport - money that otherwise would not have to be spent if I were to work from home.

If I'm slightly ill, I can still try to work from home, but if I go into office, the fever etc may worsen.

no. i prefer to WFO everyday, with the flexibility of being at home on occasion

I prefer home-cooked food.

Ability to cover all home/family requirements AND work requirements and be more proficient and productive on both! Also, my communte to work is
1 hr each way, so I lose 2 hours of my work/home day on commuting. I do enjoy 1 or 2 days to come into office to team build, lunch with colleagues
and break the routine of being at home office.

work from home also helps to save transportation cost

There is a greater risk of falling sick at work. Apart from COVID, the risk of catching the flu or a cough is higher too.

I save on transportation fees.

when not well good to take work from home

My home setup is more comfortable, quieter, and is larger than what I have in the office.

BH leader not friendly to engage staff and sometimes engage in sarcasm which propagate negative workd condition.

no need to spend time dressing up to for work

Less distractions unlike in the office

I have a permanent medical condition and staying at home makes it easier to manage.
Others: (Please specify)

1. Can focus better 2. More efficient 3. Save travelling time and expenses

My job as a photographer does not require me to come to the office at all.

Lesser disruption at home for analytical or planning kind of work

(1) I feel that I have been saving money as I eat more frequently at home (2) I feel that I have been eating healthier as my family cooks more often
since I have been WFH (3) I feel more energetic and enthusiastic when WFH. (4) I found that I love my present work more than before WFH.

Flexi-time: - allows me to avoid the peak hour traffic to and fro. - work-life balance: for e.g, I can go in at 7.30am (after kids have gone to school)
and I'm home for lunch at 2.30pm with the kids, and continue with WFH after.

We work rotating shifts that vary widely and change often, and much of my writing outside of my normal shifts actually takes place in the wee hours
of the night. This allows me to produce more and faster, so the stories will be ready by the time others start work the next morning... Having to
return to office regularly means I expend more time and energy on preparing, commuting, fitting into a fixed schedule, etc meaning productivity will
take a hit.

helps financially

Working from home has less background noise for meetings.

We have to shift both the PC & CPU back whenever we need to work in office and as my job scope involves calling out to subscribers, it will be less
distracted if wfh & also do not disturb other colleagues that are sitting beside me.

Depending on the tasks on hand, sometimes the home environment is more conducive than office because it can be a bit disruptive when colleagues
near you are on ZOOM meetings.

Fewer distractions, minimal mobility issues, getting to avoid peak-hour commutes (more productive hours instead), and easier to respond to

3 days in office + 2 days wfh is the best. Staying in the office doesn't mean you are the most production. That to and fro of 3 hours commute could
have been spent working on proposals

less rushing in getting ready to work, getting mum ready for her daycare, children off to school. and some me time, working alone at home. this
contributes to personal well being too, i feel.

I can save money from commuting, lunch and coffee breaks.

More work-life balance ie. more time to workout

Save money from transport/commute

Commuting is really time consuming!

At times, the office gets a little noisy and limited meeting rooms available

To add to my previous submission: too much noise in the office, often disrupts my work as I find it hard to focus on reading and editing content.

office sometimes too noisy, may be disracted.

Others: (Please specify)

There is better focus at home for me. I understand that may not be the case for everyone but I find I get more work done at home. Coming to office
is good for meetings or creating bonds.

My home office setup is also much healthier (proper ergonomic chair; air purifier) and much more efficient (large high-resolution monitor) than what's
available in the office. And in a hybrid cross-functional work environment where colleagues are presenting slides and simultaneously chatting in
multiple chat groups, what matters most is the desk/computer setup, not where that desk/computer setup is located.

My current situation is different and I like to keep myself safe. But I cannot wait to get back to office and connect with all my workmates which i
really miss

Won't fall sick easily as past two years WFH proved the air condition in office makes staff fall sick regularly in pre covid period

More focus at work as lesser distraction. Save money on transport and food. Lesser clothes to wash and iron. More time to sleep.

Childcare reason

I am also afraid as I am elderly person age 59 I will be vulnerable to the disease and may not have much resistance to fight viruses.

Huge investment in WFH setup, will be a waste if no longer used now. Also COVID is not over and workplace transmission is still happening at least
in other organizations. After vaccination you will only have mild symptoms yes, but it's still better to NOT get the infection at all. The long-term
health impacts after an infection is still not 100% clear.

Sometime its more productive working alone at home without the distractions in the office. I.e - Colleagues walking over to chit chat - Being task to
a assignment or errands just because we are physically at the office. - allow us some space in the editorial department to have some creative

Save time preparing and commuting to work. I could start work much earlier since the work laptop is just within a reach away, and if there are
appointments after work, I need not carry my work laptop around.

Going to office which starts at 8.30am is a rushing period to send my kid to child care and squeeze in crowded public transport and when end work
at 6pm need to rush back to fetch my kid by 7pm otherwise there will be penalty charges. Hence I have to leave on time in order to make it just bef

• Safe Time commuting to work • Juggle work life balance better

Save time commuting to work & can have more sleep & is therefore feeling more energetic. Also can have healthier home cooked meals.

Easier to help out in caring for aged parent while at home.

For me, with a hybrid arrangement, i can better balance my personal live with my job responsibilities. I have a med condition so when working from
home, I can plan/structure my day to use breaks for my exercises and also spend less time commuting. Work-life balance is a vital aspect of any
healthy working environment.

In office a lot of time goes on random chats with colleagues and lunch. At home lunch is 25 - 30 mins including preparation, while in office its is more
than one hour as we go out collectively.

I work irregular and sometimes long hours (more than 10 working hours in a day), as we’re not sure when’s the crunch time, it’s better to let us
choose when to come back to office. Otherwise, the long working hours may be further extended, impacting our work performance the next day.

Don't have to think about what to wear to the office!

Others: (Please specify)

Working from home has got its benefits, waking up in the morning I can immediately jump in to a work meeting, or straight away get on with work
without wasting time prepping for work and commute. I get to plan my time and get things done efficiently within offices hours and even after hours
when there is a need to. That provide the flexibility of working with colleagues when there is urgent matters to attend to after hours. Coming in to
office, zap the life out of me with distractions, overly unnecessary interactions.

1. save time commuting to work. The MRT and train is tedious 2. Save money as everything have price increase. In terms of food, transport, grab.
3.I am more productive at home or outside the office. 4. I am able to pick up my kids from childcare after 6pm as it's near by home. If I were to
leave office at 6pm, very often will be late to pick up the kids. 5. Still very worried about the virus as I have young and old at home. Worried about
catching and passing the virus to them. 6.Many companies have already practice Hybrid arrangement , Hence considering to have a change in Job if
SPH don't practice flexi working arrangement.

Even while WFH, I respect office working hours- I start in the morning, and often work till late. At most, I might have a long lunch, but I can also do
that in the office. So it's more the time saved on commuting, rather than less time spent. Of course this may not apply to every employee, but I
believe it applies to the more motivated and dedicated ones.

My job allows me to work remotely without reducing productivity i.e. my work responsibilities do not require me to be in the office

trying to avoid being down with Covid with some of the side effects some people have been experiencing.

there are possibilities of distractions from colleagues/bosses e.g impromptu metings/discussions when they see you onsite.

At times, I need to be in the office to brainstorm with my team, at times I churn out more work at home as it is easier to craft in a quiet environment

I can sleep an additional 1.5 hours and save on 3 hours of commuting time each day.

I tend to work more when working from home because travelling to and from work and dressing up takes up time and energy that can be spent

I already travel a lot on assignments as a journalist. Wld like to cut down on more traveling time (and expenses), esp when having to rush around to
meet deadlines

I work very early shifts or very late shifts, so about half of my working hours will be spent largely alone in the office when I do come in. I don't see
much benefit in WFO often just for the sake of it.

Would not feel so moody when need to OT, esp when you look at the time and thoughts of having to travel back, and the time when you reach
home, and still have to go back ofc next day.

Younger kid to take care. And someone needs to send him to school and fetch him from school.

Possibility of catching covid

It is very exhausting, especially when we have late shifts

I prefer to come only when there is physical meeting or gathering required as I am much more productive wfh

I have no preference

Others: (Please specify)

depending on the job.

I prefer to work in office environment

Others: (Please specify)

Reception are not allowed to wfh

I prefer BTO because convenient having discussion face to face with colleague

It really depends the work requirements. There are days where there is a need for a quiet time to think/plan/clear some administrative work, WFH
would be a better option. However there are also days where collaboration and meeting up with colleagues in gathering information, understanding
work requirements and relationship building, WFO would be more productive.

Not applicable as I have prefer to work in office

I dont like to wear a mask when working

Yes; I would like to have the option to work from home but my job requires me to be onsite

Others: (Please specify)

night shift working from home can save company the transport fees and our travelling time back home. we can be more productive .

As an event service provider, my duties does not allow me to work from home

I can get the same job done as quickly as in office. In fact can be faster, as there's no interruptions in midst of working.

I’m at production department we are essential. So make no difference from me.

easy for my medical appointments and can cook for family in the time i take to go home in the evening

as i go to home to an elderly, i still follow the SOPs of the pandemic strictly, including wearing masks when interacting with others, BUT i find some
of the colleagues do not adhere to this rule. Interacting with masks off. I cant control others hence i dont feel safe at the office (on top of all the
other reasons above) as while many are keen to go back to normal lives, caretakers and caregivers have to continue to take precautions.

perfer WFH ,Save Travelling Time

Q4 - What will make you want to return to work in office? (Check all that apply)

Yes; I prefer coming

in on specific set

No; I prefer to have a

flexible schedule

I have no preference

Yes; I would like to

have the option to
work from home but my
job requires me to be

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Yes; I prefer coming Yes; I would like to have the option to work
No; I prefer to have I have no
# Field in on specific set from home but my job requires me to be Total
a flexible schedule preference
days onsite

Having my own
1 20.52% 63 68.73% 211 6.19% 19 4.56% 14 307
dedicated workspace

Clearer boundaries
2 between work and 20.51% 64 68.59% 214 7.69% 24 3.21% 10 312

Opportunities to
3 23.55% 130 69.93% 386 3.80% 21 2.72% 15 552
socialise in person

Better overall
4 27.05% 122 64.30% 290 5.54% 25 3.10% 14 451

5 25.98% 153 67.57% 398 3.74% 22 2.72% 16 589
Yes; I prefer coming Yes; I would like to have the option to work
No; I prefer to have I have no
# Field in on specific set from home but my job requires me to be Total
a flexible schedule preference
days onsite

Others: (Please
6 19.08% 29 75.66% 115 3.29% 5 1.97% 3 152

Showing rows 1 - 6 of 6

Q4_6_TEXT - Others: (Please specify)

Yes; I prefer coming in on specific set days

Others: (Please specify)

Cant deny the fact face to face communication is more productive. But will be good if a mixture of wfh and wfo is in force.

A more welcoming office environment, ie stocked pantry.

Air-conditioning Use of corporate resources, such as gym, IRC, lounge, etc More socialising with colleagues (though that too can become excessive
and affect productivity).

Meeting with external parties.

Some tasks require the usage of office equipment, tech support; a supportive work environment; work/ home balance

work life balance and have the flexibility to have some WFH days.

non sinking chairs slightly spaced out workstation healthy working environment

we dont need perm seat in office. But, please provide monitor at all hotdesk seats and locker (those w digital keypad) to keep personal belongings
when on-site

Bigger office space, less noise & distractions

Weekly sync-ups to make sure everyone on the team is on track and not let their tasks take up much of their time. This also allows employees to air
their roadblocks and/or issues encountered with said tasks

Only when there is a need for team building

pay raise

Hotdesking turns me cold. I give one third of my day (or more) to work, so I want a desk to call my own, with things where I want them to be.
Unless this is provided for, I'm not at all keen to come back to the office.

portable laptop to enable weekly commuting between work & office

dont feel left out and forgotten


With mobile and WhatsApp, there is no clear boundaries on work within and beyond work hours already. So hybrid is a good option for the trade offs.
Others: (Please specify)

To be fair, there are things that are easier to be done when collaborating in person. However, when doing individual work, it is not necessary to sit in
the office when I can do the same task well (or even better) from home, with less constraints

- Tasks on hand that require my physical presence in office e.g. certain aspects of event organisation, livestream production, usage of office
equipment - Improved overall staff morale with the knowledge that my superiors are truly in favour/ support hybrid working arrangements. Although
the nature of our work does not require us to be in the office 5 days a week, from next week onwards, WFO 5 days a week has become a mandate.
WFH is only applicable should we submit a request to our direct superiors for approval on a case-by-case basis. This doesn't constitute as a hybrid
arrangement unlike what has been shared in the HR broadcast that the company is in support of. I hope options/ guidelines will be presented to us
on company-wide scale as the traditional pre-pandemic mode of work has evolved. This would certainly encourage and improve staff morale and
mental health.

My work does not require face to face collaboration so I don’t think it’s necessary to return to office.

faster work turn around

Having lunch with colleagues.

to have a full lunch hour

Being able to clear work that requires physical presence

- more small enclosed space that staff can use whenever need to concentrate on work, like the telephone booths seen in MSD floor - allow flexible
hours to avoid peak hours traffic - Allow earlier knock off from office, with remaining hours to work from home

Just to meet up with team mates only, I can do it online as well.

since covid starts, there is no boundaries between work and home. it is work beyond office hours with access to laptop/ mobile. so flexible work
hours for staff is a reasonable trade off

There is air con in the office!

No; I prefer to have a flexible schedule

Others: (Please specify)

One canteen stall open till 7.45pm.

Supportive working culture! It's dreadful having to be in the office every day cos only when at our desks = working. When we have performed
diligently and delivered over the past 2 years' WFH arrangements. Happy to be back seeing my colleagues and having F2F meetings but not that
happy about the inflexibility and lack of guidelines within the org that could help employee welfare as a whole :( even with a min 1 WFH day offered
to us, we'd be pleased/ grateful for the trust!

Office tasks such as printing documents, access to tools in office. Very time-sensitive projects and collaborations

given transport allowance

It's not that I dislike the office, I'm just more productive at with with little or no distractions. There's nothing that can't be done online. We have to
evolve and progress!

Others: (Please specify)

Slight flexibility in reaching and leaving office as the peak period crowd is crazy! With kids to fetch at childcare its a mad rush schedule at least for


Canteen food.

Cleaner work environment with proper facilities, tools, tech etc

Big news events like singapore elections, budget, naturally that would justify coming back in as there would be greater collaboration and cross team
interaction needed.

1) Shuttle bus to bring staff to nearby malls for lunch hours and after hours 2) Better Food: Canteen not fully open with tasty, high quality and
healthy food choices. OR do the Google Cafe where good wholesome food is provided to staff and pantries are well stocked with wholesome snacks
to fuel the staff through long hours. AND more vending machines to offer greater variety.... toastbox closes 4:30pm and canteen too. Wasting time to
walk across the road. 3) Giving all staff proper work space - drawers/pedestals with proper sized desks. 4) Having enough meeting rooms to
book/use - penalize staff who book but don't use neither release their bookings 5) Having more private spaces to conduct business/work where
everyone can hear you and you can hear everyone's conversation. Very distracting and noisy. 6) Improve Tech: Ancient computer devices to be
upgraded - current systems are slow and archaic 7) Cleaner / Modern or upgraded toilets 8)Truly private & quiet time places/rooms for staff to
concentrate or take 5.

If the office were right next door to home!! I think lower fuel prices would help too

Well-stocked pantry. Clean toilet/shower facilities. Sheltered parking. Physical tech help (now, even in office, they have to be persuaded to see you)

none, work more efficiently without coming in.

Happy to come if mandatory, else its more productive while working with flexibility. Give travel allowance

When there is a clear and practical purpose, such as recording, better collaboration etc.

Certain part of my work requires immediate feedback. Office is better equipped such as printer, intranet,

Specific reasons for going back, like for meetings.

my job are all the time require to take pictures and video outside

A nice office environment, in terms of design and small perks like good coffee and rest areas

Access to equipment, work-related facilities or resources that may not be readily available at home. More coordinated efforts to encourage workers
to get together for networking, brainstorming which can specifically be accomplished by meeting in person and with the need to access specific office
resources ie workshops, training packages.

Travel allowance? =p I agree with the above advantages of going to office. But we can also make use of online tools to achieve it too.

Work required for logistics arrangement for FTF training the next day / dissemination of training materials at raining venue

Training younger colleagues

nothing. If i can do the same job (both in terms of quality and quantity) at home, what's the point in coming?
Others: (Please specify)


Have staff come in on set time once a week to some social event eg lunch or an afternoon tea break with food. Socialising and makan is the killer

I would find it purposeful to come to office if there is a productive reason e.g. meeting with stakeholders / team sync etc


Photo/video productions or meetings, presentations that requires face to face collaboration

We need more food and drink options on site to allow us to help ourselves and entertain clients/interviewees.

Everyone works in office at the same time

when need to settle stuff which required to be on-site

A replacement of the the electric boiler water in the pantry. It is so old. Prob not safe to drink water from it! We also need more eating options,
including healthy vegetarian (no eggs). It wd be good if the canteen operators including food/drinks stall operator is allowed to enter via his pass into
our various newsrooms again please. After all the Govt has lifted almost all the Covid measures.

can use my personal devices to do testing

Good and cheap food in the canteen. As now they are only open alternatively.

When people are in the office, there is less pressure to be immediately contactable. For instance, when people don't see me at my desk, it is
understood that I am probably in the washroom, at the pantry getting hot water, or at Toast Box buying a cup of coffee. Working at home, there is
more pressure to justify your whereabouts, so to speak.



Less noisy environment, too much chatter

Better team meetings

Better amenities in the office eg well-stocked pantry

efficient communication and not just being in office to "show face"..


Having a quiet environment at work, I can avoid distractions and be more productive.

A better pantry/meal deals

Others: (Please specify)

To clear our documents and do printing


No urgent last min. jobs

If the office provided quiet non open plan work spaces. I find I can focus and concentrate better in a quiet more enclosed space.

a better office environment

not everyday

Flexible working hours.

Bonding with collegues

basic transport allowance - now that we've experienced how much we can accomplish working from home, the necessity of the commute to office
has diminished.

Working from office half days instead of full days

The workspace must also be outfitted to be a self contained recording, editing and production workspace with a large screen, compressor mic and


Efficiency in attending events such as team meetings or coordinating Budget Day and other breaking news coverage.

Bring back the clinic we used to have.


Well-stocked pantry. Because there isn’t much to eat later in the day as I work from afternoon till night.

Only when BH have a new editor.

Mentioned in the previous response

My own dedicated workspace is an expected requirement that would not make me want to return to office, but will ease the blow. There is no reason
that will make me want to return to office regularly.

Only if it can't be done remotely, for example, photoshoots etc. It is more purposeful that way.


aircon / cheap canteen food

BH leader pls empower staff and dont disrespect them.

Others: (Please specify)

a less threatening work environment, were there are no implicit/verbal abuse of certain staff, where some staff are not systematically discriminated
against. and where there is no preferential treatment of staff, new or old. All staff need to be treated equal.

Head (BH) not so friendly and feeling very uneasy when he is around.

Off peak hour commuting



I preferred WFH.

Only for work that cannot be done at home or out-of-office.

to attend a f2f meeting not organised by me

Basically, returning for special meetings or projects every now and then makes sense.


Lunch with colleagues.

To applease the management for wanting us back. Other than that I don't find any needs to work from office

To be able to commute to work after morning peak hours to avoid the crowd on public transport.

Need individual soundproof room to cut out noise that distracts me from focusing on content.

Sometimes office is more conducive to work. Office iMac is bigger than my home work station.

A proper ergonomic chair (we've never ever been issued on that qualifies) that is either not shared (for hygiene reasons in our post-pandemic world),
or else is systematically cleaned after each hot-desking use, and large high-resolution screens.

Connect, get to know my workmates on a personal and professional levels, the friendship and all

Meet my colleagues, meet our 96.3 Radio DJs

Higher pay

Only when absolutely necessary

To meet with colleagues To achieve 10K steps easily if WFO :) (Walking from/to Mrt (Office, Home)

I hope SPH can look at google, Facebook and Amazon , how they have spaces in the office where its inviting for staff to gather for brainstorming
session, socialise etc Also to create space where we don't have to work at a specific space or department area.

None, its not necessary to have all above in person

Others: (Please specify)

A more comfortable desk chair, more storage space ie cupboards for blazers etc.

If only if there is a need, eg: training, etc.

Prefer WFH Save my traveling time and Money

a unique work environment

The only benefit working in office is face to face brainstorm session. Other than that, work can be done and execute anywhere offsite. Regular
meetings like briefing for projects can still be virtual.

Its an instruction by management. We are required to come back . Actually after this 2 years of wfh, we notice 99.9% of the work can be done
outside office. Hence back to office is only taking our work and personal time up.

None of above

Flexible working hours.

Flexible working hour in office instead of sticking to 830am - 6pm

We can be productive whether it is wfh or wfo. We still perform.

None of the above. Commuting is the main reason for choosing WFH as it saves time and money

Flexible starting and ending hours to avoid peak hour traffic

If office is near my home, which means company can provide satellite offices across the island, and we get to meet colleagues from outside our own

It is important to work in the office from time to time as I think we can learn from team members better face to face . I would like face to face
knowledge share sessions.

Clearer boundaries between work and home but it doesnt work for journalists cos our timing is dependent on deadlines, sub's queries, assignment
timings etc

Aircon :)

Color Proofs checking, collecting things from printers.

meetings that needed face to face interaction

Don't feel like stuck at home. And opportunity to use the gym.

None actually


I have no preference
Others: (Please specify)

House not conducive for WFH

My work does not require to be on-site and much less to collaborate with colleagues, so prefer to be flexi work arrangements

Nice ambience, environment and clean toilets and pantry.



Yes; I would like to have the option to work from home but my job requires me to be onsite

Others: (Please specify)

Now I have to share PC with another colleague.....I have to use different PC day to day .,......inconvenience


Q5 - How can we make work in office attractive? (Check all that apply)

Yes; I prefer coming

in on specific set

No; I prefer to have a

flexible schedule

I have no preference

Yes; I would like to

have the option to
work from home but my
job requires me to be

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600

Yes; I prefer No; I prefer to Yes; I would like to have the option
I have no
# Field coming in on have a flexible to work from home but my job Total
specific set days schedule requires me to be onsite

Ensuring a healthy office space (e.g.

1 indoor air quality, touch free 21.70% 110 71.40% 362 4.54% 23 2.37% 12 507

Creating a social hub (e.g. cafe

2 space) to encourage and foster 21.32% 81 69.21% 263 5.79% 22 3.68% 14 380
social interactions

Having a vibrant and flexible

3 workspace that supports 21.12% 158 73.26% 548 3.48% 26 2.14% 16 748
collaborative and hybrid work

4 Others: (Please specify) 20.00% 34 72.94% 124 4.71% 8 2.35% 4 170

Showing rows 1 - 4 of 4

Q5_4_TEXT - Others: (Please specify)

Yes; I prefer coming in on specific set days

Others: (Please specify)

My office space and working environment is good. There is no need to make work in my office more attractive.

1) To replace the office chair for junior staff/part-timers and most of them are using the recycling chair for 10 to 20 years. Don't know why chairs also
have a hierarchy system. 2) To have a purifying water dispenser for hot and cool water 3) To improve the toilet ventilation. After lunch want to floss
and brush our teeth also worry there is virus and bacteria in the toilet 4) We always try to improve the front lobby and negligence the back yard
Others: (Please specify)

Less noise pollution. Better lighting at desk level.

well stocked pantry, a no-meeting day once a week or a half day off on the last working day of the month.

More areas for discussion and mtg rooms.

Egronomic chairs, bigger office space.

Shorter working hours in office

have more f&b options as per pre covid days when we have different vendors coming in e.g coffee cart

Having enough manpower to spread the work

1. Updated furniture and office equipment. (e.g. Monitors and office chairs) 2. Stocked pantry 3. Mandated social activities, during office hours. Many
a times such activities are deemed optional or non-existent, which makes employees feel pressured not to attend, because bosses might think that
we are not "busy enough" - so we can attend social activities.

Remind colleagues to use a meeting room for meeting instead of having a zoom call at their work station. Too noisy

Allow hybrid work set-up

No hot desking

To provide comfortable chairs like Herman Miller for better back posture to be productive

After two years of working in the relative peace of my room, I value silence. The office is now too noisy for me to focus. Having those sound-proof
booths so people can talk or make phone calls is a good idea to ensure a quieter environment. But again, I prefer to WFH.

if you want staff to return to work in office ensure staff from all departments including the management to be in office

A quiet environment would be conducive when we need to do work that requires concentration

Can we explore having phone pods/ small rooms to take calls/ online meetings?

A non-toxic work environment where staff is treated with due respect not a top-down approach just like primary school kids. Basically, the current
office culture is not cultivating new ideas. Whatever idea(s) put forth is/are shot down simply because we are small fry. Oh... well... Best is for ideas
no matter how mediocre it may seem at first, it ought to be appreciated & further developed. These days most of us have chosen to just seal our

Free lunch! :D

Having a well-stocked pantry? :)

a more inclusive workplace

Foods in canteen were very limited.

Healthier food choices, flexible work timings, not being required to be at the office every single day
Others: (Please specify)

Good vibes and a supportive work culture!

dedicated workspace, instead of hotdesking

more colleagues in office

modern office furniture and fittings

flexible working time and the usage of gym during lunch hours. More coffee/snacks/food options besides canteen & toast box

Having flexible reporting time ie 930am / 430pm to avoid rushing with peak traffic on public transport

- No to hot desking for sure - Aircon to be less cold - more personal space, open concept layout can be too noisy and distracting at times. - when
having virtual meeting, no privacy and when others having virtual meeting at desk, can be distracting for those around them too

Well stocked pantry

Hot desking so that we can sit with different project teams when needed and depending on current projects. Working in a dedicated space tend to
make us work in silos.

More choices of canteen food. Feeling safer to dine in the canteen than coffee shops or hawker centers.

No; I prefer to have a flexible schedule

Others: (Please specify)

In addition to my prev point on having some guidelines, I also think having and knowing that HR has our backs would make the working space a
safer and healthier one!

The space for Focus publishing is too cramped, we need more space out for public health reasons.

Flexibility! You've hired good people, trust them. Good work can be done at anytime, not just office hours.

Many other companies provide some incentives to encourage people to return to the office more often - such as social events/gatherings, free meals,

More private spaces for discussions - coz meeting rooms are often unavailable. Either system has error, people who book and don't use never
releases the rooms etc. It's frustrating.

please do something about the toilets , some pantry areas they are in desperate need of an upgrade

After all is said and provided, ultimately providing a healthy and encouraging work culture and bosses that motivate and not traumatize will be the
best 'vitamin pill' to boost staff's interest to come back to the work place.

Shutter bus to nearest shopping mall for wider food choices. Not much F&B options in office or nearby Also have enough carpark spaces for staff to

Nothing really. I actually really like the office as it is. I am happy to come in if I can teleport there and if there's someone to watch my kids!

Well-stocked pantry, clean (not smelly) fridges. Bring back drink vending machines and ATMs
Others: (Please specify)

As cycling is encouraged as a form of greener and a healthier way of transportation, I hope "foldable bikes" can be encouraged to be brought up,
FOLDED, and parked in a NON obstructive space that is within my line of sight instead of parking them at a common space.

Have more dedicated spaces for us to concentrate on our work, for example more phone booths for when we need to do phone interviews

Company wide event, eg. up-on-the roof event (food and drink where staff mingle)

Stop saying that those who give more "face time" have better promotion prospects. Such a turn off. We should be promoting people on outcome,
such as number of bylines.

More generous space My seat in the office is too cramp for productivity in the first place. the close proximity high density layout makes it unsafe
during pandemic. 80% sitting around me had contracted Covid during past one year.

I still want my own space!

With open space, it is very noisy when you need to concentrate. With more people back to work, it becomes more noisy with the open concept
workspace. Meeting rooms are booked but noone uses the meeting rooms. That is quite annoying. Perhaps we can create more small working hubs
so that one can work with more quiet environment.

Dedicated working machine for editing

Keep meetings short and with clear objectives. An example of a bad meeting - whole team gathers there and one by one takes turn to report
tasks/work that doesn't concern others . Should avoid this unless the inputs of everyone is needed for the individual reports.

Encourage a goal/work centric culture instead of a 8.30am-6pm routine.

So far office is good enough to work.

it is fine as it is, but wfh is the most efficient in terms of my job scope.


Open concept office space means noise travels. When one person is on the phone, the rest cant really focus until the call ends. With hybrid work,
more of our meetings may require video conferencing so can be noisy even if we hear headsets as we ourselves need to speak up. We need many
more phone booths/sound proof rooms.

To me it's about having a purposeful reason to come to work e.g. meeting with stakeholders, than any freebies / ice creams etc

increased transport allowance

need more space when everyone goes back to office. As the team is growing,the current limited workstations unable to accommodate for all when
everyone goes back to office on full 5 days.

keep noise level down, now due to open work space, noise from other nearby departments often "pollute“ the area, making it difficult to concentrate
(need to use earphones u in office). also the human traffic flow also proves to be a distraction.

Free food, drinks and snacks like the Bloomberg pantry, modern airy office with indoor gardens

Sustaining/ boosting the transport allowance

Others: (Please specify)

Better equipment in the office.

A diverse workforce requires diverse office solutions. It cannot be one size fits all. This is an opportunity to hire more persons with disabilities or
caregivers who can be assets to our content production and help us create a better, more collaborative workspace.


All related people need to work in office around the same time in order to hold proper face to face discussion.

More foods selection (cost must be kept lower) in our cafeteria

We need more sturdy potted green plants back in our newsrooms/offices,. ie not just outside on roof terrace, who wants to wander there in hot sun.
Plants/greenery within our offices makes people feel better. This is the biophilic trend

Having to keep my desk. Hotdesking is unhygienic.

Could office leaders NOT be in such a hurry to transform or reconfigure the workspace to hot-desking? We have just gotten over the pandemic
hump, so it might be wiser to wait for things to really settle down. Also, is hot-desking really the best solution? Think about the cons, not just the

Supply at least coffee/tea for the pantry (preferably with food as well), these are really basic necessities but our office doesn't even have those.

The whole building is a sick building! I used to fall sick with flu every other month. It was horrible.

Better and accessible options restrooms and options for meals


well stocked pantries with healthy snacks and coffee machines

Clear purpose(rather than random) for working in office

Free snacks and drinks and I don't mean Khong Guan biscuits and 3 in 1 coffee powder.

pantry with proper coffee machine, snacks and more food options

More flexible dressing code Better night transport arrangement for those working late shifts

Better pay, free lunch


Having a quiet work space that is not open plan so there are less distractions.

open space workspace not cluster all in a room

Change the Table

flexible hours when working in office eg not restricted to 830am to 6pm

Others: (Please specify)

Flexible working hours

Pantry stocked with snacks/drinks please

hygienic and healthy/ good quality canteen food.

Supportive and conducive environment, ie leaders who encourage staff to grow, and develop. Leaders who would not instill toxic environment and
unfair treatment

Positive engagement with colleagues.

great lunches!

flexible timings so we don't have to commute during rush hour traffic and public transport


Personal space at office

would be great to have a snack bar in office

More amenities such as coffee

Bring back the clinic we used to have

Having perks such as good quality coffee/tea/snacks, food etc

prefer to work from home

Well-stocked pantry.

Clean toilet

When all staff can feel safe and not be subjected to verbal, mental abuse by the editor

Healthier food options

Offer free coffee/tea and snacks

Maintain working-from-office as a choice, instead of making it mandatory. Something that is actively chosen is always more attractive than
something that is forced.

Increase petrol allowance

A social hub is great, but perhaps we should also allow silos a some people are more productive at quiet undistracted area

Free food and beverages

Others: (Please specify)

have my own desk since we are desk-bound for at least 9 hours daily, so pls no hot-desking

please DO NOT force all to hot-desking. less sense of belonging to the company and team. thanks.


Cubicles are preferable to the open office we have now. I don’t think we need a social hub because we can always socialise with colleagues outside
if we want to.

Having a better internet connection. So that working at the office don't feel so slow.

Events worth the peak-hour commute to attend!

Leaders that empower. No conflict of interest among leaders.

Off peak hour commuting Dedicated workspace

Better furniture and more space to concentrate Non peak hour commuting to work

An open/flexible/comfortable area for hot deskers


Better office facilities (e.g. adjustable desks, large monitors, better chairs), i.e. the work space must be more appealing than the home space


Direct supervisors/bosses taking initiative to meet and encourage bonding among colleagues in the team.

Getting things done more productively

more options to keep staff morale high - eg rest pods, free snacks (a la Google, Shopee etc),

Internal events that can only be found at the NC like BTO, Staff Happy Hour etc; Staff benefits eg complimentary services like a massage; Or things
that I cannot get to enjoy at home but only when I am in the office.

Brainstorm/Collab friendly meeting rooms that are comfortable with basic amenities like a water dispenser, white boards + digital screens, and well

Office Perks like events, clean and safe environment, flexible working hours even though working in office.

The requirement to WFO to be based on job scope needs, and not based on policy.

At least hybrid please. Wfh min 3 days, wfo 1 to 2 days. Its very time consuming to just come to office for the sake of coming to office. Work from
office makes work more effectively

Flexible starting time. For e.g. if 8.30am is too early, we start at 10am but end at a later time.

understanding bosses and colleaugues

Others: (Please specify)

Flexi working arrangement

Ensure MSD sales colleagues (banking team) do not frequently chat loudly about personal matters at their desks at annex level 1. It disturbs all
teams around them (around 40 other colleagues).

Improve SPH work culture

Provide food

Having staff bonding and team-building events in office or off-site

Interesting healthy programmes for employees

To have our own time to focus on work

Flexibility in timing to avoid crowd and peak period as public transport is hectic

To have a travelling allowance.

More food options in SPH building itself

Fixed working hours

I'd appreciate a quiet office environment; it would allow me to be more productive.

Flexi working timing.

None of the above

More events like BTO and TGIT. Upgrading workstations for tech.

flexible working hour

Ive noticed that the cleaning aunties will not clean the workspaces unless most employees return to office hence each time when I am bto, I have to
do my own cleaning to ensure I am protected from any viruses.

A desk in a less distracting setting for craft work

Cozy environment with warm lighting and deco to spark creativity and joy, much like working in a conducive home environment, with access to a
good pantry (plenty of healthy drinks/snacks), and comfortable work desks/corners/hideouts.

cannot substitute the convenience of wfh

Bosses need to be more understanding and flexible. My superior insists that those who work late shifts (eg ending way past 1 or 2am) must WFO
too at least twice a week, or it will not be fair to others who also come in (but don't work late). Although we tried to explain that it means we can
sleep only around 4am cos of the commuting, and WFH works better for late-shifters, our feedback was overruled.

Not being keep track of

Others: (Please specify)

cleaner toilet , no roaches running outside the toilet areas will be a good start

Ergonomic office chairs and tables.

A better pantry

I have no preference

Others: (Please specify)

Keep our personal spaces NOT hot Desking

non toxic environment

Open the gym on weekends!

To have a nice pantry with clean environment and provide filter waters.


With more people returning to office, it will encourage me to return to office too as I will not be returning to an empty office space

clean and green environment as the pantry and toliets are dirty with cockroaches.

Remove the need to wear mask

Yes; I would like to have the option to work from home but my job requires me to be onsite

Others: (Please specify)

9to5pm working time and five day work week.


No comment

Free Toastbox Kopi everyday

Demographics - Which division are you from?

Yes; I prefer coming

in on specific set

No; I prefer to have a

flexible schedule

I have no preference
Yes; I would like to
have the option to
work from home but my
job requires me to be

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

# Field Minimum Maximum Mean Variance Count

1 Yes; I prefer coming in on specific set days 2.00 13.00 6.42 3.13 9.78 204

2 No; I prefer to have a flexible schedule 1.00 13.00 5.93 3.22 10.40 713

3 I have no preference 2.00 12.00 7.51 3.55 12.63 37

Yes; I would like to have the option to work from home but my job
4 2.00 12.00 7.57 3.12 9.74 28
requires me to be onsite

Yes; I would like to have the

Yes; I prefer No; I prefer to
I have no option to work from home but
# Field coming in on have a flexible Total
preference my job requires me to be
specific set days schedule

1 SMT Management 0.00% 0 100.00% 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 2

CMG / Focus Publishing / Red Anthill

2 14.01% 22 82.17% 129 3.18% 5 0.64% 1 157

3 Consumer IRC 39.44% 28 46.48% 33 5.63% 4 8.45% 6 71

4 EMTM 9.42% 21 88.79% 198 1.35% 3 0.45% 1 223

5 Group Marketing 52.27% 23 47.73% 21 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 44

6 Lifestyle Media 14.29% 4 82.14% 23 3.57% 1 0.00% 0 28

7 Media Solutions 26.17% 39 71.14% 106 2.01% 3 0.67% 1 149

8 Production 35.71% 5 14.29% 2 14.29% 2 35.71% 5 14

9 SPH Radio 10.71% 3 64.29% 18 3.57% 1 21.43% 6 28

Yes; I would like to have the
Yes; I prefer No; I prefer to
I have no option to work from home but
# Field coming in on have a flexible Total
preference my job requires me to be
specific set days schedule

10 SPHTech / Digital Media Products / Data 23.46% 42 69.83% 125 5.59% 10 1.12% 2 179

Corporate Services 1 ( Administration /

11 Corporate Development / Finance / 25.00% 8 46.88% 15 12.50% 4 15.63% 5 32
Property Management )

Corporate Services 2 ( Corporate

12 Communications & CSR / Human 12.77% 6 76.60% 36 8.51% 4 2.13% 1 47
Resources / Transformation & Strategy )

Corporate Services 3 ( Internal Audit /

13 37.50% 3 62.50% 5 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 8
Legal & Secretariat )

Showing rows 1 - 13 of 13

End of Report

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