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Governor Alfonso D.

Tan College
Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Bachelor of Science in Criminology 1


Submitted By: Cherly Moana F. Tubio

Submitted To: Ms. Robelyn T. Padios
•Normal Period of Policing System (1066-1225AD)
a. Shire-Rieve
●Shire - a division of fifty-five (55) military areas in England when it was under the
Regime of France.
●Rieve (the head-man) the military leader (lieutenants of the army) who was in charge
of the Shires.
●Constabuli or The Keeper of the Horse – appointed to each village to aid the Rieve in
his duties. It is where the word constable was derived.
●Shire-Rieve - A person with absolute mob powers that no one could question his or her
actions. It is where the word sheriff was derived

b. Travelling Judge - The judge selected to hear cases which were formerly being decided by
the Shire-Reeve and was tasked to travel through an area and hear and decide criminal cases.
This was the first instance of the division of the police and judicial powers,
c. Leges Henrici Primi or Laws of Henry I - It is an act that was enacted during this period,
to wit:
● offenses were classified as against the king and individual:
● policeman becomes public servant;
● The police and the citizens have the broad power to arrest. It introduced the
system called “citizen’s arrest”; and
● a grand Jury was created to inquire on the facts of the case
d. Magna Carta - The law enacted upon the demand of the Knights of the Round Table
forcing the King to sign the same, to wit:
● no freeman shall be taken or imprisoned except by legal judgment; and
● no person shall be tried for murder unless there is a proof of the body of the victim.
e. Frankpledge System - It is a system of policing whereby a group of ten(10) neighboring
male residents whose ages are over twelve (12) years old were required to guard the town in
order to preserve peace and protect the lives and properties of the people.
•Westminster Period of Policing System (1285 1500)
a. Statute of 1295 - The law that marks the beginning of the curfew hours which
demanded the closing of the gates of London during sunset.
b. Justice of the Peace - Three or four men who were learned in the law of the land were
given authority to pursue an arrest, chastise and imprison violators of the law. They
handled felonies, misdemeanors and infractions of cities or villages ordinances. This was later
abolished about 75 years later.
c. Courts of the Star-Chamber (1487) - It is a special court designed to try offenders
against the state. The room set-up is formed in the shape of a star and judges were given great
powers such as the power to force testimony from a defendant leading to a great abuse of power
or brutality on the part of the judges.


a. Guardrilleros (1836) – this was a body of rural police organized in each town and
established by Royal Decree of January 8, 1836. This Decree provided that five percent (5%) of
the able bodied male inhabitants of each province were to be enlisted in this police organization
for three years.

b. Carabiñeros de Seguridad Publica (1712) – this was organized for the purpose of
carrying the regulations of the Department of State. It was armed and considered as the mounted
force. Years after, this kind of police organization discharged the duties of a port, harbor and
river police.

c. Guardia Civil (1852) – This was created by a Royal Decree issued by the Crown on
February 12, 1852 to partially relieve the Spanish Peninsular Troops of their work in policing
towns. It consisted of a body of Filipino of policemen organized originally in each of the
provincial capitals of central province of Luzon under the Alcalde (Mayor).

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