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Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

Author: Matt Daley
Artists: Bruno Balixa, Ivan Dixon, Michael Jaecks, Matthias Kinnigkeit, Beatrice Pelagatti,
Peyeyo, Julio Rocha, Tanyaporn Sangsnit, Jon Tonello, Steve Wood
Editing and Development: Jason Nelson
Design and Layout: Craig Williams
Legendary Games Team Members: Anthony Adam, Michael Allen, Alex Augunas, Kate
Baker, Jesse Benner, Siobhan Bjorknas, Clinton J. Boomer, Savannah Broadway, Robert
Brookes, Russ Brown, Benjamin Bruck, Liz Courts, Carl Cramer, Paris Crenshaw, Matt Daley,
Joel Flank, Naomi Fritts, Matthew Goodall, Jim Groves, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Steve Helt,
Thurston Hillman, Tim Hitchcock, Victoria Jaczko, Jenny Jarzabski, N. Jolly, Patrick N.R.
Julius, Deborah Kammerzell, Jonathan H. Keith, Michael Kortes, Jeff Lee, Lyz Liddell, Nicolas
Logue, Luis Loza, Ron Lundeen, Will McCardell, Mike Myler, Julian Neale, Jason Nelson, Jen
Page, Richard Pett, Tom Phillips, Alistair Rigg, Alex Riggs, David N. Ross, Wendall Roy,
Amber Scott, Mark Seifter, Tork Shaw, Mike Shel, Loren Sieg, Neil Spicer, Todd Stewart,
Onyx Tanuki, Russ Taylor, Greg A. Vaughan, Christopher Van Horn, Rachel Ventura, Ben
Walklate, Mike Welham, George “Loki” Williams, Landon Winkler, Linda Zayas-Palmer, and
Clark Peterson
Publisher: Jason Nelson
Executive Partner: Neil Spicer
Business Director: Rachel Ventura

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Star Classes: Solarians © 2018, Legendary

Games; Author Matt Daley.
ISBN-13: 978-1723573019
Legendary Games
ISBN-10: 1723573019 3734 SW 99th St.
First printing July 2018. Seattle, WA 98126-4026
Printed in USA.


Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

Welcome to Star Classes!
This product is a part of our line of player-focused class supplements for Paizo’s Starfinder
Roleplaying Game. When you see the word Legendary in front of the name of your favorite
class, you can expect it to bring you an amazing array of abilities that are perfect for enriching
play with your favorite class. You’ll find new class abilities and new uses for existing class
abilities, as well as archetypes, feats, and prestige classes specifically tailored to enrich your
play experience with that class in exciting and innovative ways. Fantasy games are replete
with magic, and you’ll find spells and magic items aplenty between these pages as well, each
designed to harmonize perfectly with your favorite classes. The all-star team of designers
here at Legendary Games is committed to bringing you—the busy GM or player—the absolute
best third party support for your Starfinder campaign, products that are innovative in their
ideas, beautiful in their appearance, bursting with the creativity of the best authors in the
business and developed with a rich interactive layout that blends form and function, and on
top of all of that products that are flat-out fun to play.

Special Electronic Features

We’ve hyperlinked this product internally from the Table of Contents and externally with links
to online resources like where applicable. If it is in the core rulebook,
we generally didn’t link to it unless the rule is an obscure one. The point is not to supersede
the game books, but rather to help support you, the player, in accessing the rules, especially
those from newer books or that you may not have memorized.

About Legendary Games

Legendary Games is an all-star team of authors and designers, founded by Clark Peterson
of Necromancer Games, Inc. Legendary Games uses a cooperative, team-based approach
to bring you the best expansion material for your game. We are gamers and storytellers
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Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

What You Will Find Inside
Star Classes: Solarians
Star Classes: Solarians is the first volume in our new series of class-focused player
supplements expanding the possibilities the spacefaring classes of the Starfinder Roleplaying
Game! Explore the mysteries of the stars with over 50 new rules and flavor elements for
solarians, including origins, solar amplifications, revelations from 2nd to 20th level, zenith
revelations, and the new Stellar Beacon archetype! Gear up with over a dozen new solarian
weapon crystals like disruptive resonance crystals and blood-hungry feeder crystals
and devastating weapon mods like adamantine infusion, radiant frequency, and lethal
edge! Plus, you get 5 ready-to-use solarian characters and creatures from CR 2 to 15 like
the void prophet and the dwarven celestial defender!

The Legendary Games tradition is to combine rich story and background, innovative layout,
beautiful aesthetics, and excellence in design that is second to none. This product is the
latest in that tradition, and we hope you enjoy using it as much as we enjoyed making it.
Game on!

Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

Table Of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................... 2

Solarian Class Modifications .......................................................... 2

Solarian Origins ........................................................................... 3

New Archetype: Stellar Beacon .......................................................... 6

New Solar Amplifications ................................................................... 6

New Revelations ........................................................................... 6

Zenith Revelations ........................................................................... 10

New Solarian Weapon Crystals .......................................................... 13

Solarian Weapon Mods ................................................................... 14

Sample Solarian Creatures .......................................................... 16

Aeon, Hemeros ................................................................... 16

Asterian Supplicant ................................................................... 17

Celestial Defender ................................................................... 18

Void Protector ................................................................... 19

Young Adult Corona Dragon .................................................. 20

Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)


Why the Legendary Solarian?

The solarian has been sort of an oddball

class in Starfinder, loosely on certain famous
star-warring space knights whose ability to
manipulate the forces of the universe isn’t
always a great fit for d20-based roleplaying
games. In Starfinder the thematic elements
of such characters are probably better
suited for the mystic class, but this leaves
the solarian with something of an identity
crisis, operating without a frame of design
reference and trying to capture a sort of
character which doesn’t fit well in a world
of strictly concrete rules. Hence, the lore,
abilities, and overall feel of the solarian
class is for the most part undefined
by precedent, a relative rarity in
tabletop gaming.

While such a fresh class

offers a great deal of
freedom to players and
designers alike, it also risks
a great deal of confusion.
Mechanics, envoys, soldiers,
and even technomancers
have a large library of characters and stories
from which to draw inspiration, leading many
players to skip the solarian in favor of one
of these more iconic spacefarers. It doesn’t
help that the solarian suffers from numerous
mechanical deficiencies which make the class
somewhat difficult to use effectively.

This book aims to fix both problems that the

solarian faces: its lack of competitive combat MODIFICATIONS
capability and the thematic ambiguity of its
flavor as a class. Through the lore ideas,
expanded class options, and optional class The solarian faces several challenges in
revisions, this supplement brings you a more its design vs. its performance at the table,
engaging and exciting solarian that truly with its dependence on numerous ability
delivers at the table! scores mitigating its capacity to excel in

Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

any particular role. In addition, the class is instead learn either one harmonic revelation
the only one in the Starfinder Roleplaying or both a photon and a graviton revelation.
Game to have “dead levels” as it advances,
gaining no unique abilities at those levels and
Furious Blows: A solarian adds their
fostering a sense with some players of being
Charisma modifier to damage rolls with their
deprived of abilities by comparison to other
Solar Weapon in addition to their strength
classes and their advancement. Star Classes:
Solarians presents a variety of additional
options to enhance what the class can do,
but for those who feel the core mechanics of Passionate Strikes: A solarian may add
the class themselves need revision to make their Charisma modifier to attack rolls in place
the class viable, the player and GM may want of their Strength or Dexterity modifier when
to implement one or more of the following using their Solar Weapon or Solar Blast.
suggested changes.
Potent Will: Rather than Constitution,
The following options may be tailored to the a solarian uses Charisma to determine the
play style of the GM and player group, and it number of stamina points they obtain at each
is not suggested that all be implemented at level.
once, which would likely end up overpowering
the class (it is particularly advised that a Stellar Agility: A solarian may use
solarian not possess more than one of the Charisma instead of Dexterity for the purpose
following abilities: Potent Will, Passionate of determining their AC.
Strikes, and Stellar Agility). Instead, players
and GMs should consider allowing whichever
of the following they feel would best help Stellar Re-attunement: Whenever
the solarian live up to its core concept and you meditate as part of using the Sidereal
thematics while being as effective in play as Influence ability, you may exchange one
a well-built character of another Starfinder stellar revelation you know for another stellar
Roleplaying Game class. revelation of equal level.

Added Proficiencies: A solarian begins

with proficiency in Heavy Armor, Longarms,
and Grenades in addition to its existing
proficiencies. Where do solarians come from?
Additional Abilities: At 5th, 10th, 15th,
Their skill set is so specific that they must learn
and 20th levels, the solarian gains either
it somewhere, presumably from other masters
Additional Manifestation or Strengthened
of the power cosmic. In conceptualizing what
Manifestation as a bonus revelation.
solarians are and why and how they do what
they do, the following narratives may be
Altered Key Ability Score: A solarian useful in concocting origin stories for solarian
may use Strength or Dexterity in place of characters, formulating interactions between
Charisma as its key ability score. solarians and other NPCs, and determining
objectives for solarian characters.
Expansive Attunement: Whenever the
solarian would learn a stellar revelation, they

Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

Agents of Fate: Creation, preservation, and all creatures who lack the gifts.
destruction are the three forces which bind
the universe together. All beings, regardless
Servants of New Divinity: As a society
of power, virtue, or knowledge, are confined
evolves to the point where it can handle the
by this trinity of action, a multiversal creed
cosmos, so too must its morality. No longer
shaped and enforced by the most primordial
can law and chaos, good and evil be said to
of all beings: the Aeons. Across the universe,
be absolutes in a world of ever-evolving ideas
the aeons have dispersed their great dualistic
and conceptions; no more can gods afford to
powers, infusing within specific individuals the
espouse simple dogmas in a universe where
capacity to understand and enforce the will
disciples cannot look at events in black and
of fate. Enshrouded by the ancient and all-
white. In such a tumultuous setting, many
encompassing powers of the Aeons, solarians
deities have turned their champions into
hear the whispers of these planar arbiters
agents of change and stability rather than
and ensure that their mission of universal
enforcers of some hollow ideal. Granting
harmony is properly executed. Although the
uplifts and safeguards with one hand while
Aeons themselves remain neutral, they are
enforcing entropy and dissolution with the
willing to infuse their powers into a wide
other, solarians have come to represent a
variety of creatures and allegiances, granting
new relationship between the deities of the
power to chaotic and evil solarians in order to
universe and their followers.
counteract the polarizing effects of lawful and
good ones if ever any of the forces fall out of
balance. Stellar Mystics: The pursuit of
understanding and cosmic significance is
a goal which has evolved from scientific
Radiant Abnormalities: Cosmic Radiation
into religious for many, and as the infinite
has strange effects on a world of magic, and
stars continue to beckon the fervor of many
sometimes those effects can become quite
to master them only grows. Quite a few
potent. Some children born to the cosmos
religions have developed around cosmic
developed odd magical abilities at a young
forces such as stars, quasars, and black
age, harnessing magical techniques which
holes, with the collective fervor of these ideas
seemed to defy all preconceived notions of
creating magical ripples which empower
how magic works. Although this “attunement”
some individuals with unique abilities. Rather
magic seems to have a few fundamental
than traditional divine magic, the followers
properties which are common to all of the
of these “Stellar Pantheons” are endowed
“gifted” (most notably the duality between
with abilities which replicate the miracles of
two modes), the specifics of every solarian’s
the celestial bodies, obtaining the power to
powers are unique, never quite adhering
reshape reality much as the cosmic forces
to the same rules or operating in the same
they revere are capable of doing. A solarian is
way. There are some who theorize that the
a holy champion of material existence’s most
abnormalities of the solarians may in fact be
impressive monuments, and this bestows
part of a larger cosmic purpose, these strange
upon them powers which even the gods find
new abilities representing a step forward in
beyond their reach.
evolution. Eventually, a day may come when
all individuals will be born with a capacity for
the cosmic energies, either because they will The Cosmic Adherents: Above gods,
have seeded the rest of existence with their mortals, and even the most grandiose of
genes, exposed all children to the cosmic outsiders, there is the cosmic Logos itself,
energies which blessed them, or exterminated the guiding law which ordains and shapes all

Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

energies of existence to surpass the limits of
their mortality. Through the Logos, solarians
attain purity of mind and body, transcending
what were once thought to be the limits
of action and becoming extensions of the
multiversal will itself. An enlightened solarian
calls upon great strength by submitting to the
machinations of to the Logos, this harmony
bestowing comprehension which places them
on a plane of consciousness above most
other mortals.

War Mages: In a universe

consumed by conflict, there exist
some mages who recognize that
traditional magics may not serve
the needs of modern warfare.
In order to combat incessant,
physically capable enemies,
those spellcasters who served in
the military were forced to revise
their combat style, rejecting the
powerful but limited nature of
spells in favor of channeling
the constant coursing
energies of creation and
destruction. A solarian’s
body is a conduit
for magical energies,
which are charged
through their actions
and released
in their solar
and revelations.
To a solarian,
there is little
b e t w e e n
m a g i c a l
and martial
things mundane and divine. To try and alter its
techniques, as their body is a much a
course is foolishness, to attempt to control it
repository for the arcane as their mind is for
an even greater error. However, to draw power
the physical.
from the Logos is a pursuit that many have
succeeded in, tapping into the incalculable

Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

NEW ARCHETYPE: opposite graviton, harmonic opposite other
harmonic). By meditating for 10 minutes and
STELLAR BEACON spending a resolve point, you may exchange
any revelations you know for these opposite
revelations as you had selected these other
Across the galaxy, there are creatures of all
revelations. You may exchange back by
stripes who have heard the greater forces
meditating again and spending another
of the universe echo, beings touched by
resolve point.
energies of creation and destruction alluding
to a cosmic harmony transcending all other
things. Magic, technology, mind, and body
are all one within this absolute tapestry of NEW SOLAR
the cosmos, and those who can tap into its AMPLIFICATIONS
power are privy to incredible abilities which
can place reality itself in their hands.
In addition to Solar Weapon and Solar Armor,
a solarian may select the following Solar
The Stellar Beacon archetype grants alternate
class features at 2nd, 6th, 9th, 12th, and
Solar Amplification
18th levels.
Your stellar abilities are intensified, appearing
in a strange glow which surrounds your
Stellar Harmony (Ex) 2nd level hands. All of your revelations have their DC
You become attuned to the mode of the increased by 1. This bonus increases to 2 at
universe around you, gaining the Stellar 9th level and 3 at 18th level. In addition, you
Mode class feature of a solarian whose level gain a bonus equal to half your solarian level
is equal to your class level. If you already on all combat maneuvers made as part of a
possess solarian levels, you gain 2 points of stellar revelation (such as the bull rush from
attunement every round rather than 1. Stellar Rush or the trip attempt from Gravity
Revelation (Ex) 6th level, 12th level,
18th level Solar Form
You may select a solarian stellar revelation Your body surges with cosmic energies,
at 6th level, plus another at 12th level and amplifying your durability. You receive a +1
a third at 18th level. Use your class level in bonus on all saving throws which improves
place of your solarian level to determine the to +2 at 10th level. In addition, you gain
effects of these abilities. At 12th and 18th temporary hit points equal to twice your
levels, you may select a zenith revelation in solarian level with fast healing equal to half
place of a stellar revelation. your level (minimum 1).

Inverted Being (Ex) 9th level

You have become attuned to the immensity of NEW REVELATIONS
the cosmos, allowing you to call upon variants
of yourself for power and knowledge. For every In addition to Photon and Graviton
revelation you know, choose one revelation of Revelations, this supplement introduces
equal level and opposite attunement (photon

Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

a third category of revelations known as the mode you are attuned to, to a maximum
Harmonic Revelations. Harmonic Revelations amount of attunement equal to 4 + your
count as neither photon nor graviton, and charisma modifier (this does not change the
are frequently active in both attunements at amount of attunement needed to become fully
equal capacity. attuned). Whenever you use a solarian ability
that would cause you to become unattuned,
you may choose either to become unattuned
or simply reduce your attunement by 3
Additional Manifestation
Solar Blast [Harmonic]
In addition to your existing Solar
Rather than form your solar
Manifestation, you may select
weapon into a melee
an additional Solar
weapon, you may
fire it as a ranged
which you can
weapon with a range
use in addition
of 60 feet. Any abilities
to any manifestations
which would modify your
you already possess.
solar weapon also modify
This revelation can be
this solar blast.
selected multiple
Weapon crystals
do not function
with the Solar
Amplified Blast. Your solar
Attunement blast deals the same
[Harmonic] type of damage as your
In addition to standard solar weapon.
bonus granted from being attuned
to photon or graviton mode, 6TH-LEVEL REVELATIONS
you gain the following bonuses
whenever you are attuned in these
modes. Energy Feed [Harmonic]
Graviton Mode: While graviton- Your powers are fueled by the fury
attuned, you gain a +1 insight bonus of combat. Whenever you damage a
to EAC and KAC. This bonus increases creature with an attack, you gain one
by 1 for every 9 solarian levels you point of attunement in addition to any
have. attunement normally gained.
Photon Mode: While photon-attuned,
you gain a +10 insight bonus to your Enlarged Weapon [Harmonic]
movement speed. This bonus increases If you possess the Solar Weapon
by 10 feet for every 9 solarian levels Manifestation, you may choose to wield
you have. your Solar Weapon or fire your Solar
Blast with two hands rather than one.
Attunement Pool [Harmonic] If you do, the damage of the weapon
increases by 1d6.
Even when you are fully attuned, you
continue to gain additional attunement in

Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

Multiweapon Adept [Harmonic] possess. This revelation can be selected
If you possess the Solar Weapon Manifestation, multiple times, either applied multiple times
you may form one solar weapon for each to the same manifestation or to different
hand that you possess. A solarian Weapon manifestations.
Crystal you possess can only apply its effects Solar Amplification: Your solarian level
to one Solar Weapon, although if you possess is treated as 2 higher for the purpose of
multiple weapon crystals you can apply the determining the effects of your Stellar
effects of one crystal to each weapon. Revelations (but not which revelations you
can select). For every additional time you
select this revelation and choose to strengthen
Persistent Efficacy [Harmonic]
Solar Amplification, your level is treated as
Choose one stellar revelation or zenith an additional 2 higher.
revelation which can only be used a limited
Solar Armor: Your Solar Armor functions
number of times before regaining Stamina
even when you are wearing heavy or powered
points during a 10-minute rest. You may
armor. If you are not wearing such equipment,
use this revelation or affect specific targets
your AC bonus from Solar Armor increases by
an additional number of times equal to your
2. For every additional time you select this
charisma modifier before having to rest.
revelation and choose to strengthen Solar
Armor, your energy resistance from Solar
Selective Energies [Harmonic] armor increases by 5 and applies to another
Whenever you use one of your revelations type of energy damage.
which affects an area, you may exclude a Solar Form: As a reaction, you may spend a
number of creatures from your effect up to resolve point to fully restore your temporary
your Charisma modifier. hit points gained from Solar Form. For every
additional time you select this revelation and
Solar Supply [Photon] choose to strengthen Solar Form, the amount
of temporary hit points granted by this ability
You fill your armaments with power through
increases by your solarian level.
contact. At the start of your turn, you gain a
single charge which you may allocate among Solar Weapon: Whenever you manifest
any equipment you are carrying. This does not your solar weapon, you may give it one
allow any item to exceed its normal number of the following properties: reach, block,
of charges. While you are attuned or fully disarm, trip, nonlethal, operative, entangle,
attuned, the number of charges improves to penetrating, boost, and thrown (the solar
half your solarian level. weapon does not vanish until it strikes
its target). You may grant it an additional
property for every additional time you select
Steady Influence [Harmonic] this revelation and choose to strengthen
Your Sidereal Influence’s effects do not Solar Weapon.
end when you enter combat. They still end
as normal if you fall unconscious, sleep, or
meditate again.

Compassionate Glow [Photon]

Strengthened Manifestation [Harmonic]
As a standard action, you may spend a
The effects of your Solar Manifestation are
resolve point to affect an ally within melee
amplified in various ways. You gain the
range with your Glow of Life ability. You may
following benefits for one Manifestation you
use this ability multiple times before resting

Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

for 10 minutes to recover stamina points, but directly to the ship itself, increasing the ship’s
a given creature (including you) can only be speed in hexes by 2 for one turn. The effects
affected by it once in this period. You must of this ability do not stack if used by multiple
have the Glow of Life revelation to select this solarians on the same ship.
Gravitic Lag [Graviton]
In place of taking an action during ship Planar Cleaving [Harmonic]
combat, you may extend a field of intensified
You have learned to stretch the limits of this
gravity out to a radius of 10 hexes around
universe and push beyond it, tearing into
your ship. All other ships within that area
other realms. By spending 2 resolve points,
have their speed reduced by 2 hexes, to a
you may cast Plane Shift as a spell-like ability
minimum of 1 hex. The effects of this ability
(with a DC equal to your standard Stellar
do not stack if used by multiple solarians.
Revelation DC). This ability can also be
used to facilitate travel through hyperspace,
Persistent Defiance [Graviton] granting a ship you are on a drift rating of 1
The impact of gravity means nothing to you. or increasing its drift rating by 1.
You don’t have to end your movement on solid
ground when using Defy Gravity or Gravity Will of Obliteration [Harmonic]
boost. In addition, you ignore difficult terrain
By spending a resolve point as a full-round
when using either revelation. You must have
action, you may invoke doom upon a specific
the Defy Gravity or Gravity Boost revelation
target that you can see. Until the end of your
to select this revelation.
next turn, any damage that the target takes
from any source is maximized, as if all dice
Starlight Transcendence [Harmonic] rolled to determine damage automatically roll
As your powers increase, you become the highest possible values. If you spend an
detached from the traditional needs of additional resolve point, any critical effects
mortals. You do not need to breathe and are are automatically applied to the target on a
immune to the harmful environmental effects successful attack, as if any attack that strikes
of outer space and vacuum, and do not need the creature is a critical hit. An individual
to eat or sleep. In addition, you are immune creature or object may only be affected by
to all diseases and poisons. this ability once before you take a 10-minute
rest to replenish stamina points.
Stellar Guidance [Harmonic]
Will of Preservation [Harmonic]
You can map out space or hyperspace in your
mind to better direct your ship through it. By spending a resolve point as a full-round
Any ship you are aboard reduces travel time action, you may shield yourself, a touched
through space or hyperspace by 1 day, to a object, or a touched creature from harm.
minimum of 1 day. The effects of this ability The target ignores all harmful (and helpful)
do not stack if used by multiple solarians. effects, beginning when you finish using this
ability and ending at the end of your next
turn. While will of preservation is in effect,
Thrust Amplification [Photon] the target is invulnerable to all attacks, spells,
In place of taking an action during ship and environmental effects. An individual
combat, you may apply your solar powers creature or object may only be affected by

Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

this ability once before you take a 10-minute concentrate on it each round as a standard
rest to replenish stamina points. action. When you stop concentrating on it, the
star collapses violently, dealing 5d6 points of
fire damage to all creatures within medium
range and blinding them for 1 minute (reflex
save halves the damage and negates the
Cosmic Rebirth [Harmonic] blindness). You are immune to the effects of
You have become one with the eternal cycle your own star.
of cosmic renewal. Once per week, when you
would die, you may return to life after 24
hours, your body rematerializing in a location NEW ZENITH
familiar to your if it was destroyed. If you are
killed a second time within the week, you are REVELATIONS
not able to return to life in this way.
The following zenith revelations add new
True Black Hole [Graviton] options for solarians.
As a full-round action, you may create a
miniature black hole within close range. This Brand of the Sun [Photon]
5-foot radius black hole deals 20d6 points When you are fully photon-attuned, you may
of bludgeoning damage per round to all become unattuned as a standard action to
creatures and objects adjacent to it (fortitude place a brand of the sun upon a creature you
save for half) and pulls any creatures and can see within medium range. The creature
objects within 30 feet towards it using a bull is allowed a will save to negate this effect. On
rush maneuver each round (modifier +20 + a failed save, the creature becomes branded,
your charisma modifier + twice the number a glowing mark appearing on their body
of graviton attunement points you have). In as glowing energy courses through their
order to keep the black hole active, you must body. The creature loses any resistance or
concentrate on it each round as a standard immunity to fire damage it might possess,
action. When you stop concentrating on it, the and any critical hit against them also inflicts
black hole collapses violently, forcing back all the burning condition (dealing 1d6 points of
creatures within medium range as per a bull damage per 3 solarian levels you possess).
rush combat maneuver. You are immune to At 17th level, even sunlight is grievously
the effects of your own black hole. harmful to the creature, causing them to take
damage equal to your solarian level every
True Supernova [Photon] round they are in direct sunlight. This is a
curse effect.
As a full-round action, you may create a
miniature star within close range. This 5-foot
radius star deals 20d6 points of fire damage Celestial Shield [Graviton]
per round to all creatures and objects adjacent While fully graviton-attuned, you confer upon
to it (reflex save for half). All creatures and your allies a shield of force which repels most
objects within 30 feet of the star take 10d6 assaults. You and all of your allies within 30
points of fire damage each round (reflex save feet gain temporary hit points equal to your
for half). In addition, anyone who fails their solarian level every time you strike a creature
save against this ability must make a fortitude with a melee attack. These temporary hit
save or be affected as if by radiation poison. points last for a number of rounds equal to
In order to keep the star active, you must


Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

your charisma modifier. At 17th level, you
may become unattuned as a reaction
to grant yourself and all allies within
30 feet temporary hit points equal
to three times your solarian level.

Cosmic Interference [Harmonic]

While fully attuned in either
photon or graviton mode, your
melee strikes destabilize the
functions of your quarry.
Whenever you hit a creature
with a melee attack while
fully photon-attuned,
you may affect that
creature or one piece
of equipment it is
carrying with a discharge
spell (DC equal to your stellar
revelation DC). Whenever you
hit a creature with a melee attack
while fully graviton-attuned, you
may affect that creature or one
piece of equipment it is carrying
with a dispel magic spell (caster
level equal to your solarian
level). At 17th level,
these abilities improve
to greater discharge
and greater dispel magic,
specific mode, you become unattuned in
Dual Ascendency [Harmonic] that mode). At 17th level, you gain 1 point
When fully attuned, you come to realize that of attunement in both photon and graviton
the might of a black hole and the might of mode each round.
a star are one in the same, invoking the
same powers in a similar manner. Gaining Firebleed [Photon]
attunement in either photon or graviton mode
While fully photon-attuned, your body
does not reduce attunement in the other,
becomes filled with energy which reacts
and it is possible to be attuned or even fully
violently to your harm. Any time a creature
attuned in both modes at once. Whenever
strikes you in melee using a non-reach
you would use an ability that would cause
weapon, they take 1d6 points of damage per
you to become unattuned, you only become
2 solarian levels you possess (Reflex save for
unattuned on one mode (although if the ability
half damage).
initially required you to be fully attuned in a


Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

Forceful Blows [Graviton] level, by spending a resolve point, you may
While fully graviton-attuned, whenever you switch places with one of your doppelgangers
hit a creature with a melee attack, you may as a reaction.
move them 5 feet in any direction. This
movement does not provoke attacks of Rapid Manifestation [Harmonic]
opportunity. At 17th level, you may become
At the peak of your abilities, you gain the
unattuned to move a creature 5 feet per
ability to affect the world more easily. While
solarian level with this ability.
fully photon-attuned, you may use any
photon revelation that would require a full-
Harvest Energy [Harmonic] round action as a standard action, any that
As you reach the pinnacle of your power, requires a standard action as a move action,
you learn to harness the energies that flow and any that requires a move action as a swift
through you and your surroundings in the action. You may not use this ability with any
heat of combat, restoring you. Whenever you revelations that would allow you to make an
damage a creature with a melee attack while attack as part of the action (such as Stellar
fully attuned in either photon or graviton Rush).
attunement, you recover an amount of lost
stamina points equal to your solarian level. While you are fully graviton-attuned, you
At 17th level, this improves to double your may reduce the action cost with any graviton
solarian level. revelations you possess, adhering to the
same restrictions as above.
Luminous Doppelganger [Photon]
When fully photon-attuned, you may spend a Stellar Climax [Harmoic]
move action create a doppelganger of yourself The effects of your Supernova and Black Hole
within short range. Your doppelganger does revelations are magnified
not possess any actions of its own, but you Black Hole: You may have any creatures
can spend a move action to command any affected by this ability cannot move from
doppelgangers you have created to move up their location for 1 round (they can still be
to your speed using any mobility options you moved by other creatures but cannot move on
possess. In addition, you may spend a swift their own). This does not stop creatures from
action to swap places with your doppelganger. teleporting from their location. In addition,
Whenever you use a stellar revelation whose such creatures are flat-footed for so long as
effects would be centered on you (such as they are immobilized in this way.
Supernova), you may instead center them on
Supernova: Damage from this ability
your doppelganger. The doppelganger lasts
ignores any energy resistance or hardness
for 1 minute, although you can have a number
targets possess. In addition, creatures that
of doppelgangers created at one time equal
fail their saving throw against this effect
to your Charisma modifier. Your doppelganger
gain the burning condition which deals 3d6
sheds dim light in a 20-foot radius. The
points of damage. This increases by 1d6 at
doppelganger possesses hit points equal to
13th level and every 4 levels thereafter, to a
twice your solarian level as well as EAC, KAC,
maximum of 5d6 at 17th level.
and saving throws equal to your own. At 17th


Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

NEW SOLARIAN Convection Crystal
The Convection Crystal is designed to allow a
WEAPON CRYSTALS Solar Weapon to leech heat from its targets,
The following are new options that solarians afflicting them with biting cold.
may use for their weapon crystals.

Solarian Weapon Crystals Level Price Damage Critical Bulk

Flash Crystal, least 5 3,200 +1d3 E Stunned —
Hydrogen crystal, least 5 2,950 +1d3 A Corrode 1d6 —
Convection crystal, least 5 3,050 +1d4 C Staggered —
Feeder Crystal, least 6 3,850 +1d4 Arc 1d6 —
Resonance crystal, least 6 3,900 +1d4 So Deafen —
Flash Crystal, minor 8 9,800 +1d6 E Stunned —
Hydrogen crystal, minor 8 9,300 +1d6 A Corrode 1d6 —
Convection crystal, minor 8 9,800 +1d6 C Staggered —
Feeder Crystal, minor 9 10,600 +1d6 Arc 1d6 —
Resonance crystal, minor 9 11,500 +1d6 So Deafen —
Flash Crystal, lesser 11 25,000 +2d6 E Stunned —
Hydrogen crystal, lesser 11 25,100 +2d6 A Corrode 1d6 —
Convection crystal, lesser 11 26,200 +2d6 C Staggered —
Feeder Crystal, lesser 12 28,000 +2d6 Arc 2d6 —
Resonance crystal, lesser 12 30,800 +2d6 So Deafen —
Flash Crystal, standard 14 71,000 +3d6 E Stunned —
Hydrogen crystal, standard 14 71,200 +3d6 A Corrode 2d6 —
Convection crystal, standard 14 81,300 +3d6 C Staggered —
Feeder Crystal, standard 15 92,000 +3d6 Arc 3d6 —
Resonance crystal, standard 15 94,200 +3d6 So Deafen —
Flash Crystal, greater 17 260,000 +4d6 E Stunned —
Hydrogen crystal, greater 17 246,200 +4d6 A Corrode 3d6 —
Convection crystal, greater 17 274,100 +4d6 C Staggered —
Feeder Crystal, greater 18 310,000 +4d6 Arc 4d6 —
Resonance crystal, greater 18 330,300 +4d6 So Deafen —
Resonance crystal, true 20 916,200 +6d6 So Deafen —
Feeder Crystal, true 20 800,000 +6d6 Arc 6d6 —
Flash Crystal, true 20 727,100 +6d6 Stunned —
Hydrogen crystal, true 20 729,500 +6d6 A Corrode 5d6 —
Convection crystal, true 20 806,000 +6d6 C Staggered —


Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

Resonance Crystal
Enhancing the vibrations of the Solar Weapon,
the constant friction of a Resonance Crystal’s
Solar Weapon can tear through a wide variety
of targets.

Mods can be applied to solarian weapon
crystals to alter or enhance their effects in
various ways. A Weapon Crystal can be fitted
with any number of Weapon Mods, and these
mods can be activated or deactivated as a
move action.

Adamantine Infusion: Your Solar Weapon

is considered adamantine for the purpose of
overcoming damage reduction and hardness.

Cold Iron Infusion: Your Solar Weapon

is considered cold iron for the purpose of
overcoming damage reduction.

Feeder Crystal
Coursing Frequency: Your Solar Weapon
Feeder Crystals are enchanted with dark deals electricity damage in place of its normal
magic and hunger for blood, lashing out damage type. The weapon still targets KAC
against nearby creatures whenever a blow is rather than EAC, and this mod does not alter
struck. the extra damage from any solarian weapon
crystals you are wielding.
Flash Crystal
Flash Crystals are designed to overwhelm the Deteriorating Frequency: Your Solar
senses of targets, sending a surge of magical Weapon deals acid damage in place of its
energy through targets to incapacitate them normal damage type. The weapon still targets
when a blow connects. KAC rather than EAC, and this mod does not
alter the extra damage from any solarian
weapon crystals you are wielding.
Hydrogen Crystal
Hydrogen Crystals enable a Solar Weapon
to destabilize the chemical makeup of struck Energy Overcharge: Your Solar Weapon
targets, causing corrosion wherever they targets the EAC of struck creatures rather
strike true. than KAC.


Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

Weapon Mod Level Price
Silver Infusion 2 300 credits
Cold Iron Infusion 3 450 credits
Coursing Frequency 5 720 credits
Deteriorating Frequency 5 720 credits
Radiant Frequency 5 720 credits
Void Frequency 5 720 credits
Vibration Frequency 7 1,600 credits
Energy Overcharge 8 2,100 credits
Adamantine Infusion 9 2,500 credits
Lethal Edge 11 5,000 credits
Truestrike Infusion 18 62,000 credits

Lethal Edge: The critical effects of your Void Frequency: Your Solar Weapon deals
solar weapon (if it has any) activate when a cold damage in place of its normal damage
19 or 20 is rolled on the die rather than just type. The weapon still targets KAC rather
on a 20. than EAC, and this mod does not alter the
extra damage from any solarian weapon
crystals you are wielding.
Radiant Frequency: Your Solar Weapon
deals fire damage in place of its normal
damage type. The weapon still targets KAC
rather than EAC, and this mod does not alter
the extra damage from any solarian weapon
crystals you are wielding.

Silver Infusion: Your Solar

Weapon is considered silver
for the purpose of overcoming
damage reduction.

Truestrike Infusion: Your Solar

Weapon bypassess all damage
reduction, hardness, and energy
resistance that targets may possess.

Vibration Frequency: Your Solar

Weapon deals sonic damage in
place of its normal damage type.
The weapon still targets KAC
rather than EAC, and this mod
does not alter the extra damage
from any solarian weapon
crystals you are wielding.


Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

XP 25,600
CREATURES Aeon solarian
N Medium outsider (aeon)
Presented below are some new solarian NPCs Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., blindsense
for use in your game. [thought] 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft.; Perception
EAC 27; KAC 29
Fort +15; Ref +13; Will +14; +13 to skill checks
to recall knowledge
Immunities cold, critical hits, poison;
Resistances electricity 10, fire 10
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (perfect)
Melee solar weapon +26 (3d12+21 P)
Ranged stellar blast +23 (5d6+13 F and C)
Offensive abilities flashing strikes, solarian’s
onslaught, stellar revelations (black hole
[35 ft., pull 25 ft., DC 19], dual ascendency,
soul furnace, stealth warp, supernova [25-
ft. radius, 14d6 F, DC 19])
Str +8; Dex +6; Con +0; Int +0; Wis +0;
Cha +4
Skills Diplomacy +23, Mysticism +23,
Perception +28, Physical Science +23
Languages Common, Aeon, Limited
telepathy, telepathy 100 ft. (non-verbal)
Other Abilities extension of all, solar
manifestation (solar weapon), stellar


Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

XP 600
Reptoid solarian
LN Medium humanoid (reptoid)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +12
EAC 13; KAC 15
Fort +5; Ref +3; Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee ember flame doshko +10 (1d8+6 F;
critical wound)
Ranged static arc pistol +7 (1d6+2 E; critical arc
Offensive Abilities stellar revelations (black
hole [20 ft., pull 10 ft., DC 11], gravity boost,
supernova [10-ft. radius, 3d6 F, DC 11])
Str +4; Dex +2; Con +0; Int +0; Wis +0;
Cha +1
Skills Athletics +7, Mysticism +7,
Perception +12, Physical Science +7
Languages Vesk
Other Abilities change shape, cold-
blooded, natural weapons, solar
manifestation (solar form), stellar
Gear freebooter armor I,
ember flame doshko,
static arc pistol


Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

XP 4,800
Dwarf solarian
LG Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +16
EAC 20; KAC 22
Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +9
Speed 20 ft.
Melee solar weapon +19 (4d6+11 B)
Ranged semi-advanced auto pistol
+16 (2d6+8 P)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with
solar weapon)
Offensive Abilities flashing
strikes, stellar revelations
(black hole [25 ft., pull 15 ft.,
DC 16], enlarged weapon,
strengthened manifestation
[solar weapon],
supernova [10-ft.
radius, 9d6 F,
DC 16])
Str +6; Dex +4; Con +0;
Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +2
Skills Athletics +16,
Engineering +21,
Mysticism +16,
Physical Science +16
Languages Celestial,
Common, Dwarven
Other Abilities
constructed, slow but
steady, solar manifestation
(solar weapon), stellar alignment,
stonecunning, synthetic,
traditional enemies, weapon
Gear golemforged plating III, semi-
advanced auto pistol, graviton
crystal (minor)


Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

XP 51,200
Human solarian
CE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +7; Senses Perception +26
EAC 29; KAC 31
Fort +17; Ref +15; Will +15
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee ripper dueling sword +28 (7d6+24 S)
Ranged white star plasma pistol +25 (3d8+15 E
& F; critical burn 2d8)
Offensive Abilities flashing strikes,
solarian’s onslaught, stellar revelations
(black hole [35 ft., pull 25 ft., DC 23],
starlight transcendence, stealth warp,
supernova [25-ft. radius, 16d6 F, DC
23], wormholes [250 ft.])
Str +9; Dex +7; Con +0; Int +0; Wis
+0; Cha +5
Skills Intimidate +31, Life Science
+26, Mysticism +26, Physical
Science +26, Piloting +26
Languages Aklo, Common, Infernal
Other Abilities no breath, solar
manifestation (solar
amplification), stellar
Gear elite hardlight series,
ripper dueling sword,
white star plasma pistol,
comm unit (unlimited),
mk 1 spell reflector,


Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

YOUNG ADULT CORONA DRAGON 17), psychokinetic strangulation (DC 17)
CR 11 2nd (at will)—augury (DC 16), holographic image
(level 2) (DC 16)
XP 12,800
CN Huge dragon (fire)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light Str +8; Dex +5; Con +0; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +3
vision, blindsense [vibration] 60 ft., darkvision Skills Bluff +20, Culture +20, Mysticism +20,
120 feet, sense through (vision [smoke only]); Perception +25
Perception +25 Other Abilities solar manifestation (solar
Aura frightful presence (170 ft., DC 18) amplifcation), stellar alignment
EAC 24; KAC 26
Fort +15; Ref +15; Will +12
DR 5/magic; Immunities
blindness, paralysis, sleep,
fire; Resistances cold or fire
10 (solar armor);
Weaknesses vulnerable to
Speed 30 ft., fly 90 ft.
Melee bite +24 (4d6+19 P)
Multiattack bite +18 (4d6+19
P), 2 claws +18 (2d8+19 S),
tail slap +18 (2d6+19)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15
ft. with bite)
Offensive Abilities breath
weapon (55 ft. cone, 12d10
F, Reflex DC 18 half, usable
every 1d4 rounds), flashing
strikes, stellar revelations
(black hole [30 ft., pull 20 ft.,
DC 20], firebleed, selective
energies, soul furnace,
supernova [25-ft. radius,
12d6 F, DC 20])
Spell-like Abilities (CL 11th;
ranged +21)
4th (1/day)—dimension door
(DC 18), invisibility (greater)
(DC 18)
3rd (3/day)—clairaudience/
clairvoyance, dispel magic,
mystic cure (level 3) (DC


Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Technology Guide © 2014, Paizo 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Open Game License v 1.0a © Inc.; Authors: James Jacobs and Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse
2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Russ Taylor. Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Ross
Star Classes: Solarians © 2018, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Byers, Brian J. Cortijo, Ryan
Legendary Games; Author: Matt Advanced Player’s Guide. © 2010, Costello, Mike Ferguson, Matt
Daley. Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Goetz, Jim Groves, Tracy Hurley,
Jason Bulmahn, James Jacobs, Matt James, Jonathan H. Keith,
System Reference Document. ©
Steve Kenson, Hal Maclean, Michael Kenway, Hal MacLean,
2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Tork Shaw, Owen
Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney- KC Stephens, Russ Taylor,
Cook, Skip Williams, based on
MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, F. and numerous RPG Superstar
material by E. Gary Gygax and
Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter, contributors.
Dave Arneson.
Owen Stephens, and Russ Taylor. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
The Hypertext d20 SRD. © 2004,
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic © 2011, Paizo
Jans W Carton.
Core Rulebook. © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Lead Designer:
Starfinder Core Rulebook. © Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Jason Bulmahn; Designers: Tim
2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bulmahn, based on material by Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob
Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Amanda Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen
Hamon Kunz, Jason Keeley, Robert Skip Williams. Radney-MacFarland, Sean K
G. McCreary, Stephen Radney- Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens,
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
MacFarland, Mark Seifter, Owen and Russ Taylor.
GameMastery Guide, Copyright
K.C. Stephens, and James L.
2010 Paizo Publishing, LLC;


Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

Keith Jeffery (Order #38988805)

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