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Human Resource Management

Shanean Rose Villa

John Lester Olivera
Jon Rian Soledad
Jan Christopher Untalan
Table of

Part 1: Introduction Part 4: Methods of Recruitment

Part 2: Recruitment Goals Part 5: Purpose

Part 3: Types of Recruitment Part 6: Recruitment Process


Recruitment is the process of having the right person, in the

right place, at the right time and it is crucial to organizational
performance. You’ll find here information on the recruitment
process, recruitment law, policy and methods, online
recruitment, costs of recruitment, recruitment advertising,
recruitment agencies, consultants and executive search,
graduate recruitment, competency based recruitment,
application forms, curriculum vitae, and internal recruitment.

The recruitment process is designed to staff the organization with the new employees, and it uses many
different recruitment sources to attract the right talent in the defined quality and within a defined time.
The recruitment process has several goals:

• Find the best talents for the vacancies

• Manage the recruitment sources
• Manage the vacancies in the organization
• Run the internal recruitment process
• Building the strong HR Marketing platform

Planned Anticipated Unexpected

Anticipated needs are those
The needs arising from Resignation, deaths,
movements in personnel,
changes in organization accidents, illness give rise
which an organization can
and retirement policy. to unexpected needs.
predict by studying trends
in internal and external
There are majorly two types of
recruitment adopted and often used by
the organizations in their recruitment Various internal sources of recruitment are:
process i.e., internal and external
recruitment. • Promotion

Internal recruitment • Transfer

- this type of
recruitment refers to • Recruiting former employees
hiring the employees
within the • Job posting / job advertisement
internally. • Employee referrals

• Previous applicants
Various types of external recruitment are:

• Direct recruitment

• Employment exchange
recruitment - refers
to hiring employees
• Employment agencies
outside the
• Advertisements

• Professional association

• Campus hiring
Methods of Recruitment Dunn and Stephens summaries the possible recruiting
methods into three categories, namely; direct method, indirect method, and
third party method.

Direct Method
This includes sending of the recruiters to different educational and professional
institutions, employees contact with public, and mannered exhibits. One of the
widely used methods is sending the recruiters to different colleges and technical
schools. This is mainly done with the cooperation of the placement office of the
college. Sometimes, firms directly solicit information form the concerned professors
about student with an outstanding records. Other direct methods include sending
recruiters to conventions and seminars, setting up exhibits at fairs, and using mobile
offices to go the desired centers.
Methods of Recruitment Dunn and Stephens summaries the possible recruiting
methods into three categories, namely; direct method, indirect method, and
third party method.

Indirect Method
This involves mainly advertising in newspapers, on the radios, in trade and
professional journals, technical magazines and brochures. Advertisements in
newspapers and or trade journals and magazines are the most frequently
used methods. Senior post is largely filled with such methods.

Third Party Method

These include the use of private employment agencies, management
consultants, professional bodies/associations, employee
referral/recommendations, voluntary organizations, trade unions, data
banks, labor contractors etc., to establish contact with the job- seekers.

The recruitment process is one of the most fundamental value added HR Processes. The recruitment is
especially critical for managers in the organization. The managers use the recruitment process intensively,
and satisfaction with Human Resources is mostly about the satisfaction with the recruitment process. The
recruitment process is sensitive to the external and internal changes, and it can be used as the best indicator
for the future HR trends. By careful analysis of HR Recruitment Measures, the HR Management team can
predict the trends in the job market simply.

It is the process to discover sources of manpower to meet the requirement of staffing schedule and to employ
effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an
efficient working force.

Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts to develop a pool of qualified applicants for
the future human resources needs even though specific vacancies do not exist. Usually, the recruitment
process starts when a manger initiates an employee requisition for a specific vacancy or an anticipated

A Recruitment Requisition Form is a document used to

create a record of the desired requisition for open job
positions in an organization, business, or private sector. It is
used to create a list of all the positions, qualifications, and
requirements of the organization in its effort to recruit the
best possible candidate.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! ㅜㅡㅜ

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